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N.B.-Exercises need not be publicly performed unless the Candidate desire it, and then at his own expense.

Bachelors in Music of the University of Oxford or of Cambridge are admissible ad eundem to the Degree of Mus. Bac. in the University of Dublin, on payment of the necessary fees (£10).

Doctor in Music.-A Doctor in Music must have taken the Degree of Bachelor in Music. He must send to the Registrar, not less than two months before the date of Examination, a work for voices and orchestra, comprising:

(a) An overture.

(b) At least one choral movement in eight real parts.

(c) At least one solo with orchestra.

(d) Specimens of canonic and fugal writing.

If the exercise be approved by the Examiners, the Candidate will proceed to a final Examination in

(a) Harmony and counterpoint up to eight parts.

(b) Double and triple counterpoint.

(e) Canon up to four parts.

(d) The writing of a fugue in not more than four parts.

(e) The instrumentation of a given passage.

(f) A general acquaintance with the lives and works of the Great Masters.

N.B.-All the several Musical Examinations will be held concurrently, twice a year, in June and December, on days announced in the Calendar, and will be conducted partly on paper and partly vivâ voce.

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Regulations as to the payment of the Fees of £10 and £20 for Degrees in Music (adopted by the Board, Jan. 15, 1898)::

A Candidate for Mus. Bac. pays £2 on presenting himself for Preliminary Examination; £3 on sending in his Exercise; and £5 on passing Final Examination.

A Candidate for Mus Doc. pays £5 on sending in his Exercise; and £15 on passing Final Examination.

A Candidate failing in any one Examination will be admitted to the next following Examination only of the same grade without payment. If he then fail, the Examination must be commenced

de novo.

A Bachelor in Dental Science must be a Bachelor of Arts, must have spent at least four years in the School of Dentistry, and passed the requisite Examinations.

Masters in Dental Science must be Bachelors in Dental Science of at least one year's standing. They will be required to pass an Examination in Pathology and Bacteriology, and either to carry out Dental work of an advanced character to the satisfaction of the Examiners, or to present a thesis to be approved of by them, giving evidence of original research on some subject connected with Dentistry.

Admission of Candidates residing in the Colonies or Foreign Countries. A Student of the University who is engaged in any civil, ecclesiastical, or other profession in the Colonies, is allowed (although not present in the Senate) to proceed to his Degree upon the following conditions:

1. That he is of the proper Standing for taking the Degree.

2. That he has passed all the Lectures and Examinations necessary for his Degree.

3. That he has transmitted in writing the Exercises for the Degree to the Regius Professor of the proper Faculty, and that they had been approved of.

4. That he has transmitted letters testimonial which satisfied the Provost and Senior Fellows of the Candidate's fitness for the Degrec in regard to character.

Under similar conditions a similar privilege is extended to residents in any foreign country, the letters testimonial of character being in this case signed by the British Ambassador or Consul.

Admission" ad eundem Gradum.”—Graduates in Arts of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge are admissible ad eundem to all Degrees they have received in their own Universities, on attainment of the standing and payment of the fees required for the same Degrees in the University of Dublin. Satisfactory evidence of character and conduct, with the credentials of the Degree sought, to be produced in every case.

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Fees to be Paid by Graduates of Oxford and Cambridge.Graduates of Oxford and Cambridge who come to take the "ad eundem" B.A. Degree must pay the ordinary Replacement Fee (£9 3s.), and the Ordinary Fee for the B.A. Degree (£1), in all, £10 38. (Order of the Board, June 30, 1873.)

Graduates of Oxford and Cambridge who desire to present themselves at the Examination for the LL.B. Degree must first pay fees for the same amount as for the ad eundem B.A. degree.

No B.A. Degree from any other University will be accepted for an ad eundem degree without evidence that the Candidate has passed an Arts Course in his University analogous to that of this College. (Resolution of the Board, June 15, 1908.)

The Senior Proctor receives the Fees for all the above Degrees, with the exception of those for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, which are payable to the Junior Bursar.

Testimoniums.-A fee of thirty shillings must be paid on taking out the Testimoniums of the following Degrees:-Sc.D., Litt.D., M.A.O.; a fee of ten shillings on taking out the Testimoniums of M.A., M.A.I., LL.B., LL.D., B.D., D.D., Mus. Bac., Mus. Doc.; the fees for taking out the Testimoniums, of the other Degrees, namely:-B.A., B.A.I., M.B., M.D., B.Ch., M.Ch., B.A.O., B. Dent. Sc., and M. Dent. Sc., are included in the fees charged for the Degrees in the preceding Schedule.

