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members in the Society; which, by the blessing of God, is now increased to upwards of ninety; and a proportionably increasing congregation, together with a Sunday-School, have for some time rendered that building much too small. The seats are all taken, and there is every prospect of increasing prosperity. This is the second new Chapel which has been built in this Circuit within the last three years; and another is now undergoing an enlarge. ment, which will render it equally as commodious as either of the former."

ROCHDALE CHAPEL, in the Rechdale Circuit." On Thursday and Sunday, the 16th and 19th of March, this large and commodious Chapel was opened for the public worship of Almighty God. The Rev. Messrs. Newton, Stoner, Lessey, Dawson, Garrett, and Bunting, preached on the occasion. The congregations were numerous and respectable, the sermons appropriate and impressive, the presence of the great Head of the Church was felt in an unusual degree, and the language of the attentive and delighted multitude was, 'Master, it is good for us to be here.' The spirit of Christian benevolence was most admirably exemplified, although the pressure of the times is felt in an extraordinary manner in this town and neighbourhood. The public collections amounted to £302. 7s. 7 d., in addition to the sum of £1840, which had been previously subscribed. To God be all the glory! The Chapel, which gives universal satisfaction, is twenty-nine yards long, and twenty-three yards wide, on the outside; and will conveniently seat 1,600 persons. The expense, as usual, has very far exceeded our calculations. Including the very great improvement of our Preachers' houses, our whole expenditure will, we fear, exceed £5,000. But from the seats already let, and the pleasing prospect before us, we have no doubt we shall be able to bear our burden with cheerfulness, and in the course of a few years cousiderably diminish its pressure.

"The old Chapel, on the site of which the present building is erected, stood exactly thirty-two years. It was opened by the Rev. Messrs. Benson, Roberts, and Hanby, May 22, 1793; and the last sermons were preached in it on Sunday, May 22, 1825. By some defect in the original construction of the roof, the whole edifice had become unsafe. Competent judges declared that the large congregations, which on particular occasions attended, were in imminent danger of being suddenly buried beneath its ruins. The truth of their

declaration was abundantly confirmed when the Chapel was taken down. It seemed almost miraculous how it had stood so long, although frequently crowded to excess. As the taking down duty, the Trustees unanimously resolv of the Chapel became an imperious ed to enlarge it to the extent of their tion to many families who for years had ground, aud thus afford accommodaapplied in vain for pews in the old Chapel. Thanks be to God, after much care, prayer, and diligence, our arduous undertaking is brought to a successful termination. Entreating the prayers of the thousands of our Israel,' we are confidently looking up to the Great Head of the Church, and saying, prosperity!"" O Lord, I beseech thee, send now

ISLINGTON, in the London North Circuit." On Friday, April 14th, a new Chapel was opened at Islington. Sermons were preached on that day by the Rev. Adam Clarke, LL.D., and the Rev. Jabez Bunting, A.M.; and on the Richard Watson, Peter M'Owan, and following Sunday, by the Rev. Messrs. John Stephens. The Chapel is plain, well built, and commodious. It will whole expense of the erection is above seat from 900 to 1000 persons. The subscriptions, £155 were collected at £3000. In addition to the very liberal of the pews are already let. The Westhe opening; and more than two-thirds leyan Methodists in Islington have long been in want of a suitable place of have exerted themselves to accomplish worship, and the manner in which they this object, has been highly creditable years they found it to be exceedingly to their liberality and piety. For many difficult to obtain ground in a convenient situation; but they persevered in their laudable endeavours, and have desire. Great praise is due to Mr. at length realized the object of their personal exertions in regard to the Richard Barford for his liberality and erection of this house of prayer. made an extensive purchase, for the ciety with freehold ground, and has sole purpose of accommodating the Sobeen unwearied in his efforts to bring the undertaking to a successful termination. The attendance at the various religious services connected with the opening, was very numerous. The apuniversal satisfaction, and a general pearance of the Chapel seemed to give expectation is excited, that the blessing congregation, and much good be the of God will rest upon the Society and result of this erection; for which many prayers have been already offered to the God of all grace."


Relating principally to the FOREIGN MISSIONS carried on under the direction of the METHODIST CONFERENCE.


Extracts from the Journal of Mr. Hoole, dated August 12, 1825.

BEFORE Mr. Bott's departure for England on board the General Palmer, I had no time to write out extracts from my journal, but I now embrace the first opportunity of doing so, and hope they will be satisfactory as to your Missionaries in Madras being fully engaged in their proper work.

