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ART. V.-Remarks on the Arguments advanced by Mr. P. Edwards for the Baptism, Church-membership, and Salvation of Infants, in a Work entitled," Candid Reasons for " In a renouncing the Principles of Antipædobaptism. Letter to a Friend, wherein the certain happiness of all Children dying in infancy is maintained. By Joseph Dobell. pp. 174. 12mo. 2s.

The subject of baptism has been so often discussed by men of the greatest learning and abilities, of all persuasions, that little that is new can be expected to be advanced upon it. The present work is, we are told, intended as an answer to one Mr. Peter Edwards on this subject, a gentleman who had been a baptist minister, but who, having changed his opinion, became one of the most zealous pædobaptists. If we are not greatly mistaken, the performance of Mr. D. discovers profound think ing and great ingenuity of argument. He has also the merit of occupying new ground and of stating the question in new points of view. Indeed, so thoroughly has his mind been immersed in his subject that he is by no means satisfied with common-place arguments. Most of the baptists have incautiously admitted that children under the Jewish economy were members of that church. This Mr. D. boldly denies, and maintains that infants never were the subjects of a promise, or of an ordinance, or members of the church under any dispensation: That all covenants and promises were made with, and given to adults, that the command to circumcise was given to the parents and not to their infants, and that the parents being the subjects of the command, it was their duty to obey it, and not that of their infants.

"A church," says Mr. D. " is a socie ty, a number of persons united together for religious purposes, for the worship and service of God, and who stand in special relation to him. Now every one must see, that such a society must be a voluntary one; that the persons con

stituting such a society must be capable of understanding the purpose, for which they are united, and of performing those religious services for which they assemble together. But can infants be members of such a society ?Are they capable of such union, of the purposes for which it is formed, or of the services to be performed by it? The very stating of these questions is sufficient to shew the extreme absurdity of the position, that infants ever were members of the church of God."

The several topics above notic ed, together with the reasoning usually adduced upon them, are, with great cogency of argument, considered much at large. After which Mr. D. proceeds to prove, "The certain happiness of all chil. dren who die in their infancy. But he opposes the common notion of infant salvation; because, as he states,

"The term salvation in the scriptures is used to denote either the blessings of grace which are the means of salvation to believers, or deliverance from sin and condemnation, which is to them the way to eternal life."

Infant salvation supposes infant guilt. Sin is a transgression of the law; but where there is no law there can be no disobedi ence. This is the state of infants, They are not moral agents. They are under no obligations of law, and therefore they can neither


Richard Corrie, Esq.-Rev. F. Scott.

commit sin, nor incur guilt, of mands their serious attention: by
course they cannot stand in need many it will be thought unan-
of salvation, or be liable to con- swerable, and there can be little
demnation. The conclusion of his doubt that the baptists will con-
argument is, "A profession of re-sider the author as having render.
pentance and faith are (is)essential ed essential service to their cause.
The preface contains some re-
to baptism, church-membership
and salvation. But adults only marks upon a pamphlet in fa-
are the proper subjects of baptism, vour of infant baptism, by D.
church-membership, and salvati- Tyreman, of the Isle of Wight,
on." We know not what will be which we see not how that gen-
thought of the present work by tleman can refuse noticing, with-
pædobaptists; it certainly de- out giving up his argument.


Richard Corrie, Esq.—Rev. Jonathan Scott.


J. E. May 28, the Rev. JONATHAN SCOTT, (commonly called Captain Scott,) of Matlock, an eminent preacher among the Calvinistic Methodists. He was born at Shrewsbury, Nov. 15,1735, son of Richard Scott, He followed being the second Esq. a captain in the his father's profession, and in the 17th year of his age became a cornet in the 7th regiment of Dragoons: he continued in the army 17 years, and rose to the rank of a captain lieutenant. He was in Lord George Sackville's cavalry, at the battle of Minden, in 1759.

