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The legislative clerk read as follows:


Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate is hereby authorized and directed to pay from the contingent fund of the Senate the actual and necessary expenses incurred by the committee appointed to arrange for and attend the funeral of the Honorable EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, late a Senator from the State of Illinois, on vouchers to be approved by the chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the resolution is considered and agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, September 10, 1969.

Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. President, at the request of the distinguished majority leader, I make the following announcement: It is suggested that the Senate will recess at 11:45, subject to the call of the Chair. The Senate will then proceed in a body to the rotunda to pay its respects to the late minority leader, EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, as his body is removed from the Capitol.

Transportation will be available to the 1 p.m. services to be held at the National Presbyterian Church, 4123 Nebraska Avenue NW. Senators attending the church services should assemble on the Senate stairs of the Capitol at 12:15 p.m.

It is likely that the Senate will reconvene by 3 p.m.


Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate stand in recess subject to the call of the Chair. For the information of the Senate, we will very likely be back in session somewhere between 2 and 2:15 this afternoon.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered.

Thereupon (at 11 o'clock and 52 minutes a.m.) the Senate took a recess subject to the call of the Chair.

The Senate reassembled at 2 o'clock and 13 minutes p.m., when called to order by the Presiding Officer (Mr. Gravel in the chair).

Mr. ANDERSON. Mr. President, I have listened with great appreciation while others have praised EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN

for his leadership and his responsibility to that leadership during his long service in the Senate. I have been particularly impressed by the work he has done, especially when I reflect that he left Congress in 1949 with an eye condition which apparently indicated that he would be completely away from active participation. Subsequently, he found medical men who felt that his sight could be improved. He received some expert care.

He became a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1950. I felt that the reason he was elected to the Senate was the care he displayed in meeting the people at every level. He wore out two automobiles in that campaign. He traveled back and forth throughout his State, over and over, and many participants in that election asked him to do almost impossible tasks while speaking to their local groups. But he took real joy in campaigning. He was determined to participate in every segment of the State and every occupation whether it was banking or partisan activities.

I came to know and like Senator DIRKSEN when he was serving in the House of Representatives. I sought to persuade him that many of the Truman activities involved all types of leadership. Best of all, he remembered his friends and always had a kind word for those who had known him for a long time.

His family rated very high in his responsibilities. He was not interested merely in official activities in the Senate but recognized what needed to be done to take care of his friends and his duties. Many people in Illinois can testify to the fact that he searched out their problems and did his best to take care of them.

As a member of the Committee on Finance, he was an excellent representative of his people, yet he never tried to usurp leadership in the Senate. Time after time we all enjoyed his friendly personality, and we will all miss him in this committee as we try to work out a tax proposal. He was a true friend of all of us. I certainly hope that the country will appreciate all that he did.

Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that a telegram received from the Chargé d'Affaires of the German Embassy relative to the passing of our dear friend, Senator EVERETT DIRKSEN, be printed in the Record at this point. I realize that it is improper to print it in a foreign language, so I ask unanimous consent that the English translation be printed with the signature attesting to it.

There being no objection, the message was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows:


Washington, D.C., September 9, 1969.

MY DEAR MR. VICE PRESIDENT: I have the honor to transmit to you the following telegram:

"On the passing away of Senator EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, who for many years led the Republican party in the Senate, I would like to convey my and the German Bundestag's sincere sympathy to you, to the U.S. Senate and to the family of the deceased. We join you in mourning for a great parliamentarian and protagonist of the free Western world.

"Very sincerely yours,

Respectfully yours,

"VON HASSEL, "President of the German Bundestag."


Minister, Chargé d'Affaires a. i.

Mr. SPONG. Mr. President, the death of Senator DIRKSEN surprised and saddened us all. He was an extraordinary man, one of the best known personalities of our time, and a Senator for whom I believe most Americans had a genuine affection. We shall miss him.

To Mrs. Dirksen and to his daughter, the wife of our colleague from Tennessee, I extend my deepest sympathy.

While Senator DIRKSEN was a Senator from his native State of Illinois, he built a home and lived for many years in Virginia. I think it is appropriate, therefore, to include in the Record the editorial comments on Senator DIRKSEN's death by the two newspapers published in Virginia's capital city, Richmond. I ask unanimous consent that editorials published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the News Leader be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the editorials were ordered to be printed in the Record as follows:

[From the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, Sept. 8, 1969]


When Rep. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN voluntarily left the House of Representatives in 1949 after 16 years of service in that body, hard-nosed Democratic leader Sam Rayburn said: "If they are going to send Republicans to Congress, let them send Republicans of the EVERETT DIRKSEN kind."

