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bered by many. It may not, however, be improper here to observe, that this flourishing church, whose zeal in the cause of missions and Christian education is well known, is the happy fruit of some of the earliest labours of the Lancashire County Union, at a time when the spot was well denominated Halshaw Moor. But now, in the midst of a rising town, the congregation having thrice enlarged the present chapel, are gladly compelled to erect, on a more eligible site, a new and handsome edifice capable of accommodating more than a thousand hearers; and to convert the old chapel into an additional Sunday-school. Who does not fervently pray, "Now, Lord, send prosperity," such as shall far exceed the happy portion long enjoyed-so that all around this hill of Zion, there shall be a rich blessing on its teeming population?

On Friday, the 6th April, the Rev. Edwin Day, of the Lancashire Independent College, was ordained to the pastorate of the church at Zion Chapel, Hyde, Cheshire.

In the morning, the Rev. A. E. Pearce, of Pendleton, conducted the opening devotional exercises; the Rev. James Gwyther, of Manchester, delivered the introductory discourse; the Rev. J. L. Poore, of Salford, received the confession of faith; the Rev. George Harris, of Ringwood, offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. R. Vaughan, D.D., President of the Lancashire Independent College, gave the charge to the minister; and the Rev. John Clunie, LL.D., of Manchester, concluded the service with prayer.

In the evening, the Rev. James Griffin, of Manchester, preached the usual sermon to the people.

The Revs. G. W. Clapham, S. S. Walker, and E. Straker, of the Lancashire Independent College, also took part in the services of the day.

On the following Lord's day, the Rev. G. W. Clapham preached in the morning, and the Rev. George Harris in the afternoon and evening, in the former of which he administered the Lord's supper.

sermon was

ON Tuesday, March 6th, the Rev. R. P. Clarke, of the Western College, was ordained as the pastor of the Church assembling in Lower Chapel, Over Darwen, Lancashire. A preparatory preached on the previous evening by the Rev. J. E. Feaston, of Wotton Underedge. The service on Tuesday morning was com menced by the Rev. G. B. Johnson, of Over Darwen, who read the Scriptures and prayed. The Rev. R. Fletcher, of Manchester, delivered the introductory discourse. The Rev. E. Jukes, of Blackburn,

received the confession of faith. The Rev. R. Slate, of Preston, offered the ordination prayer, with imposition of hands. A very numerous company then took dinner in the Assembly Room, kindly granted for the occasion by Eccles Shorrock, Esq. Between dinner and tea several interesting speeches were delivered. The evening service was commenced by the Rev. H. H. Scullard, of Mill Hill. The charge to the minister was given by the Rev. R. Knill, of Chester; and the sermon to the people was preached by the Rev. T. Raffles, D.D., LL.D., of Liverpool. The Rev. J. C. M‘Michael, A. Howson, J. Angou, H. Lings, and J. Cameron (Baptist), also took part in the services. The congregations were very crowded, and a powerful impression prevailed through all the services of the day. Mr. Clarke enters upon his large sphere of labour as successor to the Rev. S. Nichols, who, after a pastorate of nineteen years, has been obliged to resign his charge through ill health.

ON Tuesday, the 17th April, the Rev. Wm. Isaac was ordained to the pastorate of the church assembling at Petersfield Chapel, where he has been officiating since August last.

In the morning the Rev. James Morgan, of Harting, conducted the opening devotional exercises; the Rev. W. Thorn, of Winchester, delivered the introductory discourse; the Rev. Thos. Cousins, of Portsea, asked the usual questions; the Rev. F. W. Meadows, of Gosport, offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. J. Leifchild, D.D, of London, delivered an affectionate and impressive charge; and the Rev. C. E. James, of Chichester, concluded the service with prayer.

In the evening the Rev. A. Jones, of Buckland, commenced the service by reading the Scriptures and prayer; the Rev. Thos. Adkins, of Southampton, preached a powerful discourse to the church and congregation; and the solemnities of the day were concluded by the Rev. Mr. Arnott, of Landport.

Many other of the neighbouring and country ministers were present on the occasion.

