Hung. Can you explain this figure ? Declivities, gradual descents, oblique fallings. Menacing, threatening, portentous, boding. Meteor. Is this a metaphor, or a comparison? Ensued, took place, followed, was exhibited. Mercy. How could all the horrors of war be called
Temple, house dedicated to religious worship.
Flying. Is this figurative, or literal ?
Function, office, special duty, elevated station. Enveloped, covered, wrapped up, concealed.
Whirlwind of cavalry. Why called a whirlwind ? Goading, piercing pressing against, pricking. Swept. Can you tell what this figure is ?
Captivity, from what derived? slavery, subjection by
Hostile land, land belonging to an enemy.
Evade, escape, slip away from, go clear.
-Exile, banishment from one's country, banish.
Jaws of famine. What is famine here represented to be ?
Exigence, pressing necessity, want, distress.
Private charity, charity of individuals. Nation. What is the whole nation here made ? Sufferance, from what derived? wretchedness, en- durance.
Austerest, most strict, most rigid, most severe. Sedition, tumult, riot, insurrection.
Madras. Can you find this place on your map ? Glacis, a sloping bank in fortification. Granary, store-house. What does it denote here? India. Can you give the boundaries of it ?
Plague. What is this figure, a metaphor, or compar- ison ?
Waylay, beset by ambush, plot against secretly. Nothing more. What is it that produces this common
Manage it, carry it on, conduct, guide.
Decorum, propriety, decency, order, seemliness. Nauseous, offensive, loathsome, disgustful.
the hearers; they are so humiliating to human nature itself, that on better thoughts, I find it more advisable to throw a pall over this hideous object, and to leave it to your general conception.
The groans of Nature in this nether world, Which heaven has heard for ages, have an end, Foretold by prophets, and by poets sung, Whose fire was kindled at the prophet's lamp; The time of rest, the promis'd Sabbath, comes. Six thousand years of sorrow have well nigh Fulfill'd their tardy and diastrous course Over a sinful world; and what remains Of this tempestuous state of human things Is merely as the working of a sea Before a calm, that rocks itself to rest; For He, whose car the winds are, and the clouds The dust that waits upon his sultry march, When sin hath mov'd him, and his wrath is hot, Shall visit earth in mercy; shall descend Propitious in his chariot paved with love; And what his storms have blasted and defac'd For man's revolt, shall with a smile repair.
Sweet is the harp of prophecy; too sweet Not to be wrong'd by a mere mortal touch: Nor can the wonders it records be sung To meaner music and not suffer loss. O scenes surpassing fable, and yet true, Scenes of accomplish'd bliss! which who can see, Though but in distant prospect, and not feel His soul refreshed with foretaste of the joy ?" Rivers of gladness water all the earth, And clothe all climes with beauty; the reproach Of barrenness is past. The fruitful field Laughs with abundance; and the land, once lean, Or fertile only in its own disgrace,
Humiliating. Can you tell why they were humiliat
Pall, cloak, mantle, covering for the dead. Hideous, frightful, terrific, horrible, dreadful. Object. What was that object ?
Millennium, happy period of the world, predicted in the Bible, when Christ shall reign a thousand years, king of nations.
Nether, lower, in opposition to the upper world, or heaven.
Prophets, men inspired by God to foretell future
Lamp. Can you explain all this figure ?
Sabbath, first day of the week, day of sacred rest. Six thousand. How long since the creation of the world?
Sorrow. What has been the cause of this sorrow?
Disastrous, calamitous, distressful. Tempestuous, stormy; from tempest. Human things, affairs of men, moral world. As the working. What is the figure here used ? Car, chariot, vehicle, war carriage.
Sultry, hot, scorching under a meridian sun. Wrath, vengeance, determination to punish. Propitious, benignant, merciful, restoring to favor. Paved, floored, covered, laid over with stone. Defaced, marred, despised, disfigured. Revolt, rebellion, refusal to obey. Prophecy, próf fé-sè, prediction. Harp. How are prophets here represented? Mortal touch, touch of mortal man.
Records, re-kords, writes down.
O scenes. What figure of speech is here used? Surpassing, excelling, going beyond, superior to. Foretaste, prelibation, anticipation. Rivers of gladness. Illustrate this figure. Climes, regions, countries, poetically for climate. Reproach, disgrace, censure, blame. .Laughs. What is the field represented to be here ? Lean, gaunt, poor, sterile.
Exults to see its thistly curse repeal'd. The various seasons woven into one, And that one'season an eternal spring. The garden fears no blight, and needs no fence, For there is none to covet, all are full. The lion and the libbard and the bear, Graze with the fearless flocks; all bask at noon Together, or all gambol in the shade Of the same grove, and drink one common stream. Antipathies are none. No foe to man Lurks in the serpent now: the mother sees, And smiles to see, her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crested worm, To stroke his azure neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his snowy tongue, All creatures worship now, and all mankind One Lord, one Father.
One song employs all nations; and all cry, "Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain for us !" The dwellers in the vales and on the rocks Shout to each other, and the mountain tops From distant mountains catch the flying joy, Till nation after nation taught the strain, Earth rolls the rapturous hosanna round. Behold the measure of the promise fill'd; See Salem built, the labor of a God! Bright as a sun the sacred city shines; All kingdoms and all princes of the earth Flock to that light; the glory of all lands Flows into her; unbounded is her joy And endless her increase.
Praise is in all her gates; upon her walls,
And in her streets, and in her spacious courts, Is heard salvation.
Her report has travell'd forth Into all lands. From every clime they come To see thy beauty and to share thy joy. O Sion! an assembly such as earth
Saw never, such as Heaven stoops down to see.
Fertile, fer til, plenteous, fruitful.
Exults, rejoices, leaps for joy, is glad. Thistly, (See Gen. 3: 17, 18,) abounding with this- tles.
Blight, mildew, any thing nipping, or blasting. Various seasons. What are the seasons ?
Libbard, leopard, Isaiah, 11:6, 7. Graze, eat grass, abide in the pasture.
Gambol, frolic, sport, play.
Bask, lie out in the sun, expose themselves to the heat. Antipathies, hatreds, grudgings, animosities.
Lurks, is secreted, conceals itself, Gen. 3:14, 15. Playful hand, hand engaged in play.
Dally, sport, play, wanton.
Crested, adorned with a crest, wearing a comb. Lambent, playing about, gliding over without harm. Homage, respect, worship, obedience, duty.
Worship, fear, exercise acts of piety towards God. One song. What must persons become to sing this song?
Worthy the Lamb. Revelation 5:12.
Mountain tops, tops used for the people living on them. From distant mountains. What figure is here used ?
Strain. What song is this?
Rapturous, from rapture, transporting, heavenly. Measure, extent, dimension, portion.
Salem, Jerusalem, figuratively, the true church.
Shines, thus shining, when pure and extending over
Flock, go in flocks, collect.
Glory, excellence, honor, splendor.
Stones. What is the figure here employed ?
Unbounded, from bound, unlimited.
Her gates, her houses, gates put for the places to
Spacious, from space, large, extensive.
Salvation, songs of deliverance, praise to the Savior. -Report, fame, news, rumor, intelligence, noise, Into all lands, over all the world.
Share, participate, have a share in.
Sion, mountain at Jerusalem, figuratively, the church. Stoops, how is heaven here represented ?
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