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"I am much indebted to Collins & Co. for the neat and correet manner in which they reprint my publications; and for their care and exertions to exhibit the books AS THEY WERE PUBLISHED


THE AUTHOR, and especially with HIS lateft improvements. I fhall make it a point to communicate to them from time to time, and as early as possible, copies of all the new and improved editions of the books. It affords me a peculiar gratification to perceive that my publications are so extensively diffufed over my native country."

COLLINS & Co. think it due to the author of this very valuable Grammar, as well as to the cause of literature in general, to make known that, although they are at all times enabled to fupply the lateft American cditions of the real Murray's Grammar, yet they are indifpofed to monopolize the profits arifing from the fale of a book, whofe author would himself never receive any; and that they will therefore, with readiness, as they have done heretofore, furnish the latest London editions, which they regularly receive from the author, to any refpectable printers, refiding in other parts of the United States, who will only engage to print them handfomely and correctly.

The following is a list of COLLINS & Co.'s editions of Murray's works, with their prices at retail, and by the dozen.

1. Firft Book for Children, from 4th Eng. edit. 2. An English Spelling-Book,


Retail. per Doz.
Gents. Dols. Gts.

3. An English Gram. together with the Exercises and Key. 8vo. 2nd Edition,

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9th do.

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3 00

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17th do.


12th do.

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30th do.

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9th do. 62

6 00


4. An Eng. Grammar, Stereotype Edition, 21ft do.
5. Eng. Exercises to the Grammar,
6. A Key to the English Exercifes,
7. An Abridgment of the Granimar,
8. Introduction to the Eng. Reader,

9. The English Reader,

10. Sequel to the English Reader,
11. Introduction au Lecteur François,
12. Lecteur François,

10th do.

3d do. 1 00

2d do. I 25

13. The Power of Religion on the Mind, 13th do. 1 00

7.50 1Ο ∞



ΙΟ ∞

The Proprietors of Lindley Murray's works, think it is no fmall recommendation of them, that the whole of thefe valuable publications, from "The First Book for Children," to "the Power of Religion on the Mind," may be properly confidered, as forming a little code of important elementary inftruction. They are ftrictly fubfervient to one another, and moft intimately connected. Their peculiar and acknowledged excellence is, that in every part of them, the pureft principles of piety and virtue, are happily blended with the elements of literature. They may, therefore, with the greateft confidence, be put into the hands of young perfons, as books which (to ufe the language of a Reviewer refpecting them) "will eminently conduce to pure religion and morality, and to the arquilition of a correct and elegant style."



THE author of this work, and of the books connected with it, thinks it is incumbent upon him to make fome apology, for the variations which are to be found in the different editions. The infirm ftate of his health; his numerous occupations; and the quick fucceffion of new editions of his English Grammar, English Exercifes, and Key to the Exercifes, prevented him from giving thefe books, at an early period of their publication, all the improvements which he had contemplated, or which had been occafionally fuggefted to him. The fucceffive additions and improvements which thefe works have received, and which fometimes occafioned a want of correspondence amongst them, muft certainly have been productive of inconvenience or expense, to many perfons who had purchased the earlier editions. This, though the author regretted the circumftance, was, for the reafons alleged, unavoidable. He muft either have fuppreffed the improvements entirely, or have inferted them gradually as the new editions appeared: but as he conceived them to be of confiderable importance, he could not think it warrantable to omit them; and the approbation of the public has confirmed him in the propriety of this decision.

It is with particular fatisfaction that the author can now state, that the additions and alterations which he had in view, are completed, and are contained in the Sixteenth edition of the Grammar, the twelfth of the Exercises, and the tenth of the Key; that these editions of the books correfpond exactly to one another; and that it is his intention that, in every future edition of each of them, this correfpondence fhall be faithfully preferved.

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It is indeed poffible, that fome illuftrations or juftification of particular rules and pofitions contained in the Grammar, may yet be neceffary. But it, contrary to expectation, this fhould be the cafe, the practical parts of the fyftem will not be affected by fuch additions. The connexion, as it now fubfifts, between the Grammar, the Exercifes, and the Key, will remain invariably the fame; unlcfs fome error, at prefent uncbferved, fhould hereafter be discovered.

As the types compofing the Grammar have, for a confiderable time, been kept ftanding; and as the book could not be enlarged without advancing its price; many of the fubfequent improvements have been neceffarily inferted in appropriate parts of the Exercifes, or the Key. References have, however, been made in the Gramniar, under the correspondent rules, to the additional notes and A 2

illuftrations. To this mode of fupplying improvements, the reader will have the lefs objection, when he confiders that the Exercifes and the Key are neceffary appendages to the Grammar; and serve to illuftrate and enforce, as well as to extend, its rules and pofitions. The three volumes are indeed intimately connected, and constitute one uniform fyftem of English Grammar.

To this edition of the Key, the author has fubjoined a copious Alphabetical Index to the Grammar, the Exercises and the Key; a work which, he flatters himself, will be generally useful; and particularly acceptable to students who have made fome progrefs in the knowledge of grammar.

HOLDGATE, near YORK, 1808.

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