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Sect. 3. Among the Chriftians likewise there were five Steps by which their Penitents were re-admitted to Communion. First they were oblig'd to remain fome Years feparate from the Congregation lamenting their Sins, Пgóxλau- whence this Step was call'd Proclaufis. Secondly, they were remov'd nearer the People, where during three Years they might hear the Priests, tho not fee them: this Step was therefore call'd Anejas. Acroafis. Thirdly, for three Years more they might hear and fee, but not mix with the Congregation: this PeYriod was call'd Hypoptosis. Fourthly, they might stand with the People, but not receive the Sacraments: this was And, Fifthly, they were admitted to Communion, which Més. was call'd Methexis. The new Converts likewife, under Preparation to participate of the Myfteries, were ftil'd Catechumens; then competent ; and, laftly, Epopts, perfect, or Belie vers: which are the very Degrees in Name and Quality, to which Pythagoras oblig'd his Difciples.


Zusus their Syftafis.



I could draw out this Parallel much larger,but here's enough to fhew


how Chriftianity became mysterious, and Ch. 6. how fo divine an Inftitution did, through the Craft and Ambition of Priefts and Philofophers, degenerate into meer Paganism.

91. Mystery prevail'd very little in the firft Hundred or Century of Years after Christ; but in the fecond and third it began to establish it felf by Ceremonies. To Baptifm were then added the tafting of Milk and Honey, Anointing, the Sign of the Crofs, a white Garment, &c. There was quickly after a farther Acceffion of Questions and Anfwers, of antecedent Faftings and Watchings, Kiffing, and set times of Adminiftration. After Baptism they did not || wash for a whole Week, exactly anfwerable to the Superftition of the Gentiles, who M 2


* Denique ut a Baptifmate ingrediar, aquam adituri ibidem, fed & aliquanto prius in ecclefia fub Antiftitis manu, conteftamur nos renunciare Diabolo, & pompæ, & angelis ejus. Dehinc ter mergitamur, amplius aliquid refpondentes quam Dominus in Evangelio determinavit. Inde fufcepti lactis & mellis concordiam præguftamus; ex eaque dieLavacro quotidiano per totam Hebdomadem abftinemus. Tertullian. pag. 102. Egreffi de Lavacro perunguimur benedicta Unctione, &c. Id. pag. 226.

Tertul in loco citato

Sect. 3.never put off the * Garment in which they were initiated till it fell all to tatters. Next were added Injection of Salt and Wine into the Mouths of the Baptiz'd, and a fecond Unction, with Impofition of Hands. But in later times there was no end of Lights, Exorcifms, Exfufflations, and many other Extravagancies of Jewish, or Heathen Original. From this Source sprang not only the Belief of Omens, Prefages, Apparitions, † the Cultom of Burying with three fhovel-fuls of Earth, with other vulgar Obfervations among Chriftians; but alfo Lights, Feafts or Holy-days, Confecrations, Images, worshipping towards the || East, AL


* Ὁ δὲ μυόμενος τὸ ἱμάτιον, ὅ ἐφόρει ἐν τῇ μυήσει, ἐδέποτε απεδίδετο μέχρις ἂν τελέως αφανισθῇ διappusy. Scholiaft. in Flut. Ariftophan.

+ Priufquam in eos [fcil. mortuos] injecta Gleba eft, Locus ille, ubi crematum eft corpus, nihil habet Religionis: Anglicè, Before this Ceremony, 'tis not Hallow'd Ground. Cic. I. 2. de Leg. cap.22.

Archytas naufragus, prætereuntem exorans ne fe infepultum relinquat, fic preces abfolvit apud Ho

ratium :

Quanquam feftinas, non eft mora longa: licebit,
Injecto TER pulvere, curras. Lib.1.Od.28.v.35.
His Dea placanda eft, hæc tu converfus ad ortum
Dic quater; & vivo perlue rore manus. Ovid.
4. V. 777. Ὁ δὲ Ναὸς ὁρέει μεν ἐς ἠέλιον αι -
Lucian. pag. 674. Edit. Amft. 1687.

Faft. 1.


tars, Mufick, Dedications of Churches, Ch. 6. and in them diftin&t Places for the LAITY, (as they speak) and the CLERGY: for there is nothing like these in the Writings of the Apoftles, but they are all plainly contain'd in the Books of the Gentiles, and was the Substance of their Worfhip.

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92. All the Rites of the Supper, too tedious to particularize, were intro duc'd by degrees after the fame manner: So by endeavouring to make the plaineft things in the World appear myfterious, their very Nature and Ufe were abfolutely perverted and de ftroy'd, and are not yet fully reftor'd by the pureft Reformations in Chriftendom. But we must not forget how Tertullian himself has acknowledg'd that for their frequent Croffings and other Baptifmal Rites, for their fcrupling to let any of the Bread and Wine fall to the Ground, or to receive them from any hand but the Priest's, with the like Ceremonies, they had no colour of † Autho

M 3

*Harum & aliarum ejufmodi Difciplinarum, fi legem expoftules Scripturarum, nullam invenies; Traditio tibi prætenditur auctrix, Confuetudo confirmatrix, & Fides obfervatrix. Pag. 102.

Sect. 3.thority from the Scriptures, but only from Custom and Tradition.

93. Now their own Advantage being the Motive that put the Primitive Clergy upon reviving Myftery, they quickly erected themfelves by its Affi ftance into a separate and politick Body, tho not fo foon into their various Orders and Degrees. For in the two firft Centuries we meet with no SubDeacons, Readers, or the like; much lefs with the Names or Dignities of Popes, Cardinals, Patriarchs, Metropo-. litans, Archbishops, Primates, Suffra gans, Archdeacons, Deans, Chancellors, Vicars, or their numerous Dependants and Retinue. But in small time Myftery made way for those, and several other Ufurpations upon Mankind, under pretence of Labourers in the Lord's Vineyard.

94. The Degrees or Conftitutions concerning Ceremonies and Difcipline, to encrease the Splendour of this new State, did ftrangely affect, ftupify, and amaze the Minds of the ignorant People; and made them believe they were in good earneft Mediators between God and Men, that could fix


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