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If Mr. Fuller, and his admirers, Virgin Mary ought not to be still think their ground tenable, called the mother of God; the this work certainly calls for their Monothelites, for teaching there most serious attention, as, on was but one will in Jesus Christ. Mr. F's own principle, it tends Mr. W. observes (p. 44). "Had to set aside his conclusion in fa- it not been for the support vour of the truth of Calvinism, trinitarianism derived from the not indeed by a self-righteous patronage of successive Empeparade of the superior sanctity of rors, and its advancing under the Unitarians, but by the exhibition banners of the victorious armies of facts which cannot be gain- of Justinian, by which the sup sayed, concerning the unholy porters of arianism were crushed, temper and wicked conduct of it is possible Arius might have Calvin. been the reputed saint, and AthaChap. 1. Consists of prelimi- nasius the reputed heretic, to nary observations; and is divided this day." He pays a just triinto four sections. Sect. 1. Con- bute of respect to modern Uni tains important remarks on per- tarians, who are still charged secutors and persecution. Per- with heresy by many of the secution is described as the off- reputed orthodox, and shows spring of superstition and bigotry. that some of the greatest scholars, The inconsistency of a persecut most distinguished philosophers, ing spirit with genuine christianity and profound theologians, our is stated. The crooked ways of own country has produced, must persecutors, and the mischievous be ranked with that denomination tendency of their conduct, are of Christians. Sect. 3. Contains pointedly brought into view. a statement of the circumstances Sect. 2. Shews that some of the which render the obtaining of a wisest and best of men have been full and impartial account of Sercharged with heretical pravity. vetus, and many other reputed To prove this, Mr. W. refers to heretics, extremely difficult. The the Euchites among the Greeks, remarks in this section are calcu the Waldenses among the Latins, lated to make the reader cautious the Reformers, who were called how he gives credit to the reports heretics by the Papists, and the of the reputed orthodox concernPuritans who were charged with ing those who differ from them. heresy by the Episcopalians; to In sect. 4. Mr. W. glances at the Paul of Samosata, Pelagius, state of the christian world down Wickliff, Huss and Jerome of to the period of Servetus's sufferPrague, who were all persecuted ings. A short view is given of as heretics. To show on what christianity as taught by Jesus trivial grounds many were charg- and his Apostles: a sketch of its ed with heresy formerly, he re- leading corruptions follows, and fers to the Semipelagians, who of their consolidation in one unbore the charge, for maintaining wieldy mass of superstition and that man by the mere force of iniquity, during the darkness of nature might desire to do good; the middle ages. The reformaNestorius, for asserting that the tion is then noticed, and its na

ture and value duly estimated. have his bowels torn out of This chapter, though preliminary, him! Another, (Aecolampadius) forms an important part of the thought it necessary the proteswork. tant divines should make it their Chap. 2. Contains the Life of business to cry him down! and Servetus, to the time of his arrest Melancthon, the mild Melancat Vienne in Dauphine. It is thon wrote to the popish senate divided into seven sections. The of Venice, urging them to use first relates to his minority. Mr. the utmost of their endeavours to W. has attempted to show how his prevent the circulation of his character might be formed; his books in Italy! In the following conjectures on this difficult point sections, we have as full an acare summed up in the following count of Servetus as can well be passage, (p. 96), which reminded given, during his residence at us of many interesting passages Paris, Charlieu, Lyons, and in Mr. Godwin's Life of Chaucer. Vienne, His literary attain"The face of nature might, by the ments, academical honours, promagnificent objects it exhibited, inspire fessional engagements, controverthe love of liberty in so ardent a mind, sies on medicine and theology, and awaken grand ideas. The voice of paternal instruction might foster the briefly related; the whole interimpressions nature made, and direct his spersed with important reflec thoughts into the channel in which they tions. flowed. If he met with no written account of the Waldenses, traditions con

cerning them were likely to reach his ear, and excite sympathy and congenial thoughts. Conversation with Jews or Mahommedans might convince him more fully of the divine unity, and an attention to the scriptures mature his judgment and establish him in his opi



Chap. 3. On the persecution of Servetus, contains nine sections. In the first, Calvin is shewn, to his indelible disgrace, to have been guilty of betraying his protestant brother, because he differed from him in opinion, into the hands of papists, and of instigating them to persecute and

