Imágenes de páginas

generally imitated, and that, hereafter, and, while he strenuously supported the remains of departed worth will be the dignity of the government, he, in either quietly inurn'd,' or deplored in connexion with his distinguished coada manner not to aggravate affliction.

jutors,* overthrew the dominion of false taste, both in composition and elocution, and, a standard both of poetry and prose, pure, classical, and dignified, was established.

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THE CONQUEST OF CANAAN, the author's most considerable poetical work,

We shall avail ourselves of Professor Silliman's execution of a task we should, otherwise, have undertaken ourselves, and shall offer no apology to the reader for the length of our extracts from so was commenced at the age of nineinteresting a biography. We have co- teen, and finished during his residence here as pied no more of it, however, than was a tutor, the greater part of which period it, in some degree, occuabsolutely necessary to make the narrapied. His mind must, therefore, have tive continuous. been much employed, in poetical studies, at the very time when he was using every effort to promote a just taste in fine writing.

'Dr. Dwight was born at Northampton on the 14th of May, 1752.


The earliest indications of his childhood were those of talent and supe- It appears that Mr. Dwight was adriority. From the age of four years, mitted a member of the College Church, when instructed chiefly by maternal in 1774, at the age of twenty-three. care, he was able to read fluently in It is worthy of commemoration that the Bible, the proofs of his intellectual President Dwight was, from early life, a superiority became more and more lover of sacred music: he even cultievident, and, it may, with truth be vated it as a science, and several ansaid, that, during sixty years, he con- thems, and other musical compositions, stantly excited and gratified the most executed while he was a tutor, and at ardent hopes, and deserved and com- various subsequent periods of his life, Imanded the most active esteem and ad- have received a general adoption in miration. our sacred assemblies. His vocal pow

'He composed an anthem, adapted

This College enjoys the honour of ers were also superior, and he took having given him his academic educa- much delight in joining in this part of tion, which, at the early age of seven- public worship. teen, he completed; and such was the maturity and promise of his character, to Dr. Watts' version of the xcii. that at nineteen he entered on the re- Psalm; and, it may not be improper to sponsible duties of a tutor. mention, even in this serious connexion, 'From the year 1765, to 1770, that he composed music for several of vigorous exertions had been made, by his smaller poetical productions. The several superior men in the government, patriotism of his countrymen, during to raise the standard of moral senti- the American Revolution, was not a ment and manners, to invigorate relax- little excited by his muse and by his ed discipline, and to create a good rhetorical taste among the students.

lyre; adapted, in some cases, to the tone of cultivated minds, and, in others, "Their efforts, made under circum- to the less refined taste of the soldiery. stances peculiarly inauspicious, were At the close of his tutorial career, in still, in some good degree, successful. 1777, Mr. Dwight, who was an ardent No efforts could have been more con- lover of his country, and a devoted sonant to the views of our departed friend to its liberties, went into the bead. On his accession, to the office army, as chaplain, in the brigade of of tutor, in 1771, he entered into, and General Parsons, and division of Geseconded them, with his whole heart;

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Trumbull, Humphreys, and others.

neral Putnam. The year which he at Northampton, his talents were called spent in the army, as it brought him into action in the sphere of political into a scene entirely new ;--into per- life. In the year 1782, he served the sonal contact with many of the great citizens of that town, as their represenactors in that eventful period; and tative, in the General Court of the with all the varieties of the human Commonwealth, convened in Boston. character, impelled to action by the • The situation of the country being grand machinery of war, contributed very critical, two long sessions were more, perhaps, than any similar period held, in which Mr. Dwight gained great of his life, to extend his knowledge of influence, as a member, and much rethe world, and to mature his capacity putation as a public speaker. He was for usefulness. In after life, he often solicited, by men of eminence, to allow adverted to his connexion with the himself to be named as a candidate for army, and drew, from his experience a seat in Congress, then in the gift of and observations during that period, the Massachusetts Legislature, and it many topics of remark and instruction, seems evident, that had Providence fruitful in the illustration of the human allotted him a station in the political character. While in the army he took world, he would have risen to the highevery proper opportunity of insinuating est usefulness and distinction. instruction, in the happiest manner, into the minds of the younger officers and soldiers: he was compassionately attentive to those who were under sentence of death, endeavouring to prepare them for this solemn event, and was sometimes gratified by receiving their thanks when a pardon had saved them from being sent, prematurely, to their account.

'He had, originally, studied the law, with the intention of making it his profession, and, had he been actuated by the love of money, or by political ambition, his way would probably have been clear, to the gratification of the one, and the attainment of the other.

