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Could I once but fee,

On Sion, his moft holy mount,
O when my righteous judge fhall come,
O the delight, the heav'nly joy,
On Jordan's bleak cold banks I ftand,
O tell me no more,

happy day that fix'd my choice,
Q what transporting views,
O Zion, freth vigor put on,
Oh! for a glance of heav'nly day
O thou from whom all goodness flows,

RISE, Sun of glory, fhine reveal'd,

Rock of ages! fhelter me,

Rejoice, the Savior reigns,
Rife my foul, and stretch thy wings,
Raife your triumphant fongs,"

Subject. Page.-
Thirsting for God 58
Gospel Feaft 71
Judgment 120
Glory of Chrift 132
A View 134

A better Country 174
Believer's Joy 175
Funeral 2151

Latter Day Glory 221
Hardness of Heart 281
Remember me 283
Holy Defire 35
A Prayer 136
Chrift 199

WEET is the work, my God, my King,
Sons we are thro' God's Election,


So fair a face bedew'd with tears,
Sinner, O why fo thoughtless grown,
See Ifrael's gentle fhepherd ftands,
Soft feafon of repose,

Stretch'd on the cross the Savior dies.

Pilgrim's Song 219

Chrift 238

Worship 4

Eternal Love '73
Jefus wept 95
Expoftulation 98

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Children 122

Evening 187
The Crofs 192

Sweeter founds than mufic knows,
Solemn day of nature's doom!
Some fweet favor of thy favor,
Shudder not to pass the ftream,
HO' troubles affail

To diftant lands thy gofpel fend,
Thro' all the various fhifting fcene,
'Tis finish'd, fo the Savior cry'd,
The deluge at th' Almighty's call,
Thy life, I read, my deareft Lord,
The fpacious firmament on high,
The day fpring dawns, the awful is come,
To thee, my God, hourly figh,
Thrice happy, who on earth beheld,
The Lord my pafture, fhall prepare,
This is the day the Lord hath made,
The book of nature open lies,

The God of glory fends his fummons forth,
The fpitit breathes upon the word,
This God is the God we adore,
The letters of thy charming name,
There is a land of pure delight,

Subject. Page.
Christmas 258
Laft Day 267
Difmiffion 289
Soliloquy 291
Jehovah Fire 17
The Gospel 57
Providence 68
It is finished 77
Safe Ark So
On Infants 96
Glory of God 154
Our God 271
Holy Sighs 205
Abjent Savior 211
Providence 225
Sabbath 229

Divine Teaching 273
50th Pfalm 276

Divine Teaching 279
Eafter 271

Chief Beloved 268
Profpect of Heaven 247

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When Abram's fervant to procure,
We feel that our love,

What a rapturous fong,

Subject. Page.
Faith in Exercife 230
Dying Chriftian 251
Divine Love 29



Why droops my foul with grief oppreft,
Why oh! my heart, these anxious cares,
When faith presents the Savior's death,
While on the verge of life I ftand,

A Wish 88

Hinder me not yo

Parting 113
Joys above 116
The Phyfician 198
Calamities 209

True Enjoyment 264`
To die is Gain 248
Christmas 287
Divine Faithfulness 64
God's Goodness 66
The Cross 83
Praise 113

When worlds were form'd by fov'reign might,
YYe fons of men with joy record,
E humble faints proclaim abroad,
Yonder, amazing fight! I fee,
Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring,
Ye golden lamps of heav'n farewell,
Yes, the Redeemer rofe,

Ye nations round the globe, unite,

The Farewell 124
Refurrection 193
Difmiffion 207




The Houfe of GOD.

OUSE of our God, with cheerful anthems ring,


While all our lips and hearts his graces.fing:
The op'ning year his goodness fhall proclaim,
And all its days be vocal with his name.

The LORD is good, his mercy never ending;
His bleffings in perpetual fhow'rs defcending.


The heav'n of heav'ns, he with his bounty fills:
Ye feraphs bright, on ever-blooming hills,
His honor's found; you to whom good alone,
Unmingled, ever-growing, has been known.
Thro' your immortal life, with love increafing,
Proclaim your Maker's glory, never-ceafing.
Thou earth enlighten'd by his rays divine,
Pregnant with grafs, and corn, and oil, and wine;
Crown'd with his goodnefs, let thy nations meet,
And lay their crowns at his paternal feet:

With grateful love, that lib'ral hand confeffing,
Which thro' each heart diffufeth ev'ry bleffing.
Zion, enrich'd with his diftinguish'd grace,
Bleft with the rays of thine EMMANUEL'S face;
Zion, JEHOVAH's portion, and delight,
Grav'n on his hands, and hourly in his fight,

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