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Mr. Edward Best-Mrs. Clara Reeve.—Mr. T. Pomersy.—Mrs. Judith Gundry. the event of his death make a lasting impression upon all, who are engaged in the business and bustle of the world, and lead them so to number their days, that they may apply their hearts unte wisdom. C.

engaged in a large and extensive line of business in which he succeeded his master, Mr. Franklin, who, some years back, handsomely relinquished it in his favour, as a testimony of respect and affection to him, and as a reward of the activity, diligence and fidelity, with which he had conducted it as his apprentice. On the Saturday se'nnight, after his death, the 13th of Dec. his mourning relict to whom he had been scarcely a year married, was brought to bed of

a son.

Dec. 3, at Ipswich, at an advanced age, Mrs. CLARA REEVE, sister to the late Vice Admiral Reeve She was authoress of the Romance called the "Old English Baron" and other works T. On the 9th. inst. in the 17th year of his age, THOMAS POMEROY. jun. of Grove-Place, Hackney. His death was occasioned by a diseased organization which defied the power of Medicine. This fact being ascertained, is a source of consolation to his afflicted parents and relatives. Every effort was made which human skill could devise,


This is the second affecting instance of mortality which has been exhibited within a very short time in one Christian congregation, and which this me lancholy part of our monthly labours calls upon us to record. Mr. Henry Holden (of whose death notice has just been taken) and Mr. Thomas Pomeroy, were both of them attendants at the Gravel-Pit Meeting, Hackney, and on Mr. Aspland's Sunday Morning Lectures to young persons. They were both buried in Bunhill Fields; one on Wednesday, Dec. 2, the other on Wednesday, Dec. 16. The premature death of these young men is an instructive lesson to the surviving youths of the same congregation, and the same class of catechumens, on the uncertainty of life, the vanity of all human expectations, and the unspeakable value of that religi on "which hath brought life and im mortality to light.

On the first instant died Mr. EDWARD BEST, of Brinks Place, Bolton le Moors, aged 37 years. It may be deemed worthy of remark, that previous to his late, indi-position, he had en joyed for the course of twenty years uninterrupted good health, not having experienced one day's confinement occa-ioned by sickness during that period.—to save his life. Health is no security against the stroke of death. July 1806, when in the bloom of manhood, he was suddenly reduced by a discharge of blood from his mouth; after this first attack, his strength was in some degree restored; but the attention, solicitude and skill of the faculty failed in their endeavours to prevent a repetition of the complaint. In May 1807, he was again seized, when every effort was exerted to save life. Alas! a consumption ensued, and he gradually declined till he expired. He was an ornament to society, and very much es teemed by his friends. His public spirit, his goodness and openness of heart, his social disposition, his urbanityof manners, his presence of mind, his powers of conversation, his cheerful and plea sant temper, his desire to please and be pleased very much endeared him to a large circle of acquaintance, who sinserely lament his loss. In the domestic capacities of husband and father, his trials had been acute. Five years ago, the messenger of death summoned his aniable and beloved wife to the tomb; she was destined to suffer a long and very painful illness before her exit; ne along with four young and delicate children was left to regret their irreparable loss; three of whom are now surviving both parents. He resigned his breath in the pleasing and certain hope, that a kind Providence would be a father to the father less, and continue friends to protect his orphans, and that infinite wisdom, joined with infinite goodness reigns. May


Dec. 16, died at Sidmouth, Mrs. JUDITH GUNDRY, in the 85th year of her age. This exemplary and truly amiable woman was for some years be fore her death, by her extreme weakness, almost wholly shut out from society. A frame at all times delicate, and ́a constitution peculiarly tender, rendered it inconvenient for her, even in her own house, and she was utterly unable to go out of it, to enjoy the conversation of her nearest friends. Still, however, her cheerful and contented temper continued, and, ungil the last cleven weeks of her

Denis Hampson.—Mrs. Poole.—Earl Grey, K. B.

expected to pass that way in a few days, and who were in the habit of stopping to hear his music: shortly after, however, he felt the approach of death, and, calling his family around him, he resigned his breath without a struggle; being in perfect possession of his faculties to the last moment.

