1779. William Greaves, Esq., M.A. of Fulbourn, formerly fellow of the College, and Commissary of the University, left £10 annually for a Bachelor of Arts who shall compose and recite the best Dissertation in English on the character of King William III. 1785. The Rev. Mark Anthony Stephenson, M.A. formerly Fellow and Tutor of the College, gave £50 a year to found a Scholarship, in the first place to be appropriated to his own kin; secondly, to natives of Scarborough; and thirdly, in case of there being no such candidate properly qualified, to be open to general competition. 1849. The Rev. J. Hinman, M.A. formerly Fellow, founded one Scholarship of £40 a year, with a preference, cæteris paribus, to natives of Rutland. The present Society consists of the Master, ten Senior, nine Junior, and three Bye-fellows. The foundation fellowships are given according to merit, without restriction as to family or county, certain restrictions prescribed by the Statutes having been removed by a royal letter obtained by the College from his Majesty King George IV. The three bye-fellowships, however, are limited by the wills of the founders to natives of particular counties. The qualifications of the fellows are thus described in the statutes." Eligantur in socios ii semper qui moribus et eruditione fuerint insigniores, quosque magister et socii speraverint firmiterque crediderint in eadem domo ad Dei honorem et profectum studii scholastici cum effectu velle et posse proficere, et inter hos illi qui indigentiores fuerint." The Senior and Junior Fellowships are open to all persons who are Bachelors of Arts, or of any higher degree, no one being superannuated or incapable of being a candidate on account of age or length of standing in the University. The Seniors must be in holy orders except two, who with the consent of the Master and major part of the Fellows, may practise law and physic. In 1804 the average value of a Senior Fellowship was about £100 a year, besides rooms and commons. The Junior Fellows enjoy the same privileges as the Seniors, and seven of them are required to be in priests' orders, the other two may be laymen. The three Bye-fellows have no voice in the affairs of the College, and cannot be elected into any other fellowship. They are obliged to be in priests' orders within seven years after B.A. The scholarships are generally open to free competition, and the election takes place every year in January after an examination in classical literature; and the Statutes prescribe in the election:-"Et qui virtute, ingenio, doctrina reliquos antecellerint, ii omnino per Magistrum et majorem partem sociorum in electione illa præferantur." Four of the foundation scholarships have been raised to the value of £50 each; and four to £20 each per annum. There is a weekly allowance of 3s. 3d. besides during residence. The other scholarships, the value of which is not stated, vary from 28. to 68. per week during residence. There are three sizars admitted, one every year, after an examination in Classics and Mathematics. The emoluments allowed to the sizars are considerable but variable. The College from its funds gives annually prizes of Books to all those students who may be judged deserving at the annual College Examination, which takes place at the division of the Easter Term. The College has also instituted annual prizes for the best Latin theme, and the best declamation; also for the best reader in chapel, and for the most distinguished student in Divinity at the College Examination. In order to encourage and reward distinguished merit, the College has also from its general funds appropriated a sum of not less than £110 a year to be given in additional prizes. One prize of £20 and another of £10 are given to the two most distinguished in Mathematics in each year; and a prize not exceeding £10 to the most distinguished Classical scholar of the second and third year after the College Examination. The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to sixteen church-livings. The annual revenue of the College as reported by the Commissioners in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was £132. 78. 1 d. PEMBROKE COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1347, A.D. THIS ancient College was founded and endowed by Mary DE ST PAUL, widow of Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. This lady was the daughter of Guy de Chastillon, Earl of St Paul in France, and of Mary of Bretagne, daughter of John de Dreux, Earl of Richmond, and Beatrice, sister to King Edward I. Having survived her husband for many years, she devoted, during a long widowhood, her influence and her property to the encouragement of Religion and Learning. The Foundress in 1347 obtained from Edward III. a licence for building the College, which still occupies its ancient place, previously the sites of University Hostel, St Thomas's Hostel, and of several other buildings. Having obtained a charter of incorporation from the King, enabling her to appoint thirty scholars or more, she appointed twenty-four fellows (scholares majores), six scholars (scholares minores), more or less, as the revenues should be augmented: she herself, it appears, having only provided for the endowment and maintenance of six fellows and two scholars. She ordained Statutes for the government of the College, to which, in memory of herself and her husband, she assigned the name of Valence-Mary; but it became almost immediately known by the appellation of Pembroke Hall. 1439-1451. King Henry VI. was a most liberal benefactor to the College, so as to deserve to be considered a second founder. He was moved to favour the College by a petition from it representing that property, with which the College was originally endowed, had been much damaged by tides and floods, and so greatly diminished in value. In one of his Charters granting lands to this College, it is thus honourably designated: "Notabile et insigne et quam pretiosum Collegium, quod inter omnia loca Universitatis (prout certitudinaliter informamur) mirabiliter, Domino providente, splenduit et resplendet." The annual revenue of the College as reported by the Commissioners in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was £171. 