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'did not carry guns in them: at which evil I was grieved, and began thus to expostulate with them : "Do you know the worth of a man's life? (guns being made on purpose to destroy mens lives ;)" were this ship and cargo mine, so far as I know mine heart, I do ingenuously declare, I had rather lose it all, than that one of you should lose his life;" for I certainly knew they were unfit to die. "Lives!" said they, "we had rather lose our lives than go to France." "But,” said I," that is not the matter; had you rather go to hell, than go to France?" They being guilty of great sins and wickedness, and convicted in their own consciences, held their peace, and said no more about the poor Quakers; and when we got within gun-shot of a fort on Barbadoes, the enemy left chasing us.

Next morning early we safely arrived at BridgeTown, in Barbadoes, where our Friends gladly received us; amongst whom we laboured in the work of the gospel for about two months; and from thence, after having had divers good and edifying meetings for the worship of God, we sailed for Antigua, and staid some days there, having meetings, and visiting our brethren. From Antigua we sailed for Nevis, but the wind being contrary, we put in at Montserrat, an isle that hath a great mountain in it, on the top of which is a hot spring of water, which boils up, and the mud of it is clear brimstone, some of which we carried on board our vessel; the which is ad

mirable, and shews the wonderful works of God. They say that the spring is hot enough to boil an egg. From this island we sailed to Nevis, and had meetings with those few Friends that were there, with whom we parted at the sea-shore with great love and tenderness. After which we sailed to an island called Anguilla, and were civilly treated there by the generality of the people; as also by the governor, George Leonard, at whose house we had meetings. I remember, that after one meeting the governor went into his porch, and took the bible, and opened it, and said, "By this book, if people believe the holy Scriptures, I am able to convince the world, and prove, that the people called Quakers are the people of God, and that they follow the example and doctrine of Christ, and the practices of the apostles and primitive Christians, nearer than any people in the world ;" i. e. generally speaking. At this island several people were heartily convinced, and did confess to the truth, among whom a meeting was settled. Here was never any friend before, as the inhabitants said. I entreat the Lord Jehovaht to preserve the sincere-hearted among them in his holy fear, whilst they remain in this world; and not them only, but all that love and fear him, in all kindreds and nations, and amongst people of all professions whatsoever. This, in the universal spirit of God's divine love, is the desire of my soul. Back from Anguilla we went to Nevis, and from Nevis to Antigua; and notwithstanding our

sloop was a dull sailer, yet we were preserved from the enemy to the admiration of ourselves, friends, and others, our course being in the very road of the privateers. Just as we got into the harbour and were landed, a privateer came by with a prize along with her, as we supposed, which excited our thankfulness to the Lord for our preservation. Here we met with the packet boat for Jamaica, and thence for England. We staid a little at the island called St. Christopher's. In our way to Jamaica we saw a small privateer, that gave us chace, and it being calm, she rowed up towards us. The master prepared the vessel to fight, hoisting up his mainsail, and putting out our colours. In the interim some were bold, and some sorrowful. One came to me, and asked, "What I thought of it? and what I thought of the Quakers principles now?" I told him I thought I was as willing to go to heaven as himself was; to which he said nothing, but turned away from me. Another asked me, " What I would do now?" I told him I would pray that they might be made better, and that they might be made fit to die.

Then in the midst of their

noise and hurry, in secret I begged of the Almighty, in the name, and for the sake of his dear Son, that he would be pleased to cause a fresh gale of wind to spring up, that we might be delivered from the enemy without shedding blood; (well knowing that few of them were fit to die ;) and even whilst I was thus concerned, the Lord

answered my desire and prayer, for in a few minutes the wind sprung up, and we soon left them out of sight,,our vessel sailing extraordinary well, and the next day we got to Jamaica, and had divers meetings, viz. at Port-Royal, Kingston, and Spanish-Town, &c. At a meeting at SpanishTown, there were divers Jews, to whom my heart was very open, and I felt great love to them, for the sake of their fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they were so affected with the meeting, that they sent us some unleavened cakes, made with fine flour and sweet oil, it being a festival time with them. We had a meeting at PortRoyal, in a place where the earthquake had destroyed a large building, in which meeting I had occasion to remind them of the righteous judgments of God, which had been justly inflicted on them for their sins and wickedness. Some wept, and some were rude. The people here, as I was informed, were generally very wicked. After having had divers meetings, the packet in which we had taken our passage, being obliged to stay but ten days, we went off sooner than we otherwise should have done, and solemnly taking leave of those Friends that were there, we went on board our vessel, in order for England, by God's permission. We got readily through the Windward Passage, which is between the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola; and divers times after we left Jamaica, we were chased by several ships, but they could not come up with us. One ship

of twenty-eight guns, gave us chace after a great storm, and was almost up with us before we could well make sail; they being eager of their prey, sent their hands aloft to let their reefs out of the topsails, in order to make more speed, and came running mightily towards us, and gained much upon us; we fearing to make sail, by reason of the storm, and the sea running very high, and our masts being therefore in danger, we were some time in doubt, whether we should escape or not: but whilst we were in this consternation, down came the French ship's three topmasts at once, so we escaped, and left her, and went rejoicing on our way, that we were thus delivered. This was one of the great and remarkable deliverances among the many I met with, by the good hand and providence of the Lord, my great and good Master, whom I hope to serve all my days.

After having been at sea about six weeks, we began to look out for land, and in two or three days we sounded, and found ground at about ninety fathoms; after which we saw two French privateers, that gave us chace about four o'clock in the morning, and pursued us vigorously; but sailing better than they, we ran them out of sight by eight o'clock the same morning, and in about two hours after we saw the land of Ireland; it being misty weather, with rain and wind, our master thought it best to lie by and forbear sailing, that coast being rocky and dangerous, by which means the two ships that gave us chace,

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