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Besides all these, of forren Lights the chiefe,
BEZA, and VRSINUS, many other moe,
MARTYR, MUSCULUS, for thy more reliefe

Are seene in English weed abroade to goe
From place to place in euery Shire and Towne,
To teach the Truth and throw all Errors downe.

And here presented is vnto thy sight
The Roiall Prophet ESAIAS Euangel:
For so me thinkes I may it terme aright,
That Prince of holy Prophets doth so well,
So liuely Christs whole historie presage,
As if h' had liu'd in that same very Age.

Whose Oracles great CALUIN doth vnfold
In thine owne natiue Tongue for thy Soules health.
Here maist thou gather precious Stones and Gold,
And store vp heapes of Heauenly lasting wealth;
Here maist thou find with very little paine

Which would'st not lose for thousand Worlds againe.

Here maist thou see the black-mouth'd Atheists
Confounded quite by Demonstration cleare;
The cunning Papist put vnto his shifts,
And made in his right Colours to appeare;

Her's Christ, his Truth, and Life, thee set before, Heauens Gates set open wide: what would'st thou more?

By FRANCIS HERING, Doctor in Physicke.




ALTHOUGH, in making improvements on this COMMENTARY, I have bestowed so much care and industry, most noble Queen, that it ought justly to be reckoned a new work, yet, as in the first edition it was dedicated to your brother King EDWARD, who, though a youth, greatly excelled the men of his age, and whom I wish to be held in remembrance by posterity, as he deserves, I had intended to make no change in that dedication. But since, amidst that wretched and lamentable dispersion of the Church and oppression of pure doctrine, which raged with prodigious violence for a short period, this book, together with the whole doctrine of true godliness, was banished from England for a time, but now, I trust, favoured by your happy reign, will be restored to its former privileges, I thought that there would be no impropriety if to the name of a most excellent king I should join your own name, which is regarded by all good men with not less esteem and satisfaction. Not only was an opportunity offered, but necessity appeared to demand, that I should obtain your full protection to this COMMENTARY, the banishment of which, I am aware, was beheld by a great number of your godly subjects with deep sorrow.

Yet it is not so much my object to be favoured with your countenance in my personal labours, as humbly to entreat, and by the sacred name of CHRIST to implore, not only that,

through your kindness, all orthodox books may again be welcomed and freely circulated in England, but that your chief care may be directed to promote religion, which has fallen into shameful neglect. And if this is justly demanded from all kings of the earth by the Only-begotten Son of GOD, by a still more sacred tie,does he hold you bound, most noble Queen, to perform this duty; for when even you, though a king's daughter, were not exempted from that dreadful storm which fell with severity on the heads of all the godly, by the wonderful manner in which he brought you out safe, though not unmoved by the fear of danger, he has laid you under obligation to devote yourself and all your exertions to his service. So far are you from having any reason to be ashamed of this deliverance, that God has given you large and abundant grounds of boasting, by confirming you to the image of his Son, on whom the Prophet ISAIAH bestows this among other commendations, that from prison and judgment (Isa. liii. 8) he was raised to the loftiest height of heavenly dominion.

As it is no ordinary honour to resemble such a model, so whenever you recollect, what ought never to be forgotten by you, from what wretched and fearful trembling GOD rescued you, by openly stretching out his hand, remember also that it was done for the express purpose that you, on the other hand, should, with invincible determination and unshaken firmness of mind, acknowledge your obligation to your Protector and Redeemer, and, laying aside all other kinds of business, a vast number of which, I have no doubt, will crowd upon you at the commencement of your reign, labour to have his worship, which for a time was basely and disgracefully corrupted in that kingdom, restored to its former splendour. And if Satan, by presenting many and powerful obstructions, endeavour to produce fear or slothfulness, you are well aware from whom you ought to ask boldness to go steadily forward and to vanquish all opposition; and GOD, who bestows his blessing on the actions of private individuals, will not fail to grant a happy and desirable issue to his work.

You ought also to be stimulated, venerable Queen, by a sacred regard to duty; for the Prophet ISAIAH demands not




only from Kings that they be nursing-fathers, but also from Queens that they be nursing-mothers. (Isa. xlix. 23.) This duty you ought to discharge, not only by removing the filth of Popery, and by cherishing the flock which not long ago. lay trembling and concealed, but by gathering the exiles who chose rather to part with the advantages of their native country than to remain in it so long as godliness was banished from it. This will be the crowning proof of your gratitude to GOD, and a sacrifice of most delightful savour, that the faithful worshippers of GOD, who, on account of their profession of the Gospel, were constrained to wander far and wide through distant countries, shall now, through your kindness, be restored to their native country. We, too, in whom that mournful spectacle awakened, as it ought to have done, the most poignant grief, have abundant cause for rejoicing, and for congratulating you, when, through the gracious exercise of your royal will, we see the way opened for the return of our brethren, not only to be at liberty to worship God in your Majesty's dominions, but to render assistance to others.

And now, most noble Queen, if you shall be graciously pleased, as I trust you will, not to disdain this testimony of my respect for you, which some would perhaps reckon to be trivial and of little value, I shall esteem it to be no ordinary kindness, and will endeavour through my whole life to testify my gratitude by every means in my power.

May the LORD guide you, most illustrious Queen, by the Spirit of wisdom, uphold you with invincible courage, protect and enrich your Highness with every kind of blessings!

GENEVA, 15th January; the day which, it was reported, had been fixed for your coronation; on which account I more gladly set myself to write, having partially recovered from an attack of quartan ague.





THOUGH I acknowledge that this COMMENTARY has been faithfully and skilfully compiled from my LECTURES, yet, as it was drawn up by another person, I was at first afraid, most illustrious King, that if it should appear in public bearing your name on the Dedication, I might be thought not to have acted properly towards your Majesty. But this doubt was removed chiefly by one consideration, that as a Prophet who was of royal descent, and a most noble ambassador of CHRIST, the supreme King, is highly appropriate to your rank, so the labour which I had bestowed on the explanation of his Prophecies would be accepted and valued by your Majesty. His experience made him acquainted with five kings exceedingly unlike each other in their dispositions, to whom in uninterrupted succession he officiated as a teacher; and it is unnecessary to inform you which of these you should chiefly select for imitation, or to exhort you to that which you show that you are already sufficiently willing to do.

UZZIAH and JOTHAM were favourable to him, though they were not so courageous as they ought to have been in maintaining the worship of GOD. His chief contest was with AHAZ, not indeed as an open enemy, but as a cunning hypocrite full of fraud and dissimulation. The servants of GOD cannot have a more dangerous class of enemies. His successor, HEZEKIAH, not only treated the holy man with reve

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