N.B. As some inconvenience may be occasioned to Graduates by unavoidable delay in the issue of Testimoniums, all Students requiring the Testimoniums of their Degrees during the Summer Vacation are requested to make application for them before the 30th of June. As a general rule, Testimoniums of Degrees will not be issued during the Vacation.

Diplomas and Licenses.-The conditions on which the University grants Diplomas in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetric Science, Agriculture, Education, and Economics and Commercial Knowledge, and Licenses in Civil Engineering, and Dental Science, will be found below, under the Regulations of the several Schools.


JAMES I., by his Charter dated May 12, A. D. 1613, first granted to the University the right of returning two Burgesses to represent it in Parliament. By the Act of Union in the year 1800 (40 Geo. III. c. 38, Art. 4), the number of representatives was reduced to onea; but by the Irish Reform Bill (2 & 3 Will. IV. c. 88), the right of electing two Members has been restored to the University.

The right of voting at the election of Members to serve in Parliament for the University of Dublin was originally confined to the Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College. By the Reform Act, 2 & 3 Will. IV. c. 88, it was extended to every person, being of the age of twenty-one years, who had obtained, or thereafter should obtain, the Degree of Master of Arts, or any higher Degree, or a Scholarship or Fellowship in the said University, subject to certain provisions regulating the registration of the names of the electors. These regulations were altered by the Statute of 5 & 6 Vict. e. 74, which provides,

"That all persons with whom the College shall have compounded for a gross sum of £5 for their respective lives, under the provisions of the late Act (2 & 3 Will. ÎV. c. 88), shall be entitled to have their names continued on the books of the University for their respective lives, and to vote at any election, without any further payment.

"Every person whose name shall be upon the College Books of the said University, and who shall have obtained a Fellowship or Scholarship, or the degree of Master of Arts, or any higher degree in the University, and every person who shall hereafter obtain a Fellowship or Scholarship, or the degree of Master of Arts, or any higher degree in the University, and who upon the removal of his name from the College Books, or after he shall have taken such degree, shall be desirous of having his name replaced or retained on the books of the University for the purpose of voting, shall, before the 1st day of December next after his name shall be so removed from the College Books, or after he have taken such degree, pay to the College the sum of £5, and thereupon his name shall be placed or retained upon the books of the University, and he shall be entitled to vote, for his life, without any further payment.

66 No person shall be entitled to vote by reason of a degree of a purely honorary nature.

That it be the Fourth Article of Union that four lords spiritual of Ireland. by retation of sessions, and twenty-eight lords temporal of Ireland, shall be the number to sit and vote on the part of Ireland in the House of Lords of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, and one hundred commoners (two for each county of Ireland, two for the City of Dublin, two for the City of Cork, one for the University of Trinity College, and one for each of the most considerable cities, towns, and boronghs), as the number to sit and vote, on the part of Ireland, in the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom."

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"Every person having his name on the College Books shall be considered, for all purposes of this Act, as having his name on the books of the University; but the payments to be made by such person shall be regulated by the rules and Statutes of the College."

A further change in the laws relating to the University Franchise was made by the Act 31 & 32 Vict. c. 112. By the 33rd section of this Act, it is enacted that

"Every person who has heretofore obtained or who shall hereafter obtain a Fellowship or Scholarship, or the Degree of Master of Arts, or any higher Degree, not of a purely honorary nature, in the University of Dublin, and who shall be desirous of having his name placed or retained on the books of the said University, for the purpose of voting at any election of Members to serve in Parliament for the borough of the University of Dublin, under the provisions of section 4 of the Act of the session of the 5th and 6th years of the reign of her present Majesty, chapter 74, may require the Registrar of the said University to place or retain his name upon the books of the said University, without any payment whatsoever, anything in the said section to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, that no person shall be entitled to vote at any election of a member or members to serve in Parliament for the said borough of the University of Dublin, unless his name shall have been upon the books of the said University for a period not less than two months previous to such Election."

Section 34.-" In the month of December, in the year 1869, and in every succeeding year, the Registrar of the said University of Dublin shall make out an alphabetical list of the names of the Electors entitled to vote at any election for Members to serve in Parliament for the said University; and the said Registrar shall cause copies of such list to be printed on or before the 1st day of January, in the year 1870, and in every succeeding year, and shall give a copy of such list to any elector applying for the same, upon being paid 2s. 6d. for each copy; and the said Registrar shall each year publish a copy of such list in the University Calendar, when such Calendar shall be published, or in some one or more of the public journals having general circulation in Ireland."


By the Act 24 & 25 Vict. c. 53, electors may in future record their votes by means of voting papers, and need not attend in person at the poll. The preamble of this Act recites, that "it is expedient to afford greater facilities for voting to the electors at elections for Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin." Each elector is hereby empowered to nominate any other elector or electors of the same University to deliver for him at the poll a voting paper containing his vote

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