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The Report of the C. C. Pible Society.

Board. But even this fact did not influenced by its benign and blessed excite an adequate suspicion, that as truth-ignorant of their own condigreat or a greater deficiency might he tion, and the way of salvation; and discovered among the inhabitants of consequently, in danger of arriving the county. Taking the report of one ere long, at that world where nought of the committees, that have been vis-but horror reigns. Can we believe iting a part of the county, as our data, this can we be convinced that there we are led to the painful conviction are immortal souls around us, enthat there exists, according to the po- gulphed in grossest darkness, without pulation, a much greater want of Bia ray of light divine, to lead them bles among the families in the coun- from impending ruin & make no effort try, than among those in the borough. to save them? Surely there are not If it is equal in other townships with wanting christian sympathies, or what it was in S. Middleton, there christian benevolence, to fly to the must be at this time more than one laid of the unhappy sufferers when dishundred families in our county desti-covered! But in this, perhaps more tute of the Sacred Scriptures. The frequently than in the case of other population in some is greater, embra- wants, the suffering must be sought. cing the inhabitants of several flour-It is not to the hovel, or the cottage ishing and respectable towns, so that simply, that we are to look for those the Board think, that in the above es- who are destitute of the Sacred Scriptimate, they have fallen rather short|tures. The stately edifice well furof, than over the actual want. nished in every other respect, is occaFor three of these towns, commit-sionally to be found without a Bible; & tees for visiting and inquiry, have the rich man that rears his splendid been appointed, and the Board are in mansions, and looks abroad upon his hopes that ere long they will be able thousand acres, if devoid of the Sato report, that they have not only as- cred Scriptures, is, in regard of his certained but supplied their actual spiritual interests, in as wretched and want. Surely the very suspicion, pitiable a condition as the poorest of that there may be, in our county, 100 his tenants. An enlightened and acfamilies or more without a copy of tive benevolence would suggest that that blessed volume, whose light is the rich as well as the should renecessary to guide our wandering feet ceive the visit of mercy, and if destiinto the ways of truth and righteous-tute of the Sacred Scriptures, be soness, should excite to inquiry and ef- licited to procure them. fort on the part of all who desire ei- It is obvious that the mode of cirther the temporal or eternal welfare culating the Scriptures adopted among of their fellow men. Shall any of us the latter, must be different from that remain cold and unaffected spectators among the former. The poor should of the misery of others? 'Tis true, the receive the Scriptures as a gratuity, shrieks of agony, or the groans of dis-but the rich should be induced to buy. tress from unhappy sufferers, reach Accordingly the Board have authornour ears. The objects that are pre-ized their Librarian to dispose of cosented, affect not our animal sympa-pies of Bibles and Testaments, at the tes; but if destitute of the living wordare they in a less pitiable condition than if we saw them pining in want and writhing in pain before us? Whatever may be the case whil de-titute of the Bible, t..e, must be un


prices which have been paid for them, taking into view the charges of prime cost, and transportation; and they are persuaded, that all who are desirous of purchasing copies of the Scriptures will find it greatly for their advantage

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"The Report of the C. C. Bible Society.


to procure them from him. The su- within the bounds of this Association' perior type paper and binding, in the wholly destitute of the inestimable editions of the Bible, from the Stereo- the infallible guide to everlasting life.' type plates of the American Bible So- Your Board cannot fail to express their ciety, with the very reasonable rate sincere pleasure at the formation and at which copies can be obtained, the efforts of this Branch and hope that Board hope, will be an inducement to they may prove yet more successful some who may be able, to buy from in the interesting cause in which they them. Their great desire is to have have embarked. And here they the Bible circulated-to have it intro- would take the liberty of recommenduced into every house and every fa-ding to the members of the Society, mily, and that every individual in that may be scattered thro' the other the county who is able to read should townships, the formation of similar possess one of his own. They are e-associations. Were this done, it qually as willing to sell as to give, in order to promote this object. In pursuance of this plan during the past year, the Board have sold 20 English Bibles, & 4 Testaments,

and given away as follows:

would greatly facilitate this Board in their attempts to ascertain and supply the existing want of Bibles in our county. It would also systematize the operations of benevolent individuals, and accomplish much greater results with less personal effort. The

To individuals, 29 English Bibles, female Bible Societies of Newville

4 German Do. 29 Testaments.

To Carlisle Iron Works' Sabbath
School, 12 Testaments.
To the stock of Bibles and Testa-
ments on hand at the date of the last
report, the Board have added 100
Testaments and 75 Bibles which have
been purchased from the parent In-
stitution. After deducting from this
the number of copies sold and given
away during the past year, there re-
mains now on hand 58 E. and 14 G.
Bibles, and 59 Testaments.

and Carlisle, continue their charitable work, but the Board regret that it is not in their power to state what has been their labors and success during the past year.

