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ART. I.-4 Chemical Catechism. more indelible impression on the young

By S. PARKES, Manufacturing Chemist. 8vo. 621 pages, 12s. Symonds. 1806.

THIS publication being designed


mind, than the display of the goodness in the operation of causes which come under our daily notice and observation."

The work is divided into thir

to direct the young to the con- teen chapters; to which are subtemplation of the wisdom and be. joined 34 pages of additional nevolence of God, as displayed notes, a variety of chemical tables, in the works of creation, at the a chapter of instructive and amus. same time that it instructs them ing experiments, a vocabulary of in the rudiments of an useful chemical terms, and a very copi science, we deem it worthy of ous general index. The First notice in our Review; though the Chapter, entitled "Introductory utmost that we can be expected to and Miscellaneous," treats of the do is to give a faithful analysis of its nature and contents, and this plan we shall frequently adopt in our examination of books of importance, as being most fair with regard to writers, and most use ful to readers. The excellent design of the evaporation; the formation of work is stated by the author in the preface.


difference in the outward appearance of natural bodies, and explains the cause of solidity, fluidity, and gaseity; the difference between absolute and specific gravity; the cause of bodies swimming in fluids; the nature of

clouds, and the production of rain, &c.

"A more powerful motive," he obChap. II. Of Atmospheric serves," was the desire to exhibit, in Air" treats of its properties, its popular form, a body of the most in- extension, its various uses, its controvertible evidence of the wisdom weight and pressure, its compos and beneficence of the Deity in the esta blishment and modification of those laws sition, the properties of the dif of matter which are infinitely and beau- ferent gases of which it is comtifully varied, and whose operation is posed, the nature of its action in 100 delicate to be the object of general the support of animal life, and notice; for if it could be proved to the the eprovision which has been sati-faction of youth, that matter is subject to a vast variety of laws which esmade for its perpetual renovation. cape common ob ervance, and that, in the adjustment of those laws, the most minute attention, if it may be so expressed, has been paid to our convenience and comfort. it was imagined tent calorie and free caloric, of the such a detail would tend to make a different capacity of different bo

Chap. III." Of Caloric" (or the matter of heat) treats of the different sources of caloric, of la

dies for caloric, of specific calo- salt; explains how the different ric and the caloric of fluidity; of salts are distinguished from each the thermometer and pyrometer; other, and describes the nature of the general and particular ef- and uses of the new chemical nofects of caloric upon bodies; and menclature: it then enumerates concludes with an account of a the principal salts of each species, remarkable deviation from the and describes the generic charac, general law of nature in the teristics of each: it next treats of freezing of water. the nature of crystallization; of. Chap. IV. "Of Water," treats the deliqnescence, efflorescence, of the different states in which and solubility of salts; and of the water exists; of the formation nature and cause of saline decomand decomposition of water; of positions: it then enumerates the the nature of its component ele- native salts, and concludes with ments, oxygen, and hydrogen; reflections on the immense quanof the solidity of water in a state tities of salts that enter into the of ice, and its still greater solidity composition of many of the in cements, spars, and salts; and mountainous parts of the globe. of the general advantages which Chap. IX. "Of Simple Comwe derive from water. bustibles," commences with the Chap. V. "Of Earths" treats definition of a simple substance, of the characters of an earth; of and, after enumerating all the the nature, properties, origin, and uses of the nine distinct earths; and of the collective advantages arising from this class of bodies.

simple substances in nature with which we are at present acquainted, proceeds to the consideration of the four simple combustibles, Chap. VI. "Of Alkalies," hydrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, treats of the nature of an alkali; and carbon; and of the various and of the origia, the distinguish compounds formed by their union ing characteristics, properties, and with other substances. The conuses of the different alkalies; with sideration of carbon occasions reflections on the production of reflections" on the rich economy such powerful substances from of nature, whereby the admirablo the eflete, recrementitious parts of animals and vegetables.

variety observable in the vegetable kingdom is produced by the union of only four or five natural substances:" this leads to the consi." deration of the nature and cause

Chap. VII. Of Acids," treats of the origin and nature of acids in general; of the particular properties of the thirty-one different of vinous fermentation; and the acids with which we are at pre- chapter concludes with reflections sent acquainted; of the uses of on "the unbounded comprehen. the several acids; of the compo- sion of the Divine mind, which, sition of various rocks and moun- in the act of creation, could fore tains; and of other natural pro- see and appoint such important ductions which are indebted to the effects to result from the com. acids for their natures and pro- binations and changes of the perties. most inodorons and insipid substances."

