Imágenes de páginas

all their hopes as to a dream; the fancied land proved to be nothing but an evening cloud, and had vanished in the night.

"For several days they continued on with alternate hopes and murmurs, until the various signs of land became so numerous, that the seamen, from a state of despondency, passed to one of high excitement. Eager to obtain the promised pension, they were continually giving the ery of land; until Columbus declared, that should any one give a notice of the kind, and land not be discovered within three days afterwards, he should thenceforth forfeit all claim to the reward.

"On the 7th of October, they had come seven hundred and fifty leagues, the distance at which Columbus had computed to find the island of Cipango. There were great flights of small field-birds to the south-west, which seemed to indicate some neighbouring land in that direction, where they were sure of food and a resting place. Yielding to the solicitations of Martin Alonzo Pinzon, and his brothers, Columbus, on the evening of the 7th, altered his course, therefore, to the west south-west. As he advanced, the signs of land increased; the birds came sing ing about the ships; and herbage floated by as fresh and green as if recently from shore. When, however, on the evening of the third day of this new course, the seamen beheld the sun go down upon a shoreless horizon, they again broke forth into loud clamours, and insisted upon abandoning the voyage. Columbus endeavoured to pacify them by gentle words and liberal promises; but finding these only increased their violence, he assumed a different tone, and told them it was use. less to murmur; the expedition had been sent by the sovereigns to seek the Indies, and happen what might, he was determined to persevere, until, by the blessing of God, he should accomplish the enterprise.

"He was now at open defiance with his crew, and his situation would have been desperate, but, fortunately, the manifestations of land on the following day were such as no longer to admit of doubt. A green fish, such as keeps about rocks, swam by the ship; and a branch of thorn, with berries on it, floated by; they picked up, also, a reed, a small board, and, above all, a staff artificially carved. All gloom and murmuring was now at an end, and throughout the day each one was on the watch for the long-sought land.

"In the evening, when, according to custom, the mariners had sung the salve regina, or vesper hymn to the virgin, Columbus made an impressive address to

his crew, pointing out the goodness of God in thus conducting them by soft and favouring breezes across a tranquil ocean to the promised land. He expressed a strong confidence of making land that very night, and ordered that a vigilant look-out should be kept from the forecastle, promising to whomsoever should make the discovery a doublet of velvet, in addition to the pension to be given by the sovereigns.

"The breeze had been fresh all day, with more sea than usual; at sunset they stood again to the west, and were ploughing the waves at a rapid rate, the Pinta keeping the lead from her superior sailing. The greatest animation prevailed throughout the ships; not an eye was closed that night. As the evening darkened, Columbus took his station on the top of the castle or cabin on the high poop of his vessel. However he might carry a cheerful and confident countenance during the day, it was to him a time of the most painful anxiety; and now, when he was wrapped from observation by the shades of night, he maintained an intense and unremitting watch, ranging his eye along the dusky horizon, in search of the most vague indications of land. Suddenly, about ten o'clock, he thought he beheld a light glimmering at a distance. Fearing that his eager hopes might deceive him, he called to Pietro Gutierrez, gentleman of the king's bedchamber, and demanded whether he saw a light in that direction; the latter replied in the affirmative. Columbus, yet doubtful whether it might not be some delusion of the fancy, called Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia, and made the same inquiry. By the time the latter had ascended the round-house, the light had disappeared. They saw it once or twice afterwards in sudden and passing gleams, as if it were a torch in the bark of a fisherman, rising and sinking with the waves; or in the hands of some person on shore, borne up and down as he walked from house to house. So transient and uncertain were these gleams, that few attached any importance to them; Columbus, however, considered them as certain sigus of land, and, moreover, that the land was inha bited.

"They continued on their course until two in the morning, when a gun from the Pinta gave the joyful signal of land. It was first discovered by a mariner named Rodriguez Bermejo, resident of Triana, a suburb of Seville, but native of Alcala de la Guadaira; but the reward was afterwards adjudged to the admiral, for having previously perceived the light. The land was now clearly seen about

two leagues distant, whereupon they took in sail, and laid to, waiting impatiently for the dawn.

"The thoughts and feelings of Columbus in this little space of time must have been tumultuous and intense. At length, in spite of every difficulty and danger, he had accomplished his object. The great mystery of the ocean was revealed; his theory, which had been the scoff of sages, was triumphantly established; he had secured to himself a glory which must be as durable as the world itself. "It is difficult even for the imagination to conceive the feelings of such a man, at the moment of so sublime a discovery. What a bewildering crowd of conjectures must have thronged upon his mind, as to the land which lay before him, covered with darkness! That it was fruitful was evident from the vegeta

bles which floated from its shores. He

thought, too, that he perceived in the balmy air the fragrance of aromatic groves. The moving light which he had beheld, proved that it was the residence

of man.

