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24th of June, 1502, a lodge of masters was formed in the palace, at which the King presided as G. M.; and after appointing his wardens, proceeded in great state to Westminster Abbey, where the foundation stone was laid of that excellent piece of Gothic architecture, called Henry the VII's Chapel. The cape stone of this building was celebrated in 1507. The following noble structures were all finished in this reign: The Palace of Richmond, the College of Brazen-nose in Oxford, as also Jesus and St. John's College in Cambridge.

Cardinal Wolsey was appointed G. M. by Henry VIII., who built Hampton Court, White Hall, Christ Church College, Oxford, and several other noble edifices, all of which upon the disgrace of that prelate in 1530, were forfeited to the crown. Wolsey was succeeded in 1534 by Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, who employed the fraternity in building St. James' Palace, Christ Hospital, and Greenwich Castle. Cromwell, who was beheaded in 1540, was succeeded by John Touchet, who built Magdalen College in Cambridge. In 1547, the Duke of Somerset became Superintendant of Masons, who built Somerset House, in the Strand, London, which stands the admiration of the present generation.

The Duke of Somerset was succeeded by John Poynet, Bishop of Winchester, who presided over the Lodges until the death of the King in 1553. The Craft then remained some time without a patron, until the reign of Elizabeth, when Sir Thomas Sackville became G. M. A curious circumstance happened during her reign, which certainly merits a passing notice.

Hearing that the Masons usually held their lodges at York, and that they were in possession of many secrets, which under no circumstances they ever revealed, and besides being jealous of all secret assemblies, she sent an armed force to break up their assemblies. The design was pre

vented by the interposition of Sackville, the G. M., who took care to initiate some of the officers whom she sent on this duty, in the secrets of the order. They made such favourable reports to the queen, that her orders were countermanded, and she never attempted afterwards to disturb their meetings. In 1567, Sir Thomas Sackville resigned the grand mastership in favour of Francis Russell, Earl of Bedford, and Sir Thomas Gresham. The former took charge of the brethren in the north, while the latter superintended the meetings at the south, where the society augmented considerably, owing to the favourable reports made to the queen. All records were kept at York, where all appeals were made before the general assembly.

On the 7th of June, 1566, Sir Thomas Gresham appeared publicly in his capacity as G. M., and laid the foundation stone, with great solemnities, of the Royal Exchange, London. This edifice was completed in November, 1567. Queen Elizabeth opened the same in person, on which occasion the queen dined with the G. M. She was now more than ever satisfied that the fraternity of Masons did not interfere in state affairs; she became reconciled to their meetings, and from this time Masonry made great progress.

Several great works were carried on, under the supervision of Sir Thomas Gresham, who was succeeded as G. M. by Charles Howard, Earl of Effingham, who continued to preside until the year 1558, when George Hastings was chosen G. M., and remained in office till the decease of the queen in 1603.

During the reign of James the First, Masonry flourished in the kingdom. About this time, the celebrated Inigo Jones was appointed General Surveyor to the king. He was named G. M. of England, and was deputed by the king to preside over all the Lodges. Several learned men became members of the fraternity, which caused the society to increase in numbers as well as in reputation. Under the

direction of the present G. M. many magnificent structures were raised; he was employed by command of the king to plan a new palace at White Hall. He continued in office until 1618, when he was succeeded by the Earl of Pembroke, under whose auspices the order flourished.

