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goodness of God's law, ond to

feel the righteousness of this sentence pronounced by that law on its every transgressor, he can never see the glory of Christ's obedience, the excellence of his atonement, the importance of his mediation. Before a sinner be reconciled to the law, he can neither rightly understand, nor heartily embrace, the gospel salvation. A sinner cannot enter into the scheme of redemption, as suited to guilty and depraved creatures, as securing a large tribute of glory to the sacred Three, till he view himself in the same light as God did the world when he sent the Son to be a propitiation for sin.

such a renovation cannot be effected without a dissolution of the whole frame, or a change equivalent to a dissolution? Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We shall not all die, we shall all be changed. So deeply has the plague of sin entered into the timbers and joints of our tabernacle, that it must be taken to pieces, cleansed, purified, and re-edified to become the eternal residence of a holy soul.

Towards the close of the dis- · course, there is a strain of tender and empassioned eloquence, rising and swelling, which does equal honour to the memory of the deceased, and the affection, feeling, and talent of the surviving friend.

This is a tone of sentiment in which we are happy to find the Doctor taking a decided part. The composition is easy, corMay he be accompanied and fol-rect, and nervous. The sentences lowed by the ministers of Christ sometimes long and flowing, throughout the world. sometimes brief and pointed, are

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Did room permit, our inclina-varied with great taste and judg tion would induce us to go along ment. Carelessness and haste with the sermon from page to do appear in some places; but page. There is much curious the recollection of the Doctor's matter where the author is as- age and occupations, and of the signing some reasons why the short time allowed for such serbody of a Christian is subject-mons, represses all desire of exed to death, while the soul con- posing inaccuracies. This sertinues to live, and to live in the mon is one of the many impeof Christ till the morn- rishable monuments which the presence ing of the resurrection. We hands of Christian friendship are wish that the author, who can rearing to the memory of the late bring so exercised a mind, and Secretary to the Baptist Mission. such deep experience to the investigation of scripture doctrine, had enlarged here in his elucidations. "If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness." May not the meaning be this, that the body is brought into such a state of debility, disease, and baseness, through sin, that without a complete renovation, it cannot enter the heavenly world? And, that

Reflections on the Fall of a great Man: A sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. A. Fuller, of Kettering, &c. by W. Newman, President of the Baptist Academical Institution, at Stepney.

THE Lord from heaven said to his disciples: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in

heaven;" and the words were engraven, by the Holy Spirit of God, on the heart of our friend who is fallen asleep. He was a

tice, as many of you must have witpessed, when you have seen him in


to the fine melting tones of his voice;-to the marks of strong and tender feeling which always appeared;-to the pictures with which he delighted the imagination of his good man, for he had a good audience;-to the lustre and the treasure in his heart; and a weight of his name as a writer. useful minister of Jesus Christ, Few, if any, preachers, of any defor, in his ministry, he constantly nomination, could command a greatbrought forth good things. Heer number of hearers, on short nowas eminently distinguished by integrity; his zeal was holy and ardent, and, to his exertions in the cause of Christ, it is probable that he died a martyr-yet no man could justly charge him with manifesting a desire to exhibit himself. With the efful-fly upon a wheel;" nor with any cugence of Christian holiness he wished to be surrounded, that others might see his good works, but not him; and that he might be forgotten, while his heavenly Father was glorified.

When such a man as this retires to heaven, and the church of God on earth is deprived of his labours, it is not suprising, that all good men should lay it to heart. Among the many ministers who improved the death of Mr. Fuller, a few of them have published their discourses, and that which is now before us, justly merits public attention.




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Mr. Newman's text is taken from 2 Sam. iii. 38; and he considers its application to the deceased, in nine distinct points of view, viz. to his "native talents," "unostentatious zeal," " uniform perseverance," decision,' consistency," courage," popularity," " personal piety," and, finally, to the " rare combination," the "constellation of excellencies," which marked his character. Under that which relates to his popularity as a preacher; the following nervous passage will revive the recollections of many.

"This has been ascribed, by some, VOL. VII.

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"The topics on which he constantly insisted, were the weightier matters of the law;"-things of universal interest. He never entert tained his hearers with "breaking a

rious trifles. His method was very
perspicuous: lucid order prevailed
through the whole, and every thing
appeared in its own place. After
the explanation of terms and of
things, he generally selected what
he called the leading sentiment of
and confined himself to
tinged with the spirit of the scrip-
that one point. His style was deeply,
tures; and his allusions to sacred
history were remarkably happy.
His delivery was grave and solemn,
not adapted to make sport, but to
inspire those emotions which accord
The late amiable Pearce used to say,
with the design of the sacred office.