Nov. 6, at the Episcopal Palace, in Chichester, aged 98 Mrs. POOLE, relict of William Poole Esq. of the HookThis lady enjoyed all her faculties to the last, and died suddenly while sitting at table among her friends. The fol lowing lines on the occasion of her death, have been attributed to Mr. Hay

Hail and farewell! dear venerable friend,

Whose lengthen'd days without a struggle end,

The placid angel who had blest thy birth,

life, that serenity for which she had all
her days been distinguished was undis-
turbed. During this last period, her
sufferings were very great. She could
not help longing for her dismission, but
still she was resigned to the Divine will
and willing to wait, all her appointed
time. Her religious views were highly
rational and consolatory. She locked
upon God as the Father, and not the
Tyrant of his creatures. She had full
confidence in the divine wisdom and
goodness, and a firm per uasion, that
all things, whatsoever clouds and dark
ness hung over the present moment,
were working together for good. She
rejoiced in the Gospel of Jesus, as con- ley.
taining not only the glorious assurance
of a resurrection from the dead, but
every thing that is necessary in the way
of Precept, Example, and Encouragement,
to fit its followers both for this life, and
that which is to come. By frequently
returning pains, and at length, an almost
utter incapacity of taking in any nutri-
ment, the lamp of life was exhausted, and
with scarcely a sigh or srtuggle this tru-
ly valuable Christian fell asleep in Jesus.
Her loss in society will be felt by a
number of persons to whom, almost be-
yond her ability, she was a liberal and
constant benefactress. Her income was
limited, and as it was never large, she
felt very sensibly the pres ure of the
times: it was not however so much on
her own account, but that it rendered
her less capable of doing that goodto the
poor and afflicted which her liberal heart
was always wishing. She early mani-
fested a turn for poetry, and an Impromptu
which she pronounced upon the first
intelligence of that victory in which
Lord Nelson lost his life, does her con-
siderable credit-she was then 82 years

Two different parsions meet,
Pleasure and sorrow blend,

Watched thee almost a century on earth;

And led thee through the Christian
cares of life,

A tender step-dame, and a duteous wife :
Then at thy destined season to depart
Joyed (as the witness of so pure a

Exempt from mortal anguish to dismiss,
Thy peaceful spirit to celestial bliss.

Nov. 13, at his house called Fallowden, near Alnwick, Northumberland, in the 79th year of his age, CHARLES EARL GREY, K. B. General of the Third Regiment of Dragoons, and Governor of the Island of Guernsey. His Lordship served at the battle of Minden, and was the only surviving officer who served under General Wolfe at Quebec, to whom he was Aid-du-Camp.

In 1782, he was made a Knight of the Bath, on his appointment as Commander-in-Chief in America; but, in conse quence of peace being concluded he did not proceed thither. He served a so at

We praise the Lord who sav'd our the relief of Ostend, and Nieuport, in


But mouin for Nelson's end.

E. B. Lately died in Ireland, at the advanced age of 110 years, DENIS HAMPSON, the bind bard of Magiligan. A few hours before his death, he tuned his harp, in order to have it in readiness to enter. tain Sir H. Bruce's family, who were

1793, and went, soon after, to the West Indies, as Commander-in-Chief, with the Earl of St. Vincent, which was fo low ed by the reduction of Martinique, St. Lu cie, and Guadaloupe. In 1802, he was created Baron; and in 1800, Earl Grey. He has left four sons, of whom Viscount Howick succeeds him in the Peerage, and two daughters, the eldest of whom is lady Elizabeth Whitbread.


LITERATURE IN INDIA.-The of some of the learned natives attached following is an extract from a late speech to the College. It is highly satisfactory of Sir G. Barlow's, Governor-General to me to observe the native officers of in India, from the Visitorial Chair of the College, imbibing the spirit of litethe College of Calcutta:-rary industry, and employing their talents and acquirements in the cultivation and diffusion of literature and science. There are also various other useful and ingenious works, which, under the patronage of the College, have engaged the labours of several scientific persons antecedent to the past year, and have either been actually published, or are now in the press. I deem it an act of justice to the industry and ability of Mr. Matthew Lumsden, the first assistant to the Persian and Arabic professor, to notice, in terms of peculiar approbation, the grammar of the Persian language, which has long engaged the labours of that gentleman. The acknowledged defects of every work of that description now extant, have rendered the construction of an accurate grammar of that language peculiarly desirable. Mr. Lumsden's extensive knowledge of Arabic and Persian has enabled him to discover the true principles of the dialect of Persia, as it at present exists in its condition of intimate combination with the language of Arabia, and with singular judgment and discernment, Mr. Lumsden has adapted the construction of the Persian language to the principles of general grammar. The completion of this valuable work will materially facilitate the acquisition of the Persian language, will constitute an important addition to the existing stock of philological knowledge, and will reflect distinguished credit on its author, and on the institution which has encouraged and promoted it. I have received, with great sati faction, the information, that under the patronage of the Asiatic Society, the Society of Mis ionaries at the Danish Settlement of Serampore, aided and superintended by the ability of Mr Carey, Professor of the Shanscrit and Bengalee languages, has undertaken the tran lation of some of the most ancient and authentic works of literature, in the former of those languages. The greatest advantages may be expected to the interests of eastern literature from this co-operation of the Asiatic Society with the college of Fort William, ia

