Page Frontispiece: Portrait of Robert A. Woods, President of the Conference. Preface • Hi The Regimentation of the Free, Robert A. Woods, President of the Con- The Return of the Canadian Soldier to Civil Life, T. B. Kidner 10 The Church, the Community, and the Present Crisis: Symposium Address of Welcome, O. /. Hill 83 Miscellaneous Introduction of Hon. I. Togo... * 88 Health and Social Work in Japan, Matsujiri Takenouchi 89 A Plan of Activity for the Division on Children (Report of Division Com- mittee), Henry W. Thurston, Chairman 47 Universal Physical Education, Willard S. Small 56 The Children's Year And After—Roundtable 62 A Community Recreation Program for Juveniles, George A. Bellamy 65 The National Problem Of Malnutrition Among Children Of School Age The Educational Opportunities Presented by the School Luncheon, Sally Feeding the Family: A Problem and a Method for Social Workers in War The Inter-relation Of Education And Child Welfare: Luncheon 82 Child Protection And Home Care Minimum Standards of Child Protection and Home Care: Informal Dis- Social Work In Rural Communities The Status of Social Work in Rural Communities, H. Ida Curry 88 The Unmarried Mother And Her Child A Tentative Outline for a Study on Illegitimacy, Cheney C. Jones 91 Children of Unmarried and of Illegitimate Parents: Recent Legislation in Minnesota and Elsewhere, Otto W. Davis 94. The Attitude of Married Parents and Social Workers Toward Unmarried Parents, Mrs. Frank D. Watson 102 Physical And Mental Diagnosis Of School Children Mental and Physical Diagnosis of School Children (Report of a Sub-Com- mittee), Mrs. Helen T. Woolley 109 Psychological Examinations in the Army, Maj. M. E. Haggerty Ill II. DELINQUENTS AND CORRECTION The Next Step in the Treatment of Girls and Women Offenders, Jessie D. V Courts of Domestic Relations, Charles W. Hoffman 1*4 Discussion 188 Court Methods Of Dealing With Girls And Women Charged With Skx Municipal Detention for Women, Jane Deeter \Rippiri 183 Discussion .* 189 Probation And Parole Current Tendencies in Adult Probation, Edward J. Cooley 140 Some Principles of Parole for Girls, Edith N. Burleigh 147 Discussion 154 Causes Of Delinquency The Causes of Delinquency (Sub-Committee Report), Bernard Glueck, M. D. 155 Schools^ and Delinquency, Catherine Brannick, M. D 162 Discussion 167 A Square Deal In The Courts The Public Defender, Homer Talbot 167 Discussion 171 Prohibition And Delinquency: Discussion 172 III. HEALTH Public Health in War Time, Claude C. Pierce, M. D 179 The Public Health Nurse And The War War Time Developments in Public Health Nursing, Mrs. Bessie Amerman Haasis 187 Sanitary Conditions About Military Camps, and Parts Played by the Public Health Nurse, Mary E. Lent 189 Venereal Diseases and Clinics for Civilians Near Military Camps, Ann Doyle. 192 The Housing Program In War Time Housing: Its Relation to Social Work, Mrs. Albion Fellows Bacon 194 Conserving Development Increment for the Community, Lawson Purdy.... 201 Discussion 204 IV. PUBLIC AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS Recent Tendencies in State Supervision and Control; Some Effects of the World War, Albert Sidney Johnstone 211 Boards of Public Welfare: A System of Government Social Work, L. A. The Negro in Relation to Our Public Agencies and Institutions, /. L. Kesler. 230 The People And Their Institutions—\Roundtable What Methods of Educating the Public Have Proven Most Effective? Kenosha B. Sessions, M. D 287 Discussion f 239 The County As A Unit In Charity Administration—Roundtable H. Ida Curry 241 Homer W. Bbrst 245 William H. Davenport 249 George A. Warfield '. 250 Discussion 252 Standards Of Administration Of The County Jail Reform of Jail Administration in Vermont, Frank H. Tracy 263 Discussion ; 255 Standards Of Administration Of The Almshouse Standards of Administration, Clyde R. McKinnis 257 Hospital Homes, D. L. Edson 262 Standards of Administration, 5". I. Meseraull 265 The District Almshouse for Illinois, Annie Hinrichsen 267 Discussion , 270 Prison Reform at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Col. Sedgwick Rice. 271 State Boards And War Relief The Functions of a State Board, Charles H. Johnson 875 V. THE FAMILY The Contribution of Social Case Work to Democracy, Gertrude Voile 888 War and Family Solidarity, Mary E. Richmond 887 The American Red Cross, Henry P. Davison 297 Industrial Legislation From The Case Workers' Standpoint Social Case Workers and Better Industrial Conditions, Shelby M. Harrison.. 