Imágenes de páginas

Engineers, Chief of. Reports:

[blocks in formation]

Relative to Saint Joseph River, Michigan, and breakwater at
Mackinac, Mich

[blocks in formation]

Surveys of Shenandoah River, Virginia, and Tread Haven Creek,
Choptank River, and Secretary Creek, Maryland....

[blocks in formation]

Survey of the Arkansas River..

[blocks in formation]

Survey of Petaluma Creek, California

[blocks in formation]

Ship-canal across Bergen Neck, New Jersey; also surveys of
Cheesquakes Creek and South River, New Jersey and Newtown
Creek, New York..

[blocks in formation]

Resurvey of the outlet to Wolf Lake, Indiana
Examination of Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania
Inland water-routes from the harbor of Norfolk, Va., to the At-
lantic Ocean, south of Hatteras, including communication with
Cape Fear River, North Carolina..

Condition of the Missouri River between Plattsmouth and Omaha.
Survey of Delaware River at Chester and Marcus Hook

Improvement of Missouri River near Brownsville....

Survey of the mouth of the Little Kanawha River

Improvement of Exeter River, New Hampshire.

Survey of Allegheny River, New York..

Survey of Nanticoke River, Broad Creek, Northeast River, Tuck-
ahoe Creek, Slaughter Creek, and Cabin Creek, Maryland, and

Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia.

Improvement of the harbor at Grand Haven, Michigan

Improvement of Alton Harbor.

Survey of Dan River, Virginia

Survey of the Gasconade River, Missouri

Surveys of York River, and of Lynn Haven, Link Horn, and

Broad Bays, Virginia

Survey of Kankakee River, in Indiana and Illinois.

Improvement of f Sandusky River.

Survey of Mississippi River, near Lake Concordia, Louisiana, and
Cowpen Bend, Mississippi

Survey of Green, Muddy, and Barren Rivers, Kentucky
Surveys of Pamunkey and Archer's Hope Rivers, Virginia, Lock-
wood's Folly, and Waccamaw Rivers, North Carolina, and Pee-
dee River, South Carolina

Importance of geographical and topographical surveys of the ter.
ritory west of the Mississippi River...

Relative to the bill to confirm the survey of the pueblo of San

Relative to the bill to confirm the survey of the pueblo of San

Relative to the bill to confirm the survey of the pueblo of San

[blocks in formation]


4 123, pt.3

Survey of the mouth of Red River, Louisiana

[blocks in formation]

Examination of Charlotte Harbor and Peas Creek, Florida

[blocks in formation]

Resurvey of Trinity River, Texas

[blocks in formation]

Survey of the Mississippi River, opposite the mouth of the Mis-

[blocks in formation]

Survey to Superior Bay.

Ship-canal from Saint Mary's River to Gulf of Mexico..
Survey of Mississippi River to Falls of Saint Anthony

Examinations of Catawba River, North Carolina and South Caro-
lina, and of Wateree and Santee Rivers, South Carolina
Amendment to the bill (H. R. 5545) for the relief of the heirs of
Juan Read

Resurvey of Sebewaing Harbor, Michigan
Examination of Broad River, South Carolina...
That the unexpended balances of certain appropriations be ap-
plied to the improvement of the mouth of Red River, Louisiana.

Surveys of the Saint Mary's River, Michigan

Examination of Trinidad Harbor, California..

[blocks in formation]

Engineers, Chief of. Reports:


Resurvey of the bar at the mouth of Bell River, Michigan........
Maintenance of the channel at the South Pass, Mississippi River.
Reports of the board of engineers on the proposed harbor of refuge
for the Pacific coast

Additional information

Appropriation for the completion of the office work connected
with the surveys west of 100th meridian.

[blocks in formation]

In relation to the port and harbor of New York, and the waters
near the same

[blocks in formation]

Examination of Port Royal River, South Carolina
Increase of the estimate for surveys and expenses of the Missis-

[blocks in formation]

sippi River Commission

[blocks in formation]

Resurvey of Clinton River, Michigan

[blocks in formation]

Relative to increasing the depth of water to the city of Baltimore..
England. Training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of...
Envelopes, deficiency in the appropriation for post-office. Letter of
the Postmaster-General.

