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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846. by MARY L. WARE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.




THIS Volume the first of a series of Mr. Ware's Works contains his Miscellaneous Writings, in Prose, of a lighter character, and selections from his Poetry. All the articles in prose are reprinted, with the exception of the lecture on the Poetry of Mathematics. A large portion of the poetry has never before been published.


THIS uniform edition of the Works of the late Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., has been prepared at the request of many of his friends, under the permission, and for the benefit, of his family. No one of the latter being in a situation to undertake this duty of commemoration, the peculiar relations which had subsisted between their deceased relative and his successor in the pastoral charge of the Second Church appeared to them a sufficient index to an editor who would esteem the selection of himself, for such an office, another mark of friendship, and who would not regard the labor-so far as he might be adequate to its performance in the light of a burden. Another might have been found who would have discharged the duty more satisfactorily, but none who would have undertaken it more readily and affectionately.

All the manuscripts were put into my hands in December, 1845, with liberty of making a selection of such as it might appear desirable to publish; care

being used to conform, as nearly as possible, to the supposed intentions and wishes of their author. The most useful, the most interesting, the most characteristic, and the most finished of these manuscripts I have felt myself fully authorized to use, under the close restriction, as to quantity, which Mr. Ware's wellknown delicacy of feeling and soundness of judgment imposed.

From the works already published, which are quite numerous, I have selected the most valuable, and, at the same time, the most suitable to these volumes.

The labor bestowed upon the selection, revision, and printing of these writings of my beloved instructor and predecessor, is a slight offering of gratitude and veneration to his memory; and if the volumes, when finished, shall appear to have been not unworthily edited, I shall unfeignedly rejoice.

BOSTON, 15th April, 1846.


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