Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

North Uist Island, 151,

North-West Cape, 685, 740
North-West Passage, The,
563. 564

North-West Provinces and
Oudh (United Provinces)

North-West Territories of
Canada, The, 590
North York Moors, 127
Northallerton, 133
Northampton (England),
136, 146, 191
Northampton (Western
Australia), 745, 746
Northamptonshire, 146
Northern Highlands
(Scotland), The, 152
Northern Pacific Railway,
The, 610

Northern, Somali Coast,
The, 451, 506, 507
Northern Territory, S.
Australia, 730, 732
Northumberland, County
of, 137

Northumberland Strait,
584, 586
Northwich, 139
Norton Sound, 564
Norway, Sweden and, 274-


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Oasis of Tassili, 521
Oasis, The Great, 515
Oasis, The Little, 515
Oasis, The Western, 515
Oats, CS
Oban, 161, 197
Obbia, 506
Ober-Ammergau, 262
Obi, Gulf of, 333, 411
Obi, River, 339, 412
Obydos, 653
Occupations, 86
Ocean-Currents, The, 41
Ocean, Depth of the, 36
Ocean, The, 27
Oceania, 678

Oceanic Circulation, 39
Oceanic Inter-communica-
tion, 35

Ochil Hills, 152
Ochrida, Lake, 290
Ocker, River, 259
Odense, 273

Oder, River, 107, 250, 265
Odessa, 288

Odin, Mount, 760
Oca, 519

Esel Island, 101, 280
Eta, Mount, 300

Off Islands (New Zealand),
The, 757, 772-773
Offa's Dyke, 148
Ogden, 610, 623
Oglio, River, 306
Ogowai, River, 461, 539
Ogun River, 536
Ohinimuri County, 770
Ohio River, 556, 601, 615,

Ohio, State of, 621-622
Oil Rivers District, 537
Oka, River, 282

Okavango River, 465, 542,
575, 593, 602

Okeechobee, Lake, 618

Okhotsk, Sea of, 333, 411
Oklahoma, Territory of,


Oland Island, 101, 274
Old Calabar, 538

Old Calabar River, 537
Oldenburg, 259

Oldenburg, Grand Duchy
of, 259

Oldham, 136, 138, 182, 185,

Oleaginous plants, 74
Olekma, River, 339

Oléron Island, 226
Oli River, 527

Olifant Berge, The, 456
Olifants River, 479
Olona, River, 311
Olympia, 629

Olympus (Asia Minor),
Mount, 436, 441
Olympus (Cyprus), Mount,


Olympus (Turkey), Mount,
290, 300
Omagh, 173
Omaha, 623

Oman, Gulf of, 333, 428
Oman, Sultanate of, 449,
Omdurman, 511
Omoa, 637
Omsk, 415

Onega, Gulf of, 99
Onega, Lake, 112, 282
Onega, River, 107
Onehunga, 771
Onion, The, 69
Onitsha, 538

Ontario, Lake, 556, 573,
587, COO

Ontario, Province of, 587-


Oodeypore, Principality
of, 372
Ookiep, 481

Ootacamund, 358, 370
Oparo Island, 796
Ophir, 500

Ophir, Mount, 388
Opium, 74

Opobo, 538

Oporto, 329, 330
Oran, 518

Orange, Cape, 619, 662

Orange River, 69, 462, 479.

488, 489, 494, 497

Orange River Colony,The,

Ord Biwer, 742
Oregon, State of, 629
Orenburg, 288
Orfa 444

Orinoco, River, 652-653, 658
Orissa Coast, The, 355
Orissa, State of, 370
Oristano, 315

Orizaba, Mount, 554, 630
Orkney and Shetland,
Counties of, 164
Orkneys, The, 151, 164
Orleans, 233