In reviewing the literary works published under the auspices of the College during the last year, I notice, with sentiments of peculiar satisfaction, an elementary analysis of the laws and regulations for the government of the British territories in India. The facility which this work is calculated to afford to the study of the laws and regulations, and the practical advantage which may be derived from it, is peculiarly valuable both to the college and the public. The design and execution of the work are equally creditable to the zeal, industry, and ability of its distinguished author, Mr. John Herbert Harrington, the second judge of the Court of Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawluts, and professor of the laws and regulations of the British Government in India. Mr. Harrington's application of the inconsiderable portion of leisure time, which the duties of his arduous and important public situation have afforded, to the accomplishment of this laborious undertaking, manifests a degree of public spirit, and individual industry, to which, perhaps, no other parallel can be found than in the eminent exertions and scientiac labours of his colleague, Mr. Henry Thomas Colebrooke, to whom the College and the public are indebted for various important additions to the general stock of literary knowledge and instruction. The assiduous attention of both these able and respectable public officers to the interests of this institution, both as professors and members of the council of the college, reflects the highest credit upon their character and talents, and establishes their claim to the public approbation and applause. Other works of great utility and merit have also distinguished the literary labours of the past year:

A Hindostane Dictionary now in the

A General History of the Hindoos.
"A Review of the Manners and Cus-

toms of the Hindoos.

"For the two last-mentioned works, we are indebted to the labour and ability

"CHINA has within the last twelve months afforded sufficient matter for reflection to the thinking mind. By the last accounts two occurrences have taken place, which shew the nature of the government in a very strong point of view: the one relates to the exercise of religion, the other to their criminal law. The body of the Chinese nation is well known to be idolatrous; their deities are monstrous figures, hideous to the sight, and giving just as gross conceptions of the great Supreme, as the fic tions of the imagination under the name of the Trinity entertained by the Papist and the Calvinist. They do not however, like the Papists, make a god of bread-flour and then eat him whatever follies they entertain, the higher classes are free from dolatry; and, if we have true accounts, they universally adopt a system of epicurean deism or complete atheism.


facilitating the acquisition of oriental CHINESE RELIGION AND LAWS. knowledge and science I notice also, In our magazine for August, (Vol. 11. with peculiar satisfaction, the extensive p. 442,) we inserted the "Imperial Edict and valuable collection of books which of the Emperor of China," which pro now enriches the library of the college scribes the Christian religion. Upon of Fort William. The preservation and this Edict, together with the more reaugmentation of the collection of East- cent occurrence of an affray between ern manuscripts, afford the only means the British and Chinese sailors, a sensiof arresting the progressive destruction ble and entertaining writer, turning of oriental learning. Since the dismem- matter that common writers would pass berment of the Mahommedan empire, over, to a good account, makes the fulthese works have been dispersed over lowing reflections India, and have been exposed to the injuries and hazards of time, accident, and neglect. It is worthy of the ambition of this great empire to employ every effort of its influence in preserving from destruction and decay, these valuable records of oriental history, science, and religion; and in encouraging individuals, who may be in possession of scarce and valuable literary works to promote this important object, by depositing works of that description in the library of the college. I am happy to learn that the descriptive catalogue of the books and manuscripts which constituted the library of Tippoo Sulthun, has been completed by the industrious labours of Captain Charles Stewart, second assis tant to the Persian Professor. I understand it is the intention of Captain Stewart, who has proceeded to England, to print that useful and interesting document. I cannot close my view of the literary branch of this institution, without adverting to the advantages which may be expected to be derived both in Europe and in Asia, from this mutual cultivation of Asiatic and European learning. The numerous works which have been published under the auspices of the college in the course of the last six years, will not only open to the learned in Europe ample sources of information on all subjects of oriental history and science, but will afford to the various mations and tribes of India, and especially to those which compose the body of our Indian subjects, a more favourable view, and a niore just and accurate conception of the British character, principles, and laws, than they have hitherto been enabled to form, and may be expected gradually to diffuse among them a spirit of civilization, and an inproved sense of those genuine principles of morality and virtue, which are equally calculated to promote their happiness, and to contribute to the stability of the British dominion in India."

