Imágenes de páginas

2.-MATHEMATICS: 3 lessons.

Arithmetic; algebra, through equations of the first degree, with several unknown quan tities; geometry and mensuration; trigonometric functions.

3.-MECHANICS: 2 lessons.

Laws of statical moments; determination of the center of gravity of lines, surfaces, and solids; Simpson's and Guldinus's rules, and their application to the computation of the volume of solids, by first determining centers of gravity; laws of friction.

4.-PHYSICS: 2 lessons.

Laws of heat; thermometer, pyrometer, diffusion of heat by radiation, transmission, absorption, and conduction; expansion from heat; determination of hygrometric state; specific heat; sources of heat; mechanical equivalent of heat; heat developed by chemical combinations; cosmic and terrestrial heat; vital heat; measurement of heat.

5.-CHEMISTRY: 2 lessons.

Properties of the metalloids; potassium, sodium, calcium; iron and its fabrication; cast and wrought iron, slag, cemented steel, Bessemer steel, cast steel.


7.-GERMAN: 2 lessons.

Preparation of essays; rhetorical rules; grammatical analysis.

Examination optional.

8.-ENGLISH: 3 lessons.

9.-OFFICIAL DUTIES: 1 lesson.

Organization of the Navy; general acquaintance with the army organization; general regulations for warrant officers (Deck Offiziere); instructions for machinists afloat.

At the examination the regulations as to the composition of the board, classification of subjects, and method of examination are the same as those for the previous class. Of the eighteen papers given, one is in German; two each in mechanics, physics, chemistry, and official duties; three in engineering; and six in mathematics, of which two are in arithmetic and algebra, and two each in geometry and trigonometry.


(22 lessons a week.)

1.-STEAM ENGINEERING: 4 lessons.

The mechanical theory of heat; general theory of the steam-engine; calculations entering into actual practice, as horse-power, consumption of coal and of water for ascertained distances and given periods of time, according to different indications of the engine; principles of construction of the various systems of engines, especially their reversing gear, condensers, and pumps; different kinds of boilers, with their various stays and braces; propellers of all kinds; method of proceeding in preparing for action as well as in case of damages or injuries; proper preparation of the engine and boilers when going into commission and precautions for their preservation when going out of commission; blowing out of the boiler; boiler-record (Kessel-protokoll); properties of engine materials; good and bad qualities of different kinds of hard coal and the care of coal.

2.-MATHEMATICS: 4 lessons.

Algebra through quadratics; plane geometry; deduction and application of formulas of plane trigonometry; stereometry, including calculation of surfaces and contents of solid bodies.

3.-MECHANICS: 2 lessons.

Mechanical powers, lever, pulley, screw, inclined plane; principle of virtual velocities; law of the pendulum, of falling bodies; Keppler's laws; centrifugal force; vis viva.

4.-PHYSICS: 1 lesson.

Laws of equilibrium and motion of fluids; metacenter; specific gravity; aërometer; surface-tension; capillarity, osmose, discharge of fluids. Laws of equilibrium and motion of gases; barometer; Dalton's and Mariotte's laws; diffusion; Giffard's injector. The laws of heat in their application to meteorological phenomena; winds and currents, climatic influences, magnetism.

5.-CHEMISTRY: 1 lesson.

Mining, and the treatment of ores; properties of the metals used in engine building; principal combinations of these metals; technical processes.


Preparation of working drawings of the parts of the engine, from which repairs might be made.

7.-GERMAN: 2 lessons.

Preparation of theses; higher rhetoric.

Oral examination only.

8.-ENGLISH: 3 lessons.

9.-OFFICIAL DUTIES: 1 lesson.

Military dispatches and papers, such as the draught of reports and opinions; preparation of requests, telegrams, &c.; military courts, regulations in regard to punishment; service regulations for leading machinists; regulations for the care and disposition of stores and materials of a ship in commission.

The board of examiners is composed of the director of the school as president; a lieutenant-commander for German, English, and official duties; a constructing engineer for engineering, mechanics, and drawing; and two instructors at the Naval School, one of them for mathematics, the other for physics and chemistry. In the classification of subjects, engineering, mathematics, mechanics, and physics are in the first class; chemistry, drawing, and German in the second; and English and official duties in the third. The number of papers set is eighteen, of which one is in German; two each in mechanics, physics, chemistry, and official duties; three in engineering, two of them descriptive, and one of calculations; and six in mathematics, two in arithmetic and algebra, two in geometry, and the others in trigonometry and stereometry. In drawing the board may either pass upon the work already performed or allow a certain time in the examination for a new drawing.