Orleans, Isle of, 573, 580
Ormuz Island, 429

Ormuz, Strait of, 333, 428,

429, 446

Oroliena, Mount, 795

Orontes, River, 340, 437

Orona County, 770

Orsova, 111, 264

Ortegal, Cape, 100, 317

Orthographic Projection, 23
Ortler Spitz, Mount, 245,264

Oruba Island, 647
Orwell, River, 128
Osaka, 393, 395
Osaka, Gulf of, 391
Osborne, 142
Ossa, Mount, 290, 300
Ostend, 238, 239
Ostiaks, The, 413, 414
Ostrich feathers, 50
Oswego, 573, 614
Oswestry, 139, 189
Otago District, 764, 769
Otago Harbour, 756
Otamatea County, 770
Otranto, Strait of, 289,304
Otsu, 892

Ottawa, 580, 581, 583, 588
Ottawa River, 573, 586, 587
Otto (or Attar) of Roses, 75
Otter, River, 128
Ottoman Empire, The, 239
Otway, Cape, 685, 713
Oudenarde, 239

Oudh, Province of, 366
Oudtshoorn, 482
Ouessant Island, 226
Ourthe, River, 236
Ouse (Sussex), River, 142
Ouse (Yorkshire), River,
107, 128

Ouse, The Great, 129
Ouse, The Little, 129
Outeniqua Range, 456
Ovalau Island, 787
Ovampoland, 493
Ovens River, 689, 714
Overyssel, Province of, 243
Oviedo, 322, 323
Owen Stanley Range, 776
Oxford, 145, 221

Oxford Canal, The, 199
Oxfordshire, 145
Oxley's Peak, 657, 701
Oxus, River, 99, 345, 416
Oyapok River, 660
Oyster Bay, 748

Ozark Mountains, 599, 621

PAARL, District of, 482
Pacific Highlands, The,
554, 597

Pacific Ocean, The, 27, 333
Pacific River System, The
Asiatic Section of the,

Pacific River System, The
Australian Section of
the, 688-689
Padan-Aram, 444
Padang, 388

Padua, 312

Pago Island, 264

Pahang, State of, 384
Pahiatua County, 770

Paisley, 159, 153, 156, 197
Paita, 674

Paknam, 381

Palæocrystic Sea, The,
551, 561

Palanpur, State of, 370

Palapye, 490

Palar, River, 344, 358
Palatinate, The, 262
Palawan Island, 390
Palembang, 355
Palermo, 314

Palestine, 434, 442-443
Palestre, 311
Palicat Lagoon, 358
Palk Strait, 355, 374
Pallas, 171
Palliser Bay, 756
Pailiser, Cape, 757
Pan Oil, 73

Palma (Balearic Islands),
318, 3:5

Palma (West Africa), 536
Palma Island, 547
Palmas, Cape, 452, 793
Palmer River, 725, 729
Palmerston, 736, 738
Palmerston County, 737
Palmyra, 443

Palmyras, Point, 344, 355
Palos, 524
Palti, Lake, 404
Pamir Plateau, The, 325,

336, 476.416
Pamlico Sound, 506
Pampa, Territory of La,


Pampas, The, 652, 667
Pamplona, 325
Panama, 677

Panama, Republic of, 677
Panama, Isthmus of, 550,
351, 553, 69, 677
Panama Ship Canal, 677
Panay Island, 590
Pangani, 503
Pango Pango, 794
Panj nad, The River, 344,


Paparoa Mountains, 760
Papeete, 795

Papua, Gulf of 776

Papuan Islands, The, 780
Papuans, The, 60, 777
Pará, 665
Pará, Rio do, 665
Pará, State of, 684
Parafin oil, 85
Paraguay, Republic of


Paraguay, River, 654, 662,
665, 667, 672
Parahyba, River, 655
Parahyba, State of, 664
Parallels, 16, 17
Paramaribo, 661

Paraná, 663

Paraná, River, 654, 662,

Paraná, State of, 664
Paranahyba, River, 655
Paria, Gulf of, 649
Parime Mountains, 651,