Chap. VIII. "Of Salts," commences with the definition of a

Chap. X. "Of Metals," first

explains the general character of vision of combustibles as classed

this class of bodies; how they are by modern chemists; of the suppurified from their ores; and how porters of combustion; of the classed by modern chemists: the nature, operation, and effects of twenty-three different metals are combustion; of the origin and then separately treated of under nature of light; and of the defive distinct heads, viz. how each oxidizement and unburning of metal is procured; what is the bodies. The chapter concludes nature of each; what is the effect with reflections on the indestruc of oxygen upon each metal; the tibility of matter by combustion, salts formed by each separate me. and on the wisdom of that tal; and the particular uses of Being who has so effectually preeach. The whole having thus vented the destruction of those been succinctly treated of, the elementary principles which are general properties of this class of actually essential to the preservabodies are recapitulated, and the tion of the world." obvious advantages which we de- Chap. XIII. "Of Attraction, rive from them enumerated; to- Repulsion, and Chemical Affigether with the various means nity," commences with an acwhich nature hath adopted, in count of the different kinds of order to render these bodies sub- attraction, and explains the difservient to our wants, and capa- ference between attraction of coble of ministering to our comfort hesion and the attraction of comand gratification. The chapter position: it thence goes to the concludes with reflections on laws of chemical affinity, and "the astonishing properties of treats of simple affinity, comoxygen, whereby the Author of pound affinity, and disposing afNature hath not only supplied finity. The nature of quiescent our wants, and administered to our comforts, but even to our luxuries."

attractions and divellent attrac tions are then explained ; also the uses of the tables of chemical afChap. XI, "Of Oxides," ex- finities. The Hature of repulsion plains the nature of oxides; treats is then considered, and the uses of the oxidizement of metals, and of that property of matter. The their subsequent solution in acids; whole concludes with reflections of the de-oxidizement and reduce on the planetary attraction, and tion of metallic oxides; it also on "the energy of that omnipo, explains the nature of the other tent Being who had wisdom to known oxides, and concludes contrive, and ability to endue the with a reflection on the multiform matter he had formed with the properties of oxygen, "which astonishing power of operating enable it not only to perform for upon its fellow-matter either in us an infinite number of valuable contact, or when separated by and important offices, but to be, the infinity of space." come one of the grand agents of decomposition and destruction."


Chap. XII. Of Combustion," commences with a defini tion of combustion and of the di

In treating these various subjects, Mr. Parkes exhibits a high degree of science. He writes with case and correctness; and in explaining the most abstruse parts

of chemistry makes himself at all insidious arts of sophistry, or of having

times intelligible.

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his mind bewildered by fanaticism or superstition. The knowledge of facts is what he has been taught to esteem; and no reasoning, however specious, will ever induce him to receive as true what appears incongruous, or cannot be recommended by demonstration or ana

Prefixed to the work is "a Dissertation on the importance of an early cultivation of the under. standing, and on the advantages of inspiring youth with a taste for logy." chemical knowledge," the value of which to the superintendents ART. II.-Dialogues, Letters, and

of our various manufactories is Essays, on Various Subjects. pointed out at some length, and By A. Fuller. 12mo. 3s. 6d. with considerable ability: but the pp. 306. Burditt. 1806. great excellence of the Catechism is, in our opinion, its making OUR readers will be sufficiently science auxiliary to religion, and instructed in the nature of this its leading the minds of youth work when they learn that the "from nature up to nature's greater part of it consists of reGod." This is the great charm published pieces from the Evanof Dr. Priestley's philosophical gelical and other kindred maga writings. The merely scientific zines, and that the original pieces man may think that some of Mr. differ in nothing from the seParkes's moral and religious relections. The author is a great flections might have been spared; adept in orthodox divinity, a Calbut it should be remembered that vinistic casuist. Conscious of his the work is compiled for the theological dexterity, he delights young, in whose minds it is of in handling what our brethren the the first importance to form early Calvinists call difficult questions; religious associations. Should, and where he chooses not to therefore, the professional che solve, though here he displays mist censure the author for de- considerable ingenuity, he, someparting from his province, the how or other, contrives to elude parent and the teacher will, for them. He is appealed to as an this very reason, thank him; his oracle by his party; and his decibook being, on this as well as on sions contain quite sufficient of other accounts, the most valuable oracular dogmatism. elementary work on chemical science which they can put into the hands of their pupils and children. We are much pleased with the following remarks on the moral advantages of a chemical education :

