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Church of St. Mary, Newing- England is to be zealously detom Butts, Surry, Oct. 19, 1806, fended, because Dr. Priestley, being the Sunday following the "the prince of heretics,” by his interment of the late Right own dreadful confession," artRev. the Lord Bishop of St. fully laid some time ago, a train Asaph; with an Appendix, con- of gun-powder to blow up the taining a Sketch of the Life of church, and to destroy its "royal the Bishop. By ROBERT DIC. defender and the civil constituKINSON, Curate and Lecturer. tion." We really thought this Fourth Edition. Rivingtons. contemptible cant, or rather this 1806. 8vo. pp. 34. 2s. inflammatory mob-adapted style of haranguing, had been thoroughly exploded from our pulpits.

Dr. Horsley was originally curate, and then lecturer of New. ington Butts, and is interred in The mode of church defence is Newington Church. It was there- to be copied from the plan of fore natural enough that Mr. "the renowned Bishop of ADickinson should have preached saph," in his contest with the a funeral sermon for this un. fierce "abetter of Unitarianquestionably learned and distin- ism," namely, Dr. Priestley, who guished prelate; but we wonder attempted, like a vulture, to tear much that any real friends either away "the very vitals of Christo Mr. Dickinson or to Bishop tianity," but was driven off from Horsley, should have counte- the savage attempt by the eagleBanced its publication, and much eyed and eagle-taloned Horsley. more that it should have come to a fourth edition. The bishop deserved an abler panegyrist; the church of England is capable of a better defence.

Of the bishop the orator remarks, that "his life may be said to have been a life of labour and of love;" and to induce his auditory "to dry up every tear of From the Epistle of Jude v. 3. affliction," on account of his loss, the curate endeavours to shew, he exhorts them to " contem"First, what the faith is plate him on a seat in Heaven which was delivered unto the where he will have a view of that saints. Secondly, the necessity blessed and divine Saviour, the of our contending for it. And, Word or Son of God, in whose thirdly, the manner in which we cause he enlisted."

ought to contend."


This discourse is an amusing The Christian faith is, according instance of the alarm which a certo the preacher, the Protestant tain class of ministers of the faith, and the Protestant faith is the church have taken at the late visiexact faith of the church of ble increase of Unitarians. England." The Presbyterians of author displays a ludicrous ignoScotland, and the Lutherans of rance, however, of the men whom Germany, have, it seems, no he so sincerely dreads; describing claim to the character of Protes- them 66 as forming one class, con◄ sisting of Arians, Socinians, Inde The faith of the church of pendents, and the like." He,



says they, by their own examples Asaph, for opposing, in the justify the church in establishing House of Lords, the question of its creed, and requiring subscrip- peace, at the close of the session tion to it; for they have "drawn of Parliament.

up the articles of their religion, and called them a confession of faith" from the sentence, containing this notable discovery, we are referred to a note, which is, literally, as follows: "A creed, but very different to what we receive and approve. See Dr. Priestley's."

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ARTICLE VI.-The Continual Superintending Agency of God, a Source of Consolation in Times of Public and Private Calamity." A Discourse delivered to the United Congregations of Pro testant Dissenters in Exeter, Nov. 2, 1806. By Lant Carpenter. Longman and Co.

The curate of Newington Butts is grieved at the sight of "the THIS is a very interesting dis number of conventicles which sur course on a common subject. It round him," and says, it is evidently was composed with a much to be wished that sectarian view to the calamitous death of delusions may be speedily re- Mr. Fox, and the perilous state strained by the power of the ma- of Europe; but it is so written gistrates, and their public influ- that it will never be out of date: ence abolished by the authority it is applicable to all persons, all of Parliament." In the same times, and all occasions. spirit of zeal for the honour of Mr. C. adopts a critical render. the church, he has placed the ing of his text (Isa. xlv. 5-7.) af following observation, on a page ter M. Dodson and a French ver by itself, at the end of the ser- sion of 1556, which is, we think, very happy: instead of "there is "Clergymen who live by the church none besides me," he reads " there and preach against it, may be considered is nothing without me ;" and this as enemies to the ecclesiastical and civil branch of the passage is the founstate, and rebels to their God. The dation of the sermon. late Edward Evanson was turned out of the church by the inhabitants of We have seldom read a diss Tewkesbury, for a much less offence course which breathes a warmer than what was lately committed in a spirit of devotion. It will be no sermon preached at an Archdeacon's disparagement to Mr. Carpenter to say, that a glow of fervour is We are informed, in a note, diffused throughout it by the oc that Bishop Horsley was trans- casional insertion of sentiments lated by Lord Sidmouth from the and passages from the devotional see of Rochester to that of St. works of Mrs. Barbauld.




