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6. What values of A less than 540° satisfy the equation

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7. What are the least eight angles which satisfy the equation

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8. Prove geometrically, for all values of A, that

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9. Prove geometrically, for angles generally, the formula

sin2 A+ cos2 A = 1.

10. Find all the values of A less than 360° satisfying the equation

2 sin2 A+ sin A = 1.

11. Find all the angles less than 360° satisfying the equation 2 sin2 A = 3 cos A.

12. Find values of less than π satisfying the equation

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13. For what angle is the supplement equal to the sine of the complement?

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53. In order that not even the lesser difficulties of the subject may be altogether passed over, the following proposition is more fully stated than those which follow it, which are of a similar nature.

54. To trace the variation in sign and magnitude of sin A, as A increases from 0 to 360°.

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Since the symbol representing OP is always positive and does not vary in value, the changes in the value of sin A will all depend upon those of y.

Whilst OP coincides with OA, y is evidently 0;


therefore when A = 0, sin A = —; .. sin 0 = 0.

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As A increases from 0 to 90°, y increases and is positive; therefore sin A increases and is positive.

When OP arrives at the position OB, PN coincides with OP, and y is therefore equal to r in magnitude; it is positive in sign; therefore

when A = 90°, sin A =


sin 90° = 1.

As A increases from 90° to 180°, y decreases and is positive; therefore sin A decreases and is positive. When OP arrives at the position OA', PN vanishes; therefore

when A = 180°, sin A = - ... sin 180° = 0.

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As A increases from 180° to 270°, y increases and is negative; therefore sin A increases and is negative.

When OP comes to OB', PN again coincides with OP; and y is therefore equal to r in magnitude, but its sign is negative; hence

when A = 270°, sin A = ==; ... sin 270° = −1.

As A increases from 270° to 360°, y decreases and is negative; therefore sin A decreases and is negative. When OP returns to its first position OA, PN again vanishes; therefore

when A = 360°, sin A =


sin 360° 0.



Summary.-Let angle A pass continuously through

all values from 0 to 360°; then

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55. To trace the variation in sign and magnitude of cos A, as A increases from 0 to 360°.

With the construction of last proposition, let A be the angle AOP, ≈ the linear units in ON, and r the linear units in OP for all positions of OP. Then

cos A = -.

When A = 0, ON coincides with OP, and
cos A= ; ... cos 0=1.


As A increases from 0 to 90°, z decreases and is positive; therefore cos A decreases and is positive. When A = 90°, ON vanishes, and

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As A increases from 90° to 180°, x increases and is negative; therefore cos A increases and is negative. When A = 180°, ON coincides with OP, and


cos A= ; ... cos 180° = — 1.

As A increases from 180° to 270°, x decreases and is negative; therefore cos A decreases and is negative. When A = 270°, ON vanishes, and

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As A increases from 270° to 360°, x increases and is positive; therefore cos A increases and is positive. When A = 360°, ON coincides with OP, and

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A tabular summary may be constructed as before (Art. 58).

56. To trace the variation in sign and magnitude of tan A, as A increases from 0 to 360°.

With the same construction as before, let A be angle


AOP, y the linear units in PN, and x the linear units in ON for all positions of OP. Then


tan A= y


When A 0, PN vanishes, and ON coincides with OP; hence

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As A increases from 0 to 90°, y increases and a decreases, while both are positive; therefore tan A increases and is positive.

When A = 90°, PN coincides with OP, and ON vanishes; hence

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As A increases from 90° to 180°, y decreases and is positive, while a increases and is negative; therefore tan A decreases and is negative.

When A = 180°, PN vanishes, and ON coincides with OP; hence

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As A increases from 180° to 270°, y increases and r decreases, while both are negative; therefore tan A increases and is positive.

When A = 270°; PN coincides with OP, and ON vanishes; hence

tan A= ; .. tan 270° = ∞


As A increases from 270° to 360°, y decreases and is negative, while x increases and is positive; therefore tan A decreases and is negative.

When A = 360°, PN vanishes, and ON coincides with OP; hence

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A tabular summary may, as before, be constructed.

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