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"THE FEAR of the lord, tHAT IS WISDOM."


VOL. I. No. 8.

PRICE 14d.

THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SCRIPTURES. | pronounced to be of infinite moment, than to al

BY THE REV. ROBERT GORDON, D. D., One of the Ministers of the High Church, Edinburgh. THE professed design of the Scriptures is to give a plain and authoritative reply to the most momentous of all the inquiries which can occupy the thoughts of sinful men, namely, How will God deal with the guilty-will he forgive sinners at all-and if so, on what principle will such forgiveness be extended? To this question, nothing in the way of reply can be gathered from the works of God, in creation and providence, beyond mere conjecture. If, therefore, it be the object of the Sacred Volume to solve this and all other questions which interest men as accountable and immortal creatures, to what serious attention is it not entitled at the hand of every man who has access to it? The fact that there is such a thing in existence as a volume containing an immediate communication from God, is itself the most interesting and remarkable of all the matters of fact about which men can be conversant: and when we reflect, that on the knowledge and faith of what this communication reveals, and on obedience to what it enjoins, is suspended the well-being of man for time and for eternity, can we conceive any folly or infatuation equal to that of the man who either neglects it altogether, or rests satisfied with a very vague apprehension of what it contains? The bare announcement of there being such a record were enough, one might suppose, to secure the daily and most serious perusal of it by every man into whose possession it comes. But there are not wanting considerations in abundance to inculcate on men the earnest and devout study of the Sacred Volume. The very extent of the Old Testament Scriptures, as embracing the history of the divine dispensations towards the children of men for a period of four thousand years, does itself emphatically intimate the obligation which is laid upon men carefully to peruse that history; for if it has seemed meet to the infinite wisdom of God to employ inspired men to write such a record, and if, by the special interposition of his providence, he has preserved that record, can there be a more presumptuous impeachment of his wisdom, or a more daring contempt of what he has solemnly

lege that it is a record with which we have little concern, or practically to treat it as if we thought so? The way of salvation, indeed, through Christ

the doctrine of justification by faith in his blood, and of sanctification by the influence of his Spirit,is no doubt the great leading subject of interest to sinful men; and, accordingly, it is the prominent subject in the Volume of Inspiration. But this method of salvation being the subject of prophecies, both express and typical, through many successive generations, was so gradually unfolded as to afford opportunities of exhibiting the most interesting and illustrious displays of the character and perfections of God both in providence and grace, and the most instructive exemplifications of those great principles which still regulate the government of his Church, as well as of the world at large. If the works of God, then, in the natural world are full of interest, and rich in entertainment befitting rational creatures to seek after and enjoy—if the investigation of these works affords exercise for the highest order of intellectual capacity which our race ever exhibited-and if the discoveries which are within the reach of human industry and skill, forming though they do only a mere fraction of the wonders of God's wisdom and power, are fitted to minister largely to human enjoyment, an enjoyment, too, of an exalted and most legitimate kind, how unspeakably interesting to men should be the revelation which the Author of all these wonders has made of himself-of the attributes of his nature-of the principles of his moral government— and of the way in which he purposes to deal with the children of men as his intelligent, but fallen and sinful creatures!

The manner, too, in which God has revealed himself to the human race, is alike intelligible, and ought to be equally attractive to all. He is presented to us in the Bible, not in abstract or metaphysical statements as to his nature and manner of being, but as acting, as embodying his perfections in palpable doings, and thus revealing those perfections to the very senses of men. While the Scriptures tell us, for example, that God is infinite in wisdom, and almighty in power, they represent him also, in the history which they record, directing the events of many ages, and over