But what were its inhabitants ?

Were they like those of other parts of the globe; or were they some strange and monstrous race, such as the imagination in those times was prone to give to all remote and unknown regions? Had he come upon some wild island, far in the Indian seas; or was this the famed Cipango itself, the object of his golden fancies? A thousand speculations of the kind must have swarmed upon him, as he watched for the night to pass away; wondering whether the morning light would reveal a savage wilderness, or dawn upon spicy groves, and glittering fanes, and gilded cities, and all the splendours of oriental civilization."

Salter's Angler.

No author has, perhaps, created a greater sensation in the public mind for many years back, than the fascinating Piscator, Isaac Walton, who has combined with a practical knowledge of his pursuit, such a series of entertaining dialogues, interspersed by beautiful poetic effusions, that we know not which most to admire. Edition has followed edition, from the first beautiful publication, embellished by the plates of Glover, which now produces the most exorbitant price. As a companion to Isaac Walton, no work of a practical description has yet appeared equal to that of T. F. Salter, Esq. a work that has commanded such a sale as to have exhausted six editions. It is with pleasure we have to announce a new publication of the latter author's volume; beautifully embellished by up

wards of eighty wood-cuts, and a finished portrait of the writer. This volume is the more desirable, as containing the manuscript notes of Mr. Salter, affixed to his own copy of the sixth impression; which renders the work a grand desideratum to every amateur of fishing.

Cumberland's British Theatre.


Since our notice of the Brigand, in a has been augmented by no less than four recent number, this extensive collection tion of Massinger, and the Citizen and dramas, viz. Clari,-Riches, an alteraGrecian Daughter of Murphy. these pieces are well known to most of any comments upon their respective meour readers, we shall refrain from making rits, as the editor has successfully anticipated us in any thing upon the subject we might have had to say. But with regard to the portrait of that very clever actress Fanny Kemble, we cannot be so silent; it is one of the most splendid ef

forts in miniature that we have seen for a long time; it is all in all, both as to fidelity of resemblance, and beauty of exe


successful candidate for histrionic fame We trust every admirer of this very will be gallant enough to possess half-adozen copies of it at least, that is, one for themselves, and the residue for their fecost of so many is not the worth of one male friends, at home and abroad, for the impression of this gem of art.

The Naturalist.


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Among the varieties of animals indigenous to Australia, are the Ornithorhynchi, which appear to blend several of the characters of the quadruped and the bird, and, in one of the species, even of the fish. One specimen of this remarkable genus discovered, is the Paradoxus, an amphibious animal, possessing four feet, the head of which terminates in a bill, not unlike that of a duck; and the other end similar to that of a seal.

"The length of the whole animal, in full grown specimens, is about twenty inches, of which the bill takes up two and a half, and the tail more than four inches. The body is compressed, and rather thinner towards the shoulders than any other part. It has four short legs, which spread out, not unlike those of the tortoise; and the whole animal has a very singular appearance. The upper mandible of the bill, which is flat on the top, and regularly bevelled off at the

edges, is perforated near its extremity by two small nostrils; and a strong and dark-coloured membrane, with which the horny part of the bill is covered, is returned back, in a kind of ruff, at the root of the bill. At the point, which is blunt, and not much unlike that of a duck, the inner surfaces of both mandibles are nearly smooth; but, towards the root, they are furnished with horny protuberances, that have some resemblance to teeth; and there are two similar teeth upon the tongue, near its root. "The eyes are very small, near to each other, and also to the ruff which marks the insertion of the bill; and the ears are merely two moderately sized slits, just behind the eyes. The head of the animal is small in proportion to its body, and, except that the eyes are smaller, and nearer each other, it might, when the rest of the body is concealed, be easily mistaken for the head of a duck. The feet are divided into five toes, which terminate in strong claws, hollow on their under surfaces, as if adapted for burrowing. The feet are webbed with a strong membrane, of the same colour and texture as that which forms the ruff; and this membrane, more especially on the fore feet, is so constructed that the animal can at pleasure extend it considerably beyond the claws, and thus convert the feet into swimming. paws of a very efficient description. The upper part of the body is dark brown, which gradually lightens to a silver grey towards the belly, and the colour of the female is lighter than that of the male. The body is covered with hair, which is of two sorts-a very soft and short fur underneath, mixed with longer hairs more thinly scattered, and flattened so as to have the appearance of a small feather, for the greater part of their length towards the points. These flat hairs are shining, and give a curious streaky appearance to the animal.

"The paradoxus is found in the fresh water lakes, or upon their borders; and when in the water it seldom comes to the surface, except for the purpose of respiration. It blows in a manner not unlike the turtle, to which, indeed, taken altogether, it has more resemblance than to most other animals, though between them the difference is abundantly great. Upon land, it contracts the membranous webs of its feet, and spreads them when it swims. When on land, its pace is much the same with that of a land tortoise. Its velocity in the water has not been particularly marked. Of its food and its habits but little is known. It is, indeed, seldom met with; and when

specimens are wanted, they are chiefly procured from the natives." Picture of Australia.