There is abundant room for the enterprize and activity of all engaged in this work; and the Board would hope that the noble example of the youth in Dickinson College, who have embarked in this same labor of love, may be imitated by the youth of the Borough, and that ere long among the Institutions in this county, they shall The Board are happy to state that, have the pleasure of noticing "the an Association styled "The Bible As-Young Men's Bible Association of sociation of Dickinson Township" Carlisle." auxiliary to this Society has been reAnnexed to this report is the Treacently organized, and is disposed surer's statement from which it apzealously to co-operate with them in pears that $185,61 have been rethe work of spreading the Sacredceived during the past year, and that Scriptures. From the report which the disbursements have amounted to the Committee of that Association 8115,21 1-2leaving on hand a balance have forwarded to the Board, it ap- in favor of the Society of $72,59 1-2. pears that they have already obtained fifty-three subscribers. "It is a matter of regret to us" say that committee in their re port, that on making inquiry we find numbers of families,

The following persons have been appointed by the Board collectors for their respective districts, viz:

Benjamin Anderson, Esq. for Alen township, Messrs. Thos. Caroth


The Report of the E. C. Bible Society.

ers and J. Clendenin, for East Penns- || 923 amounting to $7,592,24. But, borough township, Jas. Davidson, for notwithstanding all this, it is stated Wat Pennsbor ugh township, Sam-in their last annual report that the uel Lind, Esq. for Landisburg, Ro- want of Bibles in the U. States, is yet bert Elliott, Esq. for nothern district very great. In one county in the of Perry county, Joseph Clark for N. State of N. York, after that several Middleton township & Wm. Woods, hundred copies of the Sacred Scripjr. for Dickinson township. Subscrip-tures have been circulated, there still tions and donations to this Society will remain 800 families who are destitute: be gratefully received by the above. in another from 1000 to 1500. In one Such has been the amount of the ef- of the northern cities 350 families have forts of your board in aid of the Bebeen discovered to be destitute of the cause during the past year. "Tis true Sacred Oracles; and in the western that it forms but asmall item in the part of one of our Southern States, it general aggregate of benevolent exer- has been ascertained that out of 40,tions in this sacred work; but however|| 000 families, 10,000 had not the small, if by their means even one fami- Scriptures. A western county Sociely may have been furnished with that ty has ascertained that 404 families blessed Word, which is able to make and 3444 individuals who were able us wise unto salvation, and especially, to read and who lived within the if a solitary individual may have sphere of its labors were without been induced to prize its heavenly the living Oracles. These are but a truth, they shall not consider, that few of the many facts that crowd upthey have labored in vain. It is thro' on the view, and force the painful the multiplication of these small conclusion that a very large proporitems, that the grand results which as- tion of those who live in this christian tonish the world, are obtained. land are unblessed by the light of divine truth. With such facts before us let us redouble our efforts. Let us contribute all we can to aid the parent Institution, whose zeal and labors are so abundant, yet need so

A rill, a stream, a torrent flows
And pours a mighty flood,

That sweeps the nations shakes the earth!
Let all proclaim our God.

It cannot but afford us matter of sincerest gratulation that the Ameri-much to be extended. can Bible Society, of which this is an The cause in which we are engaauxiliary, is becoming every year more ged is great and godlike. We are liberally patronized, more vigorous in Co-workers with the whole christian its operations and more extended in world. We are workers together with its ramifications. During the past God. Success may be expected. We year they have printed 45,000 English have the smiles of God's providence to Bibles and Testaments, & 7000 Tes- cheer us, and the sure pledges of his taments in the Spanish language: and promises and oaths as to the ultimate the whole number which have been issue of every effort to extend his doputin circulation since the commence-minion. Enlarge the place of thy tent, ment of their labors, amounts to 323, and let them stretch forth the curtains 777. Of the number distributed du-of their habitations. Spare not; lengthring the past year there were 444 Ger- en thy cords and strengthen thy man, 296 French, 335 Spanish, 3 Ga-stakes: For thou shalt break forth on lic and 1 Welch Bibles, and 2343|| the right hand and the left; and thy Spanish and 712 French Testaments seed shall inherit the Gentiles and inclusive of the English copies. Their make the desolate cities to be inhabitgratuitous issues were in number 12,- fed.'

