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to escape from England; I, for one, will not exult over a fallen enemy; let us, therefore, change the toast to a safe escape from all enemies,' and I'll pledge you with all my heart."

"Amen, amen," responded Richard; and Selworth took a hearty draught and then returned the cup.

Very few minutes elapsed ere, wrapped in profound slumber, Selworth once more reclined on the ground, and the cavalier, who had watched him with eager attention; in doing so, the cup caught his eye. "Sdeath! He has not drank it all! We have no time to lose, his slumber will scarcely exceed two hours. What, ho! Hans Molken, would'st sleep for ever, man?" An inarticulate grunt answered this question, and the Dutchman, distending his jaws most fearfully, rose gradually from his resting-place. Richard withdrew the rugged sail-cloth which hung before the window, and disclosed the eastern atmosphere glowing with embrio day; the light which now shone in, rendered the lamp unnecessary.

"Hans Molken, haste down to the coast, and row with all possible speed to yonder smack; ask Captain Tattersal if he can take two passengers instead of one; fail not to tell him the reward he will receive shall be proportionately increased, We will await thee on the beach, and now, good fellow, be quick; remember life and death depends on speed."

One might as well talk of speed to a tortoise, or to a snail, as to a Dutchman, -the one will appreciate the meaning of the word as well as the other. Hans Molken left the hovel at a most unpromising pace, followed by divers impatient looks from the cavalier, who at length pursued his footsteps with renewed promises of reward, to the edge of the cliff, and from thence watched him as he descended the rugged path before mentioned, to the beach. Arrived at the bottom, he proceeded to drag a small boat from a little cavity in the rock, wholly concealed at high tide, and after divers delays, at last started, and, with tolerable speed, began to row towards the vessel, which the brightening dawn now revealed, although somewhat indistinctly.

Clifford returned to the cottage, and found his companion had not been idle; he had removed the sleeping Colonel to the farthest corner of the room, and covered him with a cloak, which effectually prevented his being noticed by a mere passer through the hut, and yet did not in the slightest degree tend to prevent respiration.

"Good," said Clifford, "now for the

lady." Richard sighed, and the speaker approached the door which led into the inner chamber, and tapped gently against it; it was immediately opened by the lady Roselle, looking still more lovely and ready for immediate departure.

"I am ready, dearest Robert," she said, as without raising her eyes, she advanced a step, and presented her hand to Clifford," let us leave this place—Oh Heavens! Who art thou?"


"A friend, Lady Roselle Myrston," replied Clifford, bowing lowly, and speaking in a hoarser tone than natural, and without taking her hand, which had been instantly withdrawn; a friend and fugitive like thyself, commissioned by my esteemed comrade, Colonel Robert Selworth, to conduct you to the beach; has been fortunate enough to secure a passage from England without entering the village of Brighthelmstone, and now impatiently awaits your coming at the boat."


"But why did he go before me?" inquired Roselle, no supicion of treachery entering her mind, but feeling somewhat offended with her lover for what she might justly esteem neglect.

"It is a smuggler's vessel, lady, and it was necessary that the Colonel should personally negociate a passage with the captain, he is accordingly just now gone; it is highly probable that, if we haste, we shall join him ere he leaves the beach."

"Oh let us haste then," added Roselle, taking the offered arm; and they left the cottage, followed at a little distance by Richard, on whose countenance might be traced with ease the most dissatisfied feelings.

"My master is certainly mad," he muttered almost audibly, "no man who retains the slightest portion of that useful commodity, common sense, would ever embark in such a piece of baseness as this, when if he regarded his own life in the least, he would embark in that vessel, which would most swiftly convey him from these shores."

It was a labour of much time, danger, and difficulty, to descend; and when they succeeded in reaching the strand, no trace of the Dutchman's arrival could they discover; the mist, however, shortly cleared away, and then the keen eye of Richard detected his boat close to the vessel; in fact, he had not commenced his return to the shore.

"We are too late, Madam," said Clifford, speaking still in his affected tone of voice, and concealing his features as much as possible without actually exciting suspicion, "the Colonel has reached the ship; but fear not, the boat will quickly return

and convey us on board ;" and, as though in corroboration of his words, Hans Molken jumped into the boat, and began to row towards the shore. Richard discovered a broken crag, and on this the trio seated themselves, all awaiting, with equal anxiety, the arrival of the tardy boatman.

(To be continued.)

The Note Book.