These conjectures Mr. Wright founds on the circumstances of destroy him! Mr. W. has entered the country where Servetus was particularly on the evidence of born and educated. Sect. 2 and this fact. Trie's Letters to Arney, 3. Contain an account of Ser- believed to have been dictated by vetus during his stay in Germany; Calvin, are given at length. of his first publications about the Sect. 2. Narrates the proceedings Trinity; and the alarm they cre- against Servetus at Vienne, where ated among the protestants. It he narrowly escaped being burned scems the young reformer, fear. alive, and was really burnt in less of danger, in the first pro- effigy with his books; and of his ductions of his pen, dared to at- flight to Geneva, where Calvin tack the leading corruptions of caused him to be arrested, conchristian doctrine. This brought trary to the laws of the Republic upon him a torrent of abuse and to Calvin's own sabbatarian from the great protestant leaders. notions on a Sunday, and after he One of them, (Bucer) declared was stripped of the property he from the pulpit that Servetus had with him, committed to ought to be cut in pieces, and to prison. The trial of Servetus at

Geneva, which is circumstantially Servetus, and the sentence by related in sect. 3. exhibits a which he was condemned to be shocking scene of injustice and burnt alive, with suitable remarks eruelty, in which Calvin appears, on each: a process and sentence throughout, the principal actor. which may vie with those of In sect. 4. we find the articles which the Popish bishops of the which Calvin selected from the same age were the execrable aubooks of Servetus with a view to thors. Servetus's dying speech criminate him, and the Dr.'s forms another section. This aranswer. "In drawing up these ticle is the more important as it articles it is easy to perceive," as exhibits the doctrines in defence Mr. W. justly observes, (p. 192). of which he became a martyr *. "Calvin rather acts the part of a The last sect. describes "the last partial reporter, who is anxious act of this tragedy, which was to criminate, than of a faithful performed at Geneva, on the ❝ On copiest who states fairly what 27th of October, 1553." another has written." Servetus's this day," says the author, (p. petitions to his judges form the 256.) "with many brutal cir next section. Reduced to po- cumstances, the sentence was exverty and misery, languishing out ecuted, to the encouragement of his days and nights amidst the Catholic cruelty, to the scandal damps and gloom of a prison, of the reformation, to the offence infested with vermin, in a Pro- of all just men, and to the evertestant city, he petitions for re- lasting disgrace of those ecclesiaslief, but, as this writer says, (p. tical tyrants, who were the chief 212) "his petitions were as fruit. instruments of such a wild and less as if howled out to the winds: barbarous deed." his cruel persecutors were not to In chap. 4. Mr. W. enters the be moved by any considerations lists with those who endeavour to of either justice or compassion; palliate orthodox cruelty, and bigotry had steeled their hearts." proves that persecution, by whatIn the next sect. Mr. W. gives the ever party practised, is utterly Calvin and his ascorrespondence between Calvin, indefensible. the magistrates of Geneva, and sociates, to justify the murder of other reformed ministers and ma- Servetus, attempted to prove that gistrates, on the case of Servetus; heretics ought to be put to death which shows how totally ignorant by the civil magistrate! This murof the nature of Christian liberty, derous doctrine Mr. W. combats and destitute of Christian charity by arguments which cannot be rethe leading Protestants at that sisted, where the voice of truth time were. Mr. W. leaves the is regarded, and concludes, (p. reader to make his own remarks 273,) that " All pretensions to on this correspondence, after ask don:inion over conscience is treaing one question. "If the spirit son against society, and against it discovers be the spirit of reformation, what is the spirit of Popery?" The next sect. contains the process drawn up against

The dying speech of Servetus, as also an oration, by Mr W. on his mar tyrdom, each separately.

Jesus Christ, the only person ap- law and gospel, and of justificapointed to exercise authority over tion; was singular in his ideas of the consciences of men. When the Jewish prophecies, and showever civil magistrates assume do- ed himself a zealous friend to minion over the faith of others, Christian liberty. and punish them for their sup- In chap. 7. Mr. W. vindicates posed heretical opinions, they are Servetus, on the ground of naguilty of a vile usurpation. To tural right, of reason and scripinvest civil governors with autho- ture, of antiquity; by the exrity to interfere with the consci- ample of Caivin and his associates, ence, and punish men for their by the effects produced by his religious sentiments, is to con- writings and sufferings, by the stitute them odious tyrants, and countenance his leading doctrines has a tendency to destroy all li have received from some of the berty." Mr. W. goes on, in the greatest men since that time; and following sections, to show that shows that his failings did not persecution is irrational, anti- arise from a vicious principle. christian, highly injurious to the The eighth and last chap. is an church, and baneful to Christia- oration on Servetus, in which the nity; that it has been disapprov. leading circumstances in the preed by wise and moderate men, in ceding history are recapitulated, all ages, and that persecutors are and placed before the reader in a the real heretics, and schismatics. light at must excite an abhorThis division of the work is writ- rence of bigotry, and lead him ten with the spirit of Milton, the to cherish the principles of Chris strength of Locke, and the inge- tian liberty. nuity of Robinson.

