Imágenes de páginas

in it. She, however, soon removed them, one after another, carrying them between her jaws; and, at the end of a few days, he saw that she had collected them all into one place, upon the surface of the earth, and remained constantly upon the heap, without quitting it for a moment, so that she seemed truly to sit for the purpose of hatching her eggs. The young were produced about the thirteenth of May; in figure they were similar to those before mentioned; but at the birth they were all white, except towards the tail, where a yellow matter was observable through the skin; and the eyes and jaws were reddish. He kept them in the box with their mother, feeding them from time to time with pieces of apple, and saw them grow every day, and cast their skins more thau once. The mother at length died, and her progeny devoured nearly the whole of her body. The little ones that died also underwent the same treatment. M. De Geer, how ever, conjectures that this only took place from the want of other food, as he had neglected to supply them regularly with nutriment. On the twenty-third of July, only one remained alive; it was full grown, and then in the pupa state.

"This insect, though in its nature extremely harmless (except, indeed, to the fruit and vegetables in our gardens), has unaccountably fallen a victim to human cruelty and caprice, originating from the mistaken idea that it introduces itself into the ear, and from thence penetrating to the brain, occasions death. We cannot help expressing a wish that persons who entertain such erroneous ideas, would be convinced that the wax and the membranes of the ear are a sufficient defence against all its pretended attacks upon this organ. It lives indeed among flowers, and frequently destroys them; and when fruit has been wounded by flies, the earwigs also generally come in for a share. In the night, they may be often seen in amazing numbers upon lettuces,and other esculent vegetables committing those depredations that are often ascribed to the ravages of snails or slugs."

Useful Hints.

Method of Preserving Vinegar.Put the vinegar in a well cleaned vessel, and let it boil a quarter of a minute; then pour it into bottles, which should be properly corked. Or it may be put in bottles, and warmed in hot water, when the water is in a state of ebullition: it may then be kept for several years without changing, and without its being necessary to keep it from the contact of the air, or in vessels entirely filled.

Red Ink.-The mode of preparing this ink, recommended by M. de Ribancourt, is to infuse four ounces of ground Brazil wood in vinegar for three days; then heat it to the boiling point, and keep it for an hour at that temperature, after which it must be filtered. Whilst hot, dissolve in it onethird of an ounce of gum arabic, and the same quantity of sugar, and of alum; allow it to cool, and put it into well-stopped bottles.

An ink of a still more beautiful tint, may be made of a decoction of cochineal, to which ammonia is to be added.

The most beautiful of all red inks, is made by a solution of carmine in liquid ammonia, allowing the excess of the alkali to evaporate, and adding a small portion of colourless gum arabic.

Gill's Technological Rep.

Method of Preserving Furs and Feathers.-A sure way to preserve the fur of animals, will be found by immersing them in a solution of corrosive sublimate; the sublimate has not the least effect upon the skin, and causes the fur to retain its pristine brightness and duIf the finest rability in any climate. curled feather, from a lady's head-dress, be dipped into this solution, and gently shaken till it be dry, the spirit will fly off in a few minutes, and not a single curl in the feather will be injured; the sublimate will then preserve it from the Ib. depredations of insects.

The Note Book.

I will make a prief of it in my Note Book. M. W. of Windsor.


Says an eminent transatlantic critic, "has

a natural alliance with our best affections.

It delights in the beauty and sublimity of the outward creation, and of the soul. It indeed portrays with terrible energy the excesses of the passions; but they are passions which show a mighty nature, which are full of power, which command awe, and excite a deep though shuddering sympathy. Its great tendency and purpose is, to carry the mind beyond and above the beaten, dusty, weary walks of ordinary life; to lift it into a purer element, and to breathe into it more profound and generous emotion. It reveals to us the loveliness of nature, brings back the freshness of youthful feeling, revives the relish of simple pleasures, keeps unquenched the enthusiasm which warmed the spring-time of our being, refines youthful love, strengthens our interest in human nature by vivid delineations of its tenderest and loftiest feelings, spreads our sympathies over all

classes of society, knits us by new ties with universal being, and through the brightness of its prophetic visions, helps faith to lay hold on the future life.