ruling the schemes and enterprizes of many suc- to be found every where in the pages of the cessive generations of men to the accomplishment Sacred Volume, mixed up with many other subof purposes previously foretold; thus exhibiting jects, which, though full of interest and instruchis power and wisdom in actual operation, guid-tion, do not immediately refer to the one great ing, with infinite facility, all the complicated move- subject of Christ's mediatorial work. It is in this ments both of the natural and moral world to the way that "all Scripture, being the inspiration of result which he had from the beginning determin- God, is profitable" as the apostle declares," for ed. While they tell us that he is a God of truth, doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for ineven the faithful and covenant-keeping God, they struction in righteousness, that the man of God detail at the same time his dealings with the may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good Church, his ancient chosen people, where we see works;" because the enlightened reader will find him, after much forbearance and long-suffering pa- that all Scripture, so far as he has means and optience, and after many warnings addressed to them portunities of understanding it, serves to convey by prophets commissioned for the purpose, visit- to him more enlarged views of those truths which ing them with severe chastisements as if he had do most nearly concern his everlasting well-being: utterly forsaken them, yet returning again and re- and it is upon this ground that creeds, and conmembering the covenant which he had sworn to fessions, and catechisms, and other forms of sound Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. And while they words, have been employed in all ages of the declare of him that he is righteous and holy, a Church, and with incalculable advantage, as aids God of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, they do to the great body of readers towards the right not leave us with these general statements. They understanding of saving truth. And in adopting record the most impressive and intelligible illus- such a method of communicating to men that trations of this truth in the banishment of our which it is necessary for their salvation that they first parents from Paradise-in the destruction of should know, God has acted in perfect and beauthe old world by the flood-and in innumerable tiful accordance with his procedure in other matother immediate visitations of righteous judgment ters. In the natural world, on which we are deon the workers of iniquity. The Scriptures, then, pendent for our daily subsistence, neither the luxdo not consist of a mere statement of certain ab-uries, nor the comforts, nor even the necessaries stract truths, about which, when they are once carefully perused and afterwards remembered, no more is to be known. They contain a treasure of heavenly wisdom, which the more it is explored the more inexhaustible it will appear: though its statements are level to the understand-ed of our present enjoyments, those which maning of the simplest, and fitted to arrest the most inattentive, comparatively little of it will be known from a single reading, however careful; and they who have read it most frequently, and drunk most largely of its spirit, will be the first to discover new sources of admiration and delight on every new perusal. And if the Psalmist, therefore, who possessed but a small portion of the Sacred Volume, took "the testimonies of the Lord as an heritage for ever, because they were the rejoicing of his heart," how much greater reason have we to make these testimonies "our songs in the house of our pilgrimage," and to "meditate upon the Lord in the night season!"

But it is not merely as containing a great deal respecting the character and government of God, that the Scriptures ought to be precious to us, and therefore made the subject of our constant study. Even with regard to the main subject, that which constitutes the essence of the Gospel,—I mean the way of pardon and acceptance, and eternal life, we must give ourselves to the daily and devout perusal of the Word of God, if we would have our faith to be steadfast, our peace and comfort undisturbed, our consolations in the time of trouble abundant, and our obedience cheerful and uniform. Saving truth, that is to say, the portion of Divine Revelation which is absolutely necessary for salvation, has not been put down in the Bible in the shortest and most systematic form, but is

of life are produced spontaneously, or placed together within our reach without effort or forethought on our part. On the contrary, every thing essential to our subsistence and comfort requires more or less exertion; and the most refin

kind generally seek most earnestly, and value most highly, are procured by an almost incalculable amount and variety of labour. Yet no man complains of this ordination: nay, every man who entertains any enlightened views of the divine administration, or of the constitution and condition of mankind as the subjects of that administration, will see proofs of divine wisdom and beneficence in such an order of things; inasmuch as the very skill and industry which are so expended, while they minister largely to human enjoyment, constitute also a system of wholesome discipline for the powers and faculties of our nature. And is it not a still more striking proof of the wisdom and beneficence of God, that the same order should obtain in spiritual things-that diligent application to the study of Scripture should be necessary, if we would attain to any enlarged and enlightened views of the ways and works of God-and that we should be subjected to that discipline of our faculties, the direct tendency of which is to prepare us for the enjoyment of the blessedness opened up to us in the Gospel of his grace? It is indeed a delightful thought that the saving truths of the Gospel are so simple, and may be brought within so small a compass, as to be comprehended even by those who are the least gifted with the capacity of laborious investigation, and have the fewest means and opportunities of carrying it on. But it were a melancholy proof of indifference to

all that is most interesting to man, as a creature that is to exist for ever, did they who have the capacity and opportunity for a more full and frequent examination of the Scriptures, plead the simplicity of what is absolutely essential to salvation as an excuse for the indolent neglect, or the careless perusal of perhaps the larger portion of the Divine Word! If the whole of that record was written from the dictation of the Holy Spirit, were it not presumption to expect his enlightening influence which is essential to the saving knowledge of any one of its truths, while the rest are treated with indifference? It has not been so with the saints in any age, for the prayer of the Psalmist has ever been their prayer, "Open thou mine eyes," O Lord, "that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law." "I will delight myself in thy commandments," and "I will meditate on thy statutes."