Parina, Cape, 649

Paris, 227, 232

Paris, The Treaty of, 582
Parisnath, Mount, 356
Park Range, 597
Parkersburg, 617

"Parks" of Colorado,
The, 597
Parma, 312

Parma, Duchy of, 310
Parnassus, Mount, 300
Paropamisan Mountains,


Paros Island, 300
Parramatta, 705, 711
Parret, River, 140
Parry Islands, 563
Parsis, The, 352, 360, 431
Parsonstown, 171
Pasco, 674

Pasco, Tableland of, 653,

Passamaquoddy Bay, 585
Passaro, Cape, 100, 301
Passau, 110, 250
Patagonian Archipelago,
The, 619, 650

Patangata County, 770
Patani, 380

Patea County, 770
Paterson, 615
Paterson Inlet, 756
Patiala, State of, 370
Patmos. Isle of, 435
Patos, Lake, 655
Patras, 303, 366

Patras, Gulf of, 99, 299
Pau, 234

Pauillac, 234

Paulo Affonso Falls, 655

Pavia, 311

Paxo Island, 300

Paysandu, 666

Peace River, 556, 575, 591,


Peak, The, 125, 144

Peak Downs, The, 725

Peak Head, 739, 760
Peak Mountains, 593
Pearl River 612

Pe-chi-li, Gulf of, 397, 308
Pe-chi-li, Province of, 403
Pe-chi-li, Strait of, 397
Pecos River, 601
Pedee River, 601
Pedias, River, 445
Pedro Cays, The, 641
Peebles, 158, 197
Peebleshire, 158
Peel, 124, 223
Peel Fell, 197
Peel, Mount, 760
Pegasus Bay, 756
Pegasus, Port, 756
Pegu, District of, 379
Pegu, Plain of, 333, 377
Pei-ho, River, 309, 401
Peipus, Lake, 112, 282
Peiwar Pass, The, 422

[blocks in formation]

Peshawar, 354, 367, 424
Petchora, River, 107, 281
Peterborough, 146, 189
Peterhead, 162, 197, 217
Petersburgh, 736
Peterwardein, 265
Petit Anse, 605
Petra, 450

Petræa, Arabia, 436, 447
Petroleum, 85

Pevensey Bay, 142
Phases of the Moon, The,


Phasis, River, 420
Phazania, 519

Philadelphia (Asia Minor),


Philadelphia (United
States), 601, 616
Philiphaugh, 158
Philippeville, 540
Philippine Islands, 325,
33, 390

Philippopolis, 295
Phillip Island, 714
Phillip, Port, 684
Phoenix, 623

Phoenix Islands, 732
Physical Geography, 1, 25-


Piako County, 770
Piako River, 760
Piauly, State of, 664
Pic de Nethou, 318
Pic du Midi, 226
Picardy, Province of, 232
Pico de Teyde (or the

Peak of Teneriffe), 318
Picton, 767, 772
Piedmont, 308, 311
Pieman River, 748, 750,
752, 754

Pietermaritzburg, 486
Pietra, Mount, 264

Pigeon River, 567

Pike's Peak, 597

Pilatus, Mount, 216, 218
Pilbarra, 744

Pilcomayo, River, 654
"Pillars of Hercules,"
The, 325
Pilot Knob, 622
Pilot, Mount, 714
Pimento, 71

Pindus Range, The, 104,


Pine-apple, The, 70
Pine Creek, 736, 738
Pines, 77

Pines, Isle of, 784
Pinkie, 157

Pinsk, 287

Piræus, The, 302

Pirie, l'ort, 706, 755, 736,
Pisa, 313

Pisaqua, 670

Pishin Railway, The

Sind-, 423, 426, 427

Pishin Valley, The, 422

Pisuerga, River, 323
Pitcairn Island, 796
Pitch Lake (Trinidad),
The, 644
Pitea, River, 275

Piton de Fournaise, The,


Piton des Neiges, The, 545

Pittenweem, 161
Pittsburg, 615

Placentia, 566
Placentia Bay, 565

Plains of Abraham, 587

Planets, The, 4

Plant Life, 55

Plant-Products, 67
Plant Zones, 55
Plassey, 336

Plate, The River, 667
Platinum, 84
Platten See, The, 112, 265
Platte River, 623
Pleisse, River, 260, 200
Plessidi, Mount, 330
Plinlimmon, Mount, 126,