"It is the necessary consequence of an attention to this science, that it gives the habit of investigation, and lays the foundation of an ardent and inquiring mind. If a youth has been taught to receive nothing as true, but what is the result of experiment, he will be in little danger of ever being led away by the


"The writer," says Mr. Fuller of himself, p. 156." was sometime since in a company where mention was made of one who believed in the final salvation of all men, and perhaps of all devils likewise. He is a gentleman,' said one, of liberal principles. Such principles may doubtless be denominated liberal, that is, free and enlarged, in one sense: they are free from the restraints of Scripture, and enlarged as a net which contains a great multitude of fishes, good and bad; but whether this ought to recommend them, is another question. What would be thought of one who should visit the felons of Newgate, and persuade them that such was the good


ness of the Government, that not one of nous for their perusal. We shall them, even though condemned, would be therefore render a service to these finally executed! If they could be in

duced to believe him, they would doubt- daring inquirers by stating that less think him a very liberal-minded the substance of them, and we man; but it is likely the Government trust they will lay it to heart, is and every friend to the public good miller's warning: "Get would think him an enemy to his counback! get back! get back!" try, and to the very parties whom by his glozing doctrine he had deceived."


ART. III.--An Apology for Dr. Michael Servetus: including an Account of his Life, Persecution, Writings, and Opinions: being designed to eradicate Bigotry and Uncharitableness; and to promote Liberality of Scntiment among Christians. By RICH. WRIGHT. 8vo. pp. 458. Boards. Price 9s. Vidler.

Mr. F. relates, in p. 252, some queries which were once put to him, and the answer which he returned. The querist, apparently a sensible and modest inquirer, asks, How the doctrines of human depravity and divine influences are reconcileable with 'man's accountableness? Our divine tells him, he would do well to consider whether he be The benevolent design of the not off Christian ground;" (sub- author, in the composition of stitute Calvinistic ground, and this work, "To eradicate bigoMr. F.'s suggestion is right: as try uncharitableness: and to prosoon as a man begins to inquire mote liberality of sentiment among into the reasons of his belief and christians," is kept in view in all hope, he is truly off Calvinistic its parts: and we feel confident ground) and then proceeds to il- that the impartial reader cannot Instrate his advice by a story con- fail to have excited in his breast cerning some honest millers and an abhorrence of bigotry and himself. persecution, and a higher tone of liberality, by the perusal of the facts and observations which Mr. W. has placed before him.

"I remember," says he, " when a boy of about ten years old, I was bathing, with a number of other boys, near a milldam; and the hat of one of my companions falling into the stream, I had the bardihood, without being able to swim, to attempt to recover it.

I went so

Mr. W. has very properly in scribed his book, To Calvinists in general; to the admirers of Mr. Andrew Fuller's book, entitled the Calvinistic and Soc. nian systems compared as to their moral tendency, in particular.”

deep, that the waters began to run into my mouth, and to heave my feet from the ground. At that instant, the millers seeing my danger, set up a loud cry Get back! get back! get back!' did so, and that was all. What the In the preface he justly observes, milers said to me, modesty, sobriety, that "If it be still contended and right reason say to all such objec- that the truth of religious systems Get back! get is to be determined by the temper

tions as the above.

back! get back !'"

and conduct of those who adopt Mr. Fuller has written many then, we lost insist that Calbooks for the use of various ad- vinism ought to be judged of by venturous heretics, which may the spirit and conduct of Calvin, possibly be thought too volumi- from whom it derived its name."

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