appointment to confidential duties, which will add £50 a year, or more, to his income. The hours of attendance are six each day, and usually from ten till four; though in some Offices they work from nine to three, while in others the hours are from eleven till five. In some Offices the pay may be considerably augmented by working over-time. Government is liberal in holidays; besides a few days at Christmas, Whitsuntide, and Easter, the clerks have an annual leave of absence varying from four to ten weeks. If, in some respects, the Government salaries will not bear comparison with those attainable in mercantile firms, it must be remembered that the former are permanent, nothing but great misconduct leading to a forfeiture of the berth. Nor should it be forgotten that, by the "Superannuation Act" of 1859, advantageous provisions have been made for clerks who, from any cause, may be unable to work. The scale of pension is proportionate to the amount of salary received at the time of incapacitation. Thus, after ten years' service, the invalided clerk will be entitled to receive eleven-sixtieths of his full salary, and an additional sixtieth up to forty years of service, twothirds being the maximum; so that, after thirty years' service, the clerk will be able to retire on half-pay. PUBLIC OFFICES. AGE, QUALIFICATIONS, AND SALARIES. The following lists of Salaries in the respective Public Offices have been carefully drawn up from the latest Government returns. The Qualifications and Limits of Age have been corrected by the Ninth Report. The names of the patrons of the various Offices have been given, so far as they could be ascertained. (In all examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation.) There is a preliminary examination in all subjects marked (t). C ADMIRALTY. I. TEMPORARY CLERKS, WHITEHALL. (Age 17 to 25. Patronage vested in First Lord.) (t) 1. Writing from Dictation. (t) 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). (t) 3. English Composition. (t) 4. Précis. (t) 5. Translation from Latin or some modern foreign Lan guage. (A certain proficiency in these subjects is necessary, and will form the test of qualification for the appointment to a temporary clerkship. Candidates will also be examined and compete in the following subjects.) 6. Geography. 7. English and General History. 8. Algebra, Euclid, or any branch of Mathematics or Science. II. TEMPORARY CLERKS, SOMERSET HOUSE. (Age 17 to 25.) (t) 1. Writing from Dictation. (t) 3. English Composition. (t) 4. Précis. (t) 5. Book-keeping by Double Entry. (A certain proficiency in these subjects is necessary, and will form the test of qualification for the appointment to a temporary clerkship. Candidates will also be examined and compete in the following subjects.) (A certain proficiency in these subjects is necessary, and will form the test of qualification for the appointment to a temporary clerkship in the above departments.) IV. DOCKYARD SCHOOLMASTERS. (Age 20 to 35.) (t) 1. Handwriting and Ortho graphy. (t) 2. Arithmetic. graphy of the World, es pecially of England and Europe. (t) 3. Grammar and Analysis of (t) 6. English History. Sentences. (t) 4. English Composition. (t) 5. Physical and Political Geo (t) 7. Euclid (Books I.—IV.) (t) 8. Algebra, including Quadratic Equations. (The above subjects will form the test of qualification. Candidates will also compete in the following subjects, to which a high 1 value will be given.) 9. Trigonometry (plane and sphe rical). 10. Differential and Integral Cal culus, and the easier Differ- 11. Mechanics. V. DOCKYARD APPRENTICES. (t) 1. Handwriting and Ortho (t) 2. Reading. 4. Euclid (Books I.—III.) 5. Grammar. (Age 132 to 15.) 6. English Composition. 7. Geography. 8. Algebra (including Quadratic Equations, with Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression). ** The vacancies for these appointments are open to public competition; 200 marks, as a maximum, will be given to physical qualifications, viz., height, weight, girth of chest, and strength. VI. DRAUGHTSMEN IN HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. (Age 17 to 25.) 1. Writing from Dictation. 4. Geography. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). 3. French or other foreign Language. 5. Principles of Map and Chart 6. Practical application of Geo- VII. ENGINEER STUDENTS. 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Square and Cube Root). 3. Grammar. 4. English Composition. 5. Geography. 6. Mathematics, Euclid (Bks. I.-VI.), Algebra (including Quadratic Equations). 7. French translation. SALARIES.-Department of Secretary.-Chief Clerk, £1,100; Clerks, 1st class, £600 to £850; 2nd class, £350 to £550; 3rd class, £100 to £350. Department of Surveyor.-Clerks, 1st class, £670 to £800; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £90 to £300. Accountant-General.—Chief Clerks, £850; 1st class, £520 to £700; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £90 to £300; Temporary Clerks, £100 to £120. Department of Storekeeper-General.-Clerks, 1st class, £520 to £800; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £90 to £300. Comptroller of Victualling and Transports.-As in Storekeeper General. Medical Director-General.-Clerks, 1st class, £670 to £800; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £90 to £300. Comptroller-General.-Clerks, 1st class, £520 to £800; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £90 to £300. Naval Yards.-Senior Clerks, £315 to £450; Junior Clerks, £90 to £300. Hydrographic Department.-Draughtsmen, £130 to £400. ADMIRALTY (COURT OF). (Patronage shared by First Lord and Registrar.) I. CLERKS IN REGISTRAR'S OFFICE. (Age, 17 to 35.) 1. Handwriting and Ortho graphy. 2. Transcribing. 3. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). 4. English Composition. 5. Précis. 6. One of the following subjects: (a) Latin or a modern Language; (b) The leading points of English or Modern History; (c) Geography; (d) Algebra, Euclid, or any branch of Mathematics or Science. II. CLERKS IN MARSHAL'S OFFICE. 1. Handwriting and Ortho graphy. 2. Transcribing. 3. Arithmetic (the first four rules, (Age, 17 to 30.) Practice and the Rule of 4. Grammatical structure of sen tences of a simple character. SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £700; 1st class, £350 to £500; 2nd class, £200 to £300; 3rd class, £80 to £180; Supplementary, £90 to £130. AUDIT OFFICE. (Age, 18 to 25. Patronage vested in the Treasury.) (t) 1. Writing from Dictation. (t) 3. English Composition. 4. Précis. 5. Euclid (first three books). 6. Geography. 7. Translation from Latin prose. 8. Translation from French, Italian, or German. SALARIES.-Inspectors, £520 to £700; Senior Examiners, £315 to £500; Junior Examiners, £90 to £300. BRITISH MUSEUM. (Patronage in Trustees and Librarian.) I. ASSISTANTS IN PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN'S OFFICE. (Age, 18 to 30.) 1. Writing and Dictation. 4. Précis. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar 5. Either Greek or Latin, with and Decimal Fractions). 3. English Composition. one foreign Language. II. ASSISTANTS IN DEPARTMENT OF ANTIQUITIES, OR IN THAT OF PRINTED BOOKS OR OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. Writing from Dictation. 2. Elementary Arithmetic. 4. Literary and Political History of Greece and Rome. 3. Literary and Political History 5. Either Greek or Latin, with of England. one foreign Language. III. ASSISTANTS IN A DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL HISTORY. 2. Elementary Arithmetic. 1. Writing from Dictation. 3. Literary and Political History of England. 4. Either Greek or Latin, with damental principles of the various systems of classification of Zoology, Geology, Palæontology, Mineralogy, or Botany (according to the Department of Natural History for which the candidate is nominated). |