The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent Statesmen, Patriots, Divines, Warriors, Philosophers, Poets, and Artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Present Time. Including a Complete History of England from that Area, Volumen5Charles Dilly, 1791 |
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addreffed admiral affift afterwards againſt alfo anfwer becauſe befides bishop bishop Burnet Burnet cafe caufe Charles Charles Dryden confequence confiderable court death defign defired Difcourfe Dryden duke duke of Marlborough duke of York earl England expreffed faid fame fatire favour fays fecond fecretary feemed fent fervice fettled feveral fhall fhew fhips fhort fhould fince firft firſt fleet fome foon France French friends ftate ftill ftudies fubject fuccefs fuch greateſt Hague Hiftory himſelf honour houfe houſe of commons intereft juft king William laft likewife London lord lord Halifax lordship mafter majefty meaſures Method of Fluxions moft moſt muſt neral obfervations occafion Oxford paffed parliament perfons philofophy phyfician prefent prince prince of Orange princefs propofed publiſhed purpoſe queen Radcliffe reafon refolved Sir Cloudefly Sir George Sir George Rooke Sir William Temple thefe theſe thing thofe thoſe thought tion tranflated treaty univerfity uſeful vifit whofe
Pasajes populares
Página 199 - I am none of those who endeavour to break jests in company or make repartees. So that those who decry my comedies do me no injury, except it be in point of profit. Reputation in them is the last thing to which I shall pretend.
Página 258 - Egypt fall on them !) put it out of the power of physic to be of any benefit to her. I know the nature of attending crowned heads in their last moments too well to be fond of waiting upon them, without being sent for by a proper authority.
Página 92 - Up an address to the queen, desiring her majesty not to grant the writ- of error. The opinion of the judges was taken upon this ; and ten of them, of whom Holt was one, agreed, that in civil matters* a petition for a writ of error was a petition of right, and not of grace.
Página 131 - Sir, could proceed from nothing but the inviolable dictates of my conscience and a necessary concern for my religion (which no good man can oppose), and with which I am instructed nothing can come in competition.
Página 160 - For confirming the renunciations and " fettlements before-mentioned, 'tis fur" ther offered, that they mould be ratified " in the moft ftrong and folemn manner, " both in France and Spain ; and that " thofe kingdoms, as well as all the other " powers engaged in the prefent war, " fhall be guarantees to the fame.
Página 89 - If the plaintiff has a right, he must of necessity have a means to vindicate and maintain it, and a remedy if he is injured in the exercise or enjoyment of it; and indeed it is a vain thing to imagine a right without a remedy; for want of right and want of remedy are reciprocal.
Página 130 - Since men are seldom suspected of sincerity, when they act contrary to their interests ; and though my dutiful behaviour to your majesty in the worst of times (for which I acknowledge my poor services much overpaid) may not be sufficient to incline you to a charitable interpretation of my actions; yet I hope the great advantage I enjoy under your majesty, which I can never expect in any other change of government, may reasonably convince your...
Página 111 - I went through geography so often with him, that he knew all the maps very particularly. I explained to him the forms of government in every country, with the interests and trade of that country, and what was both good and bad in it : I acquainted him with all the great revolutions that had been in the world, and gave him a copious account of the Greek and Roman histories, and of Plutarch's Lives; the last thing I explained to him was the Gothic constitution, and the beneficiary and feudal laws...
Página 22 - I did not kneel down to kiss his hand, for without that I doubt I am too sure of it: but requested of him, that he would defer the declaration of it, and let it be a secret for some time. He said he thought it might not be amiss to defer it till the Parliament was up.
Página 89 - And it is no objection to say, that it will occasion multiplicity of actions ; for if men will multiply injuries, actions must be multiplied too, for every man that is injured ought to have his recompense.