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April 1st. (Good Friday.) At ten, A.M., I preached to a larger congregation of natives than usual at Royapettah. After preaching, Brother Carver, speaking of the attention and feeling manifested by the people, said, Who would say that this people is insensible, and cannot be evangelized? After what we have seen to-day who would despair? In the evening while Brother C. was preaching in English, in our new Chapel, Black Town, I preached in the smaller Chapel in Tamul; there was a good congregation, and a considerable number standing on the outside.

3d. (Easter Sunday.)-I, as usual, conducted Tamul service at the Chapel in Royapettah, at ten, A.M.; and, fas there were a number of English present to partake of the Lord's Supper, Brother C. assisted in the administration of it. Men and women of three nations were assembled round the table of the Lord, and the languages of all, English, Tamul, and Portuguese, were used in the service; but we felt we were one in Christ, in whom "there is no difference."

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4th. - Our English school of St. Thome, and Tamul School of Royapet tab, were assembled this morning for examination, when the progress manifested by many of the children was very satisfactory.

One little native girl, who reads well in the Tamul New Testament, and can repeat the creed, ten commandments, &c., had in a short time made herself well acquainted with our first Catechism translated into Tamul. After the distribution of rewards in books, &c., they all sat down to a dinner prepared for them, and were then dismissed.

May 9th.-I employed great part of this day in correcting the translation of a Tract into Portuguese, and commenced another. In the evening I took a quantity of Tamul Tracts in my hand,

and walked into the native streets. After distributing several to those whom I met, I was invited by one whom I addressed to sit down with him at the door of his house. I did so, when he began to show that he had some know. ledge of Christianity, by the manner in which he stated his objections to it. Among other things he said, "It is a doctrine in your Scriptures, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye" of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven; and yet you Europeans, who profess to believe this, have taken one kingdom after another, until you have almost the whole world in your possession. You have likewise many excellent precepts, but do not obey them, and we have the same; so, in the end, what difference is there between your religion and ours?" I replied that the main difference was, that ours pointed out a clear way whereby a siner might find acceptance with God, might obey those precepts which, although they as well as we possess, few attend to, and find eternal happiness in the enjoyment of God: that thisway was the plan of redemption by Christ." He would not allow that this constituted any essential difference, but maintained that it rather established the superiority of their system; for instead of one incarnation of God for man's salvation, they had many. I endeavoured to show, from the character and actions ascribed to those incarnations in their own books, that, even allowing them to be true, they had no reference to the salvation of the soul from eternal perdition, to the enjoyment of perfect holiness and happiness in the presence of God for ever. That this could not be the object of so many incarnations of the infinite God, for his works, like himself, are perfect, and what he has once done he needs not to repeat; and thus it was that Christ bad once suffered for sins. After much controversy, which drew a number of people about us, he at last said, "The Great God who made all nations has likewise made all religions, and as they are all his work, it is unnecessary to go from one to another. I have a well in my own house; why then should I

go to another house to draw water." I replied, "Suppose God Almighty should make a great well in the middle of the town, and declare that there was something so divine in the waters, that those who drank of them should never be sick, but constantly healthy and vigorous, would not the people be quite right to leave their own wells aud draw out of that to which God had invited them?" He saw that I was about to draw the comparison, and interrupted me by starting another subject; so I arose, and offering some Tracts to the bystanders, walked towards home; for night had overtaken


16th. I set out at five in the morning to Poonamalie. Mr. Martius accompanied me. It was nine when we arrived, and as I was unwilling to give my time except to public work, we put up in a wretched hovel, which was little calculated to afford us comfort and rest. It was a miserable day, and such as nothing but regard to the cause of Christ would lead me to endure; but I account it an honour to suffer as well as to labour in the cause in which I am engaged. At four, P.M., Mr. Martins delivered a Portuguese sermon to the small company, about a dozen, which assembled, and at seven I had a good English congregation. After resting on the ground a few hours, we rose at four in the morning.

17th. Before we could reach St. Thomas's Mount, the sun was up, and made us feel his power. I had a laborious day in the School, and with the services, Portuguese and English, which were well attended. May our labours be followed by the divine blessing.

25th. At half past ten at night, Mr. Carver and myself set out for Chinglepet, a distance of more than thirty miles. At five next morning we overtook our saddle-horses, and rode as long as the sun would permit us. It was near twelve at noon when we reached Mr. Boileau's house, with only half our people, the rest having been completely exhausted by the heat.

