.Arrangements, år-range' ments, orders, preparations. Stranded, run aground, cast upon the shore. .Conveyed, bore, carried, transported. .Preceding, last, going before. Told, indicated, bore witness to, convinced. Catastrophe, ka-tås tro-fè, overthrow, final unhappy event. Excited, produced, raised, animated. Convened, assembled, gathered together, collected. Relatives, relations, of the same family. .-Remaining, alive, staying behind. Riper years. To what is Jane likened by this expression? What was the estimation in which she was held by her acquaintance, judging from this account of her funeral? What characters are most lamented by survivors ? .Missionary, from mission, one sent. Tribute, debt, obligation, token, custom, tax. .Deceased, from cease. Consolation. What was this consolation? Value, worth, importance, consideration. .Imparted, bestowed, given, afforded. Procession, train, marching in ceremonious solemnity. Burial, ber' re-al, act of burying, funeral service. Cell, small cavity, a litttle habitation of a religious person. Tranquillity, from tranquil. Advanced, ad-vansd', approached, moved forward. :Affectionately, from affection. Great Shepherd. Who is meant? Who by the lost and wandering sheep? Wandering, wôn' důr-ing. His fold. Does the Bible contain such language? See John x, 1-16, Father, who had bread enough, and to spare. I shall soon see my dear Jane again. She will not always sleep here. The trump of the archangel will reach the bottom of this grave. This narrow house will soon be the resting place of us all. I feel and am assured that I must soon lay these limbs beside hers. Let us be like her, and I trust we shall meet her in heaven." The missionary invoked the blessing of God upon the assembly, and they silently dispersed themselves to their boats. For a few days I was a constant resident at the glen, and had the satisfaction of witnessing daily in the old Pensioner, an increasing and fervent piety. He was now happy, rejoicing in hope. We conversed; we joined our prayers and praises at the throne of grace; and precious were the seasons, I spent in his cottage. He sometimes wept at the grave of his beloved daughter. But there was joy even in his grief. The Bible of Jane was now his constant companion, and much was he consoled and animated by its promises; the day at length arrived when I must take my final leave of the scenes of Lake George. The morning was fine, and we spent an hour in walking about the glen. We conversed-we prayed. It was the last time we were to be together this side the grave. I had endeavored, as far as possible, to ascertain the true character of his views and feelings; and was satisfied that he had commenced a new and happy existence, which would only bloom here, but ripen in eternity.. He accompanied me to the boat. As we were about to part, I expressed my apprehension that he would be lonely. "I am not alone," said he, "and though to go and be with Christ would be far better; yet all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come-I hope to meet you in heaven. Farewell," Farewell, said I, and he returned to the cottage. The dwelling of the Pensioner, and the little glen soon vanished from my sight. A few months since I had occasion to visit Lake George. I called at the glen, the cottage of the old Pensioner was there, but it was without an inhabitant. I visited the garden, and Jane was lying between her parents. On inquiring at the neighboring settlement, I was told that the old man had died a few weeks previous. 123 Spare, give way, omit, forgive. See my dear Jane. Where did he hope to see her ! The trump. See John v. 28, 29.1 Cor. xv. 52. 1 Thess. iv. 16. Narrow house. Why is the grave called a resting place ? Assured, ash-shurd', made certain, convinced. Spell limbs, archangel, heaven. Invoked, prayed for, supplicated. Archangel, årk-ane'jel, one of the highest order of an gels. Dispersed, removed, scattered, withdrew. -Joined, united, connected. Precious, valuable, dear, most profitable. Promises. What does the Bible promise to the good? Final, last, concluding, extreme. -Fine, pleasant, beautiful. Spell scenes, hour, conversed. Endeavored, attempted, essayed. Accompanied, from company. .Apprehension, fear, opinion, sentiment. Occasion, opportunity, need, chance, necessity. I learned with satisfaction that he had lived in such a manner, as to carry conviction to the minds of all, that the grace of God had been performing in his heart, its perfect work. He had spent his time, from the period at which I took leave of him, in pious devotion to his Savior, and died in the triumphs of faith, and the hope of a blessed immortality. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; yea, saith the spirit; for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." LESSON XXV. Family Worship in a Cottage. - Miss S. E. HATFIELD. Listen!-I heard a voice, a solemn voice, But sweet and fervent, too, like that of prayer; Oh, 'tis a lovely scene!-The gray-hair'd sire To guide their footsteps through the world's bleak wild. Which all his bosom's thoughts, hopes, fears, and wishes show. Look at that fair-hair'd maid, upon whose cheek Her countenance! - some unseen seraph's wing Thus ever smile, a willing offering Garden, går'd'n. Previous, before, preceding. Devotion, doing of his duties, surrendering himself. Saith the Spirit. Who is this Spirit ? Works do follow them; are known after they are dead. Solemn, sol'êm, religiously grave, serious, anniversary. Prayer, pra'ûr, petition, supplication to God. Angelic. Change it into a noun. Which is the primitive ? Sphere, sfère, globe, circuit of motion, province. Why starry sphere ? Yonder, yon'dur, at a distance, within view. Spell listen, heard, voice, fervent. Perchance, perhaps, it may be, peradventure. Those above my sight. What are those ? Scene, display, exhibition, spectacle, stage, part of a play. Sire, father, progenitor. Breathe, breтне, utter, ask for, draw in and throw out air by the lungs. Bleak, cold, chill, pale. Wild, desert. Gild. In what way? Whence the figure ? Wane, decline, decrease of the moon. Glow, shining heat, vividness of color, vehemence of passion. Beams, brightens. With all the father filled, expressive of all a father's affection. .Intense, vehement, raised to a high degree. Rose of loveliness. What quality is intended by these words? Seraph's, ser'raf, an order of celestial spirits, an angel. Wing. Why are angels represented as having wings? Spring. Why is the season of youth compared to spring? |