Imágenes de páginas

ken off. The rock is of the dull reddish co- the rock, tracing the character, and paintlour, common to the stones in that neighbourhood. Tradition says, that in the last century it stood as much as four rods from the river, but the inhabitants by digging round it, upon the foolish expectation of finding money, gave a passage to the tide. It is agreed on all hands, that the inscription is hieroglyphical; but for want of an exact copy of it, no satisfactory explanation has been given. A very imperfect copy was published, early in this century, in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, and about twenty years ago a much more accurate one was taken by Professor Sewall, which is deposited in the Museum of the University in Cambridge.".

In the course of August, 1788, Mr. Winthrop took a copy of it. He was as sisted by the Rev. Mr. West and Col. Edward Pope, both of New-Bedford, and the Rev. Mr. Smith and Judge Baylies, of Dighton. The method of taking the transcript is very particularly described, and as it proves the perfection of the copy, may be of service on similar occasions. We will give it in Mr. Winthrop's own words.

"We spent one day in cleaning the face of

ing it black, beginning to work when the water had fallen so as not to be above our knees, and finished the operation when the water was about as deep upon the flood. The next day the same company went to the rock, provided with a large sheet of paper of the whole size of the inscription, and after retracing the character with paint, to cure any viscidity which the first paint might have contracted from the extreme heat of the weather, we applied the paper to the face of the rock, two of us managing the ends of the sheet, and the others, with towels, which we dipt into the river, pressing the paper upon the rock. As soon as the paper was dry enough to be removed, we laid it upon the shore, and completed the character with ink. Afterwards I brought it home, and hanging it up to the light, traced the inscription with ink upon the other side of the paper, it ha ving been reversed by the manner of copy. ing it from the rock.

"The inscription comes within eight inches of the bottom of the rock, and runs

off at the top and ends, which makes it highly probable that it has suffered considerably since it was first wrought. The character is generally about half an inch wide, and very shallow, appearing as if it were made by some pointed instrument." E

ART. 4. Essays on Hypochondriacal and other Nervous Affections. By John Reid, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and late Physician of the Finsbury Dispensary. 8vo. 209 pp. M. CAREY & SON. Philadelphia.


can furnish few characters plore the secret springs of action. more worthy of love and veneration, Pharmacy,' says Doctor Reid, ‘is but than that of an accomplished physician. a small part of physic; medical cannot If he be adequately endowed and tho- be separated from moral science withroughly furnished for his good work,' out reciprocal and essential mutilation.' he becomes not only the soother of pain In conformity with this opinion is that and the healer of disease, but one of the of our illustrious countryman, Doctor most efficient auxiliars of morality and Rush, that if physicians would become public order. In order that he may better metaphysicians, and metaphysi become so accomplished, however, he cians better physicians, it would essenmust not confine his attention to the tially facilitate the inquiries, and throw study merely of inorganic and irra- light on the pursuits of both. Nor tional nature, and the laws of the ani- would physicians and metaphysicians mal economy; he should, also, as the only, find advantage in uniting the stumeans of his most extensive usefulness dies of natural and moral science. The and the crown of his glory, analyze the ministers of religion and the instructors human heart-ascertain the constituent of youth-all, whose care it is to preprinciples of the moral agent-and ex- pare members for society and citizens