"A great feature in the Chinese is an attachment to ancient customs, and this is kept up by the government, which watches with extreme anxiety the introduction of any thing foreign, and particularly any thing from Europe. But this attachment does not prevent them, as is absurdly imagined, from examining and adopting what is good i■ other countries, and in which they are deficient: witness the mathematical college established at Pekin, filled with Europeans; and the introduction of vaccination, the account of which very useful practice was communicated to them in a book in the Chinese language, by Sir George Staunton, the first book ever written in that language by an Englishman. The European religion also, as it is called, might have been in troduced with equal ease: and the Mar darins, with their usual good humour, would have laughed only at the triangu lar god, and the god in the womb of a virgin for nine months, adored by the popi h Bonzes, if these Bonzes had not

interfered in matters of state, and shewn ject is treated by many Englishmen.

a disposition, which the Chinese improperly attribute to Christianity, that of perpetually quarrelling with their "neighbours who are not of the same opinion, and making their religion a matter of state, so that every body must believe as they believe, or not be capable of holding any office under the government. These maxims to the Chinese Mandarins, who are very fond of good humour, and who seize in a moment whatever is absurd in their own Bonzes, appeared to be the most ridiculous that could be imagined.

With what contempt does not many a churchman look upon a dissenter; and yet both one and the other probably go, the one to church, and the other to his meeting, merely because by accident his father did so before him, and he was brought up in this habit. The law, indeed, allows persons to have meetings for religion, different from those of the established church; but it makes a great difference between those who follow the rule laid down by law and the rule adopted by the dissident,a difference oftentimes so very minute that a Chinese would assuredly not be able to find it out. But every nation has its own peculiar follies.

"The Christian Bonzes, however, made considerable progress, and in their usual manner excited a spirit of dissatisfaction and quarrelling; and, being "In affairs of life and death the found to exact a kind of obedience to a Chinese are more scrupulous than any man living some thousand miles off, they other nation. They rigidly adhere to were deemed dangerous to the state, and the precept given to the father of their their religion was proscribed. Before empire-whoever sheds man's blood, that time they were permitted to have churches; and the crucifix, and the triangular emblem of the trinity, and the wax-lights, and the wafer-god, were upon the altars. Many thousand Chinese, chiefly of the lower classes, embraced the sect, and books on the popish religion were printed in the Chinese language. Several of these books have been lately discovered in a province of China, and, on inquiry, it was found, that even some Tartar soldiers had quit ted their original customs, and embraced the new faith. Strict inquiries were made at the lower tribunals, and the whole matter was sent up to the higher tribunal for its final decision. The decree of the lower tribunals was in general confirmed; and the offending parties were variously treated according to the supposed magnitude of the crime: some were bani hed, others were compelled to wear the ignominious yoke,and the chief Mandarin of the province, whose office it is to inspect the morals of the people was, for not having sooner detected this affair, degraded. All the books on the European religion were or dered to be burnt.

by man shall his blood be shed. Hence, whenever a murdered body is found the utmost inquiry is made after the murderer; and that country is by no means favourable to duelling, as in case of a person killed, the surviving duellist, the seconds, and the surgeon, would all inevitably be put to death. In an affray lately between some Chinese and English sailors, a Chinese was killed; the usual inquiries were made, and it was found that he was murdered by one or more English. A demand was made in form to the factory for the murderer; but they, not knowing the murderer, could not comply with the request. This does not satisfy the Chinese. The murderer is, they say, amongst the English: if he were with us, we should easily detect him; if they do not use the proper methods to discover him, that will not satisfy us, we must either have the murderer, or a man in his stead. This law must strike us as a very extraordi nary one, but in consequence of it, among upwards of three hundred mil lion of people, murder is a very rare crime, and in Pekin, a town much larger than London, an instance of a house "The Chinese, we see, are not freer falling down and burying in its ruins from absurdity than some European twenty or thirty inhabitants never ocnations. They have not yet learned to curs. The consequences of this refusal leave religion entirely to itself. They on our part are not wholly known*. All make it dangerous by the interposition of the state. Yet we cannot inveigh very bitterly against them, when we

*The dispute is now said to be ami

think of the manner in which this sub- cably adjusted. Dec. 16. En.


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