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Robert M'Cord, in account current with the Cumberland county, B. Society.

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Mr. Ellis returned from the Society Islands, and was received by the American missionaries with great joy as a fellow laborer, Feb. 8, 1823. The house of worship is filled on the Sabbath to overflowing, and is already much too small. It is expected that the king and chiefs will soon build a larger house.

has become so well acquainted with the way, that he now comes unattended. He is always seen to be in the place of worship before the services commence, and almost without exception takes his seat on the pulpit stairs. He appears to attend to every word that is spoken by the preacher, and takes it home with him, and tells it to his friends and neighbors. We have reason to hope that he is truly pious; that HE, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined into his soul with the light of



March 5. Yesterday a chief was sent to take charge of Maui. He and his wife are much interested in learning to read and write. We furnished them with a few books at their request. The blind man, of In the absence of the King, the whom we have made mention in our Queen, Kainamaru, has uniformly had journal, has gone with them to lead morning and evening prayers. in their morning and evening devo- interesting communion season was tions, and supply the place of a mis-held March 9th, when seven occasionsionary, till one shall be sent there. al communicants sat down at the taThis blind man gives more evidence ble of the Lord with the little church. of possessing spiritual sight, than any other native we have seen since coming to the islands.. When he first began to attend our meetings he was obliged to be led by some one, but he

The missionaries have received new and encouraging information from the North-west Coast. Skittegetes, one of the chiefs on the Coast, is very desirous to visit the Sandwich

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Islands with his family, to enjoy the girls; and the remainder of the time advantages of the mission school, I take to teach the king and queen. Specimens of Improvement.-Soon So I have no time to write my jourafter the establishment of the missional. Once in a while when they are at the Sandwich Islands, Mrs. Bing-swimming. I have a little time to ham took into her family a little boy, write it. I would thank you to send a native of the Islands, who had down some books, for there are some You have ceived the name of William Beals. scholars who have none. He has uniformly been a docile and mentioned in your letter about me to obedient child. In the summer of live with Mr. Ruggles, and to sleep 1822, after his having resided in the there-but it is inconvenient for me family about two years, he was perto cross the river. But once in the mitted to accompany Tamuarii and day I can get cross, when I say my Kaahumanu at their earnest solici-lesson regular before Mrs. R. I would tation, to Tawai, and to stay with thank you to let me know whether I them during a contemplated absence sleep there or not. I am going to from Oahu of several months conOnihaw in the Tartar, & my scholars tinuance. While thus absent, he are going with me-so I teach them maintained a written correspondence there. Mr. Whitney is going with with his benefactors, both in English us to Onihaw. He say he will hear and the Hawaiiain language. The my lesson any time. I thank you to following letter is a specimen of his give my love to Mr. and Mrs. ChamEnglish composition. He had pre-berlin, and to all the family, and to viously written a long letter in his native language, addressed to Mr. Bingham, and in respect to both letters, he had no person with him, who was capable of guiding him. Of course, the letters must have been in the strictest sense original. The one which we now publish was copied by Mrs. Bingham exactly with the exceptions of her having corrected the spelling toward the close. This correction she believed would not have been necessary, were it not for the haste with which the latter part of the letter was written.

WAIMEA, SEPT. 10, 1822. My very dear Mrs. Bingham,

all the family children. Tell them they must all be good children. Give my love to John Honoree and


King Tamuarii give his love to Mr. B. and to you, & Kaahumanu too-they say they like the palapala. Do not forget to pray for me.

I ain your child,


When my kind benefactor had left
me, I sat down as unmindful of God
and his providences, as though the
world existed independently of him.
Nay, in no one part of that day had
he been in any of my thoughts. When
a young man has "lived without God
and without Christ" on the shore,
there is but little probability of a
moral reformation at sea.
own case I know, that from the time
I first embarked, up to that period
of which I am now treating, I had
Igradually advanced in contempt of
the Almighty, and in the love and
practice of sin. For a short time I

I long very much to see you. I am in hopes I shall see you in a couple of months. I hope that you are well and Mr. B. and the little Sophia. I long very much to see her. I think about her every day, how she used to play with me. I wish kiss her for

You might be pleased to hear have a school twice in the day, have thirty-ave scholars-boys and

In my

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