At Islington, May 19th, RICHARD every kind, he was an enlightened and firm · CORRIE, Esq. in the 82d year of his friend of our common christianity. age. He had enjoyed an uncommon degree of good health throughout life, and was blessed with an easy dismission from the cares and anxieties of mortality. His legacies were numerous, and shew that he had imbibed the generous spirit of the religion of Christ. He left 50l. to the Rev. N. Jennings whom he latterly attended-icol. to the Rev. H. Worthington, to distribute among ten Presbyterian ministers-50l. to the Rev. J. Evans-and rool. for him to distribute among ten General Baptist Ministers besides certain sums to various charitable institutions in London and its vicinity. As Mr. Corrie was not a Baptist, his legacy to the General Baptists, is a proof of Indeed he his liberality of sentiment. always spoke in terms of abhorrence of every species of religious bigotry.

From an early period he was under religious impressions, and had, what he himself afterwards called, his "religi ous fits." It was his daily practice, while in the army, to read the psalms and lessons of the day. At length hearing, by accident, the late Mr. Romaine, in a village in Sussex, he entered entirely into Methodist views, and from thenceforwards gave himself completely up to his religious convictions. He began to preach, it is supposed, at the beginning of the year 1767, in Leicester. He held pri vate spiritual conferences with the soldiers of his regiment. And wherever the regiment marched, he went as a The right of private judgment was preacher. The union, however, of the with him a matter of the first importance. two characters, of military officer and And though he disliked extremes of methodist preacher, was soon found to VOL. II.

He was a great admirer of Doddridge, and has told the writer of this sketch with what pleasure when a boy he conducted him from his lodgings in Cannon Street, to preach at the Weigh House, near London Bridge. There was something peculiarly friendly in Mr. Corrie's temper and disposition. He had always a small party at the commencement of every year, chiefly composed of minister of different denominations.

4 R

General Peter Müblenburg-Rev. John Sturges, D. D.


be incompatible and indeed offensive: oddity. He was very facetious. His therefore, in March, 1769, he sold his drollery was out of place in the pulpit, commission, having, in the preceding but it constituted the charm of his preachyear, married Miss Elizabeth Clay, of ing amongst the populace. His prayWollerton, near Drayton, Shropshire, ers were sometimes ludicrously strange. with whom he gained a handsome He often prayed publicly for his horse. estate. Captain Scott now became a He had, as might be expected, a horror popular preacher among his party. His of unsound doctrines: but it was not in zeal never cooled. He introduced the his nature to be bitter, and his manners, Methodist doctrine into many places which were gentlemanly, controlled in Shropshire, Lancashire, and other the effects of his proscriptive creed. He counties, where it had not been before has left imitators amongst the Methodists, known. 1le was eulogized by Whit- who would do well to copy rather his field, and by his recommendation intro- virtues than his eccentricities. We esduced into the tabernacle pulpit, which teem good men of every party, and are in his turn he filled for upwards of 20 happy in paying this tribute of respect years. He was ordained at Lancaster, to a man, who when living would have 1776, as a Presbyter or teacher, at rejected our praise with indignation. large." His first settlement was at Wollerton on his wife's estate, but hav- Oct. 1, in the 62d year of his age, at ing built a chapel at Drayton and raised his seat near the Schuylkill, General a considerable congregation there, he in PETER MUHLENBURG, son of the a little time removed to that place. late Rev. Dr. Henry Muhlenburg, Patri About the year 1779, he became inti- arch of the German Lutheran Church, mately acquainted with the late Lady in Pennsylvania. At the suggestion of Glenorchy. This lady devoted the the father the son became a minister of whole of her property to charity and the Episcopal Church, in which capacity the support of what she considered he acted in an acceptable manner in gospel-preaching. In the captain she Virginia, until 1776, when he became a found a counsellor and assistant, and to member of the Convention and afterhim much of her clarity was intrusted wards Colonel of a Regiment of that She assisted him in most of his religious state. In 1777 he became Brigadier, schemes. One of her best works was and afterwards Major General in the the establishment of an academy for Revolutionary Army. On the peace of young ministers at Oswestry, under the 1783 he was chosen by his fellow able direction of Mr. Williams, now citizens of Pennsylvania, of which he Dostor, and tutor of the Independent was a native, to fill in succession, the Academy at Rotheram, Yorkshire. Her stations of Vice President of the Excladyship died in 1766 b. queathing to her cutive Council, Member of the House of religious friend, the Captain, a house and Representatives, and Senator of the the chapel at Matlock, and a considerable United States, and in all his military and sum of money. He removed to Mat- political stations, Gen. M. acted faithfullock, 1794. His wife died iamented by ly to his country, and honourably to him 1799; and in 1802, he married a himself. He was brave in the field, and second time, to the widow of the late S. firm in the cabinet. In private life he Barow Esq. who survives him. After was just, in his domestic and social athis second marriage he resided and tachments affectionate and sincere, and preached alternately at Nantwich and in his intercourse with his friends and Matlo k. In the early part of his minis- fellow-citizens amicable and unassumtry, he had been accustomed to travel ing from 18 to 20 miles on a Sunday, and to preach five or six times a week. Latterly, he was obliged to lacken his exertions, though his zeal was unabated. He preached however ell the end of life. Captain ocet possissed many virtues. He was charitable, frank and upri ht. His character had a strong colouring of