803 Abbott 818 Discussion 818 The Social Service Exchange—Roundtable The Social Service Exchange, Gertrude M. Dickey 819 The Value of Registration in the Confidential Exchange to Organizations which Keep Adequate Records, Robert C. Dexter 821 The Value of Registration to Organizations which Do Not Keep Adequate Records, Miss G. L. Button 824 Discussion , 828 Social Case Work As Applied Psychology What Educational Psychology Can Contribute to Case Work with the Nor- The Kingdom of Evil: Advantages of an Orderly Approach in Social Case Analysis, Elmer E. Southard, M. D 884 Discussion 840 Home Service Problems—Roundtable Case Work Above the Poverty Line, Agnes L. Murray 840 Cooperation of the Home Service Department of the American Red Cross with Other Social Agencies, Harriet E. Anderson 843 Discussion 846 Rural Home Service Problems: Luncheon 348 Administration Of Mothers' Aid Problems in the Administration of Mothers' Aid, Mary F. Bogue 349 The Family Budget and Its Supervision, Florence Nesbit 859 Discussion, Frank W. Goodhue 865 Family Treatment And War Time Community Programs—Roundtable 368 VI. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS Introductory Statement, Mrs. Florence Kelley 375 The British Labor Party: Its Program and Aims, S. K. Ratcliffe 376 The Tenant Farmer and Land Monopoly, Elwood Mead 878 The Changing Status of Negro Labor, James Weldon Johnson 383 Pensions, Insurance And The State Introductory Statement of Chairman, Edith Abbott 888 State Care for Mothers and Infants, Julia C. Lathrop 389 The Soldiers' and Sailors' Insurance Acts, S. M. Lindsay 892 Discussion 895 Social Work And Radical Economic Movements The Challenge of Mass Facts to the Social Worker, Hornell Hart 398 Social Work and the Industrial Revolution, Harold L. Varney 401 Discussion 407 Insurance, Pensions, Inheritance Why Social Workers Should Study the Need of Health Insurance, James H. Tufts 407 The Problem of Inheritance, Harlan Eugene Read *.416 Discussion 418 Labor Problems Of The War The War and the I. W. W., Harold Collendar 420 Discussion 425 When Should Financial Federations Be Started? William C. White.* 605 Discussion 013 Social Agencies And Purlic Opinion Introductory Statement by the Chairman, Roscoe C. Edlund 614 Methods of Forming Public Opinion Applicable to Social Welfare Publicity, Robert E. Park 615 Discussion 622 State Organization Organization of Social Forces of the State, Rufus E. Miles 626 Discussion 681 X. SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION Social Work, Standards of Living and the War, George H. Mead 637 Red Cross Reconstruction Work in France as an Example to the United States, George W. Simmons # 645 World's Food and World Politics, Jane Addams 650 The Girl Problem In War Time—Roundtable Protective Work for Girls in War Time, Maude !£. Miner 656 Specific Problems in Camp Communities, Jane Deeter Rippirt 666 Work of the Section on Reformatories and Houses of Detention, Martha P. Falconer 668 How the Public May Help, Katharine B. Davis 673 Discussion 674 Future Prospect Of Leading War Time Efforts And Movements—Roundtable. 675 The Role Of The Volunteer In Social Work Introductory Statement by the Chairman, Amelia Sears 677 War Time Volunteers in Chicago, Leila Houghteling 678 Discussion 680 The New Social Data And Its Use New Social Data Growing Out of the War, Arthur J. Todd 683 Social Facts and Scientific Social Work, Charles A. Elwood 686 Discussion 692 B. BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS a. Business Organization of the Conference for 1918 697 b. Minutes 698 c. Organization of the Conference for 1919 704 C. INDEX 707 |