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Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine,

FOR APRIL, 1826.




THIS pious and useful Minister was born at the village of Brandsby, a few miles north of York, Feb. 13th, 1792. From his own hand we have the following account of his parentage and family:" My parents were engaged in active life: they were upright and industrious, though strangers to true religion. Ever since I can remember, my father was embarked in the timber-trade; first at Brandsby, and afterwards at Norton, near Malton. My eldest sister was the second in the family who was brought to the knowledge of God, which took place by means of the happy death of a younger sister. A short time after, my other sisters at Malton, and myself at Hull, experienced the same grace."

His parents were strongly attached to the Established Church, but much opposed to the Methodists. They were greatly perplexed when their daughters began to meet in Class; and still more so on hearing that their only son had joined the Methodist Society. Their parental conduct was, however, in some things, highly commendable. They showed great affection for their children, and took a deep interest in their education. They trained them up in the habit of prayer, and in attending public worship, taught them to repeat the Church Catechism, and watched carefully over their moral conduct.

In the year 1805, our late friend removed with his parents to Hull; where, by divine mercy, he obtained that experimental acquaintance. with religion, which was the defence and comfort of his future days. There it was that those principles of piety were implanted in his mind, by the influence of which his nature was renewed, his Christian character formed, and his successful course as a Minister of Christ directed. On his going to Hull, he attended the zealous ministry of the Rev. Mr. Dykes, of that town. He also occasionally heard the faithful preaching of Mr. Bramwell, who was then stationed in the Hull Circuit. For those two pious Ministers he had ever after a very cordial regard; for to their labours, under God, he attributed his first desire to flee from the wrath to come.

From his earliest recollection, his mind was sometimes impressed with VOL. V. Third Series. APRIL, 1826,


convictions of sin; but under the word preached, his understanding was informed, and his conscience awakened. He saw more clearly the evil and destructive nature of iniquity, and felt more sensibly his own wretchedness, as one that had personally broken the commands of the Almighty. While he laboured under the oppressive load of guilt and condemnation, he strove to conceal his sorrow from every eye, except the eye of God. He often felt much distressed while he was listening to the important truths of the Gospel in St. John's Church; and that he might not be observed by the congregation to weep, he chose his seat behind one of the pillars. There he freely yielded to his feelings, and was frequently bathed in tears of penitential grief.

His conduct was at that time such as to make it sufficiently evident, that his repentance was not the momentary impulse of passion, but the fruit of conviction in his judgment, and of divine operation on his heart. When about fourteen years of age, he was put apprentice to a Druggist, in Hull; and while acquiring the knowledge of his profession, he showed himself not less diligent to learn the lessons of divine grace. By hearing the word, and by supplicating the throne of mercy, he earnestly sought after God. His father took notice of the seriousness of his behaviour with some degree of alarm, and expressed his fears, lest he should be injured by the doctrines preached at the Methodist Chapel. What effect this had on his attendance, I know not: it appears, however, that he was regularly present at the Prayer-meeting at five o'clock in the morning. On one of these occasions, as soon as the meeting was concluded, Mr. Braithwaite came up to him, shook hands with him, asked him several questions, and gave him some suitable advice. This was a word spoken in season; for a dark cloud of discouraging fears then rested on his mind; but the circumstance of being thus kindly noticed by a Minister of the Gospel, pierced the cloud with light, and afforded him a very sensible refreshment.

. The manner in which he received the manifestation of divine favour was somewhat remarkable. He was not in the public ordinances of religion; nor had he at that time begun to meet in Class. Being one day alone in the shop, his hands were engaged in business, but his heart was directed to heaven. The character of the Saviour was more immediately the object of his attention, when suddenly the peace of God burst in upon his soul. He had for some months felt the need of that faith which brings the knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins, but he had feared to believe. Now that fear was completely taken away, and he could rely, with an unwavering confidence, on the merits and intercession of his great Advocate. "The Lord, whom he sought, suddenly came to his temple," and filled him with the "knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ."

To maintain and exemplify his faith, and to run with patience the race set before him, he felt the need of those motives and helps which are afforded by the fellowship of saints. He was induced, therefore, from conviction, to join the Methodist Society; which he did a very short time after he was received into the favour and family of God. He saw the importance also of making the word of God his only rule, both of faith and practice: and that he might be able to do this, he perused it with diligence, and found it sweet to his taste. Other books he read, by which he attained a considerable stock of divine and useful knowledge; but he esteemed no book as he did the Bible. It was his daily delight, as containing the law of the Lord, the records of heaven, the words of eternal life. It was generally laid open on a desk in the shop, in order that those intervals of time which were not taken up in the necessary affairs of business might not be lost, but spent in searching the lively oracles.

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When we experience the consolations of religion ourselves, it is natural to desire that those whom we love should participate in our enjoy ment. Mr. Tindale was accordingly very solicitous that his parents should be saved. He longed for the time when their souls should be converted to God, and they should partake of the same pardoning mercy and renovating grace with which he had been favoured. With a view to this, he not only prayed for them, but wrote to them repeatedly: and his letters were the pure effusions of filial piety. We have reason to believe that they were acceptable to God; and that, accompanied by his gracious influence, these, and other means for the same object, were not unsuccessful.

The desire of bringing souls to Christ became a ruling passion in his heart; the effects of which were not confined within the circle of his own relations. As he grew in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, his zeal for the spread of vital religion increased, both in degree and in the extent of its operations. His heart was touched with compassion for his perishing fellow-creatures, while he saw that the great majority were immersed in sin, enslaved to Satan, and exposed daily to eternal misery, though capable of everlasting life. It was the love of Christ that constrained him to care for souls; and the work of calling sinners to repentance often occupied his thoughts. To one of his sisters he writes, "I think I can say, with the greatest truth, that I feel my utter inability and unfitness for such an important work. At times I think the Lord has given me one talent, which he requires me to use; at other seasons I feel so dark, ignorant, and foolish, that to think of preaching makes me tremble. I am frequently much exercised about it. I cannot banish the thought: and yet I dare not give my mind entirely to the study of drugs. I have reason to bless God that he gives me often

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