27th. Being somewhat recovered from the fatigues of the preceding day, at eleven o'clock I preached in Tamul to a large company of natives of all descriptions, assembled by the direction of Mr. Boileau, who takes considerable interest in the promotion of Christianity among them. After closing the day by prayer with our kind host, we mounted our horses, and rode on towards Wallajabaud, about sixteen miles distant.

28th.-At three in the morning we

arrived at Wallajabaud, and found our native schoolmaster there suffering from an attack of cholera, which would probably have carried him off in a few hours, if Mr. Carver had not administered medicine immediately on our arrival. The heat during the day was exceedingly oppressive, and kept us within doors, but in the afternoon we were visited by a copious shower of rain; after which we went out to visit the Commandant and another military gentleman who had shown much kindness on former occasions.

Sunday, 29th.-Mr. Carver preached in the morning to an English congregation, small indeed, but attentive: and in the afternoon, notwithstanding the very threatening appearance of the skies, a very tolerable Tamul congregation assembled.

30th. We arrived in Conjeveram an hour before day-break; but early as it was, we found the roads and streets crowded with the thousands of men, women, and children, who had assembled from all the country round, to witness the procession of the idol on this grand day of the great annual festival. At six in the morning we accompanied the Collector and other gentlemen to the chief Vaishnava temple to see the procession set out.

A number of Sepoys and Peons were employed under the direction of the Collector, to moderate the rush of the people; as, on former occasions, several persons have been killed; and, on this, one woman was much hurt by one of the elephants inadvertently putting his foot on her. It was said that the people assembled in the main street leading from the entrance of the temple, and crowding the road, the verandas, and the tops of the houses, amounted to eighty or a hundred thousand. Throughout the whole I observed, what I have generally observed in the worship of this people, that there is no appearance of devotion, except the now and then lifting up both hands united; they seem to attend on the procession with the same feelings as the people of England attend a fair or a wake.

The minds of the people were too dissipated by the noise and show to be addressed on religious subjects. I conversed however with one or two of those who were near me, and afterwards, in the course of the day, addressed several on the important subjects of redemption by Christ, and faith

in him.

31st. We left Conjeveram, and had some interesting conversation on the way, at two large choultries, with the

Hindoos we met, and left some portions of Scripture, both in Tamul and Teloogoo among them.

June 1st.-Early in the morning we rode out to the native village, which is about a mile distant from the Bungaloe. We found it comfortable and respectable in appearance, surrounded by fertile land, which the aged trees in every direction indicated to have been cultivated for ages, which must have been the case, as from this place sprung the sect of Vaishnavas. We stayed some time at the door of an aged fine-looking native, who was reading a Sanscrit treatise on medicine. He heard with respect and attention what we had to say on religious subjects, and, with some others who came together, readily received portions of Scripture, which we left with them. In the evening we proceeded to Tripassoor.

2d.-About five, A. M., we rode off to Trivalloor, about three miles distant, which seems to be a strong hold of heathenism.

I sat down on a stone in the front of the temple, where a number of Brahmins were assembled, and began to inquire of their God. After a number of questions, sufficiently indicative of my reasons for asking them, I made a direct attack on their idolatry. They defended idolatry by urging, that God has a body or a form, that an image may express some of the divine attributes, and that idols are nece sary to assist ignorant people in their worship.

I pressed them so closely on the absurdity of these arguments, that they di-agreed among themselves, and first one and then another undertook to answer me. At length they thought to retort upon me by asking, why we built places of worship if we disapproved of idolatry; for if we wor shipped God as Omnipresent, invisible, and without body or form, he might be worshipped in all places alike. This question gave me an opportunity of explaining the nature of Christian worship, and I concluded my conversation with them by a statement of some of the principal doctrines of our holy religion. Many showed the greatest attention, and at the close a few received Gospels, but others refused them.

3d. I reached home about four o'clock this morning, and got a little rest before day. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Bible Society's Committee, and afterwards preached in Blacktown to the native congregation with much comfort.

Sunday, 5th.-I passed the whole day in town, where I read prayers, preached twice, and administered the Sacrament. It was near eleven at night when I reached home.

Since the above, my labours have been those of the common routine of the Circuit; full of interest to myself, but not generally such as to warrant my giving the time requisite to trans➡ mit an account of them to the Com mittee.


