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which pass unperceived before the eyes of those who know not how to observe. I recollect having once beheld at Jersey a magnificent phenomenon of this nature, on the 24th June, 1877, at eight o'clock in the evening: it was a column of light which rose above the sinking sun like a sheaf of fire. I was walking on the St. Helier pier, where there were also many promenaders, but there were not more than two or three who regarded with me this mighty spectacle. Columns and crosses of light are much more frequent than is commonly supposed, but they often pass unperceived before indifferent spectators. We will describe an example of this phenomenon observed at Havre on the 7th May, 1877. The sun formed the centre of the cross, which was of a yellow, golden colour. This cross had four branches. The upper branch was much more brilliant than the others; its height was about 15°. The lower branch was smaller, as seen in the sketch on page 2, taken from nature by Monsieur Albert Tissandier. The two horizontal branches were at times scarcely visible, and merged in a streak of reddish-yellow colour, which covered a large part of the horizon. A mass of cloud, which the setting sun tinged with a deep violet colour, formed the foreground of the picture. The atmosphere over the sea was very foggy. The phenomenon did not last more than a quarter of an hour, but the conclusion of the spectacle was signalized by an interesting circumstance. The two horizontal branches, and the lower branch of the luminous cross, completely disappeared, whilst the upper branch remained alone for some minutes longer. It had now the appearance of a vertical column rising from the sun, like that which Cassini studied on the 21st May, 1672, and that which M. Renon* and M. A. Guillemin observed on the 12th July, 1876. Vertical columns, which, it is well known, are extremely rare phenomena, may therefore indicate the existence of a luminous cross, which certain atmospheric conditions have rendered but partially visible.

How often one sees along the roads little whirlwinds of dust raised by the wind accomplishing a rotatory movement, thus producing the miniature of a waterspout! How often halos encompass with a circle of fire the sun or the stars! How often we see the rainbow develop its iridescent beauties in the midst of a body of air traversed by bright raindrops! And there is not one of these great natural manifestations which may not give rise to instructive observations, and become the object of study and research. Thus, in walks and travels alike, the study of Science may always be exercised; and this method of study and instruction in the open air contributes both to health of body and of mind. As we consider the spectacles which Nature spreads before us, from the insect crawling on the blade of grass, to the celestial bodies moving in the dome of the heavens,—we feel a vivifying and salutary influence awaken in the mind. The habit

* Detailed accounts in Vol. lxxxiii., pp. 243 and 292 of "La Nature."

† See "La Nature," 4th year, 1876, 2nd half-year, p. 167. M. A. Guillemin mentions, in connection with the phenomenon of July 12th, 1876, the presence of light masses of cloud of a greyish-blue colour, similar to those perceived in the phenomena just described.

of observation, too, may be everywhere exercised-cven in towns, where Nature still asserts herself; as, for example, in displays of meteorological phenomena. We will give an example of such.

The extraordinary abundance of snow which fell in Paris for more than ten consecutive hours, commencing on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 22nd, 1880, will always be looked upon as memorable among the meteorological events of the city of Paris. It was stated that in the centre of Paris, the thickness of the snow that had fallen at different times exceeded fourteen inches. The snow had been preceded by a fall of small transparent

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icicles, of rather more than a millemetre in diameter, some having crystalline facets. They formed on the surface of the ground a very slippery glazed frost. On the evening of the 22nd January, flakes of snow began to hover in the atmosphere like voluminous masses of wool. The greater part of the gas-lamps were ornamented by frozen stalactites, which continually attracted the attention of passers-by. The formation of these stalactites, of which we give a specimen (fig. 13), is easy of explanation. The snow falling on the glass of the lamp became heated by the flame of gas, melted, and trickled down, freezing anew into the shape of a stalactite below the lamp, at a temperature of o° centigrade. Not only can meteorology be studied in towns, but certain other branches of natural science-entomology, for



example. We will quote what a young student in science, M. A. Dubois, says on this very subject: "Coleoptera," he declares, " are to be met with everywhere, and I think it may be useful to notice this fact, supporting it by examples. I desire to prove that there are in the midst of our large towns spots that remain unexplored, where some fine captures are to be made. Let us visit, at certain times, the approaches to the quays, even at low tide, and we shall be surprised to find there species which we have searched for, far and near." This opinion is confirmed by the enumeration of several interesting captures.