for the state, would find the means of and pride of opinion, have retained usefulness greatly multiplied in their their systems; and instead of contrihands, if they would extend their stu- buting to the original stock'of knowdies, far more than they do, to those ledge, or to their own gradual renovadepartments of learning, which are re- tion, have remained, for the most part, garded by the vulgar, both the bookish immoveably moored to the same staand the illiterate, as proper only for tion, by the strength of their cables and the doctor. They would then be en- the weight of their anchors, measuring abled to urge obedience to the divine the rapidity of the current by which command, and encourage the practice the rest of the world is borne along.' of virtue by a thousand touching mo- Even at this day, the spirit which pretives, with which they are either total- dominates in most ancient seats of ly unacquainted, or which, from their learning, has emanated from systems of very limited knowledge, they cannot education that were established ages exhibit with skill. The more nearly ago, in the eclipse of science, and when the teacher of truth can approach, and learning pursued her inquiries in the the more completely he is enabled to pale glimmer of the cloister, more carecomprehend the whole nature of the ful about words than things. The consubject of his exhortation, the more tinuance of such systems, at this period convincing may he render his argument of the world, when the state of knowand the more winning will be his per- ledge and the opinions out of which suasion. The motives drawn from the they grew, have so long since passed consideration of a future state, and the away, is like opening the prison doors nature of ultimate retribution, sublime to a captive, and leading him forth to and effectual as they are, when arrayed light, and air, and nature, but insisting before the clear-sighted and wise eye that he shall still wear his iron collar, of faith, are but too often unavailing, if and his chain and ball. Light began to opposed to the temporary but tangible dawn on the nature of man as soon as inducements which passion brings so philosophy quit conjecture for experinear; when, if they were aided by a ment. This light has increased with wider range of argument, drawn from the unfolding glories of the science of an extensive and intimate acquaintance medicine, and though, for a long time, it with the multiform character of man, was streaked with the hues of morning, the passions themselves might be enlist- the various rays appear to be blending ed in their enforcement, and, producing into bright beams of steady effulgence. their due results, they would be follow- A sublime improvement yet remains to ed by a long and bright train of happy consequences. Scholastic systems, and the forms and genius of public education, instead of keeping pace with the general progress of society, and constantly harmonizing with the character of the times, have ever been among the last subjects of reformation.

be made in the education of the ministers of religion, as well as the professors of medicine. It is the union of natural and moral science. Solomon, whose wisdom was the light of his age, knew every plant, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop on the wall;' and it is not to be doubted, that the The improved condition of society profound, luminous views which he took in modern times, must be attributed of practical ethics, are to be explained chiefly to the advancement of physical by his extensive knowledge. Through science, and while its cultivators, by the medium of science and observation, their individual or combined exer- divine wisdom chose to convey that iltions, have contributed so largely to the lumination to the mind of the son of benefit of mankind, academic institu- David, which shed a ray of glory over tions, with an aristocratic haughtiness the age in which he lived, and added

splendour to the Jewish name. Tad- not the only good consequence of such mor has been for ages a heap of ruins; a system of education. The period of Jerusalem-the prophecy, not in this instruction was thereby necessarily city,' has long since been fulfilled-the lengthened, and boys were not sent forth gold of Ophir is exhausted, and the into society to fill the stations and perTemple has fallen; but the memory of form the functions of men. Not only the Preacher' has descended through was the individual benefited, in this all the reverses of the nation over which way, but the state also was a gainer; he ruled, gathering new honours with the resources of the one were augmentevery successive generation. ed, and the other was presented with

In medicine, too, the noblest tri- an efficient member. If the changes in umph is to be achieved. The day is the manners of modern times, and paryet to come, and it will come, when ticularly the revolution in the art of the skill of the physician will be em- war, have rendered the gymnasium less ployed, not so much in prescribing necessary in a political view than it remedies, as in furnishing antidotes- was, still these changes have not dirather in establishing the general regi- minished the force of the reasons in its men of life, than in restoring enjoyment favour, drawn from its moral and phyto any particular moment. In regard sical effects upon the individual. ́ Ŏn to mere bodily health, the arrangement the contrary, these reasons have reof the academic life, in the literary in ceived new strength from the more stitutions of the present day, has been complete and multiplied divisions of left to the wisdom of men, who, how society into classes, in this latter age of ever extensive may have been their the world, and the far greater number classical attainments, and however of individuals who are exempted from faithful may have been their endea- manual labour.