Dec. 29, 1806.-At Goodwood in grandson of one of the illegitimate sons Sussex, in the 72d year of his age, of Charles Second, that accomplished but CHARLES, DUKE OF RICHMOND, licentious Monarch, for whom, accord. Lenox and Aubigny, &c. This noble- ing to Burnet, the complaisant churchman, who was born 22 Feb. 1735, was men of his time invented the royal title VOL. II.


in the common prayer of our most re- Marquis of Landsdown shared this ligious king.". His regal descent the weakness with Lord Chatham, though Duke of Richmond appears at least dur- he lived to conclude the peace of 1782, ing one period of his life to have es- on the terms of the Independence of teemed but lightly. He is reported to America, happily finding that "the sum have declared in the House of Lords, with of Britain" was not then, as he had reference to the anniversary of the "ever predicted, set for ever."-To return blessed martyr," that he would not to the Duke of Richmond. In 1780, he join in the solemnities of that day, as gave notice in the House of Lords of " a he "believed that his ancestor suffered bill for annual parliaments and a more most justly." The Duke thus differed equal representation of the people in the widely from the late learned Bishop house of commons." The day for inHorsley, whom we remember to have troducing this subject, the disgraceful heard, when preaching to the lords on a 2d of June, proved most unfavourable 30th of Jan. he described that day, with to a discussion of popular claims. While his deep-toned elocution, as "never to he was speaking the intolerant protestant be sufficiently, deplored, though some association were besieging the doors of had dared to call it a proud day for parliament, and insulting the members England," alluding, we apprehend, to an expression then lately dropt by the celebrated Admiral Lord Keppel, and, perhaps, also to a passage in Friestley's Essay on the First Principles of Go⚫


as they passed to and from the house. The Duke's parliamentary career he had continued with great activity, for several years, displaying more of plain good sense than of shining talent. It appears to have closed in 1782 on the following occaThe Duke of Richmond succeeded to sion. He then brought before the House the peerage on the demise of his father of Lords the case of Colonel Haynes, an in 1750. He entered on public life in American officer, who had been exea military capacity, and served as a vo- cuted by the orders of Lord Rawdon lunteer in the battle of Minden, but as (the present Earl Moira) on whose cona politician he will be chiefly known in duct he animadverted in terms of great the history of his time. He had the severity. A challenge was the con high honour of associating with the late sequence, and the Duke made an apoDr. John Jebb, Sir George Saviile, and logy. He certainly proved himself "the Mr. Fox, (who was his nephew,) Major wiser of the two" in refusing a submisCartwright, Rev. C. Wyvill, &c. in va- sion of their differences to the Gothie rious patriotic, though unsuccessful; at- arbitration of a duel. Yet he probably tempts to reform the public expenditure, felt the degradation of an acknowledg by giving the people that voice in the ment which he was enjoined to make legislature for which the unpopular publicly in the House of Lords," that he American war supplied so powerful an did not intend any personal attack on argument. To that war he was uni- the justice or humanity of Lord Rawformly hostile, opposing in 1778 a supe- don." From this time he never took rior but less consistent, who, any part in political discussions, though after rejoicing that America had resisted, the period was so eventful, and seldom raised his almost expiring voice against if ever attended the house. the acknowledgement of her indepen- When the Marquis of Rockinghanr dence, the necessary result of a successful resistance.

