duced another WASHINGTON; but the greater probability is that he is destined to remain forever, as he now is, the Phoenix of human kind. 6 IN the time of the Creek war, in which General Jackson so eminently signalized his courage and ability, the army was reduced to the lowest extremity for want of provisions. "On one occasion," says Mr. Garland, in his eulogy of the General, "A soldier in the rear of the army perceived Jackson seated under an oak tree, leisurely eating, Well,' thought he, the General has taken good care of himself, and left the poor soldier to starve. I'll go and beg a morsel of bread.' Yes, says the General, 'I never turn away the hungry; and offering a handful of acorns, added he, I will most cheerfully divide with you such food as I have.' The soldier gazed with tearful and mute admiration on his now thrice-beloved chief, and marched on with a more cheerful heart. There is nothing the soldier will not endure when shared by his leader. Arriving at the fort, they found the sick and the guard left to protect them in as starving a condition as themselves." |