Was not the great Bacon right when he said, "For the keen observer, nothing in Nature is mute"?

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HAVING now introduced our readers to Science which they can find for themselves in the open air, and the pursuit of which will both instruct and amuse, we will proceed to investigate the Branch of Science called PHYSICS.

PHYSICS may be briefly described as the Branch of Natural Science which treats of such phenomena as are unaccompanied by any important changes in the objects wherein such phenomena are observed.

For instance, the sounding of a bell or the falling of a stone are physical phenomena, for the objects which cause the sound, or the fall, undergo no change. Heat is set free when coal burns. This disengagement of heat is a physical phenomenon; but the change during combustion which coal undergoes is a chemical phenomenon. So the objects may be the same, but the circumstances in which they are placed, and the forces which act upon them, may change their appearance or position.

This brings us at once to the Forces of Nature, which are three in number; viz., Gravity, Cohesion, and Affinity, or Chemical Attraction. The phenomena connected with the last-named forms the Science of Chemistry. We give these three Forces these names. But first we must see what is Force, for this is very important. Force is a CAUSE-the cause of Motion. or of Rest. This may appear paradoxical, but a little reflection will prove it. It requires force to set any object in motion, and this body would never stop unless some other force or forces prevented its movement beyond a certain point. Force is therefore the cause of a change of "state" in matter.

We have said there are three forces in nature. The first is Gravity, or the attraction of particles at a distance from each other. We may say that Gravity, or Gravitation, is the mutual attraction between different portions of matter acting at all distances, -the force of attraction being, of course, in proportion to the mass of the bodies respectively. The greatest body is the Earth, so far as our purposes are concerned. So the attraction of the Earth is Gravity, or what we call Weight.

We can easily prove this. We know if we jump from a chair we shall come to the floor; and if there were nothing between us and the actual ground sufficient to sustain the force of the attracting power of the earth, we should

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fall to the earth's surface.

In a teacup the spoon will attract air bubbles, and large air bubbles will attract small ones, till we find a small mass of bubbles formed in the centre of the cup of tea. Divide this bubble, and the component parts will rush to the sides of the cup. is illustrated by the accompanying diagrams.


This form of attraction


Fig. 14.

Suppose two balls of equal magnitude, A and B (fig. 14). These being of equal magnitude, attract each other with equal force, and will meet, if not opposed, at a point (M) half-way between the two. But they do not meet, because the attraction of the earth is greater than the attraction they relatively and collectively exercise towards each other. But if the size of the balls be different, the attraction of the greater will be more evident, as shown below, where the points of meeting are indicated respectively (figs. 15 and 16). These experiments will illustrate the phenomena of falling bodies. Gravity is the cause of this, because every object on the surface of the earth is very much smaller than the earth itself, and therefore all bodies fall towards the

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centre of the earth.

Figs. 15 and 16.

A certain time is thus occupied, and we can find the velocity or rapidity of a falling body very easily. On the earth a body, if let fall, will pass through a space sixteen feet in the first second; and as the attraction of the earth still continues and is exercised upon a body already in rapid motion, this rate of progress must be proportionately increased. Just as when steam is kept up in an engine running down hill, the velocity of the train will rapidly increase as it descends the gradient.

A body falling, then, descends sixteen feet in the first second, and for every succeeding second it assumes a greater velocity. The distance the body travels has been calculated, and the space it passes through has been found to increase in proportion to the square of the time it takes to fall. For instance, suppose you drop a stone from the top of a cliff to the beach, and it occupies two seconds in falling, if you multiply 2 x 2, and the result by sixteen, you will find how high the cliff is in this (supposed) case it is (omitting decimals) sixty-four feet high. The depth of a well can also be ascertained in the same way, leaving out the effect of air resistance.

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