Every word tells.' There was a tone of decision in his preaching, which seemed to indicate that he intended and expected to do some good in one way or in another; and

his sword and his bow returned the good hand of God upon him, he not empty:' (2 Sam. i. 22.) Through was not disappointed. He aimed at the heart, and evidently felt that his business in the pulpit was to exalt and to endear Christ; to draw all men to him; to unite all hearts in

his cause, and all hands in his service. Like Abner, he was ambitious of gathering all Israel' to his Lord the King, that the Lord's anointed might reign over all, according to his heart's desire.-2 Sam.' iii. 21."

We are not quite certain that any one will find fault with our author on account of his text; but we'

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are disposed to think, that they ought to be pleased with his sermon. If the greatness of Abner was of a different kind to that of Fuller, the excellence described in the sermon, is that which the Secretary to the Baptist mission fully possessed, and constantly exhibited.

On this passage the author builds two reflections.

First. The removal of faithful ministers, from their office, by death, is a cause of deep afflic tion to the church. Mr. Ivimey assigns four reasons why we should lament their death.-Because the condition of unregenerate sinners is thereby rendered increasingly dangerous. The means of spiritual edification provided for believers, are di

We, very cordially, recommend this discourse, because it is sensible, perspicuous; exhibits an impressive example of holy excellence, and has a uni-minished.-There are fewer performly good tendency.

sons to defend the truth against opposers. Their number is reduced who may be expected to feel compassion for the destitute condition of unenlightened hea


The perpetual intercession of Christ for his Church, a source of Consolation, under the Loss of useful Second. The perpetual interMinisters, a Sermon, preached at Eagle-street Meeting, London, May cession of our Lord Jesus Christ the 21st, 1815, as a Tribute of af- affords a ground of strong consofectionate Respect to the Memory of lation under such afflictive events. the late Rev. Andrew Fuller. By Under this reflection, the writer Joseph Ivimey. introduces four particulars also. THE death of Mr. A. Fuller-Continual accessions will still has produced a strong sensation be made to the church by the throughout the religious public. conversion of sinners. The His brethren in the ministry, in means of edification will still be all parts of the kingdom, have provided for the church.-There hastened to pay a tribute of re- will still be persons provided to verence to his memory. And maintain and defend the purity many, who were almost strangers of truth in the church. The conto his character, talents, and version of the heathen, by the writings, cannot but revere a universal spread of the gospel, name so strictly interwoven with will certainly be accomplished. the fabric of the Baptist mission to India. The name of Fuller does excite, and will long excite, a strong pulsation of interest in the friends of the perishing heathen. The occasion and subject of this sermon cannot fail to insure it a wide circulation. And we are happy to seize an early opportunity of giving our testimony to the solid excellencies of this production. Both the plan and the execution, receive our approbation and praise. The text is, Heb. vii. 23-25.

The sermon contains a sketch of Mr. Fuller's dying experience, and of the leading features of his character; and concludes with an appropriate improvement.

The execution is not unworthy of the design: the sentences are short; the style is perspicuous, correct, nervous, and sometimes elegant. The language flows freely from the author's pen, sparkling with many allusions to the sacred scriptures, and enriched with many appropriate quotations from them. The dress

mediation, which the Spirit delights to take and show to the minds of men?

of Mr. Ivimey becomes his cha- | racter as a servant of Christ, free from the tawdry ornaments which show the vitiated taste, not the Under the third particular of chaste judgment, of the wearer. the first part, is introduced an Simplicity of diction cannot be too account of Mr. Fuller's writings. eagerly cultivated by the preach-In estimating the character of ers of the gospel, in a period Mr. Fuller as a Christian, and when, too frequently, the play his utility as a minister of the of fancy is preferred to the la-churches, this is fairly done. bour of intellect, and pompous His whole soul is brought into epithets are introduced in crowds his compositions. The cast of to hide the want of mental beauty. his mind, his sentiments, his His illustrations are plain, feelings, his passions, his favourbrief, and forcible. In some ite subjects, may be easily gaplaces, brevity is indulged rather thered from them. to excess. And were the author to review the illustrations of the four particulars belonging to the second part of his subject, he might question, if they were as distinct and separate as they ought to be.