The Note Book.

I will make a prief of it in my Note Book. M. W. of Windsor.


The cruel punishment inflicted on Stubbs and Page, the one for writing and the other for distributing a pamphlet against Elizabeth's match with the Duke of Anjou, was most probably occasioned by the Queen's infatuation for Anjou; for though he was nearly twenty-five years younger than herself, she appears to have been fully determined to marry him, and is even said to have taken up her pen to sign the marriage articles. From that indiscretion however she was saved by the remonstrances of her ministry, and the importunities of her maids of honour, who, as we are informed by Camden, spent the night in weeping and wailing round her bed. How highly impassioned her feelings were, on this occasion, may be inferred from the following lines, which are preserved among the manuscripts in the Ashmolean Museum (No.6969-781), and signed, "Elixa Regina, Zeur's departure.'



I grieve, yet dare not shew my discontent, I love, and yet am forced to seem to hate, I dote, but dare not say I never meant,

I seem stark mute, but inwardly do prate.

I am, and not,-I freeze, and yet am burn'd,
Since from myself my other self I turn'd.
My care is like my shadow in the sun,

Follows me flying; flies when I pursue it; Stands and lies by me; does what I have done:

This too familiar care doth make me rue it.

No means I find to rid him from my breast, 'Till by the end of things it be supprest. Some gentler passion steal into my mind,

(For I am soft and made of melting snow) Or be more cruel, Love, or be more kind,

Let me or float or sink, be high or low, Or let me live with some more sweet content, Or die, and so forget what love e'er meant.



When Lord Chief Justice Holt was on the Oxford circuit, a woman was put on her trial for witchcraft; having done many injuries to her neighbours, their houses, goods and cattle, by means of having in her possession a ball of black worsted, which she had received from a person, who told her that it had certain properties. The poor old woman did not deny the possession of the said ball, but said that she had never done any one harm with it, but, on the contrary, good; and that they only envied her having such an important thing in her possession.

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Well,' says the judge, you seem to admit having used the ball as a charm; now, will you tell me how long you have had it, and from whom you had it?" The poor woman answered, that she kept a small public-house, near to Oxford, about forty years ago; and one day, a party of young men belonging to the University, came to her house, and ate and drank what they liked to call for, but had no money among them wherewith to pay for what they devoured; and that one of the young men gave her, in lieu of it, the said ball; which he assured her would do wonders for her, as it possessed surprising powers; and the youth looked so grave and wise, that she believed him; and she had no occasion to repeut of it, for it had really done a great deal of good to her and others. Well, my good woman,' said his lordship, 'did the young man say any thing about unwinding the ball?' O yes, my lord, he told me, that if I should do so, the charm would be gone; and here it is (producing it) in the same state I had it forty years ago." The judge having requested her to hand it up to him, for his inspection, he thus addressed the jury :— 'Gentlemen-I believe it is known to some of you, that I was educated at the University of Oxford; and it is now about forty years ago; like some of my companions, I joined in youthful frolics, which riper judgment taught me were wrong. On one occasion about that period, I recollect of going to the house, which it appears this woman then kept; neither I nor any of my companions having any money, I thought of this expedient in order to satisfy her claim upon us. I produced a ball of black worsted, and having written a few Hebrew characters on a slip of paper, I put it inside, telling her, that in that consisted a charm that would do wonders for her and others. Seeing she believed in the deception, we quietly took our departure, but not before I had enjoined her never to undo the said ball. Now, Gentlemen, in order to prove to your minds the folly of those who believe in, and persecute, such deluded and silly creatures as this woman, now arraigned as a witch, I will undo this ball before your eyes, and I have no doubt will find the characters I wrote on a slip of paper forty years ago.' The judge soon unwound the ball, and produced the identical paper, with the Hebrew characters; which so convinced the jury of the folly and absurdity of the then general belief, that the woman was immediately pronounced NOT GUILTY, and discharged.

NOTE. We believe this was the

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In the Sister Kingdom, beggars crowd round strangers at every town or village, in a manner that to the English traveller appears quite marvellous, always urging their demands in the imperative mood. "Ah then, if you have one halfpenny in the world you shall give it me till I get some food for a sick child.""Remember the poor, your honour; and may God increase you; a fivepenny, your honour, would be nothing to the likes of ye; a tenpenny, your honour, amongst us, and we will not grumble." At least twenty of these demands at once assail you; and if you give to some, the reinforcement of applicants becomes so numerous as to be quite deafening, invoking the most singular blessings on you and yours for ever; but if you are" hard hearted," bestowing as liberally their curses. The eloquence of an Irish mendicant is very peculiar and sometimes incredible. I remember a a poor blind woman, who for many years took her station every evening on George's Quay in Cork, whose appeals to the passengers were made in the most figurative manner, and never perhaps was more poetry on the subject of blindness uttered than I have heard from her lips.