A variety of notes are added, in which the cause of religious liberty is pleaded with firmness and zeal, and many important subjects are brought forward, and bricily considered Mr. W.'s design in the notes seems to be to give his work amore direct bearing against bigotry and intolerance in all the forms they assume: consequently

Chap. 5. Contains an account of the writings of Servetus, the chief of which were against the Trinity and other reputed orthodox notions. His Preface to the Bible and specimens of his Notes are here inserted. What he wrote relative to the circulation of the blood is given at length. The passage in his edition of Ptolemy's he pleads for Catholic emancipaGeography, which Calvin quoted as the ground of a criminal charge against him, is fully considered; and a letter to one of the minis. ters at Geneva, inserted as a specimen of his epistolary writings.

tion, the abolition of the test laws, of spiritual courts, &c. and gives the due meed of praise to those who have distinguished themselves as the friends of Christian liberality, among whom Mr. Wright distinguishes the celebrated Mr. Penn.

From the summary of the Dr.'s opinions, contained in chap. 6. it appears he was a Unitarian Having now given a faithful Baptist, denied the popular no- analysis of this interesting work, tion of original sin, differed ma- we shall beg leave to recommend terially from the reputed ortho- it to the notice of our readers. It dox reformers in his views of the is the only complete life-that we

know of-of the great, much- a growing conviction prevail a injured Unitarian Reformer. It mong the Dissenters, of the ne

assumes the form of an Apology, cessity of academical learning to not because it is premeditated and their ministers. Learning is, we uniform panegyric, but because are persuaded, favourable to truth, the memory of Servetus is so en- as it certainly is to candour. And veloped in calumny, that an im- as the public mind is becoming partial biographer in searching for daily more enlightened, the li the truth of facts relating to him, beral education of Christian must necessarily appear as his ad- teachers is absolutely necessary to vocate, or rather the adversary of give their instructions a becoming his slanderers. The work is, per- share of dignity, and to make haps, diffuse—the real biogra- them efficacious. A learned miphy of Servetus might have been nistry would redeem the Dissencompressed into a narrower com- ters from the contempt into which pass-but no one will consider they seem to have fallen in the this as a blemish, who has gone eye of scholars, and produce in farther in the book than the table the end a greater degree of union of contents. The excellent essays and cordiality among themselves. (if we may so call them) which Ignorance and vulgarity are the accompany the life of Servetus, rank soil in which grow the banecannot be any where out of place: ful weeds of prejudice and bithough no place could be fitter for gotry. the exposure of persecution, and The discourse before us is hothe recommendation of charity, nourable to the author's ingenuity than a volume devoted to the and liberality. It will, we hope, character and memory of a Uni- be eminently useful to his own detarian martyr.The Apology nomination, the Independants, deserves a place in every library, into whose hands it is most likely and every intelligent family, and to fall; though there is no class will, we doubt not, be patronised of Dissenters who may not read by such as wish to convince the it with pleasure and profit. We world by a practical proof of the wish, at the same time, Mr. evil and execrable nature of bi- Cracknell had not adopted the gotry and intolerance. pompous style of calling our academies colleges; our ministers, priests and ambassadors; Our ART. IV.-The Utility of Acade- pulpits, sacred desks; and the mical Institutions to the Church like expressions, which are unof Christ. A Sermon preached suitable to Christian simplicity at Horton Chapel, June 26, and modesty, and seem to be an 1806, before the Supporters of affectation of hierarchical dignithe Hoxton College, at their An- ties, or as our fathers would have niversary. By BEN. CRACK- called them, vanities. NELL, A.M. minister of Weymouth chapel. 8vo. pp. 37. Longman & Co. 1s. 6d.

W. A.

We are truly happy to perceive

ART. V.-A Defence of the Esta blished Protestant Faith. A Sermon preached in the Parish

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