Oct. 2, at Alverstoke, Hants, of which he was Rector, the Rev. JOHN STURGES, D. D. prebendary of Winchester, chancellor of that diocese, and chaplain to the king. He was father of Mr. S vrees Bourne, one of the Lords of the Treasury. Dr. S. was of New College, Oxford. His writings discover an

Rev. Joshua Jeans, D. D.-Dr. William Markham.

attachment to the Church, to which however he attributes some need of a further reformation. His manner of treating dissenters, also displays an amiable spirit of moderation and justly ranks him among low churchmen. Besides single sermons he published a volume of discourses" on the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion," and "Reflee tions on Popery," in answer to Dr. Milner's History of Winchester.

ship required a considerable enlargement. For some time before his death, Dr. J. had collected materials for a new account of the States of Holland, &c. but his papers are not sufficiently arranged for publication. He has left a widow and daughter, to lament his unexpected death, whom he had committed, last spring, to the care of his friends in England.

Nov. 3, at his house, South Audley Street aged 88, Dr.WILLIAM MARKTwo other publications of his called HAM, Archbishop of York, Primate of forth replies which exhibited his own England, Lord High Almoner to the candid and courteous style of writing. King, and Visitor of Queen's College, In 1779, soon after the appearance of the Oxford. He was of a Nottinghamshire Rev. R. Robinson's "Plan of Lectures family, but born in Ireland, where his on the Principles of Nonconformity," father, a military officer, resided. After &c. Dr. S. published "Considerations an education at Westminster school, he on the Present State of the Church removed to Christ Church, Oxford, and Establishment, in Letters to the Lord in 1745, distinguished himself there by Bishop of London." He here brings a copy of elegant Latin verses. About forward the usual arguments for an estab- 1750, he was appointed first master of lishment, but recommends that "all the school where he had received his unnecessary impediments should be re- education; a charge which, as a most moved," and confesses as to the articles, accomplished scholar, he was well prethat "the subjects of some of them are pared to undertake. During this enof a most obscure and disputable kind." gagement he had, in 1759, been promotThese tender points of his subject," ed to a stall in Durham Cathedral, and as has been well observed," he only after quitting Westminster, in 1765 to touches in a very soft and gentle man- the Deanry of Rochester, soon exchangner." The "Considerations," were ed for that of Christ Church, an office noticed by Dr. Toulmin, in " Letters to involving the care both of a college and the Rev. John Sturges," in which the a cathedral, yet preferred to Rochester, worthy author shews the important no doubt, for sub tantial reasons. reasons for nonconformity drawn by In 1769, Dr. M. preached the Concio ad Dis enters, and especially Unitarians, Cherum, before the Convocation or Synod from the forms and doctrines of the of Canterbury, which he published acChurch of England. companied with a Latin speech on presenting Dr. Thomas as prolocutor to the h gher house of Convocation. At the end of his Concio, he had paid some high compliments to the memory of Archbishop Secker, then lately deceased, which drew upon him the strictures of Archdeacon Blackburn, who is well known to have entertained a low opinion of Secker. He also attacked Dr. M. as an enemy of Reformers, a charge not likely to prejudice the advances of a Churchman.