[blocks in formation]

Exeter River, New Hampshire, survey of the. Report of Sophus
Haagensen, assistant engineer


Falls of Saint Anthony. Report of Capt. C. J. Allen and report of
Joseph J. Frizell, assistant engineer, on the construction of a sluice-
way at the

Farquhar, F. U., engineer, secretary Light-House Board. Letter rela-
tive to increase of the service on certain rivers

Fees collected, &c., by consular and diplomatic officers for the year end--
ing December 31, 1878, statement of. Letter of the Secretary of State.
Fifth Cavalry. Petition of officers of the, relative to the restoration
of certain officers to the Army.......

Fifth Cavalry, officers of the. Petition against the restoration of
Robert P. Wilson to the Ariny

Fitzhugh, R. H., assistant engineer. Survey of Green, Muddy, and
Barren Rivers, Kentucky

[blocks in formation]

Florida, survey of the peninsula of, with a view to the construction
of a ship-canal from Saint Mary's River to the Gulf of Mexico. Re-
port of Lient. Col. Q. A. Gillmore

[blocks in formation]

Foreign sugar. (See Sugars.)

Forster, Charles W., assistant engineer. Report of, examinations of
Lockwood's Folly River and Waccamaw River, North Carolina, and
Pee Dee River, South Carolina.

[blocks in formation]

Forsyth, Lieut. Col. J. W. Letter relative to the restoration of cer-
tain officers to the Army.

4 119, pt.2

Fort Assinaboine, Montana Territory, completion of. Letter of the
Secretary of War...

[blocks in formation]

Fort Bridger to Uintah Agency, appropriation for the completion of
the road from. Letter of the Secretary of War.

Fort Leavenworth. Letter of the Secretary of War in relation to the
construction of buildings for quarters for troops at

Fort Snelling military reservation, appropriation for the construction
of buildings on the. Letter of the Secretary of War

Fort Stevenson, Dakota, proceedings of a board of survey on damage
of clothing suffered by certain men of Company K, Sixth Infantry,
by a fire at. Letter of the Secretary of War

Fort Stockton, Texas. Letter of the Secretary of War recommending
legislation for the acquisition of title to
Fortune Bay, correspondence with Great Britain in regard to the al-
leged outrage upon American fishermen at. Message of the Presi-
dent of the United States.

France. Naval training system of

Frank, Capt. R. T. Memorial of, against the passage of bills for the
relief of Wm. A. Winder and D. R. Ransom..

Fremont, S. L., assistant engineer. Report of survey of peninsula
of Florida with a view to the construction of a ship-canal from
Saint Mary's River to the Gulf of Mexico

[blocks in formation]


Frizell, Joseph P., assistant engineer. Report of operations at the
Falls of Saint Anthony

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Frizell, Joseph P., assistant engineer. Report of survey of Superior

[blocks in formation]

Frost, Frederick W., assistant engineer. Report of survey of water-
routes from the harbor of Norfolk, Va., to the Atlantic Ocean,
south of Hatteras, and to the Cape Fear River, North Carolina.
Frost, F. W., assistant engineer. Report of surveys of Lynn Haven,
Link Horn, and Broad Bays, Virginia

Fuel. Repeal of the law in regard to payment by officers for:

Petition of officers of the Army

Petition of officers of the Army .....

Report of the Quartermaster-General


Gasconade River, Missouri, survey of. Report of Thomas T. Johnston,
assistant engineer..

General Land Office, Commissioner of the. Reports:

Amount of unsold public lands in counties of Chippewa and
Schoolcraft, Michigan

[blocks in formation]

General lines of location of the Northern Pacific Railroad, lands
withdrawn under the several locations, &c....

