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love and Thy mercy! Impart Thy blessing and Thy Spirit to every soul who is present before Thee, and upon all who may assemble this morning. Oh, may we get a fresh baptism from on high! May we feel that Thou art ready to bestow Thy gifts and graces upon us, and that Thou art more willing and ready than we are to give good gifts to our children.

O Lord, bless all who have assembled here this morning. Some have come to the city to remain but a few days, and have come here to be refreshed. O Lord, wilt Thou meet them with Thy Spirit and grace, and fill their hearts with Thy love. Oh, wilt Thou bless the stranger! Speak the word of peace to his soul, and cause him to rejoice in Christ the Saviour. Oh, may those who shall come here who are without hope be remembered in our prayers before Thee. Oh, blessed Jesus, come Thou into our midst; touch every heart, and make every heart to feel that there is a blessedness in Jesus, and a salvation in Him, which the world cannot give. Oh, may we feel that it is by His grace and His Spirit that we are made to rejoice!

We thank Thee, O God, for what Thou has done. We thank Thee that Thou has put the song of praise into our mouths, that Thou hast enabled us to stand up for Thee; for it is by Thy grace and the power of Thy Spirit: it is not of ourselves. O Lord, we would feel our dependence upon Thee. We would lie low before Thee. We would present ourselves before Thy cross, and plead the merits of that blood which was spilled for the sins of the world. Oh, blessed God, may Thy Spirit and Thy grace be with us, and may we have a heavenly sitting here, this morning. Pour out Thy grace upon those who, on the morrow, shall stand up in the churches and

preach the truths of Thy blessed Gospel. Speak through them to the people. May the coming Sabbath long be remembered by us as a day in which the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the city, and remained with us. May every soul be quickened by Thy grace. Come to our help, O Lord most mighty, and may we see such a work of grace as we have never yet beheld; and may sinners flock to Christ, as clouds of doves to their windows. Oh, come, mighty Saviour! Thou hast power, and we pray Thee shew it forth, and we will attribute all honour, and praise, and glory to Thy name, now and for ever. Amen!

The following verse was then sung :

"Did Christ o'er sinners weep,

And shall our cheeks be dry?
Let floods of penitential grief
Burst forth from every eye."

DEA. BATES: I will now read two or three verses from the first chapter of Mark :

"And He preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils.

"And there came a leper to Him, beseeching Him, and kneeling down to Him, and saying unto Him, If Thou will, Thou canst make me clean.

"And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth His hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.

"And as soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed."

DEA. BATES continued: The meeting is opened, brethren, and I hope it may be improved by those present, especially by the young converts, and that the meeting may be more social than usual. I have noticed that those at the back part of the room do


not speak so much as those nearer in front, although their hearts may be full, perhaps, and they may have much to say. We wish there might be perfect freedom; and we wish all to speak, and tell how they feel, and what they have seen of the mighty works of God; a word of encouragement, or exhortation, or singing, as they shall be moved by the Spirit.

"Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove,

With all Thy quickening powers,
Kindle a flame of sacred love

In these cold hearts of ours."

CAPT. GIRDLER: I have noticed that when we have had our most lively meetings, we have had the most prayer and the most testimonials of God's mercy. I know, my brethren, it is very difficult to compress our thoughts into a few words. That heart warmed up by the fires of Divine love, who can estimate its strength and its power? And it will run over those abridged limits, and take away, apparently, the liberty of another. That is one of our greatest difficulties-to know when we have said. enough. I suppose the measure of time is the best rule to go by. And here is perfect liberty to God's saints; because, wherever God's people are, on the sea or on the land, under any circumstances, at all times, when they call upon Him, His gracious power is known and manifested, and He delegates that power to the heart which is moved to speak of His mercies, no matter whether seaman or landsman, no matter whether in the cabin or in the forecastle. I suppose the sailor thinks "the further aft, the more honour; " but in Jesus Christ there is no such thing-it is all perfect liberty. Oh, may the time be near when a revival of pure religion shall be universal among that class of our fellow

men; and the most effectual way to promote this great increase of the Redeemer's kingdom, and make the sailor instrumental with Christ's ministers in proclaiming the Gospel to the world, is for these ladies, these Christian sisters, and every Christian brother, to make it a special point to pray for the conversion of shipmasters. Once get them interested in the cause of Christ, and the conversion of the sailors will speedily follow. No one but a

seaman can tell the attachment of the sailors to the officer who treats them with kindness. No matter how much hard work he puts upon them,-Jack does not care anything for hard work,-only let him treat them affectionately and kindly, and let them see that he is a Christian by his conduct, for “ tree is known by its fruit."


Now, my brethren, I do not wish to trespass upon the time, but do let this subject lie near to your hearts, my Christian friends. I consider the greatest proof of God's blessing, the greatest encouragement we have had, has been the visits and the conversion of seamen during this last season. Oh, what a mighty field is here! Our ships are seen everywhere, all over the world; and could that class of men be brought into the Church of God, what glorious results would follow! And the most effectual way to accomplish this is to pray for the conversion of the shipmaster, and that of the seaman will soon follow. How can it be helped? For the encouragement of our young Christian friends, I would say, on my honour as a Christian man, that I never went a voyage, after I became master, that there were not more or less conversions on board the vessel. Oh, what peace, comfort, and harmony I have seen through all my sea-voyages, after the

sailors had become sober; for I have seen them sometimes in such a state that they did not know, for a week, when bound for New Orleans or Charleston, where they were going; and these very men have become the objects of Christ's saving power, and could preach and exhort before the voyage was up-for I generally stayed one or two years away from home and they came home monuments of God's saving power. Let, then, the burden of your prayers be for the conversion of shipmasters. You have all classes and conditions presented for your prayers, but let me ask your prayers for this class of men, those who command ships, that the Divine Spirit may follow them, and bring them into the fold of the Great Shepherd ; and when that work is begun among shipmasters, the conversion of seamen will follow. What next? The power of the Man of Sin will be broken. What next? Then look out for millennial glory.

One verse sung:

"How sweet the name of Jesus sounds,

In a believer's ear!

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear."

CAPT. BARTLETT, of Plymouth: Brethren and sisters, as I sat upon my seat here, the thought came into my mind, Another week has rolled away; we are one week nearer eternity than we were a week ago. And as I sat here, I thought of the object for which we had assembled, as I trust, each and all the salvation of immortal souls. Are we all prepared in heart for that, this morning, dear brethren and sisters? Is that our object here? If it is, friends in Christ, we may know that Christ is with us, and whatever we ask in faith, believing,

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