Near the bottom of the tenth page is the following anecdote of Mr. Fuller, which merits the attention of all engaged in the sacred ministry: "I was once complaining to him of the difficulty I found to preach so as to edify the people. Preach Christ,' said he, make him prominent in every sermon.' He added, Some years ago, I heard, before I left the town where I had been preaching, that it was said, I had not preached Christ to them. I mused on this, when, returning home, and thought, Well, it may probably be true, that I did not preach Christ sufficiently to them. But I am resolved, by divine help, that my hearers shall not have to complain of that again, as I am determined, in future, not to preach on any other subject than Christ and him crucified."" Many ministers complain, that their labours are unsuccessful. Do they habitually preach the truths of Christ's person, and work, and grace, and

He began his distinguished career of authorship by the celebrated piece, " The Gospel worthy of all Acceptation; or, the Duty of Sinners to believe in Christ." Mr. Ivimey thus expresses himself on this piece: "He has been much blamed for stirring up a controversy fatal to the peace of our churches. He, however, considered it as necessary, in order earnestly to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints; and that the truth of the gospel might continue, which was in danger of being expelled by the ascendancy of a system, which, while it would not admit of the gospel being preached to every creature, led unconverted hearers to conclude, that their rejection of the gospel arose more from the sin of Adam than from their own sin; and that their final destruction depended more on the decree of God appointing them to wrath, than on the depravity of their hearts, which prevented them from coming to Christ, that they might have life. Mr. Fuller's design was to prove, that the only reason why sinners did not repent and believe the gospel, was the depravity of their hearts, manifested by their love of sin,

introduce facts in the place of some of his reasonings, the book would have been more serviceable to the bulk of readers.

Practices, indulged and defended by the most devoted par

were fairly and judiciously exposed, throw clearer light on the spirit and tendency of Sandemanianism, than the strongest chain of sound reasoning.

and their enmity to the ways of God," &c. It ay not be improper to say, that the obligation of sinners, to whom the message of mercy is sent, to forsake their sins, to seek the favour of their Maker, to embrace the redemp-tizans of the sect, would, if they tion of Christ; in a word, to secure the salvation of their souls, does not rest on any metaphysical question. Whether depravity of heart be the only cause of unbelief, or whether other causes combine with enmity of heart to produce a rejection of the gospel grace, does not at all affect the plain declarations of God's word on the subject. Mr. Fuller wrote that treatise in 1781, when he was young in years, and had been a short time in the ministry. His second work was, "The Tendency of the Calvinistic and Socinian Systems compared." This is a masterly performance, and soon stamped his character for deep and correct thinking, for enlarged views, for genuine candour, for decided and evangelical sentiments. We wish that Mr. Ivimey had allowed himself to expatiate, at some length, on the merits of this work, which throws a lustre on the denomination to which the author belongs, and which first brought the writer of it forward on the stage of deserved celebrity.

Mr. Ivimey just notices the work against Deism, and concludes, by introducing his last polemical treatise, "Strictures on Sandemanianism." "In this," says Mr. Ivimey, "he has discovered an intellect of the acutest order. Here he has laid hold of a spirit which was too subtile for most men to have perceived." The spirit of Sandemanianism may be subtile and invisible, but the body is gross and tangible. Had Mr. Fuller permitted himself to

We lay this sermon down with reluctance. Its composition reflects honour on the talents and piety, and spirit of the worthy writer. Yet we cannot conclude, without respectfully intreating Mr. Ivimey to do greater justice to his own talents, by employing more time, and taking more pains in his compositions intended for the press. The age is fastidious; literature, of a light kind, at least, is widely diffused; and a certain elegance, the result of much care and correctness, both in thinking and composing, is expected, nay, demanded of the candidates for public attention and dation.


Facts and Evidences on the Subject of
Infant Baptism, by the Editor of
Calmet's Dictionary.

WE should certainly have taken no notice of this production, had it not been first so much praised by the conductors of the Evangelical Magazine. We are sincerely grieved to find, that they will not either let the controversy drop, or conduct it in a different manner. It seems impossible for any thing to appear against the Baptists, which will not be cried up in that publication. It would appear, now, that they could be reconciled to Immersion, if they may but escape SUBmersion. For,

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