(14 lessons a week.)

1.-STEAM-ENGINEERING: 2 lessons.

Advanced course in the theory of heat, with special reference to the properties of steam; principles governing the action of condensers; complete course in calculations of work, &c., performed by an engine; theory of Zeuner's diagrams for construction and control of the valve-gear; contrivances for expansion, and their governing principles; economical engines and their use.

2.-MATHEMATICS: 2 lessons.

Arithmetic; algebra, to cubic equations; review of the whole of plane geometry and of plane trigonometry; mensuration of surfaces and solids.

3.-MECHANICS: 2 lessons.

Short review of statics and kinematics; laws of equilibrium; theory of machines.

4.-PHYSICS: 1 lesson.

Wave motion; acoustics, optics, electricity, and magnetism,

5.-CHEMISTRY: 1 lesson.

Preliminary study of organic chemistry; atomic and molecular weight; chemical formulas; density of steam; the heaviest alcohols, ether, sebaceous acids, fats, glycerine; hydrocarbons (petroleum, paraffine, &c., sugar, starch, cellulose); gunpowder and other explosives.

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Reading and translation of technical works; practice in writing and in translation from German into English; practice in conversation.

8.-FRENCH: 2 lessons.

Grammar; translation of easy French works; translation into French; conversation.

9.-OFFICIAL DUTIES: 1 lesson.

Naval and military organization; dispatches and reports; official relations between executive officers and engineers (Dienstverhältnisse der Offiziere und Maschinen-Ingenieure).

Of the above subjects, engineering only belongs to the first class, German and English to the second, and French to the third. There is no examination in mathematics, chemistry, or official duties; and the remaining branches, mechanics and physics, are joined in the examination with engineering. In engineering and German 55 per cent. is required in each subject in order to pass.

The object of the examination at the close of the course of the engineer class is to test the proficiency of candidates for promotion to the grade of assistant mechanical engineer (Maschinen-unter-Ingenieur), the lowest commissioned rank in this branch of the service. The board is composed of the director of the school, the director of engine construction at the dockyard, or his deputy, as examiner in engineering, and the instructor in languages at the Naval Academy as examiner in German, English, and French.

The Commander-in-Chief of the station is required to attend the oral examinations and to sign the report embodying the result. In the examination in engineering three extensive papers are given, two of which are descriptive in their character, and the third dealing exclusively with calculations. The oral examination is chiefly upon the construction and use of economical engines. In German an essay is prepared. In English and French the examination is both oral and written, and calls for a high standard of proficiency in reading, translation, and conversation, especially in English.


The object of this class or school is to give to applicants for appointment as naval paymasters, the necessary preliminary training for their profession. For convenience of organization it is made a part of the machinists' and pilotage school, and it has the same direction and government. The instructors are naval officers, intendants, and paymasters. They are detailed for this service, in addition to their other duties, by the Commander-in-Chief at Kiel, on recommendation of the director of the school; and they receive extra pay according to the work they perform.

The paymaster-applicants are ordered to attendance at the school by the Commander-in-Chief at Kiel. If they belong to the division of the North Sea, their orders are issued upon an understanding between the commanding officers at Kiel and. Wilhelmshafen. They may perform regular duty at Kiel while pursuing their studies in the school, and they have accordingly to maintain official relations not only with the school director, but also with the commander of the naval battalion, and the intendant or the commander of the naval division, according to their assignment.

The course lasts from October 1 to March 31, and the studies are so arranged as not to interfere with the regular duties of the students. The studies comprised in the course are as follows;

L Laws of exchange and commercial law : 2 hours a week.

2. Currencies, merchandise, and mercantile affairs: 2 hours. 3. Official duties: 1 hour.

4. English: 4 hours.

5. French: 2 hours.

6. Other modern languages or stenography: 1 hour.

All the duties are obligatory except the last, which is purely optional; but the programme is subject to such minor modifications as the director and instructors may judge necessary.

At the close of the course, examinations, both oral and written, are held in all the subjects. Certificates of graduation are given to the students, signed by the director and all the instructors, stating the acquirements, conduct, and application of the students. In case of failure, the student may be recommended for a second trial of the course; and the final decision as to this recommendation rests with the Commander-in-Chief of the station.

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