Imágenes de páginas

In thofe parts of the work which relate to the origin of nations, and their manners and fyftems of religion, the addi tions are too numerous to be specified. The latest discoveries and obfervations, from the moft approved authorities, are blended with the former narrative; and enlargements, equally authentic, have been made with refpect to the geographical and hifterical accounts of each country.

That the work might farther merit its diftinguished reputation, the maps have not only been accurately examined, and greatly, improved, by the moft eminent artists, but feven new plates are added, illuftrating the alterations refulting from the eftablishment of the American ftates, the difmemberment of Poland, the late acquifitions of Ruffia, and other European powers, the difcoveries in the Southern Ocean *, &c.

When the great number of maps, with the addition of at leaft one hundred pages of letter-prefs, and a confiderable enlargement of the Index, are confidered, the proprietors may with truth affure the public, that the alteration in the price is far from being adequate to the attention, pains, and expence, which have been employed to give this work an additional claim to general notice and approbation.'


This advertisement does not exaggerate the merits of the prefent edition, and, in fome refpects, leaves them undif played, particularly with regard to chronological, and other fcientific improvements.

In the account of the northern C we observe that due attention has been paid to Mr. Cox's judicious remarks, relative not only to the topographical state of the different nations, but their revenues, inftitutions, and many miscellaneous circumstances, derived from this intelligent traveller, and others of refpectable authority.

In what relates to the Netherlands, we perceive that the history is enlarged; and a perfpicuous account is given of the late differences between the Dutch and the emperor of Germany.

Many enlargements are made to the narrative concerning Switzerland, and likewife to that of Spain and the Two Sicilies, from the entertaining Travels of Mr. Swinburne. We obferve alfo, that the history of Spain and Portugal, which in the former editions was delivered conjun&tly, is now very properly feparated; and a particular account is given of the fovereigns, and all the memorable tranfactions in each kingdom.

* Besides a large chart of the World, comprehending the tracks and difcoveries of captain Cook, &c. the maps of Hindoftan, China, Ruffia, England, the Seven United Provinces, the Austrian, French, and Dutsh Netherlands, the British dominions in America, and of the Thirteen United States, are cutirely new.'

In defcribing the manners and customs of the Turks in Europe and Afia, the editor has added to the narrative, from different fources, among which we find the refpectable authorities of colonel Mance, and baron de Tott. We shall infert: the following defeription of Conftantinople.

Conftantinople is at this day one of the finest cities in the world by its fituation and its port. The profpect from it is no ble. The moft regular part is the Befeftin, inclofed with walls and gates, where the merchants have their fhops excellently ranged. In another part of the city is the Hippodrome, an oblong fquare of 400 paces by 200, where they exercife on horfeback. The Meidan, or parade, is a large fpacious fquare, the general refort of all ranks. On the oppofite fide of the port are four towns, but confidered as a part of the suburbs, their diftance being fo fmall, a perfon may easily be heard on the other fide. They are named Pera, Galata, Pacha, and Tophana. In Pera, the foreign ambaffadors and all the Franks or trangers refide, not being permitted to live in the city; Galata allo is moftly inhabited by Franks and Jews, and is a place of great trade. The city abounds with antiquities: the tomb of Confantine the Great is ftill preferved. The mofque of St. Sophia, once a Christian church, is thought, in fome refpects, to exceed in grandeur and architecture St. Peter's at Rome. The city is built in a triangular form, with the Seraglio ftanding on a point of one of the angles, from whence there is a profpect of the delightful coaft of the Leffer Afia, which is not to be equalled. When we fpeak of the feraglio, we do not mean the apartments in which the grand fignior's women are confined, as is commonly imagined, but the whole inclofure of the Ottoman palace, which might well fuffice for a moderate town. The wall which furrounds the feraglio is thirty feet high, having battlements, embrafures, and towers, in the style of ancient fortifications. There are in it nine gates, but only two of them magnificent; and from one of thefe, the Ottoman court takes the name of the Porte, or the Sublime Porte, in all public tranfactions and records. Both the magnitude and popula tion of Conftantinople have been greatly exaggerated by credulous travellers. It is furrounded by a high and thick wall, with battlements after the Oriental manner, and towers, defended by a lined but. fhallow ditch, the works of which are double on the land fide. The beft authors think that it does nor contain above 800,000 inhabitants, three fourths of whom are faid to be Greeks and Armenians, and the rest are Jews and Turks. Others fuppofe the inhabitants not to exceed 600,000. The city hath been frequently affailed by fires, either owing to the narrowness of the streets and the ftructure of the houfes, or the arts of the Janizaries. In August 1784, a fire broke out in the quarter fituate towards the harbour, and fpread into other quarters, and about 10,000 houses (most of which had been rebuilt fince the fire in 1782) were confumed.'



Amidst the enlargements made by the editor, he has not been inattentive to Paleftine, that country which must always be held in particular veneration by every Christian reader. We fhall only tranfcribe the following paffage.

