LUNACY COMMISSION. (Age, 18 to 30. Patronage vested in Home Secretary.) 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Copying from MSS. 3. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Percentages and Averages). 4. Correspondence. 6. Latin or a modern Language. SALARIES.-Clerks, £100 to £500. METROPOLITAN POLICE COURTS. (Age, 17 to 23. Patronage vested in Magistrates and Home Secretary.) 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (first four rules, with Reduction and Proportion). 3. English Composition. 4. Either (a) Geography; 5. Criminal Law (if the Candidate be a Certificated Attorney or Justices? Clerk at Petty Sessions). SALARIES.-Chief Clerks, £240 to £500; other Clerks, £75 to £300. METROPOLITAN POLICE (COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE). (Age, 17 to 25. Patronage vested in Commissioners.) 1. Writing from Dictation. and Decimal Fractions). 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar 3. Book-keeping. 4. English Composition. 5. English Geography. 6. History of the British Empire. 7. French. SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £450 to £550; other Clerks, £90 to £430. METROPOLITAN POLICE. RECEIVER'S OFFICE. (Age, 17 to 25. Patronage vested in Commissioners.) 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 3. English Composition. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar 4. Book-keeping. and Decimal Fractions). SALARIES. (See Commissioners' Office.) MINT. (Patronage vested in Treasury and Master of the Mint.) II. JUNIOR ASSAYERS, JUNIOR SUPERINTENDENTS IN THE MELTING AND COINING ROOMS, AND OTHERS BELONGING TO THE SAME CLASS. (Age, 20 to 45.) (t) 1. Handwriting and Ortho- (t) 2. Arithmetic (including Val SALARIES.-Senior Clerks, £200 to £400; Junior, £100 to £250; Melters, &c., £300 to £500. NATIONAL DEBT OFFICE. (Age, 16 to 25. Patronage vested in Chancellor of the Exchequer and Treasury.) SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £650; Principals, £420 to £550; Seniors, £300 to £400; Assistant Clerks, £200 to £280; Juniors, £80 to £180. PATENT OFFICE. (Age, 18 to 23. Patronage in Lord Chancellor.) 1. Writing and Orthography.` 2. Elementary Arithmetic. SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £400 to £600; 2nd and 3rd Clerks, £250 to £350; 4th and 5th Clerks, £100 to £200; Chief Clerk (Specifications), £350; other Clerks, £100 to £320; extra Clerks, £130. PAYMASTER-GENERAL'S OFFICE. I. CLERKS. (Age, 18 to 25. (t) 1. Writing from Dictation. (t) 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). (t) 3. Book-keeping. (4. English Composition. II. EXTRA CLERKS. 1. Handwriting and Orthography. Patronage in Paymaster-General.) 6. Purchase of Stock and 7. Précis. (Age, 18 to 30.) 2. Elementary Arithmetic. SALARIES.-Clerks, 1st class, £520 to £800; 2nd class, £315 to £500; 3rd class, £100 to £300; Temporary, £100 to £120. POOR LAW BOARD. (Patronage in Chairman.) I. SUPERIOR CLERKS. (Age, 18 to 25). 1. Arithmetic (including Vulgar 2. English Composition. and Decimal Fractions). II. SUPPLEMENTARY CLERKS, CLERKS TO INSPECTORS, AND COPYISTS. SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £500 to £700; Clerks, 1st class, senior division, £400 to £600; junior, £500; 2nd class, senior division, £150 to £350; junior, £150 to £300; 3rd class, £150 to £250 ; Supplementary, £80 to £180. POST OFFICE. (Patronage between Postmaster-General and Treasury.) 1. CLERKS IN THE SOLICITOR'S OFFICE, 3rd class. (Age, 18 to 30.) 1. Writing from Dictation. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions). 3. English Composition. 4. General Principles of Equity and Common Law. 5. Conveyancing. II. OTHER CLERKS IN METROPOLITAN OFFICES. (Age, 18 to 25.) 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (including Reduction, Rule of Three, and Practice). SALARIES. Secretary's Office.-Chief Clerk, £800; 1st class Clerks, £400 to £600; 2nd class, £260 to £380; 3rd class, £100 to £240. Supplementary, £80 to £150. Solicitor's Office.-Probationary, 5s. a day; 2nd class, £260 to £380; 3rd class, £120 to £240; 4th class, £80 to £150. Supplementary, £80 to £150. Mail Office.-Chief Clerk, £400 to £500; Clerks, 1st class, £260 to £350; 2nd class, £180 to £240; 3rd class, £80 to £150; Inspectors, £300 to £500. Travelling Post Office.-Clerks, 1st class, £260 to £350; 2nd class, £180 to £240; 3rd class, £80 to £150. Receiver and Accountant-General's Office.-Chief Examiner and Cashier, £475 to £575; Principal Book-keeper, £425 to £525; Clerks, 1st class, £260 to £400; 2nd class, £180 to £240; 3rd class, £80 to £150. Money Order Office.-Chief Clerk, £400 to £550; Clerks, 1st class, £260 to £400; 2nd class, £180 to £240; 3rd class, £80 to £150. Circulation Department.-Clerks, 1st class, £260 to £350; 2nd class, £180 to £240; 3rd class, £80 to £150; Probationary clerks, 5s. a day. PRISONS DEPARTMENT (Patronage in Home Secretary.) 1. Writing from Dictation. II. SCHOOLMASTERS. 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 3. Arithmetic (including Vulgar 5. Religious Knowledge (the 6. School Management. (including the Rule of Three and Practice, and the ArithmeticalTables).. (Age, 25 to 42.) 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar Fractions). 3. Book-keeping (elementary). (Age, 18 to 40.) 7. Two at least of the following, (a) English History; (c) Elements of Geo- (d) Latin. SALARIES.-Clerks, £80 to £200. PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE. (Age, 18 to 30. Patronage in President and Home Secretary.) SUPPLEMENTAL CLERKS. 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (elementary). 3. English Composition. 4. Accuracy in copying French. and English. SALARIES.-Chief Clerk, £1,000; 1st Senior Clerk, £700; 2nd Senior Clerk, £450 to £600; others, £100 to £300; Supplementary, £100 to £180. |