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Chairman Mrs. Florence Kelley, General Secretary, National Consumers' League, New York.

Vice Chairman and Secretary Roger N. Baldwin, Director, National Civil Liberties Bureau, New York.

Edith Abbott Chicago Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara Portland, Ore.

Frederic Almy Buffalo Mrs. William Z. Ripley. .Cambridge, Mass.

George L. Berry Nashville Raymond Robins Chicago

Hornell Hart Cincinnati Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull Portland, Ore.

Paul U. Kellogg New York

At the meeting of the National Conference at Kansas City, May 15-22, 1918, one hundred and thirty delegates registered as members of this Division. Ten meetings for discussion were held, six of which appeared in the formal program as follows:


May 16, 3:30 p. m., "Insurance, Pensions, and the State".. 388

May 20, 8:15 p.m., "Industrial Reorganization After the

War" (General Session) 375

May 21, 9:15 a.m., "Social Work and Radical Economic Movements" 396

May 21,11:00 a. m., "Health Insurance. Problem of Inherit-
ance" 407

May 22, 9:15 a. m., "Labor Problems of the War", .i 420

May 22, 11:00 a.m., "Labor Problems of the Reconstruc-
tion" 426

The section meeting at 10:00 a. m., May 21st, was a joint session with the Division on Health.

On May 16, 1918, at 12:45 p. m., the Division met at luncheon. At 2:00 o'clock a business session was held#under the chairmanship of Mrs. Florence Kelley, the chairman of the Division, about sixty persons being present.

Mr. Hornell Hart moved that the Division proceed to nominate a Divisional Committee by the Hare System of Proportional Representation. The motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Roger N. Baldwin moved that the committee consist of fifteen members. This was seconded and carried.

Mr. Baldwin read a list of nominations. The following names were placed in nomination from the floor: Miss Ernstine Friedman, New York; Father John R. Maguire, H. M. Kallen, Karl De Schweinitz. As tellers there were appointed Mr. Fulkner, C. M. Bookman and Mr. Hart.

On the motion of Miss Abbott a resolution was adopted to appoint a committee to bring in a report on organization for the coming year. The chair appointed Miss Edith Abbott, Alexander Fleisher, Hornell Hart, Mrs. W. L. Murdoch, Arthur Kellogg, Mr. Baldwin and Father John R. Maguire.

Mr. Roscoe C. Edlund moved that steps be taken to stimulate discussions on radical economic problems through the year in social service clubs and conferences, and that a committee of three be appointed for that purpose, the secretary to be especially charged with that function. Mr. Fleisher moved that the matter be referred to the Executive Committee with power. Amendment accepted, and motion adopted.

On Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock a second business session was held, about sixty persons being present.

The tellers reported that the election had resulted in the choice of the following members of the Division Committee: To serve for three years: Mrs. Florence Kelley, Miss Jane Addams, Miss Ernestine Friedman, Roger N. Baldwin and Miss Edith Abbott. To serve for two years: Allen T. Burns, Samuel McCune Lindsay, Frederic Almy, Hornell Hart, Father John A. Ryan. To serve for one year: Paul U. Kellogg, Mrs. Halleck, Alexander Fleisher, Sherman C. Kingsley and Dr. Jessica Peixotto.

The above report was adopted.

The report of the sub-committee under the chairmanship of Miss Edith Abbott was received and adopted, providing for the organization of sections within the Division, on the following subjects:

1. Labor standards.

2. Relation of social work to radical economic movements.

3. Taxation and social welfare.

4. Social insurance and pensions.

5. Industrial welfare work.

The content of the committee report at the present meeting of the National Conference was discussed and the following committee named to formulate it: Mrs. Kelley, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Hart and others whom they should be empowered to add.

The question of defraying the expenses of the Division in preparing for the Kansas City Conference was raised and it was voted that the pro rata share for each person registered in the Division should be announced.

A third session of the Division for the transaction of business was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 21, at 3:30 o'clock, Mrs. Kelley presiding.

In accordance with instructions received from the Conference at its business session, the Division proceeded to elect three additional members of the committee, who were to represent labor. Those chosen were Charles A. Sumner of Kansas City for three years, George L. Berry of Nashville, for two years, and Mrs. Raymond Robins of Chicago for one year.

A preliminary draft of the Division report was presented by Mr. Baldwin. It was referred to a special committee for redrafting and a motion prevailed to the effect that it should be finally presented to the Conference as the work, and with the authority only, of those preparing it. The following committee was named to take charge of the matter: Messrs. Baldwin, Fleisher, Shelby M. Harrison, Mrs. Halleck and the chairman, Mrs. Kelley.

(Signed) FLORENCE KELLEY, Chairman.
ROGER N. BALDWIN, Secretary.

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