2s. 10d. 1480. Laurence Booth, Archbishop of York, and Lord High Chancellor, Master of the College, founded two Fellowships. 1519. Sir Philip Booth, Knt. brother of Charles Booth, Bishop of Hereford, gave some tenements in London, for the endowment of three Fellowships. 1568. One Exhibition was founded by John Holmes, for a scholar from Blackrode School in Lancashire. The property from which the allowance arises, is vested in the Trustees of the School. The allowance is at present £65 a year. 1571. Thomas Watts, D.D. Prebendary of Westminster, and Archdeacon of Middlesex, gave estates at Ashwell and Sawston for the maintenance of seven Scholars, to be called by the name of "Greek Scholars." The rents and rent-charges from which these scholars receive their allowances, amount to £107. 17s. 1583. Archbishop Grindal, Master of the College from 1559 to 1562, founded three Scholarships, with a preference to natives of Cumberland and Westmorland educated at St Begh's School in Cumberland. The present allowance to each scholar is £28 a year. The Archbishop also founded one Fellowship, with the same privileges and advantages as appertain to a fellowship on the original foundation; and in case of its becoming vacant, a preference is to be given to one who has been a scholar from St Begh's School. Archbishop Grindal gave special Statutes for the regulation of his fellowship and scholarships, which were sanctioned by Royal Letters patent in 1585. 1583. William Marshall, servant to Archbishop Grindal, gave an annual rent-charge of £3. 6s. 8d. to found one Exhibition. 1586. Jane Coxe, daughter of George Auder, alderman of Cambridge, widow of Dr Richard Coxe, Bishop of Ely, gave an annual payment of £3. 6s. 8d., out of her lands at Knapwell, to the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, for the maintenance of a Scholar there, in perpetual remembrance of her former husband, William Turner, M.D. sometime Fellow, and Dean of Wells. There is an entry in the accounts of the College for the year 1542, which states that Dr Ridley*, the Master, and the Fellows, sent to Mr Turner the sum of 22s. 8d., ex dono benevolentia,-probably to relieve his necessities when he was in prison for preaching the Gospel. 1598. William Smart, alderman of Ipswich, left an estate to the College for the maintenance of two Scholars from the Free Grammar-school of Ipswich, and ordained that each scholar should have an allowance of £3 per annum. The College • A few days only before his martyrdom at Oxford in 1555, Bishop Ridley wrote his farewell, in which he thus took leave of the University of Cambridge and Pembroke College: "Now that I have taken my leave of my countrymen and kinsfolks, and the Lord doth lend me life and giveth me leisure, I will bid my other good friends in God, of other places also, farewell. And whom first or before other, than the University of Cambridge? whereat I have dwelt longer, found more faithful and hearty friends, received more benefits, (the benefits of my natural parents only excepted,) than ever I did even in mine own native country wherein I was born. "Farewell therefore, Cambridge, my loving mother and tender nurse! If I should not acknowledge thy manifold benefits, yea, if I should not for thy benefits at the least love thee again, truly I were to be accounted ungrate and unkind. What benefits hadst thou ever, that thou usest to give and bestow upon thy best beloved children, that thou thoughtest too good for me? Thou didst bestow on me all thy school degrees: of thy common offices, the chaplainship of the University, the office of the proctorship, and of a common reader; and of thy private commodities, and emoluments in colleges, what was it that thou madest me not partner of? First, to be scholar, then fellow, and after my departure from thee thou calledst me again to a mastership of a right worshipful college. I thank thee, my loving mother, for all this thy kindness; and I pray God that his laws, and the sincere gospel of Christ, may ever be truly taught and faithfully learned in thee. "Farewell, Pembroke Hall, of late mine own college, my cure, and my charge! What case thou art in now, God knoweth, I know not well. Thou wast ever named sithens I knew thee (which is now a thirty years ago,) to be studious, well learned, and a great setter forth of Christ's gospel and of God's true word: so I found thee, and, blessed be God! so I left thee indeed. Woe is me for thee, mine own dear college, if ever thou suffer thyself by any means to be brought from that trade. In thy orchard (the walls, butts, and trees, if they could speak, would bear me witness,) I learned without book almost all Paul's epistles, yea and, I ween, all the canonical epistles, save only the Apocalypse. Of which study, although in time a great part did depart from me, yet the sweet smell thereof, I trust, I shall carry with me into heaven: for the profit thereof I think I have felt in all my lifetime ever after; and I ween, of late (whether they abide there now or no I cannot tell,) there was that did the like. The Lord grant, that this zeal and love toward that part of God's word, which is a key and a true commentary to all holy Scripture, may ever abide in that college, so long as the world shall endure." |