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Whether or no the P. Prelate proveth that sovereignty is immediately from God, not

from the people,

Kings made by the people, though the office, in abstracto, were immediately from God.-The people
have a real action, more than approbation, in making a king.-Kinging of a person ascribed to the
people.-Kings in a special manner are from God, but it followeth not; therefore, not from the
people. The place, Prov. viii. 15, proveth not but kings are made by the people.-Nebuchad-
nezzar, and other heathen kings, had no just title before God to the kingdom of Judah, and divers
other subdued kingdoms.

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The excellency of kings maketh them not of God's only constitution and designation.-How sove-
reignty is in the people, how not.-A community doth not surrender their right and liberty to
their rulers, so much as their power active to do, and passive to suffer, violence.-God's loosing of
the bonds of kings, by the mediation of the people's despising him, proveth against the P. Prelate
that the Lord taketh away, and giveth royal majesty mediately, not immediately.-The subordina-
tion of people to kings and rulers, both natural and voluntary; the subordination of beasts and
creatures to man merely natural. The place, Gen. ix. 5, "He that sheddeth man's blood," &c.

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Whether or not royal birth be equivalent to divine unction,

Impunged by eight arguments.-Royalty not transmitted from father to son.-A family may be
chosen to a crown as a single person is chosen, but the tie is conditional in both.-The throne, by
special promise, made to David and his seed, by God, (Psal. lxxxix.,) no ground to make birth, in

foro Dei, a just title to the crown.-A title by conquest to a throne must be unlawful, if birth be

God's lawful title.-Royalists who hold conquest to be a just title to the crown, teach manifest

treason against king Charles and his royal heirs.-Only, bona fortunce, not honour or royalty, pro-


Whether or no he be more principally a king who is a king by birth, or he who is a

king by the free election of the people,

The elective king cometh nearer to the first king. (Deut. xvii.)-If the people may limit the king,
they give him the power.-A community have not power formally to punish themselves.-The
hereditary and the elective prince in divers considerations, better or worse, each one than another.

Whether or no royal dignity have its spring from nature, and how it is true " Every

man is born free," and how servitude is contrary to nature,

Seven sorts of superiority and inferiority. Power of life and death from a positive law.-A dominion
antecedent and consequent.-Kings and subjects no natural order.-A man is born, consequenter,
in politic relation.-Slavery not natural from four reasons.-Every man born free in regard of
civil subjection (not in regard of natural, such as of children and wife, to parents and husband)
proved by seven arguments.-Politic government how necessary, how natural.-That parents
should enslave their children not natural.

Whether or no the people make a person their king conditionally or absolutely; and

whether the king be tyed by any such covenant,

The king under a natural, but no civil obligation to the people, as royalists teach.-The covenant
civilly tyeth the king proved by Scriptures and reasons, by eight arguments.-If the condition,
without which one of the parties would never have entered into covenant, be not performed, that
party is loosed from the covenant.-The people and princes are obliged in their places for justice
and religion, no less than the king.-In so far as the king presseth a false religion on the people,
eatenus, in so far they are understood not to have a king.-The covenant giveth a mutual co-ac-
tive power to king and people to compel each other, though there be not one on earth higher than
both to compel each of them.-The covenant bindeth the king as king, not as he is a man only.—
One or two tyrannous acts deprive not the king of his royal right.-Though there were no posi-
tive written covenant (which yet we grant not) yet there is a natural, tacit, implicit covenant tying
the king, by the nature of his office. If the king be made king absolutely, it is contrary to Scrip-
ture and the nature of his office. The people given to the king as a pledge, not as if they became
his own to dispose of at his absolute will.-The king could not buy, sell, borrow, if no covenant
should tie him to men.-The covenant sworn by Judah (2 Chron. xv.) tyed the king.


Whether or no a despotical or masterly dominion agree to the king, because he is king, 64

The king hath no masterly dominion over the subjects as if they were his servants, proved by four
arguments. The king not over men as reasonable creatures to domineer.-The king cannot give
away his kingdom or his people as if they were his proper goods. A violent surrender of liberty
tyeth not.-A surrender of ignorance is in so far involuntarily as it oblige not.-The goods of the
subjects not the king's, proved by eight arguments.-All the goods of the subjects are the king's
in a fourfold sense.

Whether or no the prince have properly the fiduciary or ministerial power of a tutor,

husband, patron, minister, head, master of a family, not of a lord or dominator,

The king a tutor rather than a father as these are distinguished.--A free community not properly
and in all respects a minor and pupil.-The king's power not properly marital and husbandly.—
The king a patron and servant.-The royal power only from God, immediatione simplicis consti-
tutionis, et solum solitudine causæ primæ, but not immediatione applicationis dignitatis ad perso-
-The king the servant of the people both objectively and subjectively.-The Lord and the
people by one and the same act according to the physical relation maketh the king.-The king
head of the people metaphorically only, not essentially, not univocally, by six arguments.--His
power fiduciary only.


Whether or no the king be in dignity and power above the people,

In what consideration the king is above the people, and the people above the king.-A mean, as a

mean, inferior to the end, how it is true-The king inferior to the people.-The church, because

the church, is of more excellency than the king, because king.-The people being those to whom

the king is given, worthier than the gift.-And the people immortal, the king mortal.-The king

a mean only,not both the efficient, or author of the kingdom, and a mean; two necessary distinc-

tions of a mean.-If sin had never been, there should have been no king.-The king is to give his

life for his people.-The consistent cause more excellent than the effect-The people than the

king. Impossible people can limit royal power, but they must give royal power also.-The peo-

ple have an action in making a king, proved by four arguments.-Though it were granted that

God immediately made kings, yet it is no consequent, God only, and not the people, can unmake

him. The people appointing a king over themselves, retain the fountain-power of making a king.

-The mean inferior to the end, and the king, as a king, is a mean.-The king, as a mean, and

also as a man, inferior to the people.--To swear non-self-preservation, and to swear self-murder,
all one. The people cannot make away their power, 1. Their whole power, nor 2. Irrevocably to
the king. The people may resume the power they give to the commissioners of parliament, when
it is abused. The tables in Scotland lawful, when the ordinary judicatures are corrupt.-Quod
efficit tale id ipsum magis tale discussed, the fountain-power in the people derived only in the king.
-The king is a fiduciary, a life-renter, not a lord or heritor.-How sovereignty is in the people.
--Power of life and death, how in a community.-A community void of rulers, is yet, and may
be a politic body.-Judges gods analogically.

Whether inferior judges be essentially the immediate vicegerents of God, as kings, not
differing in essence and nature from kings,

Inferior judges the immediate vicars of God, no less than the king.-The consciences of inferior
judges, immediately subordinate to God, not to the king, either mediately or immediately.-How


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