After the morning service, about one hundred of the ministers and friends dined together; when animated addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Leifchild, the Rev. Thos. Adkins, and the Rev. Thos. Cousins; and Ed. Swaine, Esq., of London, who referred in an interesting manner to the happy connexion which had subsisted between himself and Mr. Isaac for upwards of twenty years.




ON Tuesday, March 20th, the above new Congregational Chapel was opened for Divine worship. It was so recently as the 29th of August, 1848, that the foundationstone was laid by the mayor of the borough. The rapid erection, therefore, of an edifice of such a design and dimensions, has been felt, equally with the construction itself, to reflect great credit on the contractors, Messrs. Cooper and Sons, of Maidenhead. The site of the chapel is a very open and commanding plot of ground on the eastern side of the town, where numerous streets and two handsome squares have been raised during the last few years. It is, therefore, advantageously situated to extend evangelical truth in an entirely new and fashionable neighbourhood. The building, which is constructed of Swindon stone, with Bath stone dressings, is in the early English style, with a turret and pinnacle at each of the four angles, a triflet window and slightly projecting porch at the front. "Its appearance," says one of the local journals, "is that of a plain, handsome, and massive edifice, adapted to convey an impressive and congenial feeling to the spectator. Its design and completion reflect high honour on the architect, F. Foulton, Esq. (of this town); and while we congratulate that gentleman on his universally-acknowledged success, we think the spirit and taste of all concerned in the erection are entitled to commendation in having added an ornament of no mean order to the public buildings of Reading."

The day of the opening was a most delightful one; and at eleven o'clock the chapel was filled by a most respectable congregation, including all the dissenting ministers of the town, and upwards of twenty from the neighbourhood. The

pastor of the church, the Rev. William Guest, read the Scriptures and presented the dedication prayer; after which the Rev. J. A. James, of Birmingham, preached a powerful and admirable sermon from John xvii. 17. In the evening, the Rev. W. Legge, of Broad-street Chapel, prayed; and Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, preached with his usual pointed and impressive style. The Rev. J. J. Brown (Baptist minister) concluded with prayer.

On Wednesday morning, a public breakfast was held in the New Rooms, Londonstreet-W. D. Wills, Esq., of Bristol, in the chair. All the tables in this spacious room were surrounded by the ministers and members of the churches in the town and of the county. The Revs. J. A. James; J. Sherman, of Surrey Chapel; T. Adkins, of

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Southampton; T. Aveling, of London; E. Giles, of Newport; Spedding Curwen, of Reading; H. March, of Newbury, and others, took part in the subsequent proceedings. The meeting was one of deep interest throughout; the religious tone of the speeches, the exemplification given of Christian union, with the kind and cordial feeling that pervaded all minds, rendered it an occasion of the most delightful nature. During the course of the meeting, the treasurer, C. J. Andrews, Esq., read a statement of the cash account and building fund, from which it appeared that the total cost of the chapel and freehold land on which it stood would amount to about 3,500l.; towards this the congregation had raised 1,065/.; had received from friends, not members, 721, and had guaranteed in seven years 1,2007.

On Lord's day, March 25th, the Rev. James Hill, of Clapham, continued the engagements with two most useful sermons; and on the succeeding Sabbath evening, the Rev. J. Curwen, of Reading, took the last of the opening services. The sum collected at the various services amounted to about 170/.


THE opening services of the new Independent Chapel in this town commenced on Tuesday, April 10th. In the morning the Rev. S. McAll, of Nottingham, read suitable portions of Scripture and offered prayer; and the Rev. Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, preached an eloquent discourse from the Scripture "Ye are God's building." At the close of the morning service the ministers and friends dined together in the spacious room of the British School, after which speeches were delivered by several gentlemen, referring chiefly to the case of Mr. Shore, which is exciting so much attention at the present time. Dr. Raffles gave a very lucid statement of Mr. Shore's case, and also an interesting account of his visit to Mr. S. in prison, which called forth the sympathy of many on his behalf. In the evening the Rev. James Gawthorne, of Derby, read the Scriptures and offered prayer, and the Rev. J. Parsons, of York, preached from Hebrews i. 4, the closing part of which was peculiarly solemn and impressive. Although the weather was very unfavourable, the rain pouring down all the day, the attendance from Nottingham and Derby, and the neighbouring places,

was numerous.