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During his short connexion with political life, he repeatedly exerted his The death of his father, A. D. 1777, influence in the county meetings of in a remote part of the continent, to Hampshire, in favour of law and order, which business had led him, now cast then threatened with subversion; and upon Mr. Dwight the care of a nume- he was eminently instrumental, and rous family, of brothers and sisters, that against no small weight of cha(of whom he was the eldest) for whose racter and effort, in procuring the adopimmediate support and education, and tion of the new constitution of Massaultimate establishment in life, it was in chusetts. cumbent on him chiefly to provide. 'Both his inclination and his views of His connexion with the army was, duty led him to the pulpit; about this therefore, dissolved, and, during the time he declined offers of settlement, four or five succeeding years, he was both at Beverly and at Charlestown. most laboriously employed, at North- 'Towards the close of the year 1783, ampton, in the discharge of the highest he accepted an invitation from the peofilial and fraternal duties, while a com- ple of Greenfield, in this State, to bemencing family of his own, also, de- come their minister, and was establishmanded his care. ed there accordingly. During nearly • Some superior minds seem capable thirteen years, that he remained there, of excelling, in almost any pursuit, de- he enjoyed great celebrity, as a preachpending upon intellectual vigour, and, er, as an instructor of youth, and as an the particular direction which they ac- individual. tually receive, appears often to arise from intrinsic circumstances.

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'It was, during his residence at Greenfield, in the year 1785, that he

During the residence of Mr. Dwight gave his Conquest of Canaan to the

world. It was finished, and was to 'Dr. Dwight had now arrived at the have been published about the com- forty-third year of his age. In the memencement of the American revolution. ridian of life-mature in experience A list of more than three thousand sub- and in reputation; long practised in scribers (a subscription almost unpa- the difficult task of instructing and goralleled in this country for any book, verning youth; familiar with the courses and especially at that period) evinces of academic learning, and imbued in what estimation the author was with the principles of most branches held. The dangers of the country of human knowledge;-also possessing soon became, however, so imminent, powers of communication, almost unthat fear and patriotism absorbed every rivalled, and his whole character surother sentiment; and the promised rounded with great dignity and splenwork was kept back till the struggle was past.

'The Conquest of Canaan was the first regular poem of magnitude which was written in this country, and exhibits the most indubitable proofs of a vigorous mind, a rich and sublime imagination, and a pure and virtuous moral taste. Darwin pronounced it to contain fine versification-Cowper perused it with pleasure, and the British Critic bestowed upon it an honourable praise. A fair copy, fully written out, in the beautiful hand for which the author was, in early life, distinguished, is still in possession of his family, and will, doubtless, be preserved for the inspection of posterity.

It does not come within the design of these remarks, to specify every production of a mind so remarkable for activity, fertility, and vigour; this may, hereafter, become the province of the professed biographer.

The last work of magnitude to which Greenfield Hill gave birth, is the poem, or collection of poems, bearing its name.

'Both Greenfield Hill and the Conquest of Canaan, were republished in England in a handsome style.

The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon the subject of these observations, A. D. 1787, by the college of Nassau-Hall, at Princeton, as that of Doctor of Laws was, in 1810, by Harvard University.

Not long before Dr. Dwight left Greenfield he declined an advantageous proposal to remove to Albany.

dour, the public voice with unprecedented unanimity, designated to him to fill the presidential chair, in this seminary, which, in May, 1795, was vacated, by the death of the learned and venerable Dr. Stiles.


The Corporation, at an early meeting after this event, elected him president; and he commenced the next collegiate year in the discharge of the duties of his high office.

'We are now to contemplate him in a new and most interesting situation.— It seemed as if all the dispensations of providence towards him had been adapted to qualify him for the station in which, with the most distinguished reputation and usefulness, he was to pass the remainder of his days.

The public have been little aware of the extent and diversity of the labours of President Dwight, in this Institution. He has, in fact, discharged the duties of four offices, either of which is, ordinarily, considered as sufficient to engross the time and talents of one man.

His system of sermons, upon the composition of which he bestowed the most anxious care, and the completion of which he had very much at heart, is comprised in one hundred and seventy-three discourses, completely written out, and ready for the press. Providence permitted him to achieve this great labour, and to put the last finishing hand to it not long before his death.

'His ardent wish and endeavour was, to narrow the grounds of distinction be

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tween different classes of Christians, thought nothing adequately done, till and to unite them all in the great work all was done that the case admitted of doing good to man, rendering honour of. to God, and seeking eternal life.

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As a Governor of the College, the It would be superfluous to enter success of President Dwight has not been into a consideration of his system of less remarkable than his usefulness as sermons ;-multitudes, both members an instructor. In commending his sysof this institution, and others, have tem of discipline and government, no heard them, more or less extensively, censure is intended to be implied, with and, as they are left in a finished state, respect to the course which had been and will, we hope, not be long withheld pursued by his immediate predecessors. from the public, they will still speak It is but just, however, to say, that for themselves.