[blocks in formation]

Pomona Island, 151
Pompeii, 105, 305, 314
Ponapa Ísland, 789
Ponce, 646
Pondicherry, 374
Pondoland, 484

Pongola River, 497, 512
Ponta Delgada, 330
Pontianak, 383
Pontianak River, 388
Pontus Luxinus, The, 441
Pontypool, 133, 183
Poole, 143, 218

Poona, 369

Popo, Grand, 535

Popo, Little, 535

Popocatepetl, M., 554, 630
Porcupine Hills, 569
Port Albany, 722
Port Alfre 1, 451, 483
Port Adelaide, 726, 737
Port Arthur (C'an ida), 581
Port Arthur (China), 408,

Port Arthur (Tasmania)


Port Augusta, 735, 736, 738
Port Blair, 355
Port Bowen, 722
Port Chal rs, 767, 771
Port Curtis, 22
Port Curtis District, 728
Port Dalhousie, 573
Port Dalrymple, 748, 749
Port Darwin, 730, 736, 733
Port Darwin Camp, 738
Port Davey, 748
Port Denison, 722, 728
Port Dinorwic, 218
Port Douglas, 729
Port Durnford, 486
Port Elizabeth, 481, 483
Port Esperance, 748
Port Fairy, 720

Port Glasgow, 159, 190
Port Hamilton, 408
Port Hunter, 699

Port Huron, 624

Port Jackson, 684, 699, 710

Port Lloyd, 783

Port Kennedy, 685

Port Louis, 545

Port Lyttelton, 767

Port Macquarie, 748
Port Madryn, 669
Port Melbourne, 719
Port Musgrave, 722, 723
Port Moresby, 779
Port Natal, 453, 486
Port Nelson, 568, 574, 582,

Port Nicholson, 756, 770
Port Nolloth, 481, 482
Port of Spain, 614

Port Patrick, 158, 197
Port Pegasus, 756
Port Phillip, 684

Port Phillip Bay, 713, 714
Port Pirie, 706, 735, 786,


Port Roval, 641
Port Said, 514
Port Sorell, 748
Port Stanley, 669
Port Stephens, 699
Port Victor, 736, 738
Port Victoria, 546
Port Wakefield, 736, 738
Port William, 669
Portadown, 172
Portage (United States),

Portage La Prairie (Can
ada), 589
Portalegre, 329
Portarlington, 171

Port-au-Prince, 648
Portishead, 217

Portland (England), 218

Portland (Maine, United
States), 613
Portland (Oregon, United
States), 610, 629
Portland (Tasmania), 752
Portland (Victoria), 720
Portland Bay, 714
Portland Bill, 123
Portland, Cape, 748
Portland, Isle of, 143
Portland Roads, 124
Porto Bello, 677
Porto de San Paolo, 316
Porto Novo, 535
Porto Praya, 549
Porto Rico, Island of, 553,

Porto Santo Island, 330
Porto Seguro, 535
Porto Torres, 315
Portobello, 157
Portree, 163
Portsea, 216

Portsmouth, 136, 142, 190,

Portsmouth Harbour, 128

Portsoy, 162

Portugal, 326-330

Portuguese East Africa,

Portuguese Guinea, 132
Portuguese West Africa,
530, 542
Portuguese, The, 328
Posen, 257

Posen, Province of, 257
Positions of Places, 12, 15,


Possession Island, 493

Potamos, River, 445
Potato, The, 68

Potchefstroom, 497
Potenza, 313
Poti, 340, 421

Potomac, River, 601, 616
Potosi, 672, 673

Potsdam, 257, 258
Potteries, The, 134, 144,
182, 191

Pottsville, 615
Poverty Bay, 756

[blocks in formation]

Prince Albert, 582, 589,
590, 591

Prince Albert Land, 563
Prince Edward Island,
553, 586
Prince of Wales, Cape,
550, 553

