No 6. Set to candidates for the Diplomatic Service, who are required to show a knowledge of "so much of McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary' as relates to the country to which they are about to proceed." STATISTICS, &c. OF RUSSIA. 1. Trace the boundaries of the Russian empire; estimate roughly its extent, and the proportion (1) of cultivated land, (2) of forest which it contains. 2. Describe the position of the Valdai Hills; what is their greatest height, and what rivers rise in them? 3. Enumerate the chief rivers of Russia, mentioning into what sea they flow, and the chief towns on their banks. 4. How is Russia divided for purposes of government? By whom and when was the division made? 5. Give a full account of the state (1) of agriculture, (2) of manufactures in Russia. 6. Enumerate the chief Russian ports, and the chief articles of export and import. 7. Give a brief sketch of the history of Russia, showing (with dates) the most important epochs. 8. Give an account of any peculiarities in the condition (1) of the Russian clergy, (2) of the peasantry. 9. What are the chief means of internal communication throughout the country at different seasons? 10. Mention any circumstances of interest which attach to the following places, and describe their position:-Nijni Novgorod, Toula, Petrozavohsk, Kiachta, Poltava, Irkutsk, Kharkoff, Tobolsk. 11. Give an account of the different councils by means of which the government of Russia is administered. HISTORY. ENGLISH HISTORY. 1. When did the Romans first enter Britain? When did they finally leave it? Mention some of the chief benefits which we have derived from their occupation. 2. Give a sketch of the reign of Henry VII., and examine his title to the English throne. 3. How did the house of Stuart come to the English throne? Name the English Sovereigns of that line, and give in a few words the character of each. 4. From what occasion do you date the origin of the House of Commons in its present form? What kinds of assembly were there in earlier times out of which it may be supposed to have grown? 5. Who were the Roundheads, the Covenanters, the Jacobites, the Non-Jurors, the Fifth-Monarchy men; and why were they so called? 6. Give the dates and results of the most important battles fought between Charles I. and his Parliament, and a description of one of them. 7. What do you know of Protector Somerset, Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Hotspur, Halifax, Margaret of Anjou, Lord Peterborough, Burke, Charles Fox? 8. Give the history and the principal enactments of the Bill of Rights, the Union between England and Ireland, the Habeas Corpus Act. 9. Mention any important occasions on which foreign powers have interfered, or tried to interfere, in the domestic affairs of Great Britain. GENERAL HISTORY. 1. Which were the great sea-faring nations of antiquity? What do you know of the nature and extent of their voyages? 2. Give a brief account of the Athenian expedition to Sicily, and its results. 3. Write a general sketch of the state of Greece during the reign of Philip of Macedon. 4. Give an account of the Wars between Rome and Samnium, till the final subjugation of the latter. 5. Give some account of the Roman system of governing their provinces, (1) under the Republic, (2) under the Empire. 6. Describe the taking of Saguntum by the Romans, of Rome by Alarick, of Constantinople by the Turks. 7. Give a general sketch of the state of Europe about the year 1500 A.D. 8. What were the "Pragmatic Sanction "-the Holy Alliance the "Berlin Decrees"? 9. What was the first occasion on which Napoleon I. greatly distinguished himself? Sketch the leading events of his first Italian campaign. 10. Narrate the circumstances of the captivity of Charles I. 11. Sketch briefly the internal History of England during the reign of Anne. 12. Describe the battles of St. Alban's, Culloden, the Nile. MODERN HISTORY. 1. Mention any battles in which Kings of Scotland have fought against English armies, giving in each case the results of the battle and the circumstances which led to the war. 2. Give a brief sketch of the state of Europe (1) in the year 800 A.D.—(2) in the year 1800. 3. For what historical events are the following places memorable:Lepanto, Saratoga, Assaye, Basle, Torres Vedras, St. Jean d'Acre? Give a brief account of the events you mention. 