During the reign of Charles the First, Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, became G. M. in 1630. He was succeeded in 1633 by Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, the ancestor of the Norfolk family. In 1635, Francis Russell, Earl of Bedford, succeeded him, and continued in his office until 1646. In Charles the Second's reign, who became Patron of the order, Masonry revived, having previously been obstructed by the civil wars; during his reign, on the 27th December, 1663, a general assembly was held, when Henry Jernyn, Earl of St. Albans, was elected G. M., who appointed John Denham his deputy, Mr. Christopher Wren (afterwards the celebrated Sir Christopher Wren) and John Webb, his wardens. At this assembly, many useful regulations for the better government of the Lodges were made, and the greatest harmony prevailed among the craft. In 1666, the Earl of St. Albans was succeeded by Earl Rivers, who appointed Sir Christopher Wren his deputy, and distinguished himself more than any of his predecessors in promoting, not alone the prosperity of the Lodges, but the general welfare and reputation of the craft, but more especially St. Paul's Lodge, now the Lodge of Antiquity: he presented them with three magnificent candlesticks, which are still preserved, as also the mallet used by Charles the First, in 1673, at the laying of the foundation stone of St. Paul's church, which had been destroyed during the great fire which destroyed London.

In 1674, Earl Rivers resigned his Grand Mastership in favour of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who left the care of the fraternity to his wardens and Sir Christopher Wren, who continued to act as his deputy. In 1679, Rivers resigned in favour of Henry Bennett, Duke of Ar

lington, during whose term of office many noblemen joined the order.

In 1685, Sir Christopher Wren became G. M., and notwithstanding the celebrity of this architect, Masonry declined until the year 1695, when King William was initiated into its mysteries, who honoured the Lodges with his presence, and presided in the one held in Hampton Court. Many of the nobility were present, in particular at a general assembly, in 1697, when Charles, Duke of Richmond and Lenox, was elected G. M. for that year; the next year he resigned his office in favour of Sir Christopher Wren, who continued in office till the death of King William, in 1702.

During the reign of Queen Anne, Masonry declined, owing to Sir Christopher's age and infirmities; the festivals were neglected, and the number of Masons diminished, when it was determined that the privileges of Masonry should not alone be confined to operatives, but that people of all professions should be admitted to participate in them, provided they were approved previous to their initiation.

The society during the reign of George the First rose in esteem; the lodges then in existence met at the Apple Tree Tavern in Charles street, Covent Garden, London, constituting themselves into a Grand Lodge pro tempore, where they agreed to renew the quarterly communications, and at the annual meeting Mr. Anthony Sayer was elected G. M. He was invested by the oldest Master Mason of the oldest lodge present, who had due homage paid him by the fraternity. In 1718 Mr. Sayer was succeeded by Mr. George Payne, who collected many valuable manuscripts on the subject of Masonry, and requested the brethren to bring to the Grand Lodge any old writings or records concerning the fraternity, to show the ancient usages, and see that none of the landmarks had been infringed, which throughout many generations had never been deviated from. At this assembly

several Gothic records were produced. On the 24th of June, 1719, at the annual communication, Dr. Desaguliers was unanimously elected G. M. At this festival the regular toasts were introduced; and from this time we may date the progress of Masonry on its present plan in England. In 1720 the fraternity met with an irreparable loss by the burning of many valuable manuscripts. This was done by some scrupulous brethren, who became unnecessarily alarmed at the publication of the Masonic Constitution.

The fraternity was, as before stated, divided into two different governments; the one in the north, the other in the south of England. The greatest harmony, however, prevailed, and many persons were initiated into the mysteries of the order. The only distinction between the two grand lodges was, that those of the north bore the title of Grand Lodge of all England, while the other was only called the Grand Lodge of England.

In the year 1723, under the Grand Mastership of the Duke of Buccleugh, who succeeded the Duke of Wharton, the noble project originated, the scheme of raising a general fund for distressed Masons. A committee was appointed to mature a plan to carry the scheme into execution.

The disposal of the funds was vested in twelve masters of contributing lodges, who in rotation, with some of the grand officers, should form a committee of charity, who were to meet four times a year, or whenever a case of exigency should require, at the discretion and command of the G. M. The petitions of distressed brethren were then considered, and if found worthy, a sum of five guineas was immediately granted. Should the necessities of a distressed worthy brother require further relief, at a subsequent meeting twenty guineas were granted. Thus the distresses of a brother found always ready relief from this general charity fund, which is supported by the voluntary contributions of

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