THE INTERPRETER OF PROPHECY, OR, A VIEW OF SCRIPTURAL PROPHECIES AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THE Past and Present OCCURRENCES of the WORLD. WITH CONJECTURES RESPECTING THEIR FUTURE COMPLETION. BY HENRY KETT, B.D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND ONE OF HIS MAJESTY'S PREACHERS AT WHITEHALL. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. THE FOURTH EDITION, WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES. London: PRINTED BY BYE AND LAW, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, FOR THE AUTHOR ; AND SOLD BY F. AND C. RIVINGTON, NO. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. The Rise, Progress, Establishment, and Decline 66 THE KING OF THE WEST," in the Visions The Rise, Progress, Establishment, and Decline of the MAHOMETAN POWER OF ANTICHRIST -or, "THE LITTLE HORN OF THE EAST" in the Visions of Daniel; and "THE LOCUSTS," p. 62-108. CHAP- CHAPTER THE THIRD. The Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the IN FIDEL POWER OF ANTICHRIST, or THE LITTLE HORN OF THE BEAST" in the Vi- fions of Daniel; and "THE SECOND BEAST Prophecies which remain to be fulfilled-RESTO- RATION OF THE JEWS to their own Land, and THEIR CONVERSION to the Church of Chrift-The GENERAL DIFFUSION of the Gof- pel-The FINAL TRIUMPH of our Lord over all his Enemies, and the UNIVERSAL HAPPI- NESS of his glorious Reign, confidered as the Accomplishment of the Original Promise made to Adam-as the ultimate meaning of the Pro- phetic Descriptions of the Kingdom of the Meffiah, and tending to reconcile the different -CONCLUSION, p. 275-378. CLASS II. CHAPTER THE FIRST. THE RISE, PROGRESS, ESTABLISHMENT, AND DESTRUCTION OF THE PAPAL POWER OR ANTICHRIST. As this was the greatest corruption of Christianity that was to be permitted to take place in the world, it cannot be thought extraordinary, that more of the Prophecies, which we have brought forward to the notice of the Reader in the Introductory Chapter, are applicable to it, than to any other branch of Antichristian Power. As both Mahometanism and Infidelity consisted more of open hoftility, they were likely to be better diftinguished by Christians, without the aid of fuch strong prophetical light, as that which is afforded to expose, and to bring into full view, the counterfeit Chriftianity of the Church of Rome. VOL. II. B A com |