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A PREDICTION. LOUIS XVIII. When seated within the walls of the Tuilleries, the officers of Louis's household frequently heard him exclaim, "Modena is right," or "Modena is wrong. But the former words fell oftenest from his lips when his bodily sufferings were most excruciating. No one about him was able to account for either exclamation; nor should I have had it in my power to solve the enigma, had it not been explained to me by an aide-de-camp of the Emperor Alexander.

The Count de Modena, who was one of the leading officers at the court of Monsieur, when Count de Provence, used to amuse himself with necromancy, and having a quick and lively imagination wrought himself into such high repute, that all the world ran after him to learn their future destinies. One evening, when Monsieur was relaxing in a private circle of friends, he observed to the merry teller of fortunes," Modena, the success of your predictions has reached my ears, and am I to be the only one left in the lurch as to my future luck?"-" Monseigneur," replied the count, ". you have but to command me." Cards were immediately laid upon the table, and the operations began. After meditating on them for several minutes, Modena exclaimed, “Monseigneur, the crown of France will sit upon your brow." A loud roar of laughter broke from the bystanders for at that moment Louis XVI. was in all the vigour of health and youth; and the Duke of Normandy, the dauphin's brother, was still in the land of the living. Modena joined in the general merriment, but carried on his operations. "Yes, Monseigneur," continued, after a transient pause, "I do not deceive myself; you will one day wear the French crown, but be assured of this, you will never be anointed." The incongruity of the two prophecies added notably to the general ferment and hilarity.


Louis the Eighteenth treasured this seemingly ridiculous prediction in his memory; and when the course of events had placed the French sceptre in his hands, and a glimmering of returning health bade him look forward to his solemn inauguration at Rheims, he was often heard to exclaim," Modena is wrong;" but when violent attacks of the gout dispelled the fond hopes he had indulged, he would exclaim, "Modena is

right." And the result was, that Modena was right. For. Lit. Gaz.


1. Gamelion-January.

This month originated from the mar-. riages first made by Cecrops; in which people joined in nuptials, and is called Gamelion, from gameo-nuptiæ. It was sacred to Juno, denominated, president of weddings and the marriage bed.

2. Anthesterion-February. This month was kept in great mirth for three days, in honour of Bacchus. The first, from the tubs that were opened, from which they drank very freely. The second, from Chus, a good capacious vessel. In this, he that could drink down the rest of his companions had a golden The third, from great loquacity. Thus comedies were acted, and Thespian amusements began in the 3rd year of the 93rd Olympiad.




The following are a few of the good things which have lately been given forth by Tom Gannon, a newly-fledged wit of Trinity College, Dublin :

When Tom was last at Paris, he visited the Jardin des Plantes, in company with a friend. They inspected the gardens-the green and hot-houses-the wild beasts, &c. On retiring, his friend asked hirn" which of all the creatures in the collection struck him as the vainest?" "The Dandy Lion, [Dandelion] of course," replied Tom.

"Who was the greatest astronomer in college during your under-graduate course?" said a Junior Freshman to Tom Gannon. "The late Doctor Moon-eye,” [Mooney] was Tom's response.

Of what weight or consequence is Trinity College in this country?" said Anthony Blake, disparagingly, in a mixed company, one day. "Of four Ton weight, at least," replied Tom Gannon, who happened to be passing by,"There is Elring-ton, Cramp-ton, Bayton, and Hamil-ton."

"Which is the best elementary book on Botany?" said the father of one of Tom's pupils, who was attending Allman's Lectures. "The Reading May Daisy, [Reading made Easy] without question," said Tom.

Observing Bill Lees a little cut after a public dinner "c "Alas!" said Tom, & pregnant illustration of Shakspeare's poetical truth

The wine of life is on the Lees.""