In our former numbers, we have seen men eminent for their piety, busying themselves in the duties of the pastoral office, and striving to win souls to Christ. In Sir Matthew Hale, one of the brightest names that adorn the profession of the law, we see a man and a Christian, by the faithful and conscientious discharge of secular duties, emerging from obscurity and mounting the ladder of distinction,-not by the mean tampering of the worldling, nor by the wicked intrigues and vain sophistry of the infidel, but by the honest and straightforward policy which the Gospel inculcates.

gentleman who laid claim to some of his estates, Hale was obliged to leave the university and go to London to superintend his business. His legal agent, Sergeant Glanville, observing the talents of his young client, used all his influence to persuade him to relinquish his thoughts of the army, and to devote himself to the study of the law. This accordingly he did, and began to apply himself to his new profession at the age of 20 years. Deeply regretting the valuable time which he had lost by his folly, he commenced preparations for the bar with the most extraordinary diligence and intense application, studying even sixteen hours a day. He had not yet, however, altogether given up idle company, until a sad accident happened, which produced a serious effect upon his mind. With some other young students, he was invited to join a party of pleasure, on which occasion one of the party called for so much wine, that nothe drank until he was in such a state, that he fell down withstanding all that Mr Hale could do to prevent it, as dead. It is impossible to describe the state into which the company were thrown by this awful visitation. Mr Hale was so much affected, that he retired to an adjoining apartment, and there shutting the door, he fell upon his knees before Him in whose hands are the issues of life and of death, and prayed earnestly that his friend might be restored again to life, and that he himself might be forgiven, vowing that he would never again keep such company, nor drink another health while he lived. His companion recovered, and he most scrupulously observed his vow till his dying day. This accident was the instrument, in the hands of God, for accomplishing Hale's conversion, for immediately after he forsook all such company, and applied himself with the utmost assiduity to the acquisition of the different branches of knowledge connected with his profession; and busy as he was, he did not neglect his duties to his God, but set apart a portion of time each day for religious exercises. It is narrated of him that for thirtysix years after this he was never a Sabbath absent from Church; and it is well-known to have been a customary observation with him, that according as he spent the Sabbath, was his comfort, and happiness, and even his success in ordinary business through the week. Such, in fact, was his piety, that he could never allow a day to pass without examining his heart, and communing with his God.

This eminent individual was born at Alderly, in the shire of Gloucester, on the 1st of November 1609. His ancestors were renowned for their deeds of charity and their sterling worth, a higher honour by far than an empty title unadorned by Christian virtues. His parents were not long spared to train his infant faculties, and lead him "in the way that he should go," for at the early age of five years, he was cast upon the care of Providence. Great as must have been this bereavement to one so young, it was in some measure alleviated by the kind His talents soon became conspicuous. It is related of protection afforded him by a kinsman of his own. him, that once as he was purchasing a suit of clothes, the The greatest care was taken of Hale's early training, and merchant offered him the cloth for nothing, provided he more especially of his religious education; for at that would promise him one hundred pounds if he should time he was intended for the ministry. In the 17th ever be Lord Chief-Justice of England-an office to year of his age he became a student at Magdalen College, which, as we will afterwards see, he was promoted. Oxford, where for some time he showed very great dili- He pursued his studies with great diligence, and not gence and proficiency, as he had previously done when at only acquired a most extensive knowledge of the law, school. He had not been long at Oxford, however, until but he likewise studied with great success the different his attention was much distracted from his studies by branches of philosophy, as also the science of medicine. associating with bad companions, from whose company "But above all these," says Burnet, "he seemed to Le soon imbibed a love for theatrical amusements. have made the study of divinity the chief of all others, These he entirely forsook, upon going to London soon to which he not only directed every thing else, but after, resolving never again to see a play,—a resolution also arrived at that pitch in it, that those who have to which he ever after adhered, and of which he had read what he has written on those subjects, will think no cause to repent. At Oxford, however, before he they must have had most of his time and thoughts." had given up this practice, he became very negligent Our author goes on to say, "it may seem extravagant, and inattentive to his studies, and not only so, but he and almost incredible, that one man, in no great compass was led away to other scenes of dissipation, a circum- of years, should have acquired such a variety of knowstance which often happens, when once the mind be-ledge; and that in sciences that required much leisure comes unsettled by any thing of the kind. At this early age there was nothing so hostile to his feelings, or so revolting to his nature as the bland insinuations of Battery, which, during the whole of his life, he could never endure. While studying at this university, he determined on becoming a soldier, the army holding out so many attractions to the young, the gay, and the thoughtless. This resolution was happily overruled; for being at that time engaged in a law-suit with a