vours to enrich the minds of their But though the truth of these posipupils with the treasures amassed in tions must be admitted, yet it would books, were but little acquainted with doubtless be a fond expectation to look the discipline of the body, or the art for their adoption in practice, till the of preserving that health, without progress in physical science, which is which, their efforts must be fruitless, and annually extending its conquests and the destruction of which, is too often collating every part of nature, shall, in the direct consequence of indiscreet the flow of time, have aided the philoexertions to force the developement of sophy of mind in renovating partial the mind. That kind of hot-bed cul- theories, and views which include but tivation, which is so much the method half our nature. of many, is not only hazardous to the The foregoing are a few of the ideas health and perfect growth of the body, which have presented themselves to us but is pernicious also to the mind. The in perusing Doctor Reid's work. These mind should be allowed to follow na- Essays, we think, valuable; not that ture in its gradual approach to matu- the author has given any thing very rity. It will then long retain the ful- original or profound, but he has added ness of its powers and scarcely know the sanction of his name and practice, decay. Nourish it, but not pamper it. to the opinions of others who have Stail-feeding is as fatal to the mind as gone before him, and they abound in to the body. In this respect, at least, wise maxims and benevolent instructhe ancients were wiser than we. The tions, the fruit of long and multifarious exercises of the gymnasium were as experience, gathered by acute obser essential with them, and regulated with vation, and expressed with elegance as much care as the lessons of the and force. Physicians like Doctor school. A vigorous constitution was Reid, consider man as he is, a com

pounded being, of much good stamina, but of a fearful liability to disorder, both in his mental and corporeal faculties, and with the fidelity of one, who truly feels, in the very retirement of his heart, good will toward men, and with a noble disdain of empirical arts, and that sordid and murderous self-interest which prolongs languishment for the sake of securing an income, they urge the observance of all those moral and physical habits, which are so conformable with the dictates of nature and the injunctions of religion, and directly calculated to render men independent of tinctures, powders, pills, and lan cets. Of the importance of moral and metaphysical science to the physician, Doctor Reid thus speaks.

He who, in the study or the treatment of the human frame, overlooks the in

and is, in consequence, to be worked upon by remedies that apply themselves to his still more than by those that are directed imagination, his passions, or his judgment, immediately to the parts and functions of his material organization.

Doctor Reid then proceeds to exemplify the strong connexion between the mind and the body, first by adducing some of the very wonderful effects upon the body produced simply by the power of volition: and then, by taking notice of the operation of the passions both upon the intellectual and physical health. From among the passions, he has selected the fear of death, pride, and remorse, as furnishing some of the most signal illustrations. On the subject of the power of volition, though our author blames, as both ineffectual and cruel, the conduct of those who attellectual part of it, cannot but entertain tempt the cure of hypochondriasis by very incorrect notions of its nature, and reproof or ridicule, yet he acknowfall into gross and sometimes fatal blun- ledges and maintains the salutary inders in the means which he adopts for its fluence of an energetic and well reguregulation or repair. Whilst he is direct- lated will. To illustrate the power of ing his purblind skill to remove or relieve the will over the vital and animal funcsome more obvious and superficial symp- tions, he cites a case related by Doctor tom, the worm of mental malady may be gnawing inwardly and undetected at the Cheyne, which is so astonishing that we root of the constitution. He may be in a shall insert it for the amusement and situation like that of a surgeon, who at the instruction of our readers. The case time that he is occupied in tying up one is one of a man, “ who could to all apartery, is not aware that his patient is bleeding to death at another.-Intellect is pearance die, at any time he chose, and not omnipotent; but its actual power after having lain a considerable time over the organized matter to which it is exactly as a corpse, was able to restore attached, is much greater than is usually himself to the various functions of aniimagined. The anatomy of the MIND, mation and intellect." Doctor Cheyne, therefore, should be learnt, as well as that who together with Doctor Baynard and of the body; the study of its constitution Mr. Skrine, went to visit him, thus rein general, and its peculiarities, or what may be technically called its idiosyncra- lates the circumstances. sies, in any individual case, ought to be regarded as one of the most essential branches of a medical education.

