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we shall receive. Let us remember, as we were admonished yesterday morning, that we must make our remarks short and to the point. May our hearts flow freely towards God; may saints be quickened this morning; and, if there be an impenitent soul here, may it be saved by Divine grace. Let us pray. Our Father and Redeemer, who art in heaven, what can we do without Thee? All our righteousness is but as filthy rags in Thy sight. We lean wholly, O God, on Thee. Thou seest us, dear Saviour, a company of sinners,-all of us; for no man liveth and sinneth not, we are taught in Thy blessed Word; and we would desire to come this morning and plead with Thee, dear Saviour, that, as Thy children, Thou wouldst prepare our hearts now, as we come before Thee, to pray for the salvation of the sinners in our midst; to pray for this wicked city, and for this world, which lieth in wickedness. O God, Thou seest how much we need, all of us, the spirit of prayer. Dear Saviour, we would have Thee in our midst. Wilt Thou stir us all up, and cause us to speak, not from the lips alone, but from the heart. And wilt Thou bless our prayers and exhortations, and the reading of Thy Word; and may this be a day long to be remembered as the day when many souls found out the way to Zion. Heavenly Father, we pray for the ministers of the Gospel on the coming Sabbath; we would ever desire to pray, on Saturday morning, that Thou wouldst be with them on the coming Sabbath. May they preach Thy blessed Word to the edification and salvation of men. We pray that the Spirit of God may come in our midst, and prevail more abundantly than ever before. Thy kingdom come to each one of us, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

CAPT. BARTLETT then remarked as follows: I wish to give a little account of what has been done, the past week, among seamen. On Monday evening, at the temperance meeting, seventeen signed the pledge. On Wednesday evening, one of these was among the twelve who rose for prayer. Last evening, something like the same number rose, and the mate whom you saw rise here a few mornings ago for prayers spoke for the first time. God has given him liberty, and he is going to sail soon as master of a vessel from this port. I had a conversation with him, and he said there was no difficulty now in getting a whole ship's company of Christian sailors. I told him that was not the way; that it would be better to take a part of his crew from among Christian men, and to take the others from the unconverted, in order that they might be led to Christ. That is the way to propagate the Gospel.

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Last evening, when the invitation was given to rise for prayer, one young man rose, and as he did so his mother started, Glory to God, my son has risen for prayers for the first time in his life.” Her heart seemed to be overflowing, and she could not restrain herself. I understand that she is a member of Park Street Church; her son, who is a married man, has sometimes attended the meetings, but last night, for the first time, rose to be prayed for, and she poured out her whole soul, as mothers only can when they see their sons inquiring the way of salvation.

I tell you, my Christian friends, seamen are capable of doing a work, of the importance of which mankind have no idea. Our brother has given us some idea of it, but the whole of what seamen are capable and have the privilege of doing, if their

hearts are warmed by the love of Christ, cannot be told. I know of two sailors who have been a voyage to India and back. One was converted before he left, and the other down in the Roads, and wrote letter back to the Bethel preacher that he had found God upon the deep. We have a letter from one who went to Havana, full of love for Jesus Christ. These are the first fruits from among those whose home is upon the sea. I want you to pray for seamen. The work is growing, not only in importance, but in efficacy, and God is bringing that class into the fold of Christ, who are to go forth and spread the tidings of a Saviour's love over the earth. There are some seven or eight new-born souls here, and I hope we shall hear from them. Although they may not feel so free to speak here as at the Bethel, yet I would assure them that they are among Christian brethren, who can feel and sympathise with them, and they may do good to them, as well as to their own souls, by giving us their experience.

PATRICK COLLINS, of Dorchester: I rejoice to come here, my Christian friends. I got my first love, my first faith, in this meeting. I rejoice to meet here with so many Christians. I hope you are all Christians. I hope every heart is right. I hope every heart comes here full of the Holy Spirit. We pray for the Holy Spirit-I hope we do, sincerely and devotedly, and that we have that Spirit, and carry it with us. Wherever we go, let us go in that name. He is over us; He knows where we are; He hears our prayers, He hears our


My friends, I come to tell you that we have considerable good meetings in the town of Dorchester

interesting meetings. We have four meetings on the Sabbath day, and about three meetings during the week, and the neighbourhood prayer-meetings. We have a good pastor, who encourages us on; and we have reason to be thankful for what he has given us and lays down for us, from day to day, and from time to time. We invite the people all round our neighbourhood to come in when we hold a neighbourhood prayer-meeting, and they flock in. My dear friends, we had a very interesting meeting at my house last evening. It lasted two hours and a half. The pastor was there, and the people came from all around, in their carriages and waggons, and filled the whole yard with their horses and waggons. The report of the "abundance of the sea came in, and of what is being done here, and in other places. As our brother says, I wish every shipmaster was as good as he desires him to be, so that all under his command might become Christians, and the abundance of the sea" be converted; and so that every soul would acknowledge its Saviour, and He would be in the midst of us.


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What a blessing it is to me to be here, my Christian friends, this morning! I rejoice that my heart is warm, and that I have got the love of God in my heart, and express my desire and hope that we are all Christians. Let us persevere and press forward to that prize which is for us to look after. We are all pilgrims here; this is not our continuing city; we have got to look after a better and a brighter city. Oh, let us, if we can, get ready for that, for we know not in what day or hour the Son of Man cometh. The young may die, and the old must. Oh, I confess, I confess before this audience, that my whole heart, my whole soul, is open and willing

to express my desire to live more devoted and nearer

to Christ.

A VOICE: How long have you been a believer, brother?

MR. COLLINS: I was converted a year ago last November. I am one of the young converts. We have young men's prayer-meetings in our chapel, and I call myself one of the young men, and join with them. Every night I go there in the midst of them; and I lift up my heart and both hands to that that has done me so much good, and rejoice that my feet have been taken out of the "horrible pit and miry clay," that I have been plucked as a brand from the fire, and have given myself to Christ. I desire to live more devoted to that Redeemer who suffered so much for you and for me. I should like to make myself more useful than I am, if I knew how to work more usefully. I go to the meetings, and I hope I have a desire to be with Christians, wherever they are.

CAPT. GIRDLER: How beautifully David's exhortation has now come to pass- "Old men and maidens, young men and little children, let them praise the name of the Lord." Is it not fulfilled this morning in our midst ?

"My heavenly home is bright and fair;
Nor pain nor death shall enter there.
Its glittering towers the sun outshine;
That heavenly mansion shall be mine.
I'm going home, I'm going home,
I'm going home, to die no more;
To die no more, to die no more,
I'm going home, to die no more."

DEA. DAVIS, of Somerville: It will be remembered, dear brethren, that, some three months since, a sailor rose in the back part of this room,

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