and application. But as his parts were quick, and his apprehensions lively, his memory great, and his judg ment strong; so his industry was almost indefatigable. He rose always betimes in the morning, was never idle, scarce ever held any discourse about news, except with some few in whom he confided entirely. He entered into no correspondence by letters, except about necessary business, or matters of learning, and spent very little time in cating or drinking; for as he

never went to public feasts, so he gave no entertainments but to the poor; for he followed our Saviour's direction (of feasting none but these) literally."

At length the time arrived when he was called to the bar, and he brought into exertion the vast stores of profound knowledge which he had been accumulating with such diligence, and very soon attracted general attention. The time at which Hale commenced his public career was one of no ordinary difficulty for an individual in his circumstances. At that time, the country was involved in civil war, and it was no easy matter for a man in any public situation to preserve his integrity, and at the same time live in security. This, however, he endeavoured to do by performing his duties with fidelity, and at the same time with courage, regarding the opinion of none, so long as he was doing his duty to his country and his God. He engaged in no faction, but stood boldly forward, undaunted by any threatenings. He was a supporter of the King, defending him with the utmost boldness; and not only so, but he also did every thing in his power to relieve the necessity of his party. He placed a considerable sum of money in the hands of a gentleman on whom he could depend, who distributed this charity according to his own discretion. Though he did belong to this party, however, he was always charitable, and took care never to provoke any by censuring their actions, for some of his most intimate friends alleged that they never heard him speak ill of any person. His splendid abilities soon recommended him to general notice, and he was raised to the bench, strange to say, by the consent and even the entreaties of both parties. He had not been long raised to this high station when he was elected a member of parliament, and in co-operation with others, he exerted himself to put an end to the agitated state of the country, and arrange public matters, which were then in a state of great confusion. Soon after this he was raised to the high station of Lord Chief-Baron of England, as being the most honest and straight forward man that could be found to discharge the duties of that office. When raised to this situation it was customary for the individual to be knighted, an honour which Hale desired to avoid, but which was unexpectedly conferred at an accidental meeting with the King at the house of the Lord Chancellor. He continued to occupy the prominent station of Lord Chief-Baron for eleven years, and gave to all concerned the utmost satisfaction,-by his justice, his generosity, and his diligence. The only complaint that was ever made against him was, that he did not dispatch his business quickly enough, but this was necessarily incident on the extreme care which he took, that all the cases brought before him should be finally settled; for the causes which were tried by him were seldom, if ever, tried again. He administered justice uprightly, deliberately, and at the same time resolutely, not resting upon his own understanding or strength, but imploring and resting upon the direction and strength of God. All his other thoughts and cares were laid aside, and he was wholly intent upon his business. In trials for capital crimes, it was his rule, though his nature prompted him to pity, yet to consider, that there is also a pity due to his country. He was neither biassed by compassion for the poor, nor favour to the rich, and never cared for the opinions of men, but followed simply the rules of justice. It not unfrequently happened when any particular case was to be tried, that the parties concerned sent him presents, endeavouring, if possible, to gain his faBut, the Lord Chief-Baron had learned from Solomon, that a gift perverteth the ways of judgment," and never allowed the trial to proceed until he had paid for the presents.



