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be to God! While we were holding the meeting, a drunken man came by, and stopped awhile; then went on to the inn where I lodged, and told some of the gentlemen that the lady who lived up stairs was preaching at Pannel. He repeated also some of the words he had heard me speak. When we came home they watched us in, and my maid (who was a pious young woman) going into the kitchen, they flocked about her, asking, in many questions, what her mistress had been doing at Pannel ?

The following Sunday the company sent me a message up stairs,-"That they unanimously requested I would have such a meeting with them in the great ball room." This was a trial indeed! It appeared to me, I should seem in their eyes as a bad woman, or a stage player; and I feared they only sought an opportunity to behave rudely. Yet I considered, I shall see these people no more till I see them at the judgment seat of Christ. And shall it then be said to me, "You might that day have warned us, but you would not.' I answered them immediately, That I would wait on them at the time appointed. They behaved very well, and the presence of the Lord was with us. The following Sunday they made the same request. Much more company came in, even from High Harrowgate; but the Lord bore me through; and glory be to him we had some fruit. The next day I returned home, better in health, and comfortable in mind. All praise be to the Lord!

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Sunday, Oct. 17.-Reflecting on the condition of Israel at the Red Sea, I thought, there is the picture of my situation. I also then will "stand still and see the salvation of God. Thy will be done!" Yes, my adorable Lord, strip me of every penny; bring me not only to poverty, but what I far more dread, to insolvency. Yes! strip me even of reputation; let me be as "the filth and offscouring of all things," only let me have thy approval, and all shall be well. Yes, I will praise thee for all, and most for the severe.

Oct. 18.-Finding the family (which now consisted of men and women, boys and girls) much laid on my mind; in particular the children, some of the biggest of whom seemed getting into snares; and considering that several must soon (because of my circumstances) be thrust out

into the world, I spent some time in pleading with the Lord, that he would not let the expense and labour which had been laid out on these orphans be all in vain, but that they might be truly brought to God; though I saw we must be dispersed, through the losses and trials which are come upon me. The Bible lay open before me, and I cast my eyes on those words, which were applied with power to my heart: "Yet, behold, there shall be a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters,— behold, they shall come forth unto thee, and thou shalt see their ways and their doings; and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil I have brought on Jerusalem. And they shall comfort you when you shall see their ways and their doings; and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done, saith the Lord."

Saturday, Nov. 6.-I have received some upbraiding letters, asking me if I yet believed I should see those words fulfilled, "I will restore to you the ears the locusts have eaten." In the midst of my trials, it is sometimes presented to my mind,-Perhaps the Lord will draw me out of all this by marriage. Opportunities of this kind occur frequently; but no sooner do I hear the offer, but a clear light seems to shine on my mind, as with this voice: You will neither be holier nor happier with this man. But I find Mr. Fletcher sometimes brought before me, and the same conviction does not intervene. His eminent piety, and the remembrance of some little ass of friendship in our first acquaintance, look to me sometimes like a pointing of the finger of Providence. And yet I fear lest it should be a trick of Satan to hurt my mind. I know not even that we shall see each other on this side eternity. Lord, let me not be drawn into a snare! Well, this I resolve on, to strive against the thought; and never to do the least thing toward a renewal of our correspondence. No-I will fix my eye on the hundred forty and four thousand; praying only to live and die to God alone. Whatever is the will of God, I believe he will show it to me, and may his holy will be done. A few nights ago, as my mind was burdened lest Satan was about to get an advantage over me, I cried to the Lord, and felt much sorrow. In order to compose my mind, (I did what

I seldom do,) I prayed the Lord to direct me in opening to some passage of Scripture which might draw me to himself, and compose me into a quiet frame. I took up, as I thought, a little Bible which lay before me, but (by accident) one of the maids had put her small Common Prayerbook in the place. With prayer I opened it, and cast my eyes on these words: "Almighty God, who at the beginning did create our first parents, Adam and Eve, and did sanctify and join them together in marriage, pour upon you the riches of his grace, sanctify and bless you, that you may please him both in body and soul, and live together in holy love unto your lives' end." I was struck with the words; but saw the safest way was a quiet attention to the will of my God, on which I strove to lean my weary spirit.

