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ity! thirty-one of these creatures are sure to be inhumanly destroyed for the sport and pleasure (amid noise and nonsense, blended with the horrid blasphemy and profaneness) of those, who will yet assume to themselves the name of Christians! Without running into all the extravagance and superstition of Pythagoreans and Bramins, yet certainly they have no right, no power or authority to abuse and torment any of God's creatures, or needlessly to sport with their lives; but on the contrary ought to use them with all possible tenderness and moderation.

The Death of a Cocker.


DIED, April 4th, at T, JOHN A Esq. a young man of large fortune; and in the splendour of his carriages and horses rivalled by few country gentlemen. His table was that of hospitality, where it may be said he sacri ficed too much to conviviality: But if he had his foibles he had his merits also, that far outweighed them. Mr. A was very fond of Cock-fighting, and had a favourite cock upon which he had won many profitable matches. The last bet he laid on this cock was lost; which so enraged him, that he had the bird tied to a spit, and roasted alive before a large fire. The screams of the miserable animal were so affecting, that some gentlemen who were present attempted to interfere, which so enraged Mr. A, that he seized a poker, and with the most furious vehemence, declared that he would kill the first man who interposed: but in the midst of his passionate asseverations he fell down dead upon the spot! Such we are assured were the circumstances that attended the death of this great pillar of humanity!'



IT is a just observation, "that we cannot sufficiently ascertain the true value of, any blessing, unless we experience the reverse, and know its loss."


God forbid that ever we should know in this manner the unspeakable blessings we enjoy under the benigu influence of CHRISTIANITY. We cannot, however, fail to be made more sensible of the benefit, and more grate. ful to the Great Parent of the Universe, for casting our lot in these highly favoured lands, by turning our eyes to the East, and contrasting our situation with the unhappy state of that degraded portion of the human race, whose fanaticism leads them to pay homage to the idol at Juggernaut; and to leave their miserable remains to feed the dogs, jackals, and vultures on the plains of Hindostan.

Many of our readers, no doubt, are ignorant of the circumstance of such horrid enormities being prevalent in our day---we shall, therefore, give them the dreadful detail in the following





Buddruck in Orissa, May 30, 1806. WE know that we are approaching Juggernaut (and yet we are more than fifty miles from it) by the human bones which we have seen for some days strewed by the way. At this place we have been joined by several large bodies of pilgrims, perhaps 2000 in number, who have


Some of

come from various parts of Northern India. them, with whom I have conversed, say that they have been two months on their march, travelling slowly in the hottest season of the year, with their wives and children. Some old persons are among them, who wish to die at Juggernaut. Numbers of pilgrims die on the road; and their bodies generally remain unburied. On a plain by the river, near the pilgrim's Caravansera at this place, there are more than a hundred skulls. The dogs, jack, als, and vultures seem to live here on human prey... The vultures exhibit a shocking tameness. The obscene animals will not leave the body sometimes till we o close to them. This Buddruck is a horrid place Wherever I turn my eyes I meet death in some shape or other. Surely Juggernaut cannot be worse than Buddruck.'



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12th June, 1806.

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Many thousands of pilgrims have accompanied us for some days past. They cover the road before and behind as far as the eye can reach. At nine o'clock this morning, the Temple of Juggernaut appeared in view at a great distance. When the multitude first saw it, they gave a shout, and fell to the ground and worshipped. I have heard nothing to day but shouts and acclamations by the successive bodies of pilgrims. From the place where I now stand I have a view of a host of people like an army, encamped at the outer gate of the town of Juggernaut: where a guard of soldiers is pos to prevent their entering the town, until they have paid the pilgrim's tax. I passed a devotee to-day who laid Vol. I.




himself down at every step, measuring the road to Jug

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gernaut by the length of his body, as 'a penance of merit to please the goa.

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Outer Gate of Juggernaut, 12th June. (A disaster has just occurred. As I approached the gate, the pilgrims crowded from all quarters around me, and shouted, as they usually did when I passed thein on the road, an expression of welcome and respect. I was a little alarmed at 'their number, and looked round for my guard. A guard of soldiers had accompanied me from Cuttack, the last military station; but they were now about a quarter of a mile behind, with my servants and the baggage. The pilgrims cried out that they were entitled to some indulgence, that they were poor, they could d not pay the tax; but I was not aware of their design. At this moment, when I was within a few yards of the gate, an old Sanyassee (or holy man), who had travelled some days by the side of my 'horse, came up and uid, sir, you are in danger; the people are going to rush through the gate when it is opened for you.' I immediately dismounted, and endeavoured to escape to one side; but é: "but it was too late. The mob was how in motion, and with a tumultuous shout pressed violently towards the gate. The guard within seeing my danger opened it, and the multitude rushing through, carried me forward in the torfent a considerable space so that I Was literally borne into Juggernaut by the Hindoos themselves. A distressing 'scene followed. As the number and strength of the mob increased, the harrow bidy Wäscho?£ed3up'By the rats of people' and 'I'apApréhended

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prehended that many of them would have been suffocat ed, or bruised to death. My horse was yet among them. But suddenly one of the side posts of the gate, which was of wood, gave way, and fell to the ground.And. perhaps, this circumstance alone prevented the loss of lives. Notice of the event was immediately communi cated to the superintendant of the temple, who repair ed to the spot, and sent an additional guard to the inner gate, lest the people should force that also; for there is an outer and an inner gate to the town of Juggernaut ; but both of them are slightly constructed. Mr Hunter told me that similar accidents sometimes occur, and that many have been crushed to death by the pressure of the mob. He added, that sometimes a body of pilgrims, (consisting chiefly of women and children and old men,) trusting to the physical weight of their mass, will make, what he called, a charge on the armed guards, and overwhelm them; the guards not being willing, in such circumstances, to oppose their bayonets,"

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A description of the Temple and Idol in our next.

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