Under the government of Sheik Daher, the ally of the famous Ali Bey, fome part of Palestine revived. He enlarged the buildings and walls of St. John de Acre, formerly Ptolemais, and thewed great indulgence to the Chriftians. Its inhabitants were lately computed at 40,000. Caifa, which stands on the declivity of Mount Carmel, diftant about 20 miles from Acre, was alfo new built and enlarged by Daher. The ancient Joppa, now Jaffa, 50 miles weft from Jerufalem, ftands on a rocky hill, hath an harbour for small veffels, and its circumference is about two miles. The number of inhabitants is 7000; the western part of the town is inhabited by Christians. The prefent ftate of Ramah is deplorable, its walls in decay, and most of the houfes empty, though the number of inhabitants is ftill between 3 and 4005. Not a houfe is standing of the once magnificent city of Cefarea, but the remains of the walls teftify its former grandeur. Azotus is about two miles in circumference, the inhabitants are near 3000, and moftly Mahometans: an old ftructure is fhewn here, with fine marble pillars, which is faid to be the house that Sampfon pulled down, when infulted by the Philistines. Gaza is still refpectable, it extends from east to weft three miles, and is a mile in breadth, divided into the old and new town. The laft is inhabited by the inferior Turks and Arabs: the number of the inhabitants is reckoned to be 26,000. It is about five miles from the fea; and outside the town is a market for the country people to difpofe of their commodities to the inhabitants, for they are not permitted to enter the town. The country around is very fertile, but its chief produce is corn, oil, wine, honey, bees-wax, fax, and cotton."

Additions are made to the account of Hindostan, relative to its divifions under different princes and rajahs, its government, inhabitants, religion, and cuftoms. Thefe subjects had formerly not been treated with fufficient precifion, and, from our increafing connection with that country, they become daily more interesting to British readers. Additional accounts of Egypt, and its chief cities, are likewife introduced; and the late revolutions in that country are diftinctly related.

In the account of America, equal attention is obfervable. In particular, we meet with an accurate defcription of the remaining British provinces in that quarter, with thofe now denominated the United States.

With regard to the difcoveries of the late circumnavigators, many pages are added to the former defcription of the iflands in the South Pacific Ocean, and the refearches which have


been made in the western parts of North America. The circumftances are felected with judgment, and afford a comprehenfive view of thofe numerous acquifitions lately made to geographical knowlege.

We obferve large additions in what relates to the history of the British empire, accompanied with a detail of the important tranfactions which preceded' and followed the last general peace-The ftate of the East India company, now so closely connected with the most effential interefts of the nation, is a fubject which merits great attention. The editor has accordingly given a diftinét account of their poffeffions and trade, and of the late act of parliament for the regulation of the company's affairs.

So numerous are the improvements which have been made in the prefent edition of this valuable work, rendered ftill more 'worthy of the public favour, by the maps with which it is now enriched, in a separate volume. We muft, therefore, acknowledge it to be the most comprehenfive, and moft ufeful fyftem, of the kind, that has hitherto appeared.

The Hiftory of Wales, in Nine Books: With an Appendix. By the Rev. William Warrington. 4to. il. is. in Boards. Johnson.

AT commencing the review of this work, we are naturally led to a comparison of nations in a state of civilization and barbarifm. It is the glorious privilege of the former not only to flourish in the arts of peace, but to confer fuperior luftre on the warlike atchievements of their own people; while the latter are deftined to live in rude obfcurity, and, perhaps, to fink into oblivion. The fate of the Welsh refembles, in fome measure, that of the ancient nations, which became fucceffively a prey to the irrefiftible inundation of the Greek and Roman power. They fought for their liberties with a perfeverance, which affords unquestionable proof of their valour; but the history of their wars being chiefly transmitted by the conquerors, there is reafon to think that the narrative is not only written with partiality, but must often be deficient with refpect to true information.

Confidering the extraordinary attachment of the Welsh to the renown of their ancestors, it may juftly appear furprifing, that no native of that country has ever yet attempted a regu lar history of the nation. But of a compofition of this nature their language afforded no example; and while the valiant exploits of their progenitors were celebrated in the fongs of VOL. LXI. Feb. 1786.



their bards, they were little folicitors for that fame which ́ could but faintly ftrike the imagination through the medium. of inanimated records. They may now, however, congratulate their country, that a writer has arifen, with a genius very different from that of the monk of Llancarvan, and traced the various fortunes of the ancient Britons, not only with a. dignity fuitable to hiftorical compofition, but with such a degree of liberal fympathy, as, had he not thought proper to inform us he is an Englishman, we might have entertained an opinion that he derived his defcent from ancient Cambria.

The reverend author fets out with a review of the British history before the retreat of the Romans from this country and, in the fecond book, continues the fubject from this epoch to the period when the ancient Britons were driven into Wales, Cornwall, and Armorica. He juftly obferves, that the moft obvious defect in the national character of the Britons was a negligence in establishing a naval power; though experience, and the nature of their fituation, pointed out the propriety of this measure, as the only effectual means of contending with the Saxons, and of counteracting their defigns.

The third Book contains an Account of the Wars between the Saxons and Welfh, to the Death of Roderic the Great. About the commencement of this epoch, towards the end of the fixth century, Cambria took the name of Wales, and the inhabitants ceafed to be denominated Britons, by which title they had been hitherto diftinguifhed. But their former feverity of fortune, Mr. Warrington obferves, continued to purfue this brave people in their laft afylum, as the conquest of this barren domain became the object of ambition and policy to the Saxon and Norman princes. In this period of the Britifh hiftory, Cadwalader affords an example of that fuperftitious weakness, which has actuated a few other princes, even fince the decline of the dark ages.

After refiding fome time in the court of Bretaigne, fays the hiflorian, Cadwalader prepared to return into Wales; baving heard that the famine and peftilence had ceafed, and that the Saxons, with increafing power, were endeavouring to extend their conquefts. With this view he collected an army, compofed of his own fubjects and his allies the Bretons, with a fuitable fleet to tranfport them across the channel. In fuch a fituation, a magnanimous prince would either have rescued his country from its danger, or would have buried himself in its ruins. But juft at the time that Cadwalader was going to embark, he was warned in a vifion, which he fancied to be a fudden impulfe from heaven, which directed him to lay aside the cares of the world, and go immediately to Rome, to receive holy orders from the hands of the pope. This illufion, the


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