On Sabbath day, the 15th inst., the services were continued, when the Rev. T. R. Barker, classical tutor of Spring Hill College, Birmingham, preached two very powerful discourses to numerous auditories;

that of the morning founded on Galatians, i. 24, and the evening on Titus iii. 7.

The collections amounted to 667. The chapel is capable of accommodating 400 persons. It is in the Norman style of architecture, and displays great simplicity and beauty. The entrance is by a small but beautiful porch, and the interior is very conveniently arranged. The pews lean backwards, so as to be more comfortable in sitting. The interior of the roof is open, displaying ornamental wood work suited to the style. The pulpit, communion-pew, spars, and cappings of the pews are stained oak colour, and form a pleasing contrast the other parts of the workmanship.

several denominations in the town (including Baptists, Wesleyans, and Episcopalians) made application for tickets, expressing their desire to share in the pleasure anticipated by the church and congregation.

To afford accommodation for the numbers who had taken tickets, (350, or rather over that number,) a platform was gratuitously erected over the entire pewing of the chapel by Messrs. Crickmar, Newton, and Wilding, to whom a vote of thanks was passed at the close of the meeting.

At the central table, the venerable pastor presided. A few of the principal friends totogether with the co-pastor, Rev. T. Hill, and the brethren Revs. Pinch back, Independent, Maningtree; F. Pain, Wesleyan, Harwich; and a worthy representative of the Baptist church, Walton, near Ipswich, Suffolk, in the person of Mr. Durrant.

The sabbath-schools are situated at the west end of the Chapel, and opening into it by a neat and elegant archway, so that all the scholars may remain in the school and still form part of the congregation.

The cost is 8007., and the whole reflects great credit on the taste and abilities of Mr. J. C. Gilbert, architect, of Nottingham.



On Lord's day, March 4th, 1849, the Rev. Wm. Hordle presided at the celebration of the Lord's supper. He directed the attention of the church to the solemn fact, that he had gone in and out among them during fifty years, himself a monument of mercy, and they the objects of the Divine compassion. Some few only were left of those who had witnessed the completion of the present building, but not one remaining alive who composed the church that gave him the call to the ministry. The services of the day closed with a prayer-meeting, which was numerously attended.

On Tuesday evening, the 6th, a token of esteem, which had been purchased by a few of the friends, was presented to the venerable servant of Christ at his own home, by Messrs. Read, Deex, Bellamy, and Dore. It was a deeply-interesting occasion, and called forth lively emotions of soul and expressions of devoted attachment on both sides.

The evening fixed upon for the public service was Thursday, the 8th of March,being the evening on which, in the year 1799, he entered the town, preaching, for the first time, on the Lord's day following.

As soon as it became known that there would be a jubilee service, preceded by a social tea-meeting, persons belonging to the

After the letters were read, expressive of sympathy with the object of the meeting, and regretting inability to attend, from the Revs. John Ross, of Woodbridge; Wm. Notcott and Isaac Lord, of Ipswich; T. Hoddy, of Walton, near Ipswich; Thomas Jones, of Maningtree; and J. N. Davids, of Colchester; after which, an appropriate address from the church and congregation was read by the co-pastor.

At the conclusion of the address, the whole of the large assembly arose to testify their hearty approval of the sentiments the address contained, as also to do honour to the venerable servant of Christ who was the subject of it.

The scene at this moment was most impressive, the aged pastor standing before the congregated friends, his eyes suffused with tears, his hands uplifted as in silent prayer. As soon as he had recovered himself a little, he replied to it in the most touching and impressive manner.

He assured them that he valued the address beyond the price of gold and silver to any amount; but how to reply to it was the difficulty. He informed the assembled friends, that Divine worship on this spot had been carried on at intervals from the year 1694-5; that when he came in 1799 there was a church of six members, a little chapel, and a congregation of twenty or twenty-five persons. His feelings, then, (he continued to say,) were not of the most pleasing kind; but that the event had shown that he was sent by God: hence the result, which was the erection of the present chapel-which has long been free from debt; the conversion of many gone to glory; the gathering of not a few to hear the word; and the carrying on the work of sabbath-school instruction, which has proved a blessing to many of them; some of whom are members of the church at Harwich, and several are joined to other churches.