[blocks in formation]

Exemplifications of land patents issued to Indian tribes in Indian
Territory, and copies of applications of railway corporations
and action thereon

[blocks in formation]

Relative to erroneous surveys in the former Sioux Indian reserva-

Relative to Uncompahgre Park, in Colorado.

Estimate to cover deficiencies in appropriation for salaries and
commissions of registers and receivers of land offices..
Concerning a patent for lands issued to Thomas McBride in Utah
Territory; lands embraced in incorporated cities in said Terri-
tory; and entries of lands by certain persons in said Territory..
Concerning land grants to aid in the construction of railroads....
Concerning entries of town-sites on mineral lands...

Geodetic Survey. (See Coast and Geodetic Survey.)
Geographical and topographical surveys of the territory west of the
Mississippi River, importance of. Letter of the Secretary of War...
Geographical and topographical survey of the territory west of the
100th meridian, appropriation for the completion of the office-work
of the. Letter of the Secretary of War.

Gibbon, John, Colonel, United States Army. Letter relative to com-
pensation of citizen volunteers who participated in the battle of
Big Hole, Montana

Gillespie, Maj. G. L. Reports of surveys of Cowlitz River, Washing-
ton Territory, and Umpqua River and Alsea Harbor and Bar, Oregon;
also mouth of Columbia River......

Gillmore, Lieut. Col. Q. A. Report of survey of the entrance to Cum-
berland Sound, Florida

Ship-canal from Saint Mary's River to Gulf of Mexico.
Examination of Broad River, South Carolina

Examination of Port Royal River, South Carolina..

Increase of the estimate for surveys and expenses of the Missis-
sippi River Commission..

Girard, Capt. A. C. Petition

Godding, Dr. W. W. Letter relative to a deficiency in the appropria-
tion for the Government Hospital for the Insane......

Grand Haven, Michigan, improvement of the harbor at. Report of
Maj. F. Harwood.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Great Britain, correspondence with, in regard to the alleged outrage
upon American fishermen at Fortune Bay. Message of the Presi- |
dent of the United States....

Great Kanawha River, improvement of the. Report of Maj. William
P. Craighill

[blocks in formation]


Green River, Kentucky, survey of. Report of R. H. Fitzhugh, assist-
ant engineer

Gunnison and Grand Rivers, appropriation for the building of a mili-
tary post near the junction of. Letter of the Secretary of War.....
Wagon-road from post on White River to one near the junction of
the. Letter of General John Pope............


Haagensen, Sophus, assistant engineer. Report of survey of Exeter
River, New Hampshire

Habersham, Robert A., assistant engineer. Report on surveys of Cow-
litz River, Washington Territory, Umpqua River and Alsea Harbor
and Bar, Oregon

Handbury, Capt. Thomas H. Report of survey of Arkansas River.
Handbury, Capt. Thomas H. Report of condition of the Missouri
River between Omaha and Plattsmouth.

Improvement Missouri River near Brownville.
Harbor of refuge at entrance to Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship-
Canal, survey for. Report of Assistant Engineer L. Y. Schermer-

Harbor of refuge on the Pacific coast, reports of the board of engi-
neers on the proposed. Letter of the Secretary of War......
Additional letter of the Secretary of War....
Letter of George Davidson, assistant United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey..

[blocks in formation]

Harlem River, New York, improvement of. Report of Col. John New-


[blocks in formation]

Harwood, Maj. F. Report of survey of Saint Joseph River, Michigan.

Survey for a breakwater at Mackinac, Mich....
Improvement of Grand Haven Harbor, Michigan.
Resurvey of Sebewaing Harbor, Michigan....

Resurvey of the bar at the month of Bell River, Michigan

Resurvey of Clinton River, Michigan

Henry, Capt. Guy V. Petition of, against the passage of the bill to
promote Capt. J. Scott Payne....

Hobbs, Lient. Charles W. Petition in relation to promotion in the

Holabird, S. B. Memorial

Holladay, Benjamin, contracts with, and amounts of money paid to,
on contracts for carrying the mails. Letter of the Postmaster-Gen-


Hot Springs commissioners, final report of the. Letter of the Secre-
tary of the Interior.