"In life's last scene what prodigies surprize,

Fears of the brave and follies of the wise!"

succeeded Lord North in 1782, the Duke of Richmond became Master-general of the Ordinance, a post which, excepting the short interval of the coa lition administration, he filled till 1792, giving a too rare example of minute personal attention to the duties of his "Who will dare, said Lord Chatham, office, and the strictest punctuality toto disinherit the Prince of Wales and wards the persons under his employthe Bishop of Osnaburg?"-a truly con- ment: a laudable system on which he clusive reason why "toiling millions appears to have regulated his private should resign their weal and all the concerns. In 1786 his plan for raising honey of their search," in the prosecu- fortifications on different parts of the *tica of a hopeless contest. The late coast was rejected in the House of Com

alons by the casting voice of the Speaker, Schoolmasters, from the obligation to Mr. Cornwall, an almost 'singular in- subscribe 36 of the 39 articles. In stance of defeat till the recent case of both cases he was unsuccessful, though Lord Melville.

he had the honour to join the Lords The Duke of Richmond's political no- Camden, Mansfield, Shelburn, and tions were very liberal indeed, which if, Lyttleton, who introduced the bill. like Pitt, when in administration he ceased The bishops were on the side where to profess, he never ventured like him they are always looked for on such occaopenly to retract; still less to persecute sions, and almost always found. Even those among whom he had imbibed Dr. Law, then Bishop of Carlisle, neg them. In 1780, the Duke became a lected to support this claim of mere member of the "Society for Constitu- justice; and it is mortifying to observe, tional Information," as he was also of that the Duke of Grafton, then Lord the "Revolution Society." In 1783, Privy Seal, a nobleman who has since he addressed a letter to Colonel Shar- discovered such enlightened attachment man, Chairman of the Delegates from to religion and religious freedom, was the Volunteers of Ireland, in which he an opposer of this bill, though he is says, “I am more and more convinced reported to have" made great concessions that the restoring the right of voting in its favour." It is well known, that in universally to every man not incapaci- 1779, after indulgences had been very tated by nature, for want of reason, or properly granted to the Roman Cathoby law, for the commission of crimes, lics, it was considered but decent to listen together with annual elections, is the to the Protestant Dissenters. A bill only reform that can be effectual and easily passed to relieve their " Ministers .permanent. With such a constitu- and Schoolmasters" from an obligation tion of the House of Comnions, he to subscribe the articles, yet reserving judged that the Peers should have a the main point, the magistrates' right of voice in money bills, but as to "the interference in religious concerns, by negative of the Crown," he deems it obliging them to subscribe, at his com"preposterous that the will of one man mand, the truth of the scriptures... should for ever obstruct every regulation which all the rest of the nation may think necessary." He adds, "I object to it, as I would to any other preroga tive of the Crown, or privilege of the lords or people, that is not founded in reason." This letter to Colonel Sharman, the Duke was called upon to acknowledge in 1794, on the trial of nationally christians, and not long ago Mr. Hardy, when he conducted himself were even fighting for our religion. We with great propriety, and gave not the are aware that the pride of family disleast hint of any change in his opinions. tinction and the resources of opulence As to literature or science the Duke of may present temptations to human imRichmond does not appear to have been perfection, from which a mediocrity of distinguished above his contemporaries. station so favourable to domestic virtue, Of "The Society for the Encouragement is far more secure. Yet it would be of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce," vain to inquire after the practical chrishe was one of the first promoters. tianity of one who in his latter years, To him Dr. Kippis dedicated the third the season of sober thought, could volume of his Biog. Britan. describing rather fix upon an innocent offspring him as "an early patron of the Fine the indelible brand of bastardy, than be Arts, a zealous encourager of historical so unfashionable as to become the husand constitutional knowledge, and a steady and ardent supporter of civil and religious liberty."

His attachment to religious liberty the Duke had discovered in 1772 and 1773, by supporting in the House of Lords a bill which in each of those year had passed the Commons for the relief of Protestant Dissenting Ministers and

The Duke of Richmond was thus happily free from that spirit of intolerance which is so often generated by honest superstition, but which Court-craft and Priest-craft have so well agreed in accommodating to their designs. His own faith was probably that common to statesmen, in a country where we are all

band of a person of inferior r nk, with whom he chose to form the most intimate union. So opposite, however, are the laws of the Gospel, and the maxinis of the world, called christian, upon this point especially, that the report circulated just before the Duke's death, of the mother of his three daughters being really his wife, was presently contra

dicted "upon authority" as a "ridiculous the decease of his elder, and, at that rumour!"