In review of the past he felt humbled. In looking around him he felt delightfully surprised, having expected to meet a few friends only for social conversation and prayer; instead of which he found himself surrounded by a large assembly, whose countenances testified to the joy they felt in being present to acknowledge with him the goodness of God in thus sparing him to meet with them.

But though surprised, he was not the subject of doubt. He did not doubt the sincerity of their expression of goodwill towards him, and attachment to his ministry; neither did he doubt the goodness of God, nor the love of Christ Jesus, nor the power of the Gospel to save; but, said he, "I stand in doubt of some, of whom it should seem I have hitherto run in vain and laboured in vain." He then addressed the several classes of persons present, intreated his brethren in the ministry to labour to save souls, as the great end of their calling, and earnestly besought the hearers of the gospel, both old and young, to seek the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal life, so should they meet in heaven. At the close of this most impressive address, the Rev. F. Pain arose, and in an affectionate manner addressed both the pastor and his people, praying that the occasion of meeting might not only prove a jubilee festivity, but a Pentecost also; and that to the remotest period the Word of God might prosper in the midst of them.

Messrs. Pinchback and Durrant also gave expression to their feelings in a manner worthy of the occasion and themselves; and altogether the season was one which will be long remembered by all who had the opportunity of witnessing the festivals.

Appropriate hymns (two of which were written for the occasion) were at intervals sung.


A VERY interesting and important meeting was held at Arundel, on Tuesday, the 6th of March; the Rev. William Davis, of Hastings, in the chair. Resolutions were unanimously passed by the Rev. Messrs. Malden, Ashby, Sainsbury, Judson, Cane, Davis, Jenkyns, and Davie, to determine on the formation of an Association of Independent ministers and churches for the more general diffusion of the gospel throughout the county of Sussex. This was stated as the primary object of the movement; while the most sanguine expectations were expressed, that the union of pastors and their people, for such an object, must assuredly induce a happier fellowship, and a better interchange of feeling among brethren of the same faith and order. Considering that county associations of this kind have so long been generally established, it is humiliating to think of Sussex as an old and melancholy exception to the rule. May the recent effort be well supported and encouraged. "O Lord, send Now prosperity."

General Chronicle.


Treasurer-William Alers Hankey, Esq. Secretary-Rev. M. A. Garvey, LL.B. Committee-Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart.; Revs. Robert Ainslie, John Aldis, Dr. Archer, J. Burnet, J. Hamilton, A.M., J. H. Hinton, A.M., Dr. Leifchild, Thomas Lewis, Dr. Morison, Dr. Reed, Dr. J. P. Smith, J. C. Harrison, and A. Tidman; Dr. J. R. Bennett; Dr. Camps; W. Edwards, Esq.; Joseph East, Esq.; J. Mann, Esq.; J. Radley, Esq.; Henry Rutt, Esq.; E. Smith, Esq.; J. Spicer, Esq.; E. Swaine, Esq.; and J. Wilson, Esq.

Office of the Society-7, Blomfield-street, Finsbury Circus.

THE Committee of the Evangelical Continental Society solicits the earnest and prayerful attention of all who love the Gospel to the following brief statement.

The object of the Society is to cheer and assist continental Christians in their arduous

efforts to diffuse the Gospel amongst their countrymen, without any distinction of sect or denomination.

The means by which it proposes to effect this object are as follows:

I. The publication of authentic information from the several fields of labour; which will show to the British public the importance and value of the work carried on by the Local Societies, and their claims for assistance upon English Christians.

II. A sustained correspondence with the Local Societies, by which the Committee hopes to become instrumental in conveying to them tokens of cordial sympathy from the people of God in this land. The Committee is at present in communication with the Evangelical or Home Missionary Societies of Paris, Lyons, Geneva, and Brussels; all of which, notwithstanding great obstructions and embarrassments, are making rapid and triumphant progress in the cause of God.