When he looked around him and saw the awful wickedness of the age and country in which he lived, when he beheld the extreme impiety and atheism of his fellow



He ac

countrymen, his generous heart was sorrowful, and he exerted every means to oppose it, not only by the shining example of his life, but by employing his talents in demonstrating the truth of the Scripture history. While he was thus employed, the office of Lord Chief-Justice of England becoming vacant, he was, in the year 1671, promoted to this honourable and exalted situation, all the people of his country applauding the choice. In the discharge of the duties of his office he spent the remainder of his public life, for he had not been long advanced to this prominent situation when he was seized with a very severe attack of inflammation, which so destroyed his constitution that he never entirely recovered. Considering his age, he himself concluded that he could not live long, and therefore resolved to devote the remaining portion of his life to preparation for his change. He was wearied with the distractions of business, and loved rather to turn his attention to the things of eternity than to the things of time. "I do not know," said he, "a better temporal employment than Martha had, in testifying her love and duty to our Saviour, by making provision for him; yet our Lord tells her, that though she was troubled about many things, there was only one thing necessary, and Mary had chosen the better part." sooner was it known that he intended to give up business, than his friends, and all who knew him, strove to change his resolution, but all without effect. Sir Matthew Hale never determined on any thing rashly, but always with deliberation, and therefore it was no easy matter to divert him from his purpose. cordingly gave in his resignation to the King, which his Majesty was very unwilling to accept, wishing him to continue in his situation, and to do only what business the state of his health would allow. Hale, however, would not agree to this, but told the King that "he could not with a good conscience continue in it, since he was no longer able to discharge the duty belonging to it." The King, however, anxious to retain his valuable services as long as he could, delayed for some time the granting of his request. At length, wearied with the burden of duties, which he was unable to perform, he surrendered to the King in person, who was pleased to dismiss him with great grace, and to promise the continuance of his pension during life. He accepted, though with reluctance, the kind offer, but such was his disinterestedness, that he laid out the greater part of it in charitable purposes. Glad to be relieved from the duties and the responsibility of his office, he retired from public life with as much cheerfulness as his infirmities would permit. He was discharged on the 15th of February 1676, at which time the state of his health was so bad that no hopes were entertained of his recovery. He continued still, however, to retire to his closet, there to hold sweet communion with his God; and when at length he became so weak as not to be able to go thither himself, he caused his servants to carry him there in a chair. As the winter drew near, he saw with great joy his deliverance approaching, for he longed to be admitted into those realms of bliss, where pains and sorrows are no longer felt. He looked not upon death as an enemy, but like a good soldier, wearied and worn by many an arduous conflict, he looked forward with joy to the hour of his dismissal. "His pains so increased on him," says his biographer, "that no patience inferior to his could have borne them without a great uneasiness of mind; yet he expressed to the last such submission to the will of God, and so equal a temper under them, that it was visible then what mighty effects his philosophy and Christianity had on him in supporting him under such a heavy load." During his sickness he was attended by a pious clergyman, and it was observed, that when his pain was even excruciating, if this gentleman was engaged in prayer, he forbore all groans, and, with his hands and eyes lifted up, was fixed in his devotions. 'Not long before his death the

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minister told him there was to be a sacrament next
Sunday at church, but he believed he could not come
and partake with the rest; therefore he would give it
But he answered, No; his
him in his own house.
heavenly Father had prepared a feast for him, and he
would go to his Father's house to partake of it.
he made himself be carried thither in his chair, where he
received the sacrament on his knees with great devotion,
which it may be supposed was the greater, because he
apprehended it was to be his last, and so took it as his
provision for his journey."

At length worn out by the severity of his sufferings,
on Christmas day 1676, he yielded up his spirit to God
who gave it. He remained in full possession of his fa-
culties to the last moment-a privilege which he had
frequently and earnestly prayed for during his sickness.
Immediately before his death, according to the account
of Burnet," when his voice was so sunk that he could
not be heard, they perceived by the almost constant
lifting up of his eyes and hands, that he was still aspir-
ing towards that blessed state, of which he was now
His end was peace-he had
speedily to be possessed.
no struggling, nor seemed to be in any pangs in his last

The character of Sir Matthew Hale, as a judge, was splendidly pre-eminent. His learning was profound, his patience unconquerable, his integrity stainless, "his voice was oracular, and his person little less than adored." But instead of contemplating his character as a scholar and a man of business, be ours the more agreeable and instructive task of endeavouring to convey to our readers some idea of his character as a Christian.