4. What do you know of Charles Martel, Bernadotte, Wallenstein, Attila, Sir R. Walpole, Charles the Bold of Burgundy? 5. Narrate the circumstances connected with the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, the Mutiny at the Nore, the Revolution of the 9th Thermidor, the Siege of Londonderry. 6 What led to the war of the Spanish Succession? the chief events of it, and what was its result? What were 7. Give some account of the trial of Warren Hastings, the Peace of Ryswick, the Bill of Rights. 8. Sketch briefly the history of the Rise and Fall of the Florentine Republic and the Dutch Republic. 9. Narrate briefly the principal events in the Peninsula in the year 1810. No. 2. Set to Candidates for the Colonial Office. 1. Describe the effects of the Norman Conquest on English Society. How was Scotland affected by it? 2. Explain clearly the titles to the English throne asserted by Henry VI., Edward IV., Henry VII., and George I., respectively. 3. For what are the under-mentioned places famous in English history: Newbury, Dunbar, Oxford, Cintra, Preston, Maida, Londonderry? 4. What marriages have taken place between the royal families of England and of Holland or the Low Countries; and how has the history of these countries been connected with that of England? 5. Who were the following persons? Give a short account of each of them:-Lord Falkland, Lord Derwentwater, Sir Thomas Overbury, Sir T. Wyatt, Addison, General Wolfe, Lord Castlereagh, Sir Robert Walpole. 6. What political struggles are connected with "the Constitutions of Clarendon," "the Petition of Right,' "the Bill of Rights," "the Habeas Corpus Act," "the Statutes of Mortmain"? 7. Who were the husbands of the following Queens of England Eleanor of Guienne, Henrietta Maria, Caroline of Anspach, Philippa of Hainault? Sketch briefly the character of each Queen. 8. Give some account of the treaties of Utrecht, Aix-la-Chapelle, Dover, Versailles. 9. Give the terms of the Union either between England and Scotland, or between England and Ireland; and describe briefly the political state which preceded the Union in the country you select. MODERN HISTORY (RUSSELL). Set to Candidates for the Diplomatic Service. 1. Give an account of the state of affairs in Europe in the beginning of the years 1811 and 1830, and of the leading events of those years. 2. What do you know of Suwarrow, Necker, Huskisson, Mirabeau, Ney, Capo d'Istria, Ibrahim Pasha, Dost Mohammed, Davoust? 3. Between whom, and on what occasions, were the following battles fought, and what were their results:-Eylau, Marengo, Sobraon, Fuentes d'Onor, Valmy, Camperdown, Buxard, Vinegar Hill, Roliça, Bergen-op-Zoom? 4. Give some account of the war Russians from 1808 to 1812. terms, was it concluded? between the Turks and the By what peace, and on what 5. Write a short account of the events of "the hundred days" in 1815. 6. Give the origin, events, and issue of the war between England and the United States in 1812. 7. Give some account of the revolution of 8th and 9th Thermidor, the Spanish marriages, the trial of Peltier, the Chouan war, the Tugendbund. 8. At the end of the year 1796, France had six affiliated Republics at her side. What were their names, and what territories did each include? 9. Give a full account of the treaties of Vienna (1815). How far have they since been modified? 10. What were the most important events in the domestic history of England between 1815 and 1848? CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Set to Candidates for the Parliament Office. Time allowed, 3 hours. 1. What persons had any claim to the throne on the death of Elizabeth? 2. Give a short history of the Law of Treason. 3. What were the Statute of Drogheda, the Petition and Advice, the Conventicle Act, the Triennial Bill, the Aylesbury Election Case, and the Stockdale Case? 4. Give the history and object of the Royal Marriage Act. What questions have at any time arisen under it? 5. "Hereditary descent is characteristic of the Peerage." How far is this true? What attempt at change in this respect has recently been made, and for what reason? 6. What were the principal defects in the Electoral system before the Reform Bill? Show how any of them arose. 7. Give some account of Lord Seymour of Sudeley, Whitgift, Sancroft, Sir W. Temple, Sir Edward Coke, and the Earl of Sunderland. 8. How was the influence of the Crown increased in the reign of George III.? |