Monday November, 8,-My mind is this morning affected in a solemn manner. It seems to me I have yet more of the cross to expect, and more bitter cups to drink. O my Lord, what breaking do I need! Well, do all thy will, so I may but feel that promise accomplished, Thou shalt walk with me in white. Last night I went to bed recollected, and in the spirit of prayer, but had a dream which I cannot understand, though I believe it to be from God. Perhaps what I know not now I may know hereafter. I thought I was in a room with S. C., A. T., and some others. Mr. Fletcher was there, sitting with us, and speaking of the things relating to a walk with God. At last he said, as it were abruptly, "I must go to Bristol: will any of you go with me?" A woman who sat by him said, "No, not for the world. You know not what you will have to suffer: the devil walks there, and you will have all the powers of hell to grapple with." He replied, "I care not for ten thousand devils, for the name of Jesus will conquer them all!" He then, turning to me, said, "Will you go with me? Not to help me to fight, but to help me to praise." I replied, "I will go; for while we trust in Jesus, all the powers of hell cannot harm us. had no remembrance during my dream of his being a single man, or any thing that had passed in my mind before. In all I said and did, I seemed acted upon by another spirit rather than my own.

November 15.-In reading Mr. Elliott's Life this day


I received a fresh conviction, how blessed an employment it is to receive and comfort the messengers of the Lord, who have left their houses, and all the conveniences of life, to preach the Gospel. God hath given me a home, though Christ had not where to lay his head; and here I have the honour and privilege of giving a cup of water to his prophets. ILord, teach me to do it with more diligence!

December 2.-This day, as brother Bramah was meeting my band, he related an anecdote of a young man, which was blessed to me. He was leader of a band of young men, all desirous of giving their whole hearts to God; but it seemed to them they could not see the way clearly. One night he dreamed he was at the bottom of a deep but dry well, with his little company. He told them if they remained there they must perish, and exhorted them to strive hard to get out. Accordingly they exerted all their strength, endeavouring to get up, but all in vain. At last they were quite discouraged, and said, "What must we do?" "Truly," said he, " I know not;" but looking up, he saw in the sky a little bright spot which did not appear larger than half a crown. He looked at it for some time, when feeling himself move, he looked down into the well, and found to his surprise he was risen some feet from the bottom. As soon, however, as he looked down he began to sink again. "O," said he, "now I have found the way out of the well! It is by looking steadily on yonder bright spot ;" on which fixing his eye, he was brought up in a short time, and his feet were set on firm ground. This discovery of the way of faith was greatly blessed both to him and his brethren. I am convinced, could I thus constantly look to Jesus as the author and finisher of my faith, the work of sanctification would be going on without hinderance.


December 17.-Last Friday I went to Leeds to meet some classes. O how much do I suffer for every meeting I propose! The enemy follows me hard with such buffeting fears and discouragements as I cannot express. How. ever, I determined to go, and leave the event to God. At Mrs. C.'s many came in to tea, and being a mixed company, I thought, Lord, give me something profitable to say, or keep me silent; and blessed be God it was a profitable time. After tea I conversed alone with one in

deep distress, and read in the providences she mentioned, a wonderful display of the wisdom, condescension, and guardian care of the Lord Jesus. When I returned into the dining room, a large class was ready for me, and the Lord was very present. Glory be to his name, he never fails his poor unworthy dust! Then Mrs. Clapham asked me if my strength would hold out to meet the children. I assented, and also found some liberty. Immediately I began the second class, and there I found the Lord was very good indeed; but my strength almost failed. After the people were gone, I talked closely with Mr. H.; I trust not quite in vain. It being now late, we got a little supper, and went to bed. I had but little rest, being very feverish. Indeed I am seldom well in a town. Next day we visited several in peculiar states and circumstances, and here also I saw the Lord's hand. In the afternoon I returned home in peace.

December 20.-This was on the whole a good day. Taking some time in the Hermitage, my soul was refreshed. My situation is perplexing; but I feel myself calmly fixed on the will of God. I can, I do, believe he will not let me take any step that is not for his glory. And if I do not get out of his order, I care for nothing else.

December 30.-Waked early, and after losing some time, (though kept from unprofitable thoughts,) I arose about five, and was blessed in prayer, but afterward found myself very stupid, dull, and heavy. I went to see some sick people, and their words were animating. I was humble while they recorded several meetings in which my words had been blessed to them. O'my God, let me not help others into liberty, and myself remain in bond. age. I heard also to-day of some in Leeds that were brought into a fuller measure of love,—and that they had been blessed ever since my being there. Ah! Lord, how will this rise against me if I am not filled with thee! On all sides I hear of my words being blessed, and yet I am only a poor pipe through which it passes. Lord, let me never rest till I have full redemption in thy blood. Sometimes all my soul is on the stretch; but then I rest again, and other cares my heart divide. How long! O Lord! How long!

January 1, 1774.-And do I yet see another year?

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