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He was a devout believer and a sincere Protestant; tolerant to all, and just to those from whom he differed on the most essential points. In his family he constantly kept up the practice of family worship, performing it always himself, unless there was a clergyman present. On the Lord's day, it was his custom to call all his family together, and repeat to them the leading particulars of the sermon which they had heard, with some additions of his own, which he fitted for the capacities of all. Of his private exercises in devotion we cannot speak, for he took such extraordinary care to keep what he did secret, that this part of his character must be "it be acdefective, except," as Burnet remarks, knowledged, that his humility in covering it commends him much more than the highest expressions of devotion could have done." Money had no attractions for him, but as being the means of subsistence and of doing good. "He had a soul enlarged and raised above that mean appetite of loving money, which is generally the root of all evil. He did not take the profits that he might have had by his practice; for in common cases, when those who came to ask his counsel gave him a piece, he used to give back the half, and so made ten shillings his fee in ordinary matters that did not require much time or study. If he saw a cause was unjust, he for a great while would not meddle further in it, but to If the parties after that give his advice that it was so. would go on, they were to seek another counsellor, for he would assist none in acts of injustice. If he found the cause doubtful or weak in point of law, he always advised his clients to agree their business."

Failings he had, like every man, but his seem always to have leaned to virtue's side. In many cases he refused to take any remuneration, where he might have exacted a fee with the utmost propriety. When a practitioner, differences were often referred to him, which he settled, but would not accept of any reward. If they told him he lost much of his time in considering their business, and ought therefore to be paid accordingly, his answer was, "Can I spend my time better than to make people friends? must I have no time allowed me to do good in?" Charity was one of the distinguishing features of his character. He laid aside

the tenth part of his income for behoof of the poor, and took great care to be well informed of proper objects for his charities. After he was made a judge, he sent the greater part of his perquisites to the jails to disThe following excharge poor prisoners, who never knew from whose beneficent hands their relief came.

tract from his Life, by Dr Burnet, places his charity in a very favourable light:-" He usually invited his poor neighbours to dine with him, and made them sit at table with himself; and if any of them were sick, so that they could not come, he would send meat warm to And he did not only relieve the them from his table.

poor in his own parish, but sent supplies to the neighbouring parishes as there was occasion for it; and he treated them all with the tenderness and familiarity that became one who considered they were of the same nature with himself, and were reduced to no other necessities but such as he himself might be brought to. But for common beggars, if any of these came to him as he was in his walks, when he lived in the country, he often sent them to some field to gather all the stones in it and lay them on a heap, and then would pay them liberally for their pains. This being done, he used to send his carts, and caused them to be carried to such places of the highway as needed mending.

"But when he was in town, he dealt his charities very liberally, even among the street-beggars; and when some told him that he thereby encouraged idleness, and that most of these were notorious cheats, he used to that he believed most of them were such, but answer, among them there were some that were great objects of charity, and prest with grievous necessities; and that he had rather give his alms to twenty who might be perhaps rogues, than that one of the other sort should perish for want of that small relief which he gave them."

After he was made a judge, so much afraid was he of being suspected to be partial, that in all his purchases he insisted upon paying more than was demanded.--On being told that he seemed to make il bargains, he replied, "it became judges to pay more for what they bought than the true value, that so those with whom they dealt might not think they had any right to their favour, by having sold such things to them at an easy rate.'

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He was naturally passionate, but so careful was he to subdue all feelings of the kind, that those who were most intimate with him, and had lived in his house, never saw him indulge in anger amid all the trials he met with. "There was one who did him a great injury, which it is not necessary to mention, who coming afterwards to him for his advice in the settlement of his estate, he gave it very frankly to him, but would accept of no fee for it, and thereby shewed that he could forgive as a Christian. And when he was asked by one, how he could use a man so kindly that had wronged him so much, his answer was, he thanked God he had learned to forget injuries."

He was always kind to his clerks and servants, and When any of them had committed endeavoured rather to reclaim than dismiss them for any trivial offence. faults, he never reproved them until some time after, lest when his displeasure was great, he might have chid them too harshly; and when he did reprove them, he did it with such sweetness and gravity, that it appeared a fault than for the offence done to himself. When, as he was more concerned for their having been guilty of a judge, it was his duty to pass sentence upon the convicted, "he did it with such composedness and seriousness, and his speeches to the prisoners, directing them to prepare for death, were so weighty, so free of all affectation, and so serious and devout, that many loved to go to the trials, when he sat as judge, to be edified by his speeches and behaviour to them, and used to say, they heard very few such sermons.'

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