Hot Springs commissioners, letter and affidavit of Hon. Powell Clay-
ton in relation to an affidavit of J. J. Sumpter filed with the report
of. Letter of the Secretary of the Interior....

Howard, General O.O. Telegram from, recommending certain modi-
fications of the laws relating to traveling allowances for officers and


Hudson River Railroad. (See New York Central and Hudson River
Railroad Company.)

Hutton, N. H., assistant engineer. Report on survey to determine
the cost of constructing a ship-canal to connect the waters of the
Delaware and Chesapeake Bays....

Hutton, N. H., assistant engineer. Report of examination of Shenan-
doah River......

[blocks in formation]


Importation of foreign wines, liquors, &c. Letter of the Secretary of
the Treasury in regard to......

Importation or shipment of merchandise. Letter of the Secretary of
the Treasury in relation to Department Order No. 175, concerning
the publication of statistics relating to the.....

[blocks in formation]


Indian Affairs, Commissioner of. Reports:

Payments to the Ute Indians.
In relation to the number of mining camps located on the Ute In-
dian reservation in Colorado

Contracts for Indian supplies

Relative to the rejection of certain bids for wagons for the Indian

Indian service. Letter of the Secretary of the Interior relative to the
rejection of certain bids for wagons for the.....

Indian supplies, contracts for. Letter of the Secretary of the Interior.
Indian Territory. Report of Lieut. Gen. P. H. Sheridan in regard
to operations to control squatters in the

Indian Territory, exemplifications of land patents to Indian tribes in,
and applications of railway corporations and action thereon. Let-
ter of the Secretary of the Interior

Indian tribes in Indian Territory, exemplifications of land patents is-
sued to. Letter of the Secretary of the Interior..

Industrial education. (See Education.)

Ingalls, Rufus, and others, officers of the Quartermaster's Department,
memorial against passage of bill (S. 192) to correct the date of com-
msision of certain officers of the Quartermaster's Department
Inland mail service, insufficiency of appropriation for. Letter of the

Inland water routes from the harbor of Norfolk, Va., to the Atlantic
Ocean south of Hatteras and to the Cape Fear River, North Caro-
lina. Report of Captain Charles B. Phillips and F. W. Frost, as-
sistant engineer

Insane. Letter of W. W. Godding, M. D., relative to deficiency in
the appropriation for the Government Hospital for the.....

Interior, Secretary of the. Letters:

Property belonging to the United States in the possession of the
Interior Department....

In relation to binding books for the library of his department....
Transmitting final report of the Hot Springs commissioners

Payments made to the Ute Indians..

In relation to the number of mining camps on the Ute Indian Res-
ervation in Colorado

Correspondence concerning the Ute Indians in Colorado
Recommending an appropriation for deficiency for expenses of
the office of Auditor of Railroad Accounts

In relation to a deficiency in the salary of the Auditor of Railroad

Relative to contracts for Indian supplies
Concerning land grant railroad companies that have not per-
formed the conditions of their grants.....

Deficiency in the appropriations for the illustrations of the Patent-
Office Gazette...

Letter and affidavit of Hon. Powell Clayton in relation to an affi-
davit of J. J. Sumpter filed with the report of the Hot Springs

Revised estimate of deficiencies for Army and Navy pensions for
the year ending June 30, 1880.

Unsold public lands in counties of Chippewa and Schoolcraft,

Concerning located but unconfirmed private land claims in the
State of Louisiana

Agreement signed by the chiefs and headmen of the Ute Indians-
Concerning the lines of location of the Northern Pacific Railroad,


Exemplifications of land patents issued to Indian tribes in Indian
Territory, and copies of applications of railway corporations
and action thereon

Deficiency in the appropriation for the Government Hospital for
the Insane

Relative to erroneous surveys in the former Sioux Indian reser-

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