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and abominable. Hence 'tis plain that pride and felf-conceit (whereby the foul departs from the living GOD) is the cause of blindness, and hardness of heart; and that again is the immediate caufe of all practical uncleannefs, unrighteousness, and wickedness: Therefore repentance towards GOD muft needs begin at the pride and self-conceit of the human heart; or, at leaft, if it begins with the conviction of any grofs fin, as is often the cafe, it cannot be faving untill it arrives at the fountainhead of pride and felf-righteousness, which is Satan's ftrongeft hold in the carnal heart, and the fource of all iniquity.But,

2.They did not preach repentance from dead works, without fhewing them a better righteousness than their own, and how their fins might be blotted out: for, at the fame time that they urged repentance, and teftified the neceffity of it every where, and to all men, they encouraged and perfuaded them to repent from Gofpel motives; for they fhewed how that CHRIST died for our fins, and was raifed again for our juftification, and that whofoever believed in CHRIST, should be faved from wrath thro' him: this allured and drew their fouls to repent, for it is the goodness of God that leadeth us to repentance *. Had not a better righteousness been provided

* Rom. ii. 4.



and held forth by the Apoftles in their preaching the neceffity of repentance or of turning from our own righteousness, it is not likely that many would have adhered to them, or received their teftimony; for no man, in his right mind, can be rationally perfuaded to renounce his prefent hope and truft, without having a well-grounded profpect, and af furance of a better; even the righteoufnefs of God, which is thro' faith in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.

But CHRIST himself, and his Apostles, had no fooner faid repent ye, but they immediately added, and believe the Gospel. This fhews the folly of those persons who urge the law upon the consciences of their hearers, with a defign to terrify and diftrefs their fouls, and leave them for a season in this terror of spirit, as a work previously neceffary, before they make known to them the redemption that is in CHRIST's blood; and this they call preaching repentance:-But the Apostle Paul, who knew the terrors of the LORD as much as any man, never preached in this manner, nor is it that which he meant by repentance; for GOD, faith he, hath made us able minifters of the New Teftament, not of the Letter (that is of the law) which killeth, but of the fpirit, (that is of the Gospel) which giveth life: Yet we acknowledge that God's holy law


↑ Mark i, 15.-Acts ii. 38.

+ 2 Cor. iii, 6.

ought to be fet forth, and expounded in its fpiritus ality and utmost extent; and particularly to be urged on the confciences of thofe who feek to juftify and cover themselves with their works; that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world become guilty before God: but as foon as any one fees himself to be a loft finner, and renounces his own righteoufnefs, immediately the glad tidings of a free pardon, and juftification thro' CHRIST'S blood, is to be held forth, and preached unto him,

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For CHRIST, after his refurrection, directed, and commiffioned his Apoftles to preach repentance, and remiffion of fins, among all nations, in his name; which commandment they strictly observed to do; for they never preached repentance, without faith in CHRIST, for the remiffion of fins.Thus Peter, repent and be converted, that your fins may be blotted out*: and Paul, even at Athens, having declared that GOD commandeth all men every where to repent, adds, for he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righte Koufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained ; whereof he hath given affurance unto all men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead.

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Thus alfo the Prophet Ifaiab cries aloud; tho your fins be as fcarlet, they shall be white as snow; tho' they be red like crimson, they fhall be as wooll; if ye be willing and obedient: that is, if ye be willing to turn to GoD, and obey the Gospel :-and again he faith, let the wicked for fake bis way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and be will have mercy upon him; and to our -Thus GoD God, for be will abundantly pardon.

draws his people to himself with bands of love, with the cords of a man:-But, after all many will not hearken to the voice of GOD, nor regard his gracious words:As the deaf adder they stop their ears, refufing to bearken to the voice of the charmer, charm he never fo wifely: for, let favour be fhewed to the wicked, yet will be not learn righteoufnefs: in the land of uprightness will be deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD - Wherefore he faith, I have called, and ye refufed; I have ftretched out my hand, and no man regarded and again, O Jerufalem, Jerusalem, how often would I bave gathered thee together, even as a ben gathereth her brood under her wings, and ye would not §.

From motives and arguments of love and mercy, GOD in the fame manner exhorts, and even

Ifa. i. 18.

|| Prov. i. 24.

+ Hof. xi. 4.
Matth. xxiii, 37.


Ifa. xxvi, 10.

entreats his back-sliding people to return unto him; return unto me, and I will return unto you; for I am merciful, faith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever ||es

Thus CHRIST alfo speaks to the Church of Laodicea; as many as I love, I rebuke and chaften; be zealous therefore, and repent*:-his fervant James obferves the fame method with back-fliders; humble yourfelves (faith he) in the fight of the LORD, and be will lift you up; draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you+: John also adds his teftimony; If we confess our fins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our fins, and to cleanfe us from all unrighteousness;-for, if any man fin, we have an Ad vocate with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our fins.

It is the opinion of fome eminent ministers, that repentance is a continued work, and ever to be exercised by the Chriftian, until death; but this appears to be a mistake: it is also irrational to fuppose it neceffary for the foul to change and turn to God, who is turned to him already; nor do we find that the HOLY GHOST in Scripture commands, or perfuades any believer to repent, who hath not manifeftedly erred in doctrine or practice: and

Jer. iii. 12.

• Rev. iii. 19.

+ James iv. 8, 10.

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