The advancement of the truth on the Continent of Europe must ever be a subject profoundly interesting to all who look forward in faith and hope to the universal dominion of Christ. Europe is the world's centre; all other civilized lands are more or less dependent upon it, and look to it for physical and intellectual supplies. Its power is everywhere present. Its people visit every clime, and traverse the remotest territories of the earth. Wherever they go, they carry with them a distinct superiority over all other races in those arts and sciences which widen the boundaries of human knowledge, and exalt the dominion of the mind. This superiority is tacitly acknowledged, and is insensibly but surely modify ing the intellectual and moral character of our race. All things that indicate the gracious designs of God point out the people of Europe as His chosen instruments for the evangelization of the world. That this instrumentality should be fitted for its grand purposes appears to the Committee a matter of the first importance to the cause of Christ universally. That the paramount influence which European nations exercise on the moral destinies of the world should be enlisted on the side of truth, and be made subservient to the cause of man's salvation, appears an object worthy of the most fervent prayers and energetic efforts of the children of God.

This object can be effected only by a large and increasing infusion of the living spirit of the Gospel amongst the mighty populations of the Continent. Millions of the inhabitants of those lands which boast the highest civilization are still buried in the deepest spiritual gloom, and are perishing for lack of knowledge. Hitherto the task of illuminating them was one of great difficulty, and not unfrequently even of danger. The church of Rome jealously averted from the masses whom she dominated every ray of light which threatened to disturb their slumbers, and make their darkness visible. Now, thank God, it is otherwise. The extraordinary political events of the past year have had a most marked influence upon popular views of religion throughout the Continent; men's ninds have been turned in an unprecedented degree to the consideration of spiritual things, by the signal proofs they have witnessed of the instability of all earthly power and possessions. Multitudes are also opening their eyes to the dangerous folly of intrusting the eternal interests of their souls to the keeping of the Pope and his hierarchy, having seen his fallibility in temporal matters, and his inability to preserve to himself the things he most loves and cherishes. In proportion as the people have withdrawn their confidence from the hollow vanities of superstition, they have

given it to the great verities of the Gospel. They have seen the humble missionaries of the cross in the midst of the political tempest, faithfully and meekly disseminating the principles of peace, order, and confidence, and illustrating these principles in their lives. They feel that a religion which inculcates such lessons is just what their countries require, to recruit their shattered energies, and calm the terrors which have disturbed their repose.

All the intelligence which the Committee has received from the continent confirms the fact, that a religious movement of unexampled magnitude and most important character is going forward there. The prejudice and hostility against Evangelical Protestantism, so sedulously cultivated by the Papal priesthood, seems to be effectually broken down; whole districts are beseeching the Evangelists to come and preach to them about Christ; and where they come, they are surrounded by multitudes who hear them not only with attention, but with an enthusiasm which it is difficult to restrain. The Bible is purchased and studied with avidity, and souls in great numbers are being converted to Christ. In Lyons, the Evangelical Church is composed, with a few exceptions, of converts from the Church of Rome, and is perhaps one of the most active churches in Europe in diffusing the Gospel. In short, the Committee cannot better describe the state of things on the European Continent than by borrowing a phrase from one of the French Evangelists, who says: "The Spirit of God is moving upon the abyss; the Word of God is making itself heard; and an illuminated and ordered system is arising from the gloomy chaos."

Under such circumstances, the Committee feels that it can appeal with confidence to the liberality and sympathy of British Christians on behalf of their continental brethren. These naturally look to favoured England, the home of religious life and liberty, for some encouragement in the arduous battle they are fighting against the powers of darkness,-and surely it will not be refused! They have the great claim for help of having exhausted all their own means before asking for it, and of needing it most urgently in the greatest and holiest cause. The Société Evangélique de France is in debt to the amount of 3,000l., and must be prepared to pay it shortly, or serious damage will result to the cause in which it is engaged. The Society at Lyons is in an equally distressed condition; and the embarrassments of those at Geneva and Brussels are also weighty and painful. The unparalleled distress which succeeded the Revolution of February may in some measure account for this; and yet it is gratifying to learn, that out of their deep

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