We once saw Tom put down, for all his ready wit.-Walking one day on the Bray, he met a tinker and his donkey. Good morrow to you both," said Tom in his jocular way."The same to you, gossip," said the tinker; "and proud I am to meet another of the

family." "How do you make that ont?" replied Tom, beginning to look queerish." Why," replied the tinker,

Sure you won't deny your name? If this be Jack-ass, are not you Thom-as ?" Tom hung down his ears and passed on. ̧

Biary and Chronology.

Wednesday, Feb. 17.

St. Fintan, abbot of Ireland.-High Water 36m after 7 Morn -11n after 8 Aftern. Feb. 17, 1720.-Expired John Hughes, an English poet, dramatic author, and essayist. He was the author of the siege of Damascus, and of several papers in the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian.

Thursday, Feb. 18.

St. Leo and Paregorius, mar. 3d Cen.-Sun rises 57m after 6-sets 4m after 5. Feb. 18, 1546.-Died Martin Luther, the zealous reformer, at Eisleven; two days before his decease, being at the town where he ended his life, he said, "When I come again to Wittenburg, I will lie in a coffin, and give unto the worms a fat Luther, to eat." And so it fell out; for two days afterwards he died at the place abovementioned; three hours previous to his dissolution he called for pen, ink, and paper, and wrote the words following —

Pestis eram vivens, moriens ero mors tua, Papa,”
Living, I was a plague to thee;

Dying, O Pope thy death I'll be!
Friday, Feb. 19.

St. Barbatus, Bish. died A.D. 682.-High Water 17m after 10 Morn.-55m after 10 Aftern. Feb. 19, 1593.-Born at Stirling, Prince Henry Frederick, son of James VI. of Scotland, and afterwards Prince of Wales!

1601.-This day records the triad of the Earls of Essex and Southampton before their peers, for conspiracy against the Queen (Elizabeth) and breaking out into open rebellion; to the charges alleged against them they pleaded not guilty, but after a trial of nine hours, conducted with the most disgraceful acrimony, a verdict was pronounced against them, and they were sentenced to death. Essex suffered on Feb. 25. His companion in arms remained a close prisoner in the Tower until the reign of the Queen's successor, who released him by special command. It is related of the Earl of Southampton, that whilst in confinement, he was surprised by a visit from a favourite cat, which gained access to him by descending down the chimney of his apartment; and, in a portrait of the Earl, preserved at Bulstrode, it is represented sitting besids him.

Saturday, Feb. 20.

St. Tyrannio, B of Tyre & Zenobius -Jun rises 53m aft 6 Morn-sets m aft 5 Aftern. These saints after enduring innumerable hardships, were martyred A.D. 304. Feb. 20, 1712-The marriage of the Czar Peter and the celebrated Catharine was publicly solemnized with great pomp at Petersburgh. Their union had before been secretly performed at Jawerof, in Poland.

Sunday, Feb. 21.


Lessons for the Day, 9 chap. Genesis, to ver. 20 Morn.-12 chap. Genesis, Evening. Sts Daniel and Verda, Martyrs.

Feb, 21, 1826.-Expired the celebrated comedian Edward Knight, the excellent personifier of youthful rustics. The character of Sim in Wild Oats, and Jerry Blossom in the farce of Hit or Miss, as represented by him, must be fresh in the minds of most of our readers as portraits true to nature. Mr. Knight, besides his great talents as an actor, was a writer of some powers; we believe he produced two or three dramatic pieces, and since his death, some lyric effusions, which he left behind bim, have found their way into the Annuals.

Monday, Feb. 22.

St. Margaret of Cortona High Water 0h 56m morn-1h 22m aft.

This saint, who in early life had indulged in the most wanton and vicious pro pensities, at last was wakened to a sense of her enormities. She became a penitent, and after begging her father's pardon for the contempt of his authority, went to the parish church of Alviano with a rope around her neck, and there asked public pardon for the scandal she had given by her crimes. She died A.D. 1227.

Tuesday, Feb. 23.

St. Milburge.-New Moon 36m after 4 mor.