Illustrations of History.


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Chivalry and the Crusades," a theme that has occupied the pens of numerous historians, has been made the subject of two extremely diverting volumes by the Rev. Henry Stebbing. The rev. author's history is not extended to that great length that others have been, but it is of sufficient magnitude to let us into the marrow of the subject without being prolix: his observations are shrewd and pertinent, and altogether, his picture of that period when might was right, is a very skilful one.

The favourite and most regular seasons," says our author, " for the creation

* Constable's Miscellany

of knights, were at the great festivals of the Church, Christmas, Easter, or Whitsuntide. At these times the whole pomp and ceremonial of investiture was observed with scrupulous exactness; and the holy occasion was recommended to the aspirant, because then, as the book of chivalry says, much people would be gathered together, and God would be besought, by many voices, to give him grace to acquit himself well in his future career.' The preparations of the acolyte were of the most strict and solemn nature. He was to fast the day preceding his initiation, and make a humble confession of all his sins and errors. As in the former instance, the night was to be passed in prayer and watching; and in the morning he was to enter a bath and purify himself, as typical of the new life he was thenceforth to lead; and after having bathed, he was to lie down in a bed before putting on any of his garments; and when he rose, to be clothed in raiment perfectly new. The principal parts of this dress were an under garment, said to be like a woman's quilted kirtle, and over that a vest made of silk or fine linen, and embroidered with gold. These were followed by the hauberk, a collar, common ly of leather, but sometimes made of more costly materials; and the coat of arms, which varied in form and ornament, ac cording to the fashion of the times, and the taste of the chevalier.

"Thus accoutred, he proceeded to the church, and presented his sword to the priest, who laid it upon the altar, and blessed it with this prayer: Hear, God, we beseech thee, our prayer, and, with the right hand of thy majesty, deign to bless this sword, wherewith thy servant desires to be girded, that it may be the defence and protection of churches, of widows, orphans, and all who serve God, against the cruelty of Pagans; and that it may be powerful, and a terror to all deceivers, through Jesus Christ.' Then, having taken an oath which bound to the performance of all the duties implied in the above supplication, the priest returned the sword with these words, Receive this sword, accompanied by the blessing of God, and by which and the strength of the Holy Spirit, you may be strong to resist, and cast out all thy enemies, and all the adversaries of the Holy Church; and to protect the people of God, by the assistance of the invincible conqueror, our Lord Jesus Christ. Be mindful of what the Psalmist says, Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, that with it thou mayest exercise the strength of justice, and powerfully throw down the mount of corruption, defending the holy church of God, and

execrating and destroying the hypocrite, not less than the infidel. Be the merciful protector of widows and orphans; raise the fallen, and defend them when raised : revenge the wronged, confirm the welldisposed; and in as far as thou doest these things, thou shalt come as the glorious champion of virtue to dwell with the Saviour of the world, and enjoy in his kingdom eternal and celestial joys.' Then all the congregation joined in this antiphonal:

"Be of good courage, and observe the ordinances of thy Lord. Walk in his ways, and observe his ordinances, precepts, and judgments, and may God be with you in all your undertakings.' After this, the priest again prayed in the following terms for the Divine grace :

"God, who by thy providence dost order all things both in heaven and earth, prosper thy servant here devoted to the duties of thy warfare. May all the power of his enemies be broken by the strength of the spiritual sword, and altogether destroyed thou contending for him, through Jesus Christ.' The service was then concluded by the congregation's singing a part of the forty-fourth Psalm, which was repeated three times.

"The religious part of the solemnity being thus accomplished, the candidate was led before the prince, or whoever it was who intended to confer upon him the order of knighthood, and, having satisfac torily answered the questions as to his motives in demanding the honour of chivalry, the oath was administered to him, and he was invested with the external badges of his profession, the consecrated sword, which was fastened with the bal dric, a belt of white leather studded with ornaments of gold, to the left side, and the gilt spurs, which, with the sword, formed the peculiar distinctions of his knighthood. When these had been put on by the persons assisting at the cere mony, the sword was drawn out, and the prince who conferred the honour, struck the candidate, who was kneeling before him, with the flat part of it upon the neck, at the same time pronouncing him to be a knight, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Instead of the stroke with the sword, a blow on the ear with the hand was frequently given, in imitation of the custom observed at conferring the rank of freeman on a slave, or, it is probable, as a copy of some part of the practices followed at conferring fiefs; by which it might be signified, that as the tenant thenceforth owed his homage to the lord of the estate, so the new-made knight became the servant of God and the church. This is the

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