I will make a prief of it in my Note-book. M. W. of Windsore


The method of preserving the skeleton of leaves is very simple, as they exhibit the great beauty and interesting arrangements of the parts through which the sap is circulated, and the softer parts of the leaf are supported, they look very splendid, and specimens are generally found in museums of natural history. The mode of making these preparations are as follows:-The leaf when selected, is to be put to macerate in a vessel of water, there to remain until putrefaction has taken place; this process destroys the soft pulpy part of the leaf. When this is perfected, it is to be taken out, and a stream of water poured on it from a tea-pot above, when the rotten portions are washed away, leaving only the hard parts or skeleton behind; it is then to be laid in the sun, or in a warm dry place, and when it has become hard and stiff, to be gummed on a small piece of black velvet, framed for preservation, with the class and order of the plant neatly written beneath it.

H. W. D.


The admirable letter from New York, printed in the New Monthly contains the following curious picture.

"It is impossible to convey to an untravelled English mind the condition of the American roads, when the frost is entering or leaving the ground, with intervals of wet weather. Two miles an hour is accounted tolerable travelling, independently of stoppages by accident, a capsize is nothing; if your legs are not broken, you get out as well as you can, and set the coach up to the best of your ability. A stuckfast is as bad as a capsize, for whether it rains, or hails, or blows, you must get out to prise' up the wheels out of the mud-hole; this is done by the help of rails from off the fence. Should that step fail, you may then be obliged to go in the dark in quest


of a farm-house to get oxen to assist the drag. In these immoveable adventures, the equanimity of the drivers is quite saint-like and exemplary, more than all the maledictions of Dr. Slop would be reiterated by Benjamin Bangup before the phlegmatic Jonathan would give vent to a single irascible word. During one of these accidents, a horse of the name of Paddy Peacock thought fit to be independent. The driver, after pulling (and thrashing him, had at last recourse to cool expostulation. Paddy Peacock,' says he, are not you a horse not fit to live?' No harsher epithet escaped in the controversy, and this was said as calmly as if he had asked any Irish gentleman across the table to take wine with him."



Williams Wynn was a great patron of The father of the present Sir Watkin the arts; and so fond was he of plays, that he built a theatre at Wynnstay, in North Wales. One one occasion, Austin, the actor, then manager of Chester theatre, was requested by Sir Watkin to superintend the getting up of a favourite comedy, which was to be acted entirely by amateurs, many of whom were noblemen and ladies of rank. A day was ter of course, a rehearsal was called in fixed for the performance, and, as a matthe morning. Sir Watkin and Austin tion to give effect to the play. All was were at their post, making all preparaready. Clear the stage,' cried Sir Watkin, and call Lord A.'His lordship's gone a shooting,' exclaimed a servant. Call Sir B. C- then.' 'He is gone a fishing, Sir Watkin.'-'Request Lady D- to come, then.' "Her lady

ship, and several others, are just gone out for a ride. Who the d-1,' cried Sir Watkin, would be a manager?' 'I am sure I should not,' said Austin, if I had your fortune.'

Customs of Warious Countries.


The Indian tribes occupying the country towards the northern lakes practise the following ceremonies and superstitions. previous to inhumation.

As soon as the sick person expires, the place is filled with mournful cries. The dead body, dressed in the finest robe, with the face painted, the arms, and all that belonged to the deceased, by his side, is exposed at the door of the cabin, in the

posture it is to be laid in the tomb; and this posture is the same in many places as that of a child in the mother's womb. The custom of some nations is for the relations to fast to the end of the funeral; and all this interval is passed in tears and cries, in treating their visiters, in praising the dead, and in mutual compliments. In other places, they hire women to weep, who perform their part punctually they sing, they dance, they weep, without ceasing, always keeping time:" but these demonstrations of a borrowed sorrow do not prevent what nature requires from the relations of the deceased.

It appears that they carry the body without ceremony to the place of interment; but, when it is in the grave, they take care to cover it in such a manner that the earth does not touch it. It lies as in a little cave lined with skins, much richer and better adorned than their cabins. Then they set up a post on the grave, and fix on it every thing that may shew the esteem they had for the deceased. They sometimes put on it his portrait, and thing that may serve to shew to passengers who he was, and the finest actions of his life. They carry fresh provisions to the tomb every morning; and, as the dogs and other beasts do not fail to reap the benefit of it, they are willing to persuade themselves that these things have been eaten by the souls of the dead.


Tales of an Indian Camp.