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In the period immediately preceding the presidency of Dr. Dwight, the college church among the students was almost extinct; it came, at last, to consist of only two members, and soon after his accession it dwindled to a single person. But, for the last fifteen or sixteen years, it has, generally, embraced one fourth,-sometimes one third of the students. During the whole of his presidency it appears that there were admitted to full communion, including those recommended from other churches, about two hundred persons.

The churches of this part of our land are extensively indebted to him, for an able revision of Dr. Watts' Psalms, and for a select collection of Hymns, both executed at the request of the highest authority of the cougregational and presbyterian churches. No man in this country was so well qualified for this delicate task, and it will be a lasting memorial of his talents, taste, and piety.

'Notwithstanding the indubitable marks of superiority, and the natural dignity which surrounded him; no man ever made the humble, the timid, the poor, and the broken-hearted, realize more fully than he did, that they had found a friend.

As an instructor, in academic literature, we can never hope to see him surpassed; it will be well indeed if he be ever equalled.

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It was never any part of his plan merely to discharge his duty :-he did it with his whole mind and heart, and

the experience of more than twentyone years has proved, that a great seminary may be governed upon the same principles as a private family; and although the parallelism may not hold, in every particular and every degree, it is ascertained, on the most abundant experience, that, in all common cases, it is complete.

This was the great secret of President Dwight's government; it was a sway of influence rather than of coersion.

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During the administration of President Dwight, public disgraceful punishments have been few-reformations have been numerous, and no instance has occurred, of a general opposition to lawful authority.

Under his auspices, the number of the academical instructors was doubled; besides the entire addition of the Medical Faculty.

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He had spent, in different capacities, half his life in this College, and twenty-seven of his best years had been most laboriously employed in its service.

"President Dwight, in the course of his life, had directed, in a greater or less degree, the education of more than two thousand youth.

'He employed most of his vacations for eighteen or twenty years, in travelling over the New-England States, and the State of New-York, in very many directions, for the purpose of giving an account of the country in every important point in which it would be interesting to an enlightened mind, and es

pecially to posterity. Every where, traces of age; his fine countenance. as he travelled, he came into contact strongly marked with the lines of inwith the most intelligent portion of so- tellect and thought;-grave and colciety, and numerous sources of informa- lected in meditation and devotion, but tion were thus opened to him, which in private, beaming with kindness and are, in a great degree, inaccessible to benevolence ;-his clear melodious voice common travellers. easily filling the largest house, but genOne of his principal objects was, tle and agreeable at the fire-side-and to exhibit the leading features of the his manners superior courtly, and adapstate of society existing in New-Eng- ted to the most finished ceremonial of land, which was, in his opinion, under good breeding, but attentive, gentle, providence, the source of all its pecu- and affectionate, especially to the bumliar blessings, and to correct the mis- ble, the young, and the timid; and representations of European travellers, always marked by the most scrupulous which he considered as being, with moral delicacy.

few exceptions, very gross.

It is rare that a man so great and He was intimately acquainted with splendid in the public eye, is, in prithe early history of his country, and vate, so desirable; for, to his particuhe took great pains to preserve inte- lar friends, his society was delightful, resting biographical and other histori- and the only effects of long and intimate cal accounts, from passing into obli- acquaintance with him was to exalt tovion. wards him every sentiment of respect, admiration, and affection.


In amassing the materials for this work, he travelled more than 12,000 miles, principally on horseback. As it is fully written out, and ready for the press, we hope it will soon be given to the world.

'President Dwight's powers of conversation are well known: thousands in his country, and not a few from other countries, have derived delight and instruction from his lips.

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'He was the principal founder of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was, annually, elected its president during his life.

President Dwight was, eminently, a benevolent man. He was the common friend of those in distress. He was largely consulted in cases of ecclesiastical, personal, and other difficulties, and freely gave his time, his advice, and his influence, as a peace-maker.

His mind was so well furnished, on almost every topic, that, as Cicero 'As a relative, it could not be doubted says of the poet Archias, whatever he that he who, in early life, had devoted discoursed on, he seemed to have made himself with such disinterestedness, to it his peculiar study. He adapted his the support of his father's bereaved faconversation with great facility, to mily, would, in his own case, exhibit a every description of persons. The bright example of conjugal and parental learned and the ignorant-the aged and excellence. the young-the serious and the gaythe polished and the unrefined-the child and the adult were alike edified and pleased.

'In estimating the merit of President. Dwight's acquisitions, it must not be forgotten, that his literary ardour led him, when a young man, to so excessive He is gone from this sublunary a use of his eyes, by candle light, both scene, and the voice of praise or of in late and early study, that, from the censure can do him neither good nor age of twenty-two, his eyes became so harm. But we can never forget his weak, that most of his acquirements commanding dignified person, on which, in after life were made through the till disease began its ravages, there aid of others; he could rarely read a were scarcely to be found the usual book himself, except in the most tran

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