"They"—the people of Illinois-two years later did send EVERETT Dirksen back to Congress, this time to the Senate. And today, most Americans, of both parties, doubtless would say the voters of Illinois made a substantial contribution to the nation's well-being when they selected this tousled-haired, gravel-voiced, self-styled "old-fashioned garden variety of Republican" to sit in the national legislature.

For although Everett Dirksen has assumed something of the proportions of "Mr. Republican," the fact is that he laid aside partisanship to support Democratic administrations in crucial matters of foreign policy, as well as in other areas where the nation's welfare was critically involved.

He was called a "thorn in FDR's side" because of his vigorous opposition to Roosevelt's domestic policies. But after 1941 he supported FDR on vital foreign policy issues, just as he often did years later when other DemocratsHarry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy-occupied the White House.

When strong GOP partisans rapped DIRKSEN for backing some of Kennedy's foreign practices, the Illinois senator replied:

You start from the broad premise that all of us have a common duty to the country to perform. Legislation is always the art of the possible. You could, of course, follow a course of solid opposition, of stalemate, but that is not in the interest of the country.

To the general public, Dirksen was best known for his oratorical powers and his marvelous—and sometimes baffling—use of the language. When he returned to the Capitol on crutches in 1966 after a fall out of bed that had laid him up for a while, he said he was ready to “slay an ass with the jawbone of a crutch." And once, instead of admonishing two senators to be more friendly, he directed them to "resume your congenial and felicitous relationship."

EVERETT DIRKSEN was a man who loved his country deeply. It wasn't long ago that he made a recording titled "Gallant Men," in which, among other things, he recited, in that organ-voice of his, the Star-Spangled Banner, the Gettysburg Address and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. As columnist Norman Rowe observed in his review in this paper, "If you can listen... without patriotic goose pimples, then you're too far gone to stand up and be counted."

As Republican leader in the Senate, DIRKSEN did not always see eye-to-eye with the present occupant of the White House during the relatively short period of the present administration. He was credited, or blamed, for example, with preventing the appointment of Dr. John Knowles, as assistant secretary of health, education and welfare. But DIRKSEN has been one of the GOP's major assets over the many years he served in Washington at the seat of power.

At about mid-point of his public career, EVERETT DIRKSEN flirted seriously with the idea of seeking the presidency. He didn't pursue this goal very long, and perhaps he would not have made a good executive had he been suc

cessful. But he was completely at home in the august chamber of the United States Senate, and he made a mark there that will long be recorded in the history of the happenings on Capitol Hill.

[From the Richmond (Va.) News Leader, Sept. 8, 1969]

SENATOR Everett Dirksen

Politics, the saying goes, is the art of the possible, and in the world's preeminent deliberative body, Senator EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN was a practitioner of the possible par excellence. With the late Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, Senator DIRKSEN probably was the most widely respected Senator of his generation. Yet whereas Senator Taft was revered for the power of his intellect, Senator DIRKSEN was admired for his gifts as a political technician. Senator Taft was a philosopher; Senator DIRKSEN, basically, was a philosophical doer.

In an age that practically has forgotten what rhetoric is, Senator DIRKSEN was the closest thing we had to a Ciceronian rhetorician. Perhaps when all else about him is forgotten, he will be remembered for that. Words fell from his mouth mellifluously. Listening to him in comparison with most other contemporary Senators was like listening to a 33 rpm recording of the New York Philharmonic played on the best stereo set, in contrast to a 78 rpm of the local fifth-grade band played on granpa's old Victrola. He knew what well-chosen words, well-spoken and properly laced with humor, could do. For him, and for the United States, they did a great deal.

The essential purpose of rhetoric is to persuade. Senator DIRKSEN's extraordinary talent as a legislator was his capacity to persuade a majority of Senators to vote with him on a particular issue. As the Senate's Republican leader for ten years-during none of which he had a Republican majority in the Senate, and during eight of which he had a Democrat in the White House Senator DIRKSEN worked political miracles. In doing so, he infuriated all segments of the political spectrum. His efforts brought about Senate confirmation of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and Senate passage of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. Yet he was instrumental in the Senate's recent approval of the Safeguard Anti-Ballistic Missile System, and he labored diligently for the day when Constitutional amendments could be approved that would alter the effect of the Supreme Court's reapportionment decisions and deny the Court's authority in cases involving nondenominational prayers in the public schools.

"The letters of Cicero breathe the purest effusions of an exalted patriot," Jefferson wrote. So did the orations of the last Cicero, EVERETT DIRKSEN. He loved America, loved it absolutely. His patriotism was manifested in many ways, but perhaps no more clearly than in his constant forensic struggle to make the marigold the national flower. The marigold, he told the Senate, has a "rugged humility of character; and, like the American eagle and the American flag, [is] an exclusively American emblem." He might as well have been describing himself, for behind the clouds of florid verbiage, there was

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