The savage, the rustic, the mechanical drudge, and the infant whose faculties have not had time to unfold themselves, or which (to make use of physiological language) have not as yet been secreted, may, for the most part, be regarded as machines, regulated principally by physical agents. But man, matured, civilized, and by due culture raised to his proper level in the scale of being, partakes more of a moral than of an animal character,


He could die or expire when he pleased; and yet by an effort, or somehow, he could come to life again. He insisted so much upon our seeing the trial made, that we were at last forced to comply. We all three felt his pulse first. It was distinct, though small and thready and his heart had its usual beating. He composed himself on his back; and lay in a still posture for some time. While I held his right hand, Dr. Baynard laid his hand on his heart; and Mr. Skrine held a clear looking-glass to his mouth. I found his pulse sink gradually, till at last I could not feel

any by the most exact and nice touch. Dr. nerves strung by the untiring energy of Baynard could not feel the least motion in their wills, have triumphed over hunhis heart; nor Mr. Skrine perceive the least sort of breath on the bright mirror he held to his mouth. Then each of us, by turns, examined his arm, heart, and breath; but could not, by the nicest scrutiny, discover the least symptom of life in him. We reasoned a long time about this odd appearance as well as we could; and, finding he still continued in that condition, we began to conclude that he had indeed carried the experiment too far; and at last we were satisfied he was actually dead, and were just ready to leave him. This continued about half an hour. By nine o'clock in the morning in autumn, as we were going away, we observed some motion about the body; and upon examination found his pulse and the motion of his heart gradually returning; he began to breathe gently, and speak softly. We were all astonished to the last degree at this unexpected change; and after some further conversation with him and our selves, went away fully satisfied as to all the particulars of this fact, but not able to form any rational scheme how to account for it.

This, however, was the last experiment the man made, for in a few hours afterwards he actually died.

ger and thirst, and heat and cold, and inhaled untainted the hot breath of pestilence. Or if they have died of sickness, it has been when, by some accident or evil habit, the proper character of their minds was either permanently or for a time destroyed, or after exposure and excitement had both been long past. It is not pretended that in any of the instances alluded to, volition has been exerted with the especial design of acting upon the springs of life, as in the case reported by Doctor Cheyne, but that by the general healthy tone of the will and its occasional extraordinary excitement, the body has been kept as it were in a prepared state to resist the invasion of disease, or to throw it off, instead of tamely submitting, if at any time it had actually seized upon the system. The fact it is presumed will not be denied; and how else can it be explained? Occupation, whether of mind or body, or both, will hardly furnish an explanation, for simply having much to do, especially if it be attended with Civil as well as medical history can, great responsibility and be difficult of it should seem, furnish many examples execution, instead of conducing to the of the preservative power of an ener- corporal good of a man of feeble will, getic will. We can well recollect how would of itself destroy him. Nor can often, in reading the narrative of men it be said in opposition, that the hope who have been remarkable for their of reward, whether in wealth, honour, spirit of adventure, we have been struck or renown, would account for the fact, with the fact that they have almost uni- for this feeling would not so much proformly escaped the diseases which have duce its effect directly, as by stimula swept off their followers. Of those ting resolution, and operating through men who have astonished the world by the medium of volition; and as for the heroism of their exploits in the field courage, intrepidity in danger, and the of battle; who have founded empires, feeling of exultation upon the successor new-modelled the institutions of ful issue of an arduous struggle, these states; who have extended the limits are all qualities of the will, or are found of civilization, or led the way through in those men only who are characterunexplored regions of the earth, we be- ized by the energy of that faculty. But lieve but few comparatively have ever we do not pretend to be qualified to lain long on the bed of languishment. enter into a profound discussion of this While men of pusillanimous spirits subject, and we will pass on, to what have fallen beneath privation and is said of the fear of death. disease like grass beneath the mower's After some striking remarks on the scythe, these great men, their animal melancholy inconsistency exhibited by fibre invigorated and shielded, and their those, upon whose health the fear of

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