In 1790, appeared "A New Translation of Isaiah," with Notes, by Mr. Dodson. Dr. S. soon published "Short Remarks on a New Transiation of Isaiah," vindicating Bishop Lowth from the objections offered to several passages of his translation by Mr. Dodson. That learned writer replied in "A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Sturges." The letters on both sides were, as Mr. Dodson describes that of his opponent, "worthy of the gentleman, the scholar, and the Christian "

Oct. 5, at Amsterdam, after a few days illness, aged 53, the Rev. JOSHUA JEANS, D. D. Rector of Sheviac in Cornwall, Chaplain to the Duke of York, and Minister of the English Episcopal Church at Amsterdam, where he had been settled about four years, and was so popular a preacher that the place of wor

"To better thence again and better still

In clerical progression."

In 1771, he was promoted to the bishopric of Chester, and at the same time appointed preceptor to the Prince of Wales. In the diocese of Chester then resided the Rev. Theophilus Lindsey,

Mr. Henry Holden-Mr. Benjamin Neruton,

any taste for theology, no rare occurrence, we apprehend, on the episcopal bench. His classical fame is celebrated by Dr. Parr, a most competent judge, who names the Archbishop in his Spital Sermon (p. 10),) among "the cloud of witnesses in favour of the plan of education in the English Universities."

that venerable Christian who "in full the characteristic of a primitive bishop, age and hoary holiness," is now waiting being "apt to teach," for he seldom the call of his great Master to enter preached a sermon, and never exhibited upon the rewards of eternity. Mr. Lindsey after a long and anxious inquiry had found himself no longer able to comply with the terms of conformity. Unlike some later Unitarian Clergymen, who yet would be thought confessors, if not martyrs, he resolved to resign his living, and corresponded on the subject with his diocesan, by whom he was treated with great kindness and liberality. Indeed he must have been a most careless guardian of the Church, who would not have endeavoured, by every possible means, to retain in her communion such an exemplary parish priest as was the Vicar of Catterick. It is needless to add that the arguments of the bishop were of no avail.

In 1777, Dr. M was translated to the See of York. The ill-advised and as illconducted American war was now raging. In 1780 the freeholders of Yorkshire, among whom Sir George Saville, and the Rev. Mr. Wyvil, were conspicuous, took the lead in opposing the further prosecution of that war and the increasing influence of the crown, to which war, as courtiers well know, is peculiarly favourable. That meeting at which some very courtly sentiments were avowed by one of the freeholders, a sub-governor of the Prince, was followed by a charge from the Archbishop. He took this opportunity to reprove his clergy for their interference in politics, and gave occasion to the following declaration from a number of them, that "a Clergyman by entering the church, does not abandon his civil rights." In 1780, our prelate appears to more advantage. From a liberal disposition towards the Catholics, imputed to him by the enthusiastic Protestant Assosiation, he was the first member of Parliament singled out for their vengeance, and narrowly escaped from that misguided rabble.

The latter years of the Archbishop, have acquired no publicity. He scarcely ever spoke in the House of Lords. Once indeed he expressed himself on some much agitated topic with so much warmth, that a peer who opposed him, reminded the prelate that they were got now under his rod. He had not

As a Diocesan, where no courtly questions interfered, and in private life he appears to have been blameless and amiable. His long possession of the lucrative See of York, enabled him to en ich a large family, who are doubtless persuaded that the Church of England is the best constituted Church in the world, whatever those labourers in the vineyard, the poor curates of the province might be tempted to object. The archbishop is said to have lately presented 1ocol. each to 47 Grand-children, and to have left by will 100,000l. a goodly portion of the ecclesiastical revenues which have been modestly called the "pittance of the Church."

Thursday, Nov. 26, Mr. HENRY HOLDEN, son of Joseph Holden, Esq. of Lombard-Street, in the 23d year of his age, after an illness of three weeks. He was modest, affectionate, faithful and obliging. He was exemplary in his attendance on the public duties of religion, and wholly untainted by the vices which so frequently sully the reputation and destroy the usefulness of young men at his critical time of life. He promised to be a comfort to his family and friends, and a sincere supporter of the cause of religion; but the Wise Disposer of events has been pleased to close the term of his probation, and to remove him from this scene of trial and of danger. May his young companions imitate his excellencies, and be instructed by his unexpected death in the uncertainty of life, and the necessity of intellectual, moral and Christian industry,

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