.Reproachful. From what is it derived? Patiently. Give the derivation. Smooth and even. How do these words differ in meaning? By and by, ere long, in process of time. Time. Wherein is time personified? What is personification? See App. -Shocked, alarmed, terrified, met in conflict, piled up. Stretched out, laid at length. -Arrayed, clothed, decked, drawn up. What happened now to its mistress ? What ornaments are referred to ? Motionless, dead, still, without motion, or the power Where was she conveyed away? .Chamber, tshame'bůr. Occasionally, now and then, at intervals of time. -Parts, portions, members, fragments. Getting old, advancing in years. Ugly, unhandsome, vile, ill looking. .Coat. What is meant by the coat of a looking glass? Expect, anticipate, hope for, look out for. Employment. From what derived ?-Give the derivations. Therefore, ther'fore. State some of the circumstances in the life of the glass. How many owners did it have ? What kind of people purchased it first? How many years did they own it? What was the character of the last owner? Physiognomy, fizh-é-og'no-mè, studying the temper Science, study, branch of knowledge. metals are found. .Inexperienced. Give the derivation. Consideration, regard, respect, love, honor. ~For whom has the looking glass the highest esteem ? Why is this? LESSON X. The Stream of Time. Through sunny plains and valleys green, It must not stay-the current's force Thus down the Stream of Time we glide, We cannot check the ceaseless tide Yet, let us calmly meet our doom, LESSON ΧΙ. Earthquake at Aleppo in Syria. - WORCESTER. On the 13th of August, 1822, Aleppo was visited by a most tremendous earthquake, by which two thirds of the city were destroyed, and 20,000 inhabitants buried in the ruins. Various other towns in Syria suffered greatly by this earthquake; and other shocks continued to be felt for several weeks after the principal one. It is impossible to convey, says the British consul at Aleppo, an adequate idea of the scenes of horror, that were simultaneously passing in the dreadful night of the 13th Sunny, enlightened by the sun, bright, sun-colored. -Valleys. What nouns, ending with y, form their plural by changing y into ies ? Silvery. From what is it derived? On what resemblance is its use in this place justified? Streamlet, a little stream. It belongs to a class of nouns called Diminutives. -Banks, heaps of earth, the earth rising on each side of a water, place where money is deposited. Woo, to invite, to court. What figure is here employed? -Stay, stop, continuance in the same place, a support, to stand still. -Must, is obliged, is under necessity, mould, to grow mouldy. -Repose, sleep, rest, to lay to rest, to place as in trust. Odors, scents, fragrance, perfume. -Shore, coast, bank, buttress. Glide, move swiftly and smoothly along. Tide, stream, flood, ebb and flow of the sea. -Main. What does the word mean in this place? By what figure? Where is the cesural pause in this line ? Doom, state to which one is destined, sentence, to Give some account of Aleppo. App. Buried, covered up, deposited in the ground, overwhelmed. -Convey, give, carry water by an aqueduct, describe. Idea, impression, thought, conception. Simultaneously, at the same time, cotemporaneously. of August. Here, hundreds of decrepit parents, half buried in the ruins, were imploring assistance from their sons, who were not always willing to risk their own lives by giving their aid. There, distracted mothers were frantically lifting heavy stones from heaps, which covered the lifeless bodies of their infants. 'The awful darkness of the night, the continuance of the most violent shocks, at short intervals, the crash of falling walls, the shrieks, the agony and despair of that long night, cannot be described. When at length, the morning dawned, and the return of light permitted the people to quit the spot on which they had been providentially saved, a most affecting scene ensued. You might have seen many, unaccustomed to pray, prostrate in silent worship, or on their knees adoring their Preserver. Friends were running into each other's arms in transports of joy. Enmities were forgotten; an air of cheerfulness and brotherly love animated every countenance. LESSON XII. Various Species of Lying.-AMELIA OPIE. What constitutes lying? I answer, the intention to deceive. If this be a correct definition, there must be passive as well as active lying; and those who withhold the truth, or do not tell the whole truth, with an intention to deceive, are guilty of lying, as well as those who tell a direct or positive falsehood. Lies are many, and various in their nature and tendency, and may be arranged under their different names. Lies of vanity. Lies of vanity are undoubtedly the most common lies, because vanity is one of the most powerful springs of human action, and is usually the besetting sin of every one. If I assert, that my motive for a particular action was virtuous, when I know, that it was worldly and selfish, I am guilty of an active or direct lie. But I am equally guilty of falsehood, if, while I hear my actions or forbearances praised, and imputed Decrepit, weak, helpless, aged, infirm through age. Risk, venture, jeopardy, endanger. Distracted, insane, frantic, wild. Frantically, outrageously, desperately, in agony of emotion. Intervals, intermissions, cessations. Crash, sound of falling trees, confused and sudden noise. Described, painted, delineated, portrayed, told. Morning dawned, day broke, the night was gone at break of day. Providentially, by the interposition of providence. Unaccustomed, unused, untaught, not wont. Prostrate, on the ground, with their faces to the ground. Adoring, worshipping, thanking. -Transports, carries over, ferries across, ecstacies. Enmities, hostilities, inimical feelings. -Air, aspect, light tune, one part of music, atmosphere. Brotherly love, fraternal affection, kind feelings. Give some account of this earthquake. What constitutes lying? What is deception ? What do you understand by positive lying! Tendency, effect, result, influence. Spell worldly, virtuous, guilty, undoubtedly. -Forbearances, omissions, refraining from bad actions. |