Prince of Wales' Island,

(Queensland), 722, 726
Prince of Wales' Island
(Straits Settlements),
Prince of Wales' Island
(United States), 553, 564
Prince of Wales Land, 563
Prince of Wales Strait, 563
Prince Regent Inlet, 551
Prince's Island, 453, 548
Princess Charlotte Bay,

Pripet, River, 287
Progreso, 634

Prohibition (of Trade), 95
Projections, Map, 22, 23
Prome, 379

Protection, 95

Protestantism, 62

Provence, Province of, 232

Providence, 614

Providence Island, New,

Prusa, 441

Prussia, 256-259

Prussia, East, 256

Prussia Proper, 259

Pruth, River, 111, 236, 291
Ptolemais, 442

"Public Land" (United
States), The, 619

Puebla, 633

Pueblo, 626

Puerta Plata, 618
Puerto Caballo, 659

Puget Sound, 596, 598, 629
Pukaki, Lake, 761
Pulses or food fruits, 70
Punakha, 374
Pungwe Bay, 501
Pungwe River, 492, 500
Punjab, The, 344, 358, 367,

Punta Arenas, 638

Punta de Promontore, 264
Punta della Planca, 264
Purbeck, Isle of, 143
Purcell Mountains, 569,


Purus River, 653
Pusht-i-Kuh Mountains,

Putumayo, River, 653, 675
Puy-de-Dôme, The, 227
Pygmies, The, 469
Pyramids, The, 515
Pyramus, River, 441
Pyrenees (Europe), The,
103, 226, 318

Pyrenees (Victoria), The,
687, 714

Quantock Hills, 127
Qu'Appelle, 590
Qu'Appelle Valley, The,


Quarnero, Gulf of, 264
Quatre-bras, 239

Quebec, 580, 581, 582, 587
Quebec, Province of, 585-

Queen Charlotte Islands,

Queen Charlotte Sound

(Canada), 55%, 569
Queen Charlotte Sound

(New Zealand), 772
Queenborough, 141, 213
Queen's Channel, 730
Queen's County, 171
Queen's Jubilee River, 776
Queensland, 678, 721-729
Queenstown (Ireland), 175
Queenstown (New Zea-
land), 771

Queenstown (South
Africa), 481, 483
Quelpart Island 408
Quesnelle River, 576
Quesnellemouth, 576, 594
Quetta, 422, 427
Quilimane, 500
Quilimane River, 500
Quito, 675

Quito, The Andes of, 650-


Quito, The Plateau of, 652
Quitta, 534
Quorn, 736

Quorra River, 461

Rabba, 537
Race, Cape, 552, 565
Races of Men, 59-60
Radack Chain (of islands),
The, 789
Radnorshire, 148
Raglan County, 770
Rahad, River, 507
Railway Time Standard
(of the United States
and Canada), The, 19


Railways, 93-94
Rain, 46
Rainfall, 46
Rainy Lake, 567
Rainy River, 567
Raisins, 69
Rajmahal, 343

Rajmahal Hills, 344, 356


Rakas Tal, Lake, 404
Raleigh, 617

Ralick Chain (of islands),
The, 789

Ralph Bay Peninsula, 748
Ramillies, 239

Rampur, State of, 370
Ramsey, 124, 223
Ramsgate, 141

Randberg Mountains,
The, 456

Rangitikei County, 770
Rangun, 362, 379
Raoul Island, 773
Rapa Island, 796
Rarotonga Island, 795
Ras al Had, Cape, 333
Ras Dashan Mountain,
456, 508

Rases Sufsâfel Mountain,

Ras Hafun, Cape, 506, 507
Ras Kasar, Cape, 506, 507
Ras Sair, Cape, 451
Rassova, 111

Rathlin Island, 166
Ratisbon, 262
Ravenna, 312

Ravenswood, 725, 727, 728
Ravi, River, 344, 358
Raw cotton, 76, 359, 513,

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