WE announced in our last the safe arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Clough, with Messrs. Hardy and Exley, at Colombo. From a more recent letter from Mr. Clough, we learn that the Mission in the South of Ceylon wears a very cheering and hopeful aspect, though several internal trials and discouragements have occasionally occurred in some places, among which may be ranked the severe visitations of epidemic complaints, which have operated very severely upon the Schools and congregations in some places. The European Brethren had been all preserved in health. Mr. Clough speaks in the highest terms of the usefulness of the Native Assistants, and of the growing disposition among the Natives to hear the word of God. The Chapels had in many places become too small for the native congregations. -We shall give extracts from this communication in our next.


KHAMIES-BERG, LITTLE NAMACQUALAND.-Our letters from Mr. Shaw continue to exhibit the progress of this tribe of Christianized Hottentots in industry, and in religious knowledge and experience. The introduction

of the manufacture of hats into the Settlement appears to have afforded a profitable employment for the people.

Extracts from the Journal of Mr. B. Shaw.

Oct. 31st, 1825.-A council was held this morning respecting Reedmont in the Bushmanland. Three persons were present as Delegates from that part, who desired that a member of our Church on Lily-Fountain should go thither, and remain with them as Schoolmaster and Instructer. I found it exceedingly difficult to procure a person willing to undertake this office, as our people in general, but especially those who can read, are so much attached to the place where the Gospel is preached, that they have no desire to leave it. At length Timothy offered himself to make a trial for six months, on condition that he and his wife should be allowed to come to the Khamies-Mountain to attend divine service, once or twice a month. To this I could not object.

Nov. 1st.-A poor old female Namacqua, who is lying at the foot of the mountain, sent a message to her friends, that they must go and remove her to the place where the ordinances of the Gospel are administered. She is very ill, but wishes to die among the people of God, and to be interred in the same ground. She sent word to her friends, that should she die in the attempt, they must bring her to the Institution. How similar to the language of Ruth," Where thou diest I will die, and there will I be buried."

8th.-Timothy left us for Reedmont: I supplied him with some carpenter's tools, various necessary articles, and a sufficient number of books for the children. May his labours be blessed. In the evening, the infant son of Brother Haddy was baptized. The chapel was nearly full, and great attention was manifested while the ordinance was administered.

11th. A new house has been commenced for the hatters, the one they now occupy being by far too small. One of our people has undertaken to build it for the sum of 200 rix-dollars, which circumstance will take a great deal of labour off my hands.

12th. A meeting was held to take into consideration the propriety of erecting a building, to be used solely as a smith and carpenters' workshop: which was agreed upon.

15th. We commenced the building proposed on the 12th inst. About thirty engaged to work out their own shares; the other people, who are busy with

their own concerns, agreed to pay the sum required in money, wheat, or barley, as may be most convenient for them. To-morrow some are to be sent to cut trees for the roof, and others to procure rushes for the thatching.

20th. I spoke of the great doctrines of repentance, and the remission of sins, from Luke xxiv. 47. These blessed truths are never old, or cold, but always new and invigorating, both to Preachers and hearers. O may I ever feel them to be of the greatest importance, even spirit and life to my soul; and may all who hear them, experimentally know the joyful sound, and rejoice in Him, who is both able aud willing to save to the uttermost. In the afternoon, while one of the interpreters was delivering a warm exhortation in the Namacqua language, a poor female was deeply affected, and soon afterwards, several others. The words of the speaker appeared to be quick and powerful. He stood up in the midst of the congregation, like a wise physician, who knows the disorders of his patients; he seemed also to know how to administer consolation. He spoke of the blood of atonement,-of the Gospel being preached at Jerusalem,-of the willingness of Jesus to save them from their sins, &c. &c. "His speech distilled as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass." Though I could not understand all' that he said, I was humbled, affected, and profited thereby.

21st.-A public auction was held this morning, of the shell of a house, which one of the natives had built up to the square, but was unable to finish. A law was enacted some time ago, that if any person commenced building a house, and did not complete it in eighteen months, it should be sold to the highest bidder. This law acts as a spur to perseverance, and prevents a number of houses standing in an unfinished state.

23d. Some time ago, one of our people was near a farmer's house in the neighbourhood, when some of the family requested him to read in the Testament, which they saw was his companion. He read, the people wondered, and the farmer extolled the Namacqua as a reader, on the ground of his going on so well, even in those places where the leaves were so much soiled, that the letters were scarcely

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