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The remains of the Duke of Richmond were interred in the Cathedral of Chichester, in the family vault-the inscription upon which, Domus Ultima, produced the following Epigram from the Rev. Mr. Clark, a learned antiquary, formerly Chancellor of the Diocese of


"Did he who thus inscrib'd the wall
Not read, or not believe St. Paul,
Who says there is, where'er it stands,
Another house, not made with hands:
Or, may we gather from the words,
That house is not a House of Lords."

time, only brother, Mr. John Good, of Romsey, rendered it necessary for him to remove to the place of his nativity, in consequence of the manufacturing concerns and property of the family having, by this event, unexpectedly devolved upon his hands. For some time anterior to this period, he had been habitually troubled with a spasmodic affection of the chest, which often rendered his respiration difficult, and at times almost prevented him from speaking, and, con◄ sequently, from discharging the duties of the pulpit and having been strenuously advised to relinquish, for a time, the functions of his ministerial life, he Jan. 1st, at Charmouth, aged 69, the now complied with the advice; and, arRev. P. GOOD. He was the youngest ranging his family concerns, devoted of three children, (all sons) of Mr. W. himself altogether to the education of Good, of Romsey, in Hampshire, one of his three sons ; during whose instruction the most extensive shalloon manufac- he also consented to receive, under his turers of that town, in which the family care, a small number of boys, from resresided at the date of his birth, for about pectable families in the neighbourhood. a century and half, in its different gene- The education of his sons being comrations. He was born in June, 1737. pleted, and his own health ameliorated, A retired and studious disposition inclin- he again resolved to return to the duties ed him to the ministry at an early period of the ministry, and, about the year of life; and, his father indulging the bias 1777, accepted an invitation from the of his heart, he was regularly trained up Dissenting congregation at Havant, for its functions, first in Dorsetshire, un- Hants. The congregation was small, *der the care of a very worthy and excel- but affectionate; and the natural debility lent tutor, Mr. Lavington, who has not of his constitution rendered him incapayet paid the debt of nature; afterwards, ble of fulfilling, to his own satisfaction, in the dissenting academy or college at the duties of a larger sphere. He contiDaventry, in Northamptonshire; and, nued at Havant till his family (consisting again, under Dr. Conder, at Mile-end. of three sons and a daughter) had all At the age of twenty-two, he accepted married and settled at considerable disan invitation to become pastor to the dis- tances from himself; when, not chusing senting congregation at Epping, Essex, to be so remote from all of them, and where he soon formed a close and inti- feeling the infirmities of age attack him mate friendship with that truly pious at an earlier period than is common, he and liberal, as well as justly celebrated again removed; or, rather retired to a character, the Rev. John Mason, A. M. village, named Bishop's Hull, about a of Cheshunt; with whom, in the ensu- mile from Taunton, and not many miles ing year, he became personally connect- from Charmouth, Dorset, at which last ed, by a marriage with Miss S. Peyto, place his daughter resided. To a small, his niece and adopted daughter, Mr. but warmly attached congregation, in Mason's sister having been married to this village, he still devoted himself as the Rev. H. Peyto, of Coggeshall, in the long as he was able to ascend into the same county. In this situation he con- pulpit, or even into the desk, anxious to tinued for about nine or ten years; but, dedicate the last moments of his life to at length, on an unanimous and flatter- the service of his God, in his public caing invitation from the congregation of pacity and employment; and constantly Presbyterian Dissenters, in Wellenb- lamenting that the possession of a weak, rough, Northamptonshire, he removed ly constitution had, from year to year, from Epping to this last town. He was prevented him from equailing those here, as in his former connexion, highly more highly favoured and active efforts respected, and universally beloved; and evinced by various other ministers of the here, it is probable, he might have con- Gospel with whom he was intimately tinued till the day of his death, had not acquainted. About two years ago he


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