Our saint, who was sister to St. Mildred, was abbess of Wenlock in Shropshire. She died in the seventh century.

ment. The crow

Feb. 28, 1807.-Execution of John Holloway and Owen Haggerty, for the murder of Mr. Steele, on Hounslow Heath; they died declaring their innocence to the last mo assembled to see the execution of these offenders was so great, that its movements were compared to the flux and reflux of the sea. No less than 25 persons being trampled to death, and numbers were seriously injured. Vols 1, 2, 3, & 4 of this Work, embellished with 120 fine Engravings, containing nearly 3,000 articles upon interest' ng subjects and the most extensive collection of original Tales and Romances, may be had to gether or separate. Price of the 4 Vols, Extra Bds, £1 108.

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Illustrated Article.


But love itself could never pant
For all that beauty sighs to grant,
With half the fervour hate bestows
Upon the last embrace of foes,
When grappling in the fight they fold
Those arms that ne'er shall lose their hold:
Friends meet to part; love laughs at faith;
True foes, once met, are joined till death!

BYRON. "A GOOD war would set all things to rights," says the Englishman, as he lolls back in his easy chair before the comfortable blaze of a warm fire; "our population is so great that we shall surely have a famine, if there be no war," "Reader, hast thou not often heard some sleekhided and well-filled citizen thus apostrophize?-and hast thou not, casting aside thy gentleness, felt thy indignation rise at such a heartless expression? But blame him not; he, who never voyaged beyond the Nore-whose ideas of military force and military discipline never extended further than the displays at Wimbledon, or Wormwood Scrubs, must neces8-VOL. V.

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sarily be a stranger to the horrors of war. Few of our untravelled countrymen can imagine the scenes of blood and rapine to which the continent of Europe was exposed during the sway of Napoleon. The horrible excesses of the French in Spain, Germany, Prussia, and other states, will never be forgotten; they are written in characters of blood, and the name of the invaders will never be pronounced by the peasantry without horror and execration. We who live in a land which has not been trodden by the foot of a conqueror for so many centuries, read, with scarcely any concern, the lists of killed and wounded that are given in the despatches; for in England none but those who have been engaged in actual service sanguinary war. can picture to themselves the horrors of a claimWell might Byron ex

Cockneys of London, muscadins of Paris, Just ponder what a sant pastime war is.

Amongst the thousands of horrible enor-, mities committed by the troops of the First Consul, was one which led to an event that happened in Paris in the year 1815, and upon the truth of which our readers


may rely. Three French officers were billeted upon a lady of rank who lived in the town of in Prussia. Her family consisted of a son, a very young man, and two lovely daughters, objects which rendered the visit of the French still more to be feared. The result may be readily conceived, their beauty sealed their doom; they both fell victims, not to the arts, but to the brutal violence of their terrible guests, who, ere they departed, ransacked the dwelling, and wantonly destroyed every valuable article of furniture it contained.

To retaliate, when a host of enemies were around him, was impossible, but the young Prussian nursing his revenge, resolved to seize the first opportunity to wreak his vengeance upon the monsters who had wrought him such irreparable injury. As soon as the French had quitted the town, he joined the army of his country as a volunteer, and vowed to seek out and destroy the unmanly ruffians, or perish in the attempt. However, his search proved fruitless; he sought them in every engagement, but in vain. The meeting was reserved until the Allies entered Paris, when

the young Prussian, while sitting in a café, with several brother officers, chanced to cast his eye upon one of the miscreants he had so long sought after, standing near him, and perfectly unconscious of the presence of him whom they had so deeply so everlastingly injured.

The fiercest rage took possession of the young Prussian ;-he seized a knife, and rushing forward plunged it into the body of his enemy, who, however, had yet strength to fly from the spot, but the avenger was at his heels and overtook him in the street, where grappling with his foe, they fell locked in each other's grasp. The clutch of the Prussian around the neck of his adversary finished the work of death; but his revenge was dearly purchased; his own life was forfeited,he died by the bayonets of the gens-d'armes, who transfixed him as he still struggled with his victim. ALPHA.


Sir Edgar the bold came over the wold On his courser of sable hue;

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