I continue reading; Now, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and igno. rant men, they marvelled, and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. And beholding the man which was bealed standing with them, they could say nothing against it; but, when they had commanded them to goaside out of the council, they conferred amongst themselves, and they recalled them, and commanded them, not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. What do I see here? These senators, so prepossessed against the witnesses, and their declared enemies, are not able to silence them! Those very senators, whom the witnesses have censured with so much courage and so little caution, content themselves with threatening them and forbidding them to teach! The lame man then has been restored. But it was in the name of the crucified Jesus. The crucified man is then risen from the dead. The senators then tacitly admit this resurrection: at least their conduct seems to imply that they cannot prove the contrary. I cannot reasonably object, that the historian of the fisherman has falsified all this proceeding. For it certainly does not be come me, who came into the world 1700 years after this transaction passed, to form a charge against this historian, which. should have been brought against him by contemporaries of the witnesses; who ne vertheless have not brought it, or at least have never been able to prove it. I learn by this historian, that the consequence of this miracle was the conversion of five thousand men: I do not say that these five thousand men were so many witnesses. I have not their account: But I will say, that the conversion of so considerable a number proves the publicity of the fact. Neither can I presume to say that this number is exaggerated; because I have no authentic evidence to oppose to that of the historian, and my simple negative ought not to counterbalance his positive affirmation. : I cannot forbear a few observations on some particular expressions in this very interesting recital. Such as I have, give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. Such as I have, give I thee. The only power he has, is that of making a lame man to walk; and this power is committed to a poor fisherman! In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. What precision, what sublimity in these words! how well adapted to the majesty of Him who commands all nature ! If we this day be examined of the GOOD deed done to the impotent man. It is an act of pity, not of ostentation, which they wrought: they have made no signs to appear in heaven: they have done a good deed to an impotent man; a good deed! and in all the simplicity of a pure and virtu ous heart. Whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead. No reserve, no management here; no prudential consideration, no per, sonal fears are here predominant: they are then well assured of the fact, and fear not being confuted! When they spoke to the people, they said, We wot that through ignorance ye did it. Their language is different when before the tribunal; they disdain to flatter their judges, or to make use of any artifice to conciliate their favour-Whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead. CHAP. IV. SAINT PAUL. PROCEED in the history of the witnesses*, and I quickly meet with the history of a young man, which greatly excites my curiosity and attention. Although educated by a sage, he was far from practising his moderation. His active, vehement, and courageous disposition; his persecuting spirit, and blind adherence to the sanguinary maxims of a predominant and overbearing sect; excited in him the most vehement inclination to take a distinguished part of the open war, which that sect had proclaimed against the witnesses. He had already assented to, and assisted at the violent death of one of the witnesses; but unable to confine his fanatic zeal with in the walls of the capital, obtained from * Acts viii. 9. |