Barrington applied to Mr. West, jeweller, who then lived in Skinner's-row, Dublin, to make him a certain instrument. West was a very amiable, credulous man, and Barrington merely played off a hoax upon his simplicity. The instrument

was made of the finest gold, with a number of pliant joints, constructed upon a principle of Barrington's invention, who gave a drawing of the design to the jeweller. When the article was finished, Barrington called and paid for it. West's curiosity urged him to inquire the purpose for which this strange piece of manufacture was designed; Barrington, however, eluded the question by saying that it was merely a fancy of his own to be used in some scientific process. They remained half an hour in conversation on indifferent topics, and as Barrington was about to retire, he observed, "I believe I have settled with you, Mr. West?" "Oh! yes," replied West, smiling, "I have got the money in my pocket."

"Are you

better try," rejoined the accomplished pickpocket. West tried, and to his sur prise found that during the conversation his pockets had been literally emptied of their contents. "Curiosity," cried Barrington, " is a dangerous passion, Mr. West; here is your money-you were anxious to know what I wanted with this very odd instrument-I hope you are now satisfied that it is a clever contrivance,' and he withdrew, making a graceful bow to the astonished manufacturer of the ingenious pocket picker.

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The following is a verbatim copy of the bill of a country Shoe-maker, as sent in for payment to a gentleman's family. If the phraseology be thought objectionable for inelegance, it is but justice to consider, at the same time, that the document is the production of rather more than twenty years ago, a period previously to which the "Schoolmaster" was not "abroad," and, consequently, before the first strides in the March of Intellect ” could have been taken. To Mr. Brock,


J. Mumford.

Winchmore Hill.

Nov. 6. Clogged up Miss Dec. 4. Mended up Miss 1809.

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June 8. Toe-tapped Master Apr. 1. Turned up, clogged up, and mended the Maid 1 May 1, Lined, bound up, & put a piece in Madam 10. Soling the Maid 14. Tapping Madam 15. Putting a piece in Mad. 16. Stitching and easing little Master


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One of the very best of Englishmen is a Scott, and the most furious of Irish Priests is a Doctor England.-The most zealous Brunswicker in Ireland is a Monk; the most ardent Reformer a Pope; one of the bitterest Papists a Luther. The Trenches are the highest folk going. The oldest family in Ireland are the Nugents.



A soldier in our late war was one day told by his officer to take aim when he fired, and make sure of his man. I cannot do it, sir," he replied; "I fire into their ranks, and that does as well; but to single out one among them, and mark him for death, would lie upon my mind

quite sure?" returned Barrington. "Quite sure," replied the jeweller. "You had afterwards."

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Diary and Chronology.

Monday, January 18.

St. Peter's Chair at Rome-High Water 18m after 7 Morn.-49m after 7 After. To day the Church celebrates the establishment of the Episcopal Chair at Rome, by St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles. This fact is asserted and described by Caius, a priest of Rome in the time of Zephyriaus. St. Peter and St. Paul were the two Apostles who planted the Catholic faith at Rome, and were there martyred at the same time, as is asserted by St. Dionysius of Corinth, who lived in the second century. Jan. 18, 1829.-Expired, Sir William Curtis, T. 77, at Ramsgate, universally regretted. Sir W. while filling the civic chair in 1795, was honoured with a baronetcy; and for twenty-eight years, during five successive parliaments, he represented the City of London in the House of Commons. Time's Telescope for the present year, speaking of the worthy Alderman, says, in his public character that he "** presented a complete specimen of a loyal, patriotic, munificent, and socially benevo lent citizen, Born and educated near the city, and early acquainted with commerce in a variety of its branches, he became a very active and serviceable member of Parliament. He was not a polished orator, and he would have scorned the affectation of one: plain, simple, and energetic in the delivery of his sentiments, he trusted to the substance of what he had to say to command attention. His politics were expressed in the brief sentence, I fear God and honor the King. Tuesday, January 19.

St. Canutus, mar. King of Denmark, A.D. 1086.-Sun rises 47m after 7-sets 13m after 4. St. Canutus.-Our saint, who was the fourth Danish king, was the uncle of Canute, king of England, after whom the bird called the knot, Tring a Canutus, takes its name. Jan. 19, 1785.-Died in his 72nd year, the Rev. Jonathan Toup, eminent for his great classical learning and critical sagacity. Mr. Toup was the editor of an edition of Longinus, and the writer of some clever annotations on Suidas and Theocritus, Wednesday, January 20.

St. Euthymius, abbot, A.D. 473.-High Water 45m after 9 Morn-24m after 10 After. Jun. 20, 1779.-On this day died David Garrick, the most perfect and accompitshed actor of the English stage. He was also a successful dramatist, and a poet of no mean pretensions; many of his poems possess great sweetness, both of fancy and versification. One of the numerous anecdotes told of the English Roscius, is the following, which speaks much for his benevolence. Mr. Garriek was very intimate with an eminent surgeon who frequently visited him; upon one occasion he declared to the actor, in the presence of Mrs. Garrick, that without the assistance of a friend who would lend him a thousand pounds, he should be at a loss what to do. "A thousand pounds?" said Mr. Garrick, "that is a very large sum.Well, now, pray what security can you give for the money?"" No other than my own."-" Here's a pretty fellow," said the Roscius, turning to Mrs. G.; "he wants to borrow a thousand pounds, and upon his personal security. Well, come, I'll tell you one thing for your comfort; I think I know a man that will lend you a thousand pounds." He immediately wrote a check for the amount, and presented it to his friend. Mr. Garrick never asked for or received a shilling of it. Thursday, January 21.

St. Agnes.-Sun rises 44m after 7-sets 16m after 4.

This saint suffered martyrdom so young. and with such fortitude, that the tongues and pens of all nations, says St. Jerome, are employed to celebrate her praise. Jan. 21, 1773.-To day expired at Hackney, Dr. Bernard Mandeville, author of the Fable of the Bees, and other works more ingenious than useful.

Friday, January 22.

St. Vincent,-High Water Oh Om morn-Oh ɓm After.


The anniversary of this saint is recorded as Sunbeam Day, in the Natural Calendar, from an old proverb that it bodes good luck if the sun-beams be seen breaking out any time to day. A Latin proverbial line has it, Vincenti festo si Sol radict memor esto,' which has been thus rendered into English and extended: Remember on St, Vincent's day,

If that the sun his beams display,

Be sure to mark the transient beam

Which through the casement sheds a gleam;

For 'tis a token bright and clear,

Of prosperous weather all the year,
Saturday January 23.

St. Emerentia mar. A.D. 804.—Sun rises 41m after 7-sets 19m after 4. Jan. 23, 1806.-Expired the illustrious statesman Willian Pitt, prime minister of England. This great man sunk under the endless anxieties of the important situation he filled at a period the most eventful in the annals of England. At his death the reins of government were transferred to Mr. Fox, his talented political opponent, who did not long survive him.

Sunday, January 24.


Less. for the Day, 55 chap. Isaiah morn.-56 chap. Isaiah even.

St. Babylas, Bishop of Antioch, died A.D. 250.-New Moon 54m after 4.

Jan. 24, 1827.—In the evening of this day in 1827, a remarkable luminous phenomenon, like the Zodaical light, was seen in Sussex, but it differed in having a cross or transverse bar,

ERRATA In the Hour Glass,' page 29; for ilke the cynget's,' read like the cygnet's ̧' Vols 1, 2, & 4 of this Work, embellished with 120 fine Engravings, containing nearly 3,000 articles upon interesting subjects and the most extensive collection of original Tales sad Romances, may be had together or separate. Price of the 4 Vols. Extra Bds, £1 108.

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For the Olio.

The sunset of life gives him mystical lore,
And coming events cast their shadows before.

PLENTY reigned within the walls of the castle of Glendhu; many a time did the sparkling goblet pass around the festive board; all was mirth and revelry. The bards tuned their harps to sounds of wild pleasure and delight.


My friends!" exclaimed the chieftain, as he arose, while a brimming winecup was steadied in his hand," My friends! fill high the parting cup, for this night must see us o'er the English border! Many a month have we regaled on the rich spoils of the last foray I led against our foes; but now, our cellars need replenishment, our stock of fatted beeves, fatted in the rich vales of Northumberland, is exhausted; once more, 4-VOL. V. D

then, to the field, to gain with our swords what the fools who doat on peace, toil months and years to obtain, only that we may snatch it from their grasp. Here, my merry men all, I drain this goblet to

our success!"

So saying, Malcolm, the chieftain of Glendhu, emptied the ponderous vessel he held in his hand even to the last drop. His retainers did not hesitate to follow his example. "Success to Glendhu!" was echoed by hundreds of voices, and followed by a short silence, whilst the liquor was on its progress to the "inward man." "Success to Glendhu!" was again the cry, as each man placed the empty vessel on the board, and started to his feet, to obey the summons of his chief.

"Whither, O chief, are we to bend our steps," enquired the henchman of Glendhu, "what castle of the English border are we to attack ?"

"The castle of the Lord Fitz-Howard!" exclaimed the impatient Malcolm; "seventeen years has my vengeance